His fake assistant

By tom-yumke

2.9M 86.8K 29.1K

When a bubbly farmer Faye gets sent on a mission by her best friend, the infamous journalist Elizabeth Venice... More

Eww? (1)
My father isn't the king (2)
The billionaire sure loves to cuddle (3)
Doing nothing (4)
The beast woke up (5)
My daily dose of drama (6)
Huge bloke, Marc (7)
20 questions (8)
Say bible (9)
Are we friends? (10)
Cookies are a yeah (12)
Sweet...too sweet (13)
Famous? (14)
Taking care (15)
Safe (16)
Be kind, always (17)
Living together (18)
Movie night (19)
Befriend him (20)
Make one (21)
Christmas kiss (22)
It's real (23)
Mother-in-law (24)
Rival for life (25)
Family diner (26)
Heartbroken (27)
Until you (28)
People can't change (29)
It will all be okay (30)
Mine (31)
Broken remote (32)
I'm shook, they shook (33)
Q&A chapter
Fairy lights (34)
I love mushrooms (35)
She said YES! (36)
I'm the villain (37)
Nightmares (38)
Epilogue (39)
Realizations (1)
Drunk Faye (2)
Caged like a doll (3)
Perfect world (4)
Breaking point (5)
The beast is destroyed (6)
Break in? Kind of (7)
Ovulation test (8)
Preg-nant (9)
straight SAVAGE (10)
Lies, lies and lies (11)
Horrible father (12)
Spooky spook (13)
Little snitch (14)
Break the cycle (15) - the end

Does it upset you? (11)

68K 1.9K 529
By tom-yumke

"It is in the silent of the nature where one will find true bliss."


"Please, Mason", I beg him with all my might.

"No, princess. You can't do that", he responds, sighing deeply.

After we ate in his restaurant, we finally were in his office and me being me didn't want to have one more day of doing nothing.

"I want to work, please. Let me do something", I ask while trying to imitate my best pout face.

It seems to work, because his eyes are flooding in with consideration. His face softens and he lets out a shaky breath before speaking up:"okay, princess. You can work, but if I see you stress out once then you go back to just sitting pretty behind that desk of yours."

My eyes immediately lit up. Jumping up, my arms surround his neck. I think I took him by surprise because I hear a gasp coming out his mouth.

Now that I think about it I probably look like a monkey hanging around his neck.

    "Thank you. Thank you, Mason", I whisper sweetly in his ear.

I want to let go, but before I could do that he encircles his arm tightly around my waist.

His mouth comes down to my neck. I feel his minty breath fanning on the crook of my neck, making it tingle.

I'm very ticklish and start to chuckle slightly, trying to hold my snorting in. I close my eyes, trying to think about something else so I would not snort hysterically.

I'm completely caught of guard when he places a soft kiss on the crook of my neck. I'm turning red again.

    Blood can't you just stay where you are!

Mason's eyes look up, meeting my green ones. When he perceives the blush on my cheeks, he eyes contently.

    Dude, you need to stop.

    Can you guess what he did next?

    Can you?

He hides his face back in my neck and this time his lips rests longer on my neck. I start to struggle from his grip, but he only tightens it, making it impossible for me to escape.

    Too much boy.

He finally lets me go after 2 whole minutes. Before someone could even yell 'Bertha', I was already fasting to my desk.

Nah, Imma not ready for another 2 minutes.

"Can you make me your precious coffee from yesterday, princess?", Mason asks his voice laced with hope.

As if I could say no to my boss.

I stand up, going straight to the door so I could get to the 26th floor, but before I could even make it outside a loud voice speaks up.

"Where are you going, princess?", he utters his voice laced with concern.

Are you real, dude?

"I'm going to make your coffee", I respond in the most annoying duh-voice.

"Don't need to go outside. There is a coffee machine", he says with a slight smug.

I look to my right, seeing a black coffee machine casually standing there. Since when was it there?

    Dude, can you surprise me even more?


After getting an explanation of an hour about what I need to do and that if it's too much I can immediately stop.

As if.

The phone on my desk finally rings, indicating that someone is calling.

I search my notebook and take a deep breath. I can do it!

"Hello, you speak with Faye Jackson the assistant of Mason William, CEO of 'William enterprise holding'", I greet the other person on the line.

"Hello, so Mr. William has a new assistant?", the other persons seems to have a thick Asian accent.

"Yes, how can I help you?", I ask politely.

"Say to Mr. William that the contract for destroying the wood for building a new hotel has been signed", he announce.

For a moment I don't feel my heart anymore. Destroying a wood where many animals live for a new hotel?

Those animals have done nothing wrong, yet we destroy the only place they have left. The place they call home.

"...have you heard me?", the man on the other line asks annoyed.

I gulp before speaking up:"yes, may I please know your name."

"Ohw yeah, how rude of me. My name is Akazuki," he laughs.

"Aka- wait what?", I ask confused.

"Akazuki. I will spell it."

I note everything he said and hang up. My thoughts are wondering around, thinking about that wood they're going to destroy.

What can I do? Mason is my boss. I can't just go up to him and exclaim that he can't do that.

"Princess, who called?", Mason asks worried, probably seeing my face down like this.

    "Akazuki or is it Mr. Akazuki? Well he called saying that the contract was signed for destroying the woods", I try not to sound bitterly, but fail miserably.

I can't do anything, but think about the animals, if they were mine how would I feel? Just the thought of it makes me want to cry.

    A life without Bertha the chicken?

    Nah, over my dead body.

    "Is there something, princess?", Mason asks his velvety voice, getting deeper.

    "No", I respond shortly.

    "Princess", he demands. His voice even deeper, making my body shudder.

    "There's really nothing!", I state abruptly.

    Oh My, what have you done, FAYE!

There's one thing everyone in this building knows not to do.

Don't wake the beast up!

I quickly take a glance at Mason and see that his body is completely tensed up.

He seems very calm, but that's just an image. The calm before the storm. It's as if one little sound can break something in him and make him go all crazy, crazy.

His eyes are completely glowing their metallic grey color, even brighter than normal. His fist are clenched tightly, so tightly that no blood can flow passed it, making his knuckles white.

"He he, look Mason", I snicker out of uneasiness.

His eyes only bore deeper in mine, making me shift in the chair.

What do I need to do when I accidentally woke the beast up?

Comfort him?

That's what a normal person would do, but I'm Faye and I suck at comforting.

I hide my face behind the computer and start typing on the keyboard, trying to make myself seem busy.

After a while I suspect something weird, something really weird. It's been quiet for way too long.

I peep from behind the computer, seeing that the seat is empty.

    Wait! What?

I start to panic, panic level 101. Where has he gone? Why didn't I heard a thing? Am I getting deaf? No, the most important thing is Maso-

I'm completely taken back when two strong arms encircle my waist from behind. I'm immediately alerted by who it is, by the mouthwatering smell.

Mason rests his chin on my forehead, I can picture him pouting like a little kid.

    "I thought we were friends, princess", he whines his velvety voice sounding so sexy.

    "Mason?", I question him.

    "Hmm?", he hums out of his throat.

    How can that sound sound so delicious?

    "What are you doing?", I ask him, making him growl in response.

"We are friends", he confirms it himself, without waiting for my response.

My heart melts by his confirmation. The beast is just a cute teddy bear.

"Please tell me what's bothering you, princess? I can't bear to just sit there and watch you frown behind your desk", Mason begs me his velvety voice laced in hurt.

I turn around, so we're face to face and nod, biting on my lips.

He lets out a small smile and picks me up. He takes place on my chair, placing me on his lap, making me straddle him.

"Do you really need to destroy the wood to make a new hotel?", I ask him looking at my fingers, not wanting to meet his burning gaze.

I feel him frowning and staring at me in confusion:"you don't want me to destroy the wood or you don't want me to build a new hotel?"

"I don't want you to destroy the wood", I mumble softly, playing with my fingertips.

Mason gasps, still staring at me. He's literally burning holes through my head.

His fingers go down my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.

His grey eyes held so much emotion, but yet they were all masked with blankness.

    "Does it upset you?", he asks softly yet demanding.

    "It doesn't matter if it upsets me. It's your money and your choic-"

I get abruptly interrupt by a loud menacing growl.

    "Does it upset you?", he asks once again. This time his teeth clenched painfully on each other, making his jawline tighter.

    "Y-yes", I whisper under my breath.

"Then I'm not going to continue the contract", he states sternly as a matter of facts.

"But it's your money-"

"Princess, everything that upsets you needs to get out of the way. It pains me that I caused you to be upset", he explains his voice truly to his words.

    "Thank you", I whisper out.

    "That's what friends do, right?", he jokes, grinning with himself as if he was laughing on a joke only he understood.

I lean in his body, placing my head on his chest. My ear was right on his beating heart. I could hear it pounding faster and faster each second passing by. It seems as if I wasn't the only one whose heart was hammering loudly.

My body quiet enjoyed the warmth, without my consent it snuggled closer into him. Our bodies melting, becoming one. His arms wrapping tighter around me, makes me sigh in content.

We just sit there in completed silence, enjoying each other's company as two friends. While there's so much work to do, but not now.

    "Princess, why don't you want to destroy the wood?", he asks after a while.

I raise my head a little, meeting his eyes:"I love animals, I hate the idea of taking there place. We humans already took to much, lets not make it worse for them."

His eyes soften and it seems as if there's something making him blissful, because his mouth curves to a dazzling smile. His dimples appears, making me lose control and do the thing I always wanted to do.

I take out my finger and poke at his dimple, making us both laugh at my craziness.

He cups my finger in one hand, the other still resting on my back. He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it softly.

    "I'm going to make the wood a conservancy area. What do you think about it?", he states in his velvety voice. His eyes narrowing, wanting to know my reaction.

    "I totally am fond of the idea", I reply with a big smile plastered on my face.


Work time has finally finished. Mason insisted on bringing me home and I couldn't say no, because if I said no he would still bring me home.

"Are you ready, princess?", he asks, standing in front of my desk.

I check once again if everything is in my pocket the nod at him, indicating I was ready.

We walk together to the door, but there are weird winces coming out of my mouth.


    My poor feet!

Do you know what a torture it is to walk whole day long with heels if you've never wore them, not even once.

It seems that Mason remarked it, because he kneels on his knees, bowing down.

    "W-what are you doing?"

    "Princess, you are in pain", he states as a matter of fact. He furrows his brows, making him look worried.

I just hum in respond, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to wear those heels anymore, princess. Neither this dress. I know you feel uncomfortable wearing this. You can wear whatever you want. Heck, you can even come in your pajama and still look gorgeous", he rants it all out in one breath.

"But it's work code. Everyone wears it", I reply, wanting to knock some sense into him.

"No buts, princess", he demands. "Come on, put those shoes out."

I do what he asks and step out of my shoes, making my feet feel free once again.

I gasp when he picks me up bridal style, taking me by surprise.

    "I can't let my princess walk barefoot, can I?", he exclaims with a slight smirk.

    That sneaky bloke.


Everyone looked at us. Everyone! Like hold your eyes by yourself.

But I can't really blame them. I would also watch when I saw my boss holding a girl.

    "Faye!", we were almost by the door before we heard an all to familiar voice.

Mason immediately turns around, coming face to face with an all too happy Nathan, who's jumping around.


    I didn't know he was that suicidal.

    "Wait! Why are you holding Faye like this?", Nathan gasps finally comprehending the state I'm in.

I observe Nate closely and see his neck completely red from yesterday. Does he want to repeat that again? Mason isn't very fond of him.

    "I'm carrying princess home", Mason's velvety voice is back again in growling mode.

    "No, you don't need to do that. I'm capable of carrying my best friend", Nathan inquires too confidently.

    Has his brain got damaged?

I want to kick his dumb ass. This is not a way to get those 5 millions. Surely not by waking the beast.

    "My friend!", Mason hisses out in complete rage.


    Not again.

I snuggle closer to him, trying to calm him a bit. It seems to work, because he embraced me closer, breathing in and out.

    What a friendless bloke.

    "It's okay. This is Nathan my gay ass friend", I say casually.

    "I'm not ga-", I immediately interrupt him.

    "You are!", I snap at him.

    "I am", he blurts out.

What an unprofessional idiot! Urgh!



So an early update!

Do you love me now?

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Btw thank you so much for the 2k views!

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