✞Chapter 22✞

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Asher's POV

It was eight o'clock in the morning and I woke to the smell of bacon. Oh how my father knows me. I got up to take a shower, my usual routine and just brushed my hair, leaving it to air-dry. I smeared on some mascara and walked into my small, empty room and opened my suitcase.

I put on a black oversized hoodie that is actually Romans... who cares I stole it. It's too small on him anyways. I paired it with some dark wash jeans that had one ripped knee. Grabbing my red Chuck Taylor's I pulled them on as I walked out the room.

I saw Roman sleeping on the couch and tip toed past him. Walking toward my dad. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Morning Pops." I said, stealing a piece of bacon from the already cooked stuff.

"Good morning princess, sleep well?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. Savouring the way my dad cooks bacon. It's been a long time since I had this.

I grabbed out some cucumber and started chopping it into slices to help my dad out with breakfast. I did this every morning when I was living here. I miss Calgary. I miss my dad, my home. My bed which is honestly the most comfortable bed in the world. I missed this.

Once I was done I let my dad finish cooking and I walked over to the couch. I lightly sat beside Roman and he stirred slightly. I smiled. I leaned in and started kissing my love. It took him a few seconds but he eventually kissed back. I smiled into the kiss and mumbled, "Good morning, handsome." He smiled.

"Good morning, beautiful." I grinned at the compliment. "I love you."

"Me you more." I smiled. Suddenly being knocked into the real world by a fork dropping in the kitchen.

I looked toward the kitchen seeing my dad staring at us, looking uneasy. "Food is ready." He yelled. I giggled and got up, plating the food and laying them out around the small table.

We sat and made awkward conversation about anything and everything. From the world of WWE to their football careers.

I loved seeing Roman talk with my dad about football. My dad used to play in college but decided to take another route with police. Ro used to play also. He was actually really good.

I don't know anything about football but I listened anyways. Not to the words, but to the sound of their voices. The raspiness yet comforting sound of my fathers voice. The smooth and relaxing sound of Romans voice. The two men I love most.

Once breakfast was finished I did all the dishes so my dad and Roman could talk more. I really want Dad to like Roman. More than anything.

Once I was done with the dishes I just went out the back door. Noticing my swing set was still in the back yard. When I lived with mom and dad in my moms house, I had a swing set. Dark green with two swings and a hand bar. When dad divorced mom he left it for me cos he knew that the jury wouldn't let him have me. Once mom kicked me out he automatically brought it to his place. Now here it is. Collecting rust and memories of a happy time.

I swung for a bit. Just thinking. I have Roman with me... Maybe I should visit my mom today... Just for 10 minutes. She doesn't deserve it. But I deserve it. I deserve to tell her how horrible of a mom she was. I deserve to be able to finally tell her what she did. How much I hate her.

I was broken from my thoughts by the back door opening. I immediately looked up to see a certain Samoan Hotty. He sat beside me on the other swing.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. My vision clouded slightly but I didn't let a tear fall.

"I think I wanna see my mom today... but I need you with me. I can't do it on my own." I mumbled, surprised he understood but thankful that I wouldn't have to repeat it.

"Of course. I will always be with you when you need me." He smiled. He made me feel safe. Like I could do anything I wanted just because I know he'll be there. I love him.

"I love you." I smiled. He smiled back at me and got off the swing. He stood in front of me and I stood as well. He leaned down to hug me. Letting me off my feet. I smiled into the hug and just breathed in his scent.

I opened my eyes to see my dad watching through the window, smiling. "He's watching." I whispered into the hug and he slowly let me good looking awkward. "Don't worry. I can tell he likes you." He sighed in relief. I love him so much.

"Well let's go then." He said. I giggled.

"You're not even dressed." I said.

"After I get ready, obviously." He smiled and I giggled at him. I nodded and we walked into my house hand-in-hand. He walked to my room, grabbing clothes from his bag and walked into the bathroom to change.

I joined him.

I walked in and sadly, he already had his pants on. He turned quickly, shocked. "Wha-" he started but I put my finger on my lips, lightly shushing him.

I attached my lips to his and kissed him passionately. Our lips moving in perfect sync and my knees giving in and the feeling of love smashing into my body like a train. Roman grabbed me and put me on the counter, obviously getting carried away. But I don't mind.

We continued to kiss until I heard my door open. It was now I noticed my shirt was off and I was in a bra and jeans.

"Roman?" My dad yelled.

"Yes?" Roman yelled back. I silently yelled at him.

"Why did you answer?" I said as quietly angry as possible.

"Cos other wise he will just walk in." He said back. I noticed the door was open and I jumped down. Grabbing my shirt and hopping into the shower, hiding behind the bath curtain and holding my breath as my dad walked in.

"I just was wondering what your plans are for today?" He asked Roman. Ro was out of breath from our... session, and could barely speak.

"Ummm... Asher said she wanted to see her mom today, so I'm bringing her there today. She didn't wanna go alone." He huffed. My dad chuckled, obviously at his breathing, not his words.

"Is she sure she's ready for that?" He started. "Her mom ruined her life."

"I'm sure. She said she wanted to and I have to support her. I'll always support her." He said. I couldn't help but smiled at his words. How they were filled with so much love.

"Okay." My dad said, I couldn't tell how he felt by his words. But I could from the next few. "Thank you son. Thank you for supporting my girl and loving her. I have always hoped for her to find a man like you and, thankfully, she did... So thank you."

"You're welcome sir... I mean Jared. I love your daughter with all that I am and never connected with anybody in the way I do with her. When I'm around her my world stops. It's like everything revolves around her. Nothing else matters. I would do anything, be anything that she needs." He continues on. "She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will cherish her forever."

I started tearing up in my bathtub. Smiling to myself about the lovely man I snagged.

"Thank you, son. Now you get ready." I heard the door close and I sighed in relief. I slowly got up smiling and jumped out, shirt still off and jumped into his arms. Immediately going back to our old situation. I am so in love with this man and what he said about me.

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