
By Demons_Muse

777 375 53

This is an old version of this story. Things have been edited out, details changed etc. The completed new ver... More

Ēlī Vīlībāzma-First Battle
Ojūdan Vysossa-Lost Worlds
Tymptir Kȳvanon-Game Plan
Arlie Raqiros-Budding Friendship
Skoriot Perzys se Suvion Rhaenagon-Where Fire and Ice Colide
Se Jaedos Tēgembōñ-The Summer Isle
Se Zaldrīzes se se Qrinuntys-The Dragon And The Spy
Hae Jēda Is Ondoso-The Passage Of Time
Se Sȳndror Māzigon-The Darkness Comes
Brōzio Tubis Biarves-Birthday Banquet
Se Siren se se Qrinuntys-The Siren And The Spy
Uēpa Laesi-Ancient Eyes
Se Dāria Hen Solaria-The Queen Of Solaria
Se Ūndegon Hen Jēda-The Administrator of Time
Isse Iā Tolmiot Qrīdrughagon Jēda-In The Distant Past
Ossȳngnon Hen Bōsa Gō-Nightmares From The Past
Ñuha Laehurlion-Familiar Faces
Perzys Kustikāne-Tempered Power
Tegun Hen Tīkuni Se Morghon-Court of Wings and Ruin
Pryjagon se Jaes's-Shatter the Heavens
Rȳ Jēda Se Ābrar-Through Time and Space
Henaer Morghon-Henaer Apocalypse
Rȳ Se Ñuqir Māzigon Ābrar-Through The Ashes Comes Life
Dāria's Dārōñe-Queen's Grace
Se Dārys Hen Sindaria-The King of Sindaria
Nopāzma Iksis Doru-Hell Is Empty
Gīda Zaldrīzoti-Glass Dragons
Grēges Va Se Dōros-Fly On The Wall
Pirta Jorrāelagon-Flase Hope
Arliñāre Tembyr-Fliping Pages
Hūra Ōños Vestriarzir-Moonlight Reminicing
Hēnkirī Urnēptre-Mixed Signals
Mīsagon rȳ ñāqes-Providence at Dawn
Geptot mērī-Left Alone
Naejot skoriot se kasta iēdar dīnagon-To Where The Blue Waves Sway
Suvion Isse-Iced in
Ruarza Kȳvana-Hidden Agendas
Gevie Sōvegon Ōdres-Butterfly Effect
Ruarza Tala-Hidden Ties
Lyka Biarves-Quiet Joys
Skoros Kostagon Gaoman?-What Can I Do?
Se Gūrotrir Gen Vīlībāzma-The Spoils of Battle
Iā Bantis hen Ojūdan Ōdres-A Night of Lost Emotions
Vala's Prūmia-His Heart on Canvas
Isse Vējes's Ondos-In Fate's Hands
Pālegon Bē-Turning Gears
Mēre Hūra Tolī-One Month Later
Ziry Gīmigon-She Knows
Vīlībāzma rȳ Ñāqes-Assault at Daybreak
Morghon Vīlībāzma-Death Match
Se Ropagon Hen Haan's-The Fall And Rise Of The Haan's
Se Dārys Qilōni Geptot Īlva-The King Who Abandoned Us
Ezīmagon Se Iemny-Into the Womb
Hārīblie Hen Amplie Hūra-November Thirtieth
Naejot Se Uēpa Tegun-To The Ancient Land
Rȳ se Tegun-Across the Rifts
Lumina Lentor-Lumina Town
Vestriarzira hen Muña-Tales of Mother
Iēdar Vīlībagon-Water Wrestling
Va Se Geralbar Arlī-On The Road Again
Iā Jollōragon-A History Lesson
Mandia Eladora-Cousin Eladora
Tolīmorghon Lentor-Ghost Town
Zorelin Lentor-Zorelin Village
Jehikagrī Jorrāelagon-Blooming Friendship
Pryjatan Jorrāelagon-Withering Friendship
Zȳhon Prūmia isse se Sombāzmion-His Heart in Ink
Qrīdronnor isse Jorrāelagon-Trouble in Paradise.
Jēda Naejot Jikagon-Vacation Time
Rȳ se Mōris-At Wits End
Mijegon Jorrāelagon-Loveless
Hae Jēda Is Ondoso-As Time Goes By

Se Ruarza Vala-The Masked Man

7 5 0
By Demons_Muse

He didn't respond right away. He simply stared, observing the way Illya fidgeted as she waited for his response. "I take it this was very recent."

"Almost an hour ago. These past few days I've been having visions. They aren't very pleasant. In each one, Henaer's darkness spreads, as though its slowly taking over. I'd give anything to run to her and bring her back right now...but I have to wait until an old teacher of mine gets to Solaria so I can enter the void."



" you're going to take its test?"

"What other choice do I have. It's the only way I'll be able to get to Henaer herself and take back my daughter. I don't care if I'm risking corruption. If I don't do something she'll drain Astrid of her power and use it to fully break free into the world. Once that happens humanity will be wiped out for sure. I know I've been putting off going to see her for years, but now I'm stronger. I'll be able to handle the strain of the void." Illya brought her hand to her mouth, sinking her teeth the side of her finger. She chewed it anxiously.

"You could always go to your father and ask him for help."

"No. You know I don't trust that jackass. He's selfish. He's never once answered my prayers. Why should I believe in him now!"

He sighed. "I mean...I don't like him either but King Salem certainly isn't as selfish as you make him out to be. I know how heated you can get when you want to do something and are unable to, but if what you say is true, and Henaer's darkness is spreading, that impatience is going to be detrimental. The darkness will latch onto it and corrupt you long before you reach the void. I've seen what your patience brings, I've seen you remain calm in the face of catastrophic disaster. I know that your child is involved now, and you've never been mild tempered when it came to their safety but I know you can fight back this darkness. You can stop those visions from coming to fruition."

"...I've been surrounded by nothing but clashing spectrums for as long as I can remember. The Gods say the darkness is wrong, the darkness says the Gods are wrong. When I was younger it was much easier to believe that all my dreams would come true...but someone forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too and now I'm being suffocated by one. I've always had to rely on myself. You should know, I hated using you as a shield when we were married. When the so-called Gods turned their back on me, I turned to hell. They were more welcoming, more endearing than the people who were worshiped as all powerful deities. It was strange.

Then I realized, in a world rampant with ugly desires fueled by the misfortune of others, where "God" doesn't seem to care to stop any of it...It's no wonder people find comfort in the's the only thing that never leaves no matter what...perhaps it would be better to let Henaer veil us in it. Then I wouldn't have to fret so much. I mean just five years ago there was that whole ordeal with Ri-is, Sin's had multiple attempts on his life, they've been kidnapped, they've been threatened, now my daughter may be drained of all her power. How did raising children become so complicated?"

His crimsons stilled, focused upon the solemn features of the woman before him. Her usual beaming smile had waned yet it did not make her any less of a person. On the contrary, it only added to his rather high evaluation of her, something that she had rightfully earned. As he gazed upon her downcast expression, he saw that behind it, gears were still turning in her head. If she hadn't already, then she was concocting a plan, her plans were never known to be "friendly" to those who crossed lines with her. It was then that a thought rang in his head. Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make Hell feel like home. She was living proof of that.

"Those are wise words for one your age."

Some may find it bizarre that an acknowledgment like hers would earn this form of reply. The awareness and willingness to speak one's thoughts in their purest form was a strength not many possessed. Perhaps it was because he had been an individual who had worked himself to death, literally not metaphorically —that he recognized the ticking bomb, that was Illya's own mind waiting to detonate. There was a selfishness in her words, enough to make him smile. An exhibition of the reason she was able to overcome all her previous trials and hardships. He could see that the visions were draining her, that she'd been worried about this for quite some time now.

"If you are exhausted then rest. The fight to protect humanity is an eternal one. If you ware yourself down so early on, then they will only be met with annihilation once more."

His tone was gentle. He watched her raise her head to meet his gaze and in her eyes, he saw the flicker of the flame it once held, slowly but surely re-kindling her fighting spirit. While the initial singularities of the roller coaster that was her life amended, they both knew she would still have to face many more challenges. Then again, what was living if there was nothing one held enough passion to fight for? A few slow blinks, allowing her time to comprehend his words, before a proposition and light pat to her head replaced the silence.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Illya. You have achieved far more than anyone in this era. If you decide you need assistance, you can call me. I will aid in whatever way I can."

She smiled and stood up, dusting herself off. She leaned forward, bowing slightly—a gesture to say thanks, before heading back through a portal and off to Solaria once again. There was no reason to dwell on intrusive thoughts when actions yielded far better outcomes.


Illya returned to the palace. Entering the observatory, she drew the attention of the room's anxious inhabitants. She walked over to them and gave them a wry smile. "Sorry I was gone for so long. I needed to clear my head."

Tekina smiled warmly. It was understandable that Illya was shaken. She couldn't imagine how she'd feel if Nikiro was taken away. Even though he was more than capable of defending himself, he was still her baby. So she sympathized with Illya.

"Feel better?"

Illya nodded. The doors to the observatory opened and shut with a clang and in came Seibel alongside a tall, obscure looking man. He had messy silver hair and a black, metallic mask, through which only one eye was visible, it's orange-gold glow was daunting, to say the least. If that wasn't enough, his long black robe was topped off with distinctive chains that wrapped around his neck, pulling in his collar and hanging off his back. Several locks hung off the chains on his neck as well, swaying eerily as he walked. Despite its uncomfortable appearance, it didn't seem to faze the man much.

"I have brought Erebus as per your request my lady." Seibel announced with a bow.

"Yes...thank you." Illya waved dismissively and watched silently as he left the room.

Erebus was silent the entire time as well. He didn't even spare a glance at the others in the room. His only concern seemed to be with Illya.

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