✞Chapter 15✞

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"I love you Roman." I said, meaning it.

"I love you too babygirl"

To be continued...

I smiled at Roman and kept swimming around. We ended up being in the water for a long time, hours maybe.

I swam up to Roman, kissing him and wrapping my legs around his waste. He held me up and kissed me back.

As we kissed the waves lapped on the shore, making peaceful noises that I loved to hear, making me melt into the kiss even more. I smiled into the kiss and put my hands into his hair, tugging lightly.

This moment was so perfect, it was like in a sappy movie I would never watch, but yet so perfect... I felt like the world was spinning and we just kissed, I slowly stopped hearing the water lapping on the shore, and feeling the water hitting my body.

All I could feel was Romans body on mine, and his lips. That's all I wanted to feel. It was like we were the only people on earth, just him and myself right now.

This is seriously the most amazing feeling I have had in my entire life.

As he pulled away the world came back to me, rather quickly. We just stared at each other, breathlessly.

I smiled and stared into his beautiful light eyes. "I love you..." I said, looking between his eyes and his mouth, breathing heavy.

"I love you too, so much!" I smiled and lightly kissed him again, jumping down. The sun was staring to go down, so we walked out.

I wanted to sit on the beach and watch the sunset with him. So we did.

The beautiful colours danced across the sky. Slowly changing as the world turned farther away from the sun.

Once it was done, we sat there for a few minutes. Just staring, until I turned my head to him. He looked over too.

"Come on, this wasn't the surprise, this was just the date." He told me, getting up.

I got up too. Pulling my dress over my now dry underwear, and Roman did the same with his pants. In my mind I was begging him to keep his shirt off so I could walk beside him with his arm around me and just feel his warmth. But he didn't.

He pulled his shirt on and grabbed my hand. We walked farther and farther from the house, past the dark green forest.

He stopped me from walking and put a blindfold over my eyes.

He told me to step whenever there was a step to take, and eventually I stepped onto a hardwood floor, my head turned, not knowing where I was. He slowly untied my blindfold, and I opened my eyes.

"This is my shack." He whispered into my ear, in a way that sent shivers down my spine. I looked around.

He took me around the beautiful shack. I loved it. "What is this, cos this is way too gorgeous to be a shack." I said.

"It's a shack, it's just kind of my hangout place, has always been. My parents own this whole property so one time I was walking around and I found this place... I never wanted to leave." He said, I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and took me to the back door, taking me out onto a deck, that led out to the beach, I saw candles down every step, once we got to the base, I looked forward, seeing a red blanket flat on the sand.

It had a bucket with ice and two champagne glass, and a small bucket with a Champagne bottle in it. I smiled and started to tear up. There were pillows on it which meant that we were sleeping out here. Roman walked over first and started pouring the champagne into the glasses.

"This is for you babygirl, because I love you." He said, I smiled and walked, as I walked closer I saw there was some kind of mattress underneath it, it was a spring mattress that had Been put into a buried hole so that it wasn't seen. It was really comfortable.

I sat on it, and grabbed me glass of champagne, holding it in my hand, and taking a sip after Roman had as well. It was amazing.

Seriously one of the best champagnes I have ever tasted, no! The best champagne I have ever tasted.

"Yummmm." I said, loving ever taste It had. Roman chuckled.

I giggled and crawled toward him. I kissed him deeply. He carried me into the middle of the mattress. Never breaking our kiss. He put me flat on the bed and he hovered over me, things started to get steamy and I pulled his shirt off.

We stared at eachother, breathing heavy.

"Happy eighteenth birthday, babygirl." He breathed onto my face.

I smiled remembering it was my birthday today.

He left his shirt off and we kept kissing. Getting more and more into the kiss. He pulled my dress off, we were both left in our underwear.

I'm no longer a minor.


I woke up, looking around. Roman was no longer on the bed. I got up, feeling slight discomfort, but knowing why and just keep walking.

I walked up the deck into the shack, which had a kitchen so it's more of a house. I smiled, seeing Roman cooking breakfast, he was making eggs right now, but I could see that he had made bacon and hash browns too.

"Good Morning babygirl." Roman said, somehow knowing I was there without even looking. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Hurts a little, but I'm okay." I said.

"I'm sorry babe." He said. I shrugged.

"Well I was a virgin so that's what happens, pain is something that happens." I said, blushing. He chuckled and kissed me, soon walking back over to the food.

He plated everything and gave me a plate, grabbing my hand and pulling me back outside.

I smiled as we arrived at the place I have came to love... This one place on the Beach.

We ate our food in each others presence, I love this man so much.

Once we were done our food I was just staring at him, until he jumped onto me, kissing me.

Round 2 I guess.

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