Hidden || Park Jimin ✔︎

By _treasurey

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Have you ever fell in love and thought you'd be with this person forever? , the more you sit forever the more... More



37 5 25
By _treasurey

Jimin pov
I just feel the anger in my boiling inside of me , how dare he go to the extremes of kidnapping my girlfriend. Who does he think he is? No this ends today. He doesn't know but I've been talking to the so called "girl" he wants me to marry for weeks I planned this from that start I just didnt know that he would go this far to kidnap my fucking girlfriend. I punch the table causing it to break I swear if he lays a finger on her I'm going to kill him in cold blood I don't even care if he's my father.

He's going down..

I drive to the girls house and I wait for her to answer after five minutes
"Hey Jimin come on" She says while letting me in I sit on her couch then I start shaking my legs vigorously

"What can I assist you with today?" She says while handing me a bottle of Gatorade
"He has my girlfriend and says I only have twenty four hours to send out invitations for the wedding"
"Hmm why don't we type a bunch of letters to the police and send some to him as well? Then tell the police the be there at a certain time , get your friends there too , so it can be more believable"

"You know you're more helpful than my bestfriend,thanks"
"You're welcome, he'll go to jail for kidnapping and neglect"
"But how can we prove that he hit her?" I say while placing my forearm on my leg
"Your phone records, and plus you have cameras on your house and so does your neighbors those are your witness"
"You're smart"
"Now let's take this son of a bitch out!"
"Hell Yeah!"

I hand my friends the wedding invitation then I drive to the police station and I walk in.
"Sure why are you angry , what do you need our help with?" He says while walking up to me

"Oh yes sir this is just my face" I say while looking up at him "I want to report a kidnapping case please, and I don't have time for investigation because I only have twenty four hours to do this come to this wedding at this time please my girlfriend can get seriously hurt okay?"
"Yes sir okay we'll look into this"
"I know you need evidence so here" I hand him a flash drive "it had our conversation on it he hurt her then threatened me"
"Okay thank you sir"

I smirk then walk out the police station.

Watch your back father , park Jimin is coming back and he's coming back hard.

"Well they're handed out" I say to Andrea
"Well that's great now we just gotta hope he buys it, we gotta go shopping to make it look more real"
"You're right and I sent the designers to the location so they can decorate, how good is your acting?"
"Try getting a letter from a big film company park Jimin I got this honey" She says while patting my shoulder

Let's hope , my girlfriends life is on the line and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind killing her to get what he wants.

After I pick out the perfect tuxedo I get a call from jungkook on my new phone because I don't want anyone else to call from that phone but him so they can hear the whole conversation.

"So this is your trap?" He chuckles
"Yep not only did I send this to y'all, I sent it to the police and they can hear our conversations because I bugged my old phone so he can't get away with it if the wanted too, I bugged it from the beginning, I'm smarter than I look"
"You really are I couldn't even think of that is till need to kill my stepdad any plans on how to kill him?"

"Hmm I don't know, I'll let you know after my girlfriends life isn't on the line ight?"
"Sure bro" I hang up then I walk over to the shoe section and pick out the perfect shoe that matches with it since her favorite color is weirdly cream the wedding or should I say fake wedding is cream and white. I walk up to the counter then place them up there the guy looks at me as if I'm crazy I frown up then chuckles

"Let me guess, I look too young to get married?" I say while sliding my card

"Um-yes you do, are you sure you're ready?"
"If you really love the person the person you're always ready to be with them all day, because you're just that sure"
"You're right totally , it's just my parents think I'm too young to engage my girlfriend" he say while handing me my bags
" well do their opinion matter? You're living with her for the rest of your life and if she makes you happy and you would do anything for her, do something for yourself forget what your parents say, marry her before you regret not doing it"

I call Andrea on the phone and look at wedding rings
"Hello mister park"
"Just call me Jimin,which one of these rings do you like?" I say while showing her all types of wedding rings
"That one! That's so pretty!"

"For five thousand dollars this better save my girlfriend or else I'm going to jail" I say while picking it up then walking over to a worker.
"It should, we're good actors okay?"
"I hope"

Yasmines pov
I look up to his little bitches with an anger expression written all over my face.

"You know that my boyfriend is going to get me out of this and your career or whatever you're doing for him it's going to be all over very soon just saying" I say while sitting up straight
"Aww someone really thinks her boyfriend is Superman or something, you're too cute shut the fuck, your boyfriend is done for" He says has he back hands me , I spit a little bit of blood out then I smirk to myself

"Yeah sure, my boyfriend is way smarter than you think, when it comes to me he always wins" I say with a smirk
"Hmm we'll see about that" He says while caressing my face I turn the other way as he chuckles.

Baby, please get me out of this I believe in you.

Jimin pov
"I just dropped off the rings" I say to Andrea
"Me too, I hope this really work you and your friends have to be there early so I can walk through as the bride" she says while sighing
"No you arrive there at the same time as me I got a boss idea"
"Okay Park Jimin" She says with a smile
"Don't worry this plan won't fail"

We arrive at the place and I see yasmine still tied up she looks so bad I just wanna shoot a bullet to his head so fast right not be at the same time I wanna see him suffer.

"You ready?" I say to Andrea
"Yes" I stand up then I hear my dad yelling at yasmine

"You're going to witness your little boyfriend marry someone that isn't you how do you feel?" He says while looking at the rings "Hmm he has good taste in rings, too bad it isn't for you"

"He told us to be here at this time and he's not even here yet" I smirk then walk in with Andrea and all the cops behind me.

"Yeah you thought you were going to get away with torturing my mind huh?, I was tricking you into this all along and you fell for it exactly how I planned, so thank you for your egotistical mind" I say with a smile

"Thank you for falling into my trap sir, how does life in prison sound for kidnapping and torture oh and not to mention breaking and entering, I have you recorded and my surveillance cameras have you picked up when you decide to take her from her own house, as for you and your goons you guys are done"

" I win" I say while walking up to yasmine I untie her then she hugs me tightly
"I knew you were going to come and get me I believed you would come and save me" she says as her voice cracks
"I'll always save you"

I'm never going to let anything happen to you

I start cleaning her cuts and she holds my hand tightly as the pain hurts her I'm still really angry at how he hurt her , but I got my revenge and I'm a way where I didn't have to get my hands dirty.

"Hey Baby?" She says while opening her eyes
"Yes my baby?"
"I love you, don't you ever leave me because I'm not leaving you, oh and also, I'm proud of you"

I look at her and smile then I look down.

" i love you more babygirl , hell no I'll never leave you, I'm staying forever and always"
"Forever and always" she repeats

Thank you for believing in me, without you I wouldn't know how to live my life.

Authors note:
What another chapter? Yes I just type that fast I just feel like I owe it to y'all, I've been slacking off and not doing what I'm supposed too. I'm disappointed in myself as well I get nothing done with my life lol. But it's whatever right? I hope you guys are still enjoying the content I put out and hope you still believe in me🤧 thank you .. until the next one!

Finally Jimins dad is gone now we just gotta wait on jungkooks dad!

  ~ooo ooo pick me pick me! If theirs any grammatical errors just let me know right here🙊

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