Revolving Door

By mickeysykes1

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Nathan Sykes and Jay McGuiness are best friends. They are there for each other through thick and thin. They b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87 - Final Chapter

Chapter 70

126 2 4
By mickeysykes1

Jay needed some air. He walked outside of the studio and sat against the wall on the concrete.

A few minutes later, Nathan popped his head out of the backdoor. When he saw Jay sitting, he walked over to him. He didn't say anything and sat beside him.

Jay gave him a small smile. "How did the vocal go?"

Nathan shrugged. "Eh. I can do better. I just needed a break plus Tom hasn't done anything yet and Scooter is getting pissed."

Jay let out a small laugh.

Nathan put his arm around Jay and rubbed his shoulder. "I missed you in there."

"I just needed some air. It can get crowded in there."

Nathan nodded. "I know, but....I also know when you are overthinking about something."

Jay loved and hated that he knew him so well. "I like to think."

"Nothing wrong with that. I just don't like to see you worried."

Jay turned to him. "I look worried to you?"

Nathan smirked at him. "Come on mate, how long have I known you now?"

Jay nodded. "Fair enough. I guess I am just wondering if I got you the right gifts for your birthday."

Nathan smiled. "Gifts plural?"

"Don't look so surprised."

Nathan rested his head on Jay's shoulder. "You didn't have to do that."

"You deserve it."

Nathan looked confused. "Why do you say things like that for?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, why do I deserve it? It's not like I solved global warming or created world peace."

Jay turned towards him and Nath lifted his head to look at him. "Ok looks like you need a little bit of truth here." He said. "You are a special person Nath. You are so kind to others and loving to so many people. You never say anything bad about anyone and you work your sexy little ass off."

Nathan was blushing a nice deep shade of red. He had heard similar things like that about himself, but never all at once in such a serious way from someone he loved. "Wow, that is some hardcore truth I suppose."

Jay kissed his forehead. "All true. Every word. So, like I said, you deserve everything you get." He said then kissed him softly on the lips.

He was going to pull away, but Nathan continued the kiss. Jay was certainly not going to fight it. He lifted his hand and caressed Nathan's cheek with his thumb as they kissed.

"Oh for fuck's sake. Get a bloody room." Tom said, stepping outside for a smoke.

Jay pulled away to look over at the door. "To be fair, we did get a room, one with a nice view. You just entered without knocking."

Nathan shook his head. "Oh and what are you doing smoking?!" he said then jumped up.

"Oh piss off baby Nath. I need it."

Nathan shook his head then headed towards the door. "Come back in soon okay bird?"

Jay nodded. "Be in soon." He said then stood up.

Tom walked over to him. "Hey, I heard what Max was saying to you."

Jay pulled his hood over his head and put his hands in his pocket. "If you are going to say the same thing, I really don't need to hear it Tom."

Tom shook his head. "Fuck no. I was going to say, don't listen to that rubbish. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He got serious when he was young and it didn't' work out for him. Maybe he is bitter."

Jay shrugged. "What if he is right?"

"Nate doesn't want to be with anyone else, we both know that."

Jay sighed. "Now, he doesn't, but what if..."

"What if...what if.....Jay, you need to stop worrying so much and just enjoy it."

Jay nodded. He wished he could be as carefree as Tom, but he was a thinker and a pleaser. He couldn't just live for the now and ignore things.

He headed inside to one of the private rooms to make some phone calls. He had a lot to do for Nathan's party.

When Jay made his way back into the studio, Max was in the booth and Nathan and Ariana were laughing on the couch together. She was showing him something on her phone, which was apparently hysterical to him.

Jay headed over to Siva, who was sitting on the couch at the moment. Jay sat down so his back was against the armrest of the couch and he was facing Siva. "Hey, is Nareesha coming tomorrow?"

"Of course mate, she wouldn't miss baby Nath's b-day bash."

Jay smiled. "Awesome. We have a good crowd coming."

Just then Nathan came over and stood beside Jay, who was sitting. Jay put his arm around Nathan's waist as he stood there. Nathan played with Jay's curls. "What are you two boys chatting about?"

"When did you get to be so nosey?" Siva asked.

"Mate, I have always been nosey."

Siva laughed. "Very true."

Nathan looked down at Jay. "What are we doing tonight?"

Jay was about to answer, but he wanted it to be private. "Hey Siva excuse us." He said then stood up and pulled Nath to the other end of the room by his hand.

Nath was confused. "Is everything okay?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah. Actually, I was thinking of going out with my brother and some of his friends."

Nathan nodded. "Okay. You had to bring me over here to tell me that?"

"Maybe you could go to Ariana's party."

Nathan raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you know about that?"

Jay shrugged. "Not important. I think you should go though."

Nathan looked like he was trying to figure out how Jay knew.

"Nath, it is irrelevant. Are you going to go?"

Nathan shrugged. "Um I dunno. I guess I will now that you have plans."

Jay smiled. He was pretty proud of himself. He would show Max, he thought to himself.

Later on that night when Jay was at the pub, he tried hard not to constantly text Nathan. He missed him like crazy. He wished that they were both enjoying a beer and Nathan was sitting on his lap.

Tom, Jay's brother, knew something was up. "Okay bro, you are not acting like yourself. What is going on?"

Jay waved it off. "Sorry, just a bit tired mate."

"Ok that is a lie."

Jay smiled. "You'll laugh."

"I will not." His brother said.

"Well, I miss Nathan. I know I saw him today and we live together now...but....I just miss him. Okay?"

Tom rubbed his brother's back. "I would never laugh at that bro. Now, the pathetic look on your face, I can laugh at that." He teased.

Jay playfully shoved him. "Such a dick."

Tom laughed. "Where is the little wanker anyway?"

"He is at a little young Hollywood party." Jay said, with a little mocking tone.

Tom's eyes widened. "Oh that is interesting. So a bunch of young Hollywood horny bastards."

"Pretty much yeah. Sounds wondrous, doesn't it?"

Tom laughed. Then, his eyes widened with an idea. "Hey, let's go crash the party."

Jay shook his head. "Are you mad? No, absolutely not. I need to give him his space."

"You can't give too much space in Hollywood mate."

Jay did not need to hear this right now. "Mate, come on. I trust him."

"Okay, okay. Serious Jay needs to go."

Jay shoved him then called the waitress over so he could order some shots for him and his brother.

"Okay, there is my Jay." Tom said with a smile.

At the party, Nathan was having a good time with Ariana and her friends. One of Ariana's good friends, Perry corned Nathan by the mini bar.

"Nathan Sykes." She said from behind him.

"Hello." He said with a smile.

"So you are the sexy bisexual pop star."

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "Um...okay, I guess."

"Oh no disrespect. It is fucking sexy as hell."

Nathan felt his cheeks get warm a bit. "Well, thank you and you are?"

She held out her hand. "Perry."

He shook her hand. Then took a sip of his beer.

"So are you done with girls?"

Nathan choked on his beer a bit. "Wha?"

"Perry, leave Nathan alone." Ariana said sweetly then put her arm around him.

"I wasn't doing anything." She lied.

Ariana shook her head. "Ignore her Nathan. She is a bit inappropriate and pushy."

Perry smiled, as if proud of that. "I was simply getting to know him."

Nathan glanced over at Ariana and she giggled. "I'm sorry."

He smiled. "It's alright."

"So where is Romeo tonight?" Perry asked.

"He is out with his friends."

"Do you guys ever bring people home to take into bed with you?" she asked as if she was about to hear the greatest gossip of her life.

Ariana's mouth dropped open. "Perry!" she cried so embarrassed.

"Um no, we are in a committed relationship."

"Oh come on. Maybe a really hot guy or a girl." She said with a wink.

"Stop it Perry." Ariana said a bit more serious this time.

"No, just us. Sorry to disappoint."

Perry shrugged. "Well, let me know. I'd love a Jaythan sandwhich. "

Ariana pulled Nathan by the hand. "Okay, goodbye Perry."

When they finally got to the corner of the room she faced him. "I am soooo sorry."

He waved it off. "It is okay. Not the first time, I have been harassed about Jay and myself."

"Well, I invited you here to have fun not to be harassed." She said then frowned a bit. "I'm sorry okay?"

He put his hands on her shoulders. "Ari, it's fine. I promise."

She nodded.

Just then a slow song began to play.

"Dance with me?" she asked sweetly.

"Well, I am not much of a..."

"Come on Sykes." She said and pulled him close to her.

She rested her cheek on his shoulder. During the dance, she lifted her head so her cheek was almost brushing against his.

He felt a bit uncomfortable with the skin on skin contact. She suddenly rubbed her cheek against his. He needed to say something soon.

She moved her face so their lips were almost touching. She bit her bottom lip. She was going to try to kiss him. He needed to do something.

He gently pulled away. "Listen, I can't do that okay?"

She looked hurt and a bit embarrassed. "I am so sorry. I guess I just got caught up in the moment. "I know you don't really like girls. I guess I just felt something."

"I do like girls." He said.

Ariana looked confused.

"I find you very attractive and beautiful."

She smiled sweetly. " do?"

He nodded. "Yes, of course. The thing is...I am in love with Jay."

She nodded, clearly disappointed but understanding.

"I understand Nathan. I am so sorry okay?"

He smiled. "You didn't do anything. Okay?"

She nodded. "Excuse me okay?"

He nodded and let her go. He felt horrible. She looked like she was going to burst into tears. He checked his phone. No messages from Jay. Either he was levered or he was trying to give him space. He was actually hoping it was the first one.

Text from Nath: Miss you baby. Thinking of you xoxox

Jay felt his phone buzz. It was like his heart came to life. He quickly checked it. It was his baby. He couldn't stop smiling. He read the text then sent a reply.

Text from bird: Hope you are having a blast. Miss you like crazy xoxoxx

Nathan sighed. It was 12:30 am and he was tired. Plus, he just wanted to crawl into bed with Jay. He said his goodbyes then headed back to his flat.

When he entered the flat, he called for Jay. "Jay? Baby?"

There was no response, so he walked up to their room. "Bird?" he asked then opened the door.

Nathan frowned. He was not home yet. Nathan stripped down to his briefs and crawled into bed. He tried staying up by playing some games on his phone and reading the news, but his eyes were extremely heavy.

He was dreaming about playing the piano in a large stadium all by himself. During the performance, people backstage were making a lot of noice. He tried to block out the sounds of banging and things dropping.

Eventually, he became so frustrated that he stopped playing and stood up and began to yell. He woke up quickly to the same sounds in the room. It was Jay stumbling around in the dark.


Jay didn't respond. He just tried to make his way over to the bed.

Nathan was so sleepy. He was trying to adjust to the darkness so maybe he could help Jay.

Finally, Nathan felt Jay crawl onto the bed.

Nathan put his head back down on the pillow.

He smiled when he felt Jay's arm spoon him from behind.

"Mmmm." Nathan said with a smile.

Jay began kissing his neck.

He smelled like he drank the entire bar. "Jay?"

Jay didn't respond. He just pulled Nathan close and kissed his neck harder.


Jay groaned and pressed his hard cock up against Nathan's ass.

"Jay, you are drunk."

"Nah ugh." He said then reached down to slide Nathan's briefs off.

"Stop it Jay." He said then turned to face him.

"I missed you so much." Jay said then crawled onto Nathan and began kissing his neck.

Although, Jay felt incredible, he knew that Jay wouldn't remember this in the morning and that would be too hard for Nathan to bare. "Jay come on stop it."

"You don't want me?" Jay asked sadly.

Nathan grabbed his face. "Of course I do, just not when you are this drunk okay love?"

"I am not too drunk to know that you are fucking sexy as fuck."

Nathan smirked. He was not going to let Jay charm him into this. "Okay thank you, but you need to sleep this off okay?"

Jay groaned not really happy with being rejected. "But I am so hot for you."

"Come here." Nathan said shifting to his back. He opened his arm so Jay could snuggle up to him and rest his cheek on his chest.

He began to play with Jay's curls and hum a tune to him. "Jay was passed out in less than 5 minutes. A few minutes later, Nathan joined him for a nice night of sleep.

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