✞Chapter 7✞

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Ashers POV
Seth and I arrived at raw about 30-40 minutes after the car drove off. I really do love Seth... But not it the way you think. He's like...

My big brother! He protects me and takes care of me. I fell safe with him.

"Sweetheart, do you have any matches tonight?" Seth asks, walking toward the match board I was already at. 

I skim my eyes on the board. "Ummm... Looks like the storyline continues tonight... Mixed tag match! You and me vs Summer and Roman, lovely!" I say, sarcastically.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the seamstress room. Once we were just outside I saw Sandra and smiled, hugging her.

"So I hear I have new ring gear?" I asked, smiling at her.

She smiled back. "Yes you do, here." She says, passing me a bag. "It's a surprise, don't look yet!" I nod and walk out, waving again.

I hugged Seth and we went separate ways, cos we both had to get ready for this match.

When I got there, nobody was in there, so I opened up my bag to see what I have.

When I opened up the bag I was somewhat surprised as to what was in it.

I had spoken to Sandra about the punk style and how I was completely in love with, and wished I could wear it also as ring gear, not just outside. I guess she delivered.

There were gorgeous black pants with a lot of straps and zippers, matching big black wrestling boots, a crop top with two skeleton hands putting the middle finger up, a leather glove with a few small studs in a spot on my hand that I wouldn't punch people with, and a heart cut into the middle. I also got some fake ear stretchers, which I was really hoping for.

When I put it on, I felt gorgeous. The crop top cast a perfect shadow onto my abs, making them look more toned and tight, and the jeans were perfect on my body. It was all perfect!

Once I was done getting dressed I pulled my bag open, grabbing my makeup bag so I could put more than just mascara on, I did I white in the corner of my eyelid and slowly turned it into a gold, then into a light brown, but I pulled some black into my crease and a small section of my outer V.

I also grabbed my light pink, matte lipstick that I loved ever so much, and pulled my hair out of the pony tail, straightening it and letting it fall to a good place, I then sprayed it with hairspray.

A few seconds after I finished, my phone rang, it was Seth.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hurry up! The anticipation is killer!" He stated. "I wanna see your new ring gear!"

"It takes longer for a girl then a guy! We have to do hair and makeup as well! But I'll be right out, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm literally leaning on the wall outside! Hurry up!!" He yelled, then hung up before I could say anything.

I sighed and giggled a bit, walking out of the divas lockerroom.

Seth was where he said he would be, right outside the door.

"Well hello there!" I said, Seth looked up and his mouth dropped, then curved into a huge smile.

"OH MY GOSH, ASHER!!!" He started. "You look so freaking cool!!!" I giggled.

"Thankyou Seth!" I smiled, he picked me up and spun me, chuckling as he did so, he put me down and lightly kissed my forehead.

"You look beautiful." He said, in a softer, quieter tone.

I smiled lightly, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Roman Reigns, Summer Rae, Asher Colson, and Seth Rollins to the guerilla for your match please." The station manager said over the backstage intercom.

"Race you there!" I said, sprinting down the hall.

"NO FAIR!" He yelled. "I WASNT READY!"

I giggled running down the hall, until I hit something hard once I got to the guerilla, hey... At least I beat Seth.

When I looked up, it seemed to be somebody's back, when they turned around, I wanted to cry.

"Watch where your going, Asher." He said, adding a scary chuckle. "You might run into someone, who might... Hurt you."

I sat on the ground, in fear.

Seth came running up and picked me up off the ground. "Stop, Bray!" Seth said. "You're scaring her!"

Bray just chuckled and stalked away, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Freak!" I yelled down the hall and smiled, shaking off the fear completely, just focusing on my soon to be match.

Summer was going out firsts

"This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a mixed tag team match." Lilian said.

"Introducing first, from Raleigh, North Carolina. Summer Rae!" Summer skipped out. I hate her so much! Trying to blow off AJ.

"And her partner, from Pensacola, Florida. Roman Reigns!" Roman came down the stairs, like normal.

I heart skipped when he looked into the camera! I hate him! But I love him so much!!

"And next is, from Calgary, Alberta... Asher Colson!" Lilian screamed! The crowd was getting so loud and crazy as I walked out, jumping up and down like crazy to get them to rally! I sprinted up to the squared circle and stopped. I jumped and grabbed the second rope, pulling myself up from the ground, onto the Aipron.

I smiled at Summer and popped my butt out a bit as I ducked And got into the ring from the second rope, getting into my corner and just leaning, watching Summer the entire time.

"And her partner, from Davenport, Iowa... Seth Rollins." I smiled a sick smile as Seth came out of the guerilla, into the ring. Holding his title on this shoulder. He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, because of the storyline and we let go quick.

The bell dinged, signalling the match was starting.

Summer was staring on the other side, which meant I had to wrestle first. I ran at her while she was facing Roman, pushing her into Roman, which pushed Roman out of the ring.

I pulled summer into the middle of the ring and we locked up. Me, being stronger than her pushed her into my corner, beating at her for a long time, I then brought her into the middle and tried pinning her, but she kicked.

The script said I had to let summer get to Roman, and I do so by jumping around the ring.

She tagged Roman in, so I had to tag Seth in. Seth ran at Roman, and the equally fought, while I ran to the other side of the ring and beat up summer, when she was at the point of laying on the ground, not moving, I ran pushed her into the ring  and ran to my corner, Seth tagged me in, and Roman could barely move, but he still had to tag summer in, so he slowly did, I positioned Summer, and Seth positioned Roman for a curb stomp, we hit it at the same time and I pinned Summer. Gaining the win.

I pulled Seth into a hug and we kissed, the crowd cheered! We let go and I went down, signed a few signs and left the ring, going back stage with Rollins right behind me.

When we were both backstage I high-fived him. Smiling!

"Great job, Princess!" He said to me, hugging me tightly.

I couldn't stop smiling and Roman and Summer came backstage. Summer shook my hand and walked away, while Roman just glanced over at me, rolled his eyes and walked away.

I sighed but didn't let it get to me. Not this time! I wooonnnn!!!

Bray started walking towards us and I stepped behind Seth a bit.

He put his arm around me, knowing I was freaked out.

"Great job, Asher." He said, then using his creepy chuckle afterwards, and walking away. Seth hugged me again and we continued celebrating our win together.

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