✞Chapter 17✞

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(A/N TRIGGER WARNING!!! This chapter will contain slightly sexual content as well as abusive material, if you have been sexually or physically abused don't read this chapter if it will trigger, you won't miss much and it will be reflected briefly in the next chapter. Thankyou!!!)

"Guess who's over eighteen?" Dolph whispered in my ear.

My heartbeat picked up and I wanted to cry, how could this be happening again. I jabbed my elbow back as hard as I could, causing Dolph to double over in pain. I took this opportunity to try and find the door. I found it, but the door was locked and wouldn't open.

I searched for the lock to unlock it, but there was none to be found. Right as I felt the rigid metal glide against my fingers, he grabbed my arms and pulled me away, right before I could twist the lock.

I was set into a chair with leather strips holding my hands and ankles in place. I was helpless.

A bright light turned on causing my eyes to hurt, but slowly get used to the feeling. I noticed he had turned the light on, and all I could see were knives, and units of torture .

"Asher, why don't you love me back? I've waited years for you to turn eighteen, since you were in NXT, and he just walks into your life and sweeps you off your feet, even after being a complete douche!" He paced angrily.

"Listen-" I started, but was interrupted by a loud angry voice.

"No! You listen to me, Asher! I'm worth your time. If only you could see that I love you. If only you could see that I am better for you than he could EVER be!" He raised his voice. "I'm better at everything! I'm the better wrestler, I'm better at sex... When are you going to learn that that's all he wants from you? Sex! It's ALL he wants. But baby I want to love you! I want to spend my life with you and marry you and grow old with you! I. Want. You!"

"Listen, Dolph. I love you too! Please just let me g-" I was interrupted again.

"NO! You don't love me! You love him! You just don't want me to hurt you!" He stated, well he's not wrong. "I'm smart enough to know this now..." He started coming closer to me. Fear rose as a bubble, erupting out of my throat through one loud word.

"HELP!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could.

"No... Sh, just shutup! Be quiet whore!!!" He yelled as he covered my mouth with duct tape. "I never wanted it to be like this..." He said as he grabbed a knife.

I tried to scream through the tape as my eyes violently watered and makeup streamed down my face. Oh god this can't be happening.

He came closer to me and ran the knife lightly along my dress, soon cutting it right off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. He sat on the ground with his knees in his chest as he held his head, knife still in hand but not cutting his head. He cried like a psychopath in a movie.

Oh how I wish this was a movie. I licked my lips and the duct tape, causing to to loosen and fall off. I needed to calm him down.

"Baby... Baby please. Put the knife down. I can't hurt you, see." I looked at my hands and feet. "I'm tied down." He nodded, laying the knife on the ground. "Good job babe. Now please, just kick it away." He defensively did so with a lot of hesitation. "Good!" I smiled. "Okay? I love you! Don't worr-"

Before I could finish my sentence he was screaming and had picked the knife up again, slashing my thigh with a deep wound, it's definitely going to need stitches.

"YOU'RE A LIAR!!!! ALL YOU DO IS LIE, LIE, LIE! WHEN ARE YOU EVER GOING TO STOP?!?" He screamed, causing me to move my face to the side, not wanting to look at him. "You're disgusting! You're not even worth his love and you deserve to die right now! You're a nasty whore!"

I cried out in pain as he jammed the knife harshly into my leg, it was into muscle, which saved me from having my artery cut.

I can't believe this is happening. He's crazy! He's insane.

"Please, baby just stop." My voice gentle and shaky. "I do love you!"

"STOP LYING!" He screamed, smacking my face. I felt a bruise forming and I cried out. Soon calming down after pacing quite a bit. He stopped and just stared at me for a moment.

"I know you two had sex." He said looking at me, smiling sadistically. I didn't look at him. "Why does he get to touch you like that? On the little beach outside the shack at his family's house." I gasped. Was he watching? "If he gets to why don't I?" He asked, putting his hand on my inner thigh. I cried.

"no no no no no..." I mumbled quietly, barely even audible. "Please I don't want this."

"I don't care what you want! I want this!" He yelled, I jumped and coward my body away from him. He grabbed his knife and cut off my underwear, ripping them harshly.

"Please. No! Please stop." I cried. "ROMAN!" I yelled repeatedly. He smacked me, hard, causing my jaw to pop. I squealed.

He took off his pants and started to position himself in front of my opening. "STOP!!!" I yelled, right before he jammed his hard-on into me. I screamed.

"ROMAN! SETH! ANYBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!" I yelled as he pumped himself in and out, blood from my leg spewing allover.

I just want this to be over. I want this pain to leave me.

"Please, Dolph... Stop." I muttered hopelessly before passing out after him cutting open my stomach. I guess the blood loss got to me, maybe this is finally over...


I woke up in a car, my body was stitched up, I wasn't bleeding anymore, but the smell of cheap cologne filled my nose, signalling I wasn't in the car I hoped I was. I was in the trunk of this car, feeling super claustrophobic I started having an anxiety attack. I felt as though I was going to explode.

My breathing picked up and tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as I remembered all that happened with Dolph.

I slowly came back to my senses and felt a buzz on my ass, I felt around, feeling an iPhone. It was then I remembered I had hidden my phone in my bra so he wouldn't find it, luckily he didn't search or take my bra off. It must have fallen out when he put me in the car and ended up behind my naked body.

I dialled the only number I knew by heart, the only number I trusted...


(A/N so this is part one, the actual capture, next chapter will be about... Jk no spoilers. I hope you enjoyed. And I'm just going to throw it out there that votes and comments really do help me and I love to hear from you guys, what you want for upcoming chapters, maybe I could even dedicate a chapter to you. I love you guys, all of you! And Thankyou for sticking with me.)

Babygirl. -Roman Reigns-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ