Am I still Invisible?

By LostBandGirl

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High School. That awkward place where everyone is grouped in cliques unless you are invisible. 16 year old Ri... More

Chapter 1: I am Invisible
Chapter 2: Crash
Chapter 3- Talking to Mr. Abercrombie and Fitch
Chapter 4- The Universe performs Tricks
Chapter 5- How are we Related?
Chapter 6- Prickling, Tingling and Alerts?
Chapter 7- I Need a Party
Chapter 8- Glasses and a Staircase
Chapter 9- Why Me?
Chapter 10- Dad's Home.
Chapter 11- Me vs The Hellhole
Chapter 13- From Romantic Comedies to Horror
Chapter 14- The Agreement
Chapter 15- A Clean Break
Chapter 16- Licorice
Chapter 17- A house full of Enemies.
Chapter 18- Dylan Roberts Is Not A Turd
Chapter 19- Explanations and a Perfect Execution
Chapter 20- Whipping their Sorry Butts
Chapter 21- Our Mini Italy and Family Pranks
Chapter 22- Biting My Tongue (not)
Chapter 23- The Cycle of Sleep Deprivation
Chapter 24- The Stairway to Frenzy
Chapter 25- Heartbreak or Betrayal
Chapter 26- Sucker Punched
Chapter 27- An Impromptu Road Trip
Chapter 28- The bednapper
Chapter 29- Friendship and Loveship
Chapter 30- A trip to Uni
Chapter 31- Being part of the Bridal Party

Chapter 12- Am I Normal?

479 19 0
By LostBandGirl


Most normal girls would be happy to get their first kiss but I was pissed. That bastard just stole my first kiss.

Yes it was amazing and Yes, I want to kiss him again but that does not mean that I am not going to demand an explanation as to why the hell he did it. I swear the next time I see him he is going to get it.

I literally count down the minutes until Life Orientation.

I wait outside the classroom just outside Coach's view until Mr. Kiss-Thief comes along. I quickly grab his hand and walk him to the bleachers on the other end of the field. It takes us about 2 minutes to reach them.

I point at the metal stairs, "Sit." He can somehow tell from the tone of my voice that it's an order.

"Babe- if you wanna make out again just tell me," he looks at me with that devilish smirk.

"I actually wanted an explanation. Why the hell did you do that? Why did you get my binder? And why the f*ck did you kiss me? Why?" I am practically screaming right now.

He moves swiftly off the bleachers and covers my mouth with his hands.

"Shhhh. You are gonna get us into sh*t," he says calmly. I glare at him silently praying looks can actually kill. I imagine my eyes shooting lasers at him. It actually helps to calm me down.

"If I let go and answer your question will you keep quiet," he asks me earnestly.

I nod.

He removes his hands and begins to walk us to the underneath of the bleachers.

"Before you ask, I moved us here so that the teachers couldn't see us. The Coach's classroom has a good view of the field. I got your binder back because I felt sorry for you. You practically broke down on my shoulder and I thought you needed some help dealing with those Assh*les. As for why I kissed you. I don't know why I did it. All I know is this," he says as he takes a step forward.

He leans down and he does it again. He kisses me.

It is breath taking- literally. His lips feel amazing against mine. There is just the right amount of pressure. My knees turn to jelly and my stomach feels like there are a million butterflies fluttering around.

That's why I have to end it. I push him away from me.

He stands there looking at me in amazement.

"I won't be one of your whores Ryan. I am not the kind of girl you can kiss, do and dump. Your player-I-am-so-bad charm won't give you an free pass into my pants. And as for your help with the binder well I appreciate it but I am not a charity case. You don't need to do things for me because you feel sorry for me. I can handle myself. The crying was just a one time thing. I am not some weak damsel in distress that you need to swoop in and save- it's the 21st century and I can take care of myself." I look him squarely in the eye.

His face remains indifferent but there is something weird about the way his eyes look. They are not their usual chocolate brown but they are darker. I can't tell whether it's from anger or sadness all I know is that in that moment I am furious. Who does he think he is?

"It's a pity you refused to be one of my "whores". At least you taught me a lesson about helping people. Don't do it."

"Ryan, you can't be mad at me for thinking that you have been doing all of this so you can have another notch in your belt. You are known for being a player. Everything you did at the party, on Monday and today could all be seen as typical player moves. And I mean it would be an achievement to have banged Pete's little sister."

It is all starting to make sense to me. Its like all the pieces of the puzzle are making sense and suddenly I feel like ripping his head off. He is doing this all for the above mentioned pass into my pants. I can actually visualize the police putting handcuffs on me for his murder.

"You are unbelievable. You can believe that if it makes you sleep better at night. I know that I would never go through all that trouble for a shag...even if it was with 'Pete's little sister'. As if you are that big of an achievement."

He seems extreamely pissed off and as he walks away his kicks the bleacher. The metallic ping rings through the air.

And I begin to wonder if I was wrong. What if he wasn't doing all of this for 'the shag' as he puts it. Is it possible that I am being an immense b*tch right now for assuming that? I mean no one can fake that kind of anger. He was really mad.

His last comment hurt but I know that in some weird way I did deserve it. I do believe that though what I said was justified I might have been reading into the situation a bit too much. I had no right to be so accusatory. But then again this is Ryan Pierce- the only reason he kisses girls is so that he can do them later. This makes me believe that I was right to put a stop to it when I did.

I feel really bad though. I am not the type of girl who enjoys hurting other people's feelings and I feel especially guilty about hurting Ryan's and I don't know why. It makes me feel like I have screamed at myself. I also feel really disappointed with him- almost like I expected more.

It takes all my inner strength not to run after him and apologize. I force myself to stay still. I will not be a push over just because I hurt his poor little feelings. He deserved what I told him. I will not be an easy target for him. Riley Amelia Harper ain't no sitting duck.

I can see now that maybe I was too harsh with him but he had to know that I am not going to allow him to use me and that he can't just kiss me and save me whenever he likes. No matter how amazing it makes me feel.

I must clearly be about to get my period... it explains why I am so out of whack thinking all these crazy ass thoughts about disappointment and my heart aching for him and hime making me feel amazing. It's the only reason I will go from hating and wanting to murder him to wanting to apologize, Chocolate will make it better. That and the satisfaction of knowing that I stood up for myself as a strong, independent female. I did what's right by being so mean... I think.

Ryan's POV

My knuckles are white as I grip onto my staring wheel. I feel like punching a wall...again. I'll probably have to chip in for the dry wall. After I finished talking to her I punched the dry wall in Coach John's class and left the school.

As if it wasn't bad enough that I was actually happy when Riley wanted to talk to me and all I could think about was kissing her while she was busy screaming at me. Then I had to actually kiss her and she got mad at me and accused me of being a manwhore who was only trying to get into bed.

In a way I deserved it for allowing her to get to me. I suppose that's what I get for actually helping someone- but I couldn't help it.

Whenever I see her it's like I just want to talk to her and be near her and I don't know why. All I know is that I'd do anything for her. I deserved to get burned like that for being an idiot.

Man, am I pissed at her right now. She shat on me for no damn reason. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her, but honestly, telling me that she doesn't want to be one of my 'whores' was taking it a bit too far. As if she would ever be just another one nighter for me. And then she took it step further and accused me of being chauvinistic.

And what makes me more infuriated is that even after her outburst I still don't regret helping her...even if she is an ungrateful bitch.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I want to kiss her again?

I need a drink. I turn the car around and head to the nearest nightclub. I get out my phone and text Damon, my closest bro.

Damon. At Swift. Get some chicks and meet me here. Should get in at 10pm.

People queue up from 11am just to get into Swift by 7pm. I should get in by 10pm. Then I can get wasted. Sounds like a party to me.

Riley's POV

The minute I get home I call Sannie. She could sense something was wrong the whole day but I didn't want to talk about what happened incase someone overhead. Call me paranoid but I didn't want any chance of this getting out.

"You better be calling to explain your freakish behavior today" Sannie says bluntly as she answers the phone.

I swear it's like that girl can read my mind or something.

"Are you saying I behave normally every other day?" I tease her.

"No. But today was extra weird."

I can practically her frown into the phone as she tries to figure out what happened. I imagine her face all screwed up and her eyes squinted in what she calls her thinking face.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you can't get mad. Or tell anyone."

"I won't make any promises about the getting mad part but, honestly, who would I tell. I mean it's not like I'm telling people to take a number and wait in line to talk to me."

"Don't make them take a number. Tell them to make appointment and charge them for the time they use. That takes up less space and is more acurate"

"Oooooh. Then I could get those new boots. Now stop diverting my attention with your evil-yet-efficient-and-business-like ideas and tell me what happened."

I took a deep breath and told Sannie what happened. I subconsciously held my breath in as I waited for her to digest all the new information and say something.


I release my breath. At least she said something. Not a very nice something but it was something. I could work with something. It was better than her hanging up or getting mad.

"Sannie. Stop screaming... you are about to blow my eardrum. And yes I did."

"How was it?"

"SANNIE!" I can't believe she asked that.

"Sorry. But did you honestly call him out on his crap?" She sounds a little too happy over that thought.

"No, I didn't. I just told him I wasn't a whore or a charity case. Or a one night stand. Or a damsel in distress," I add as an after thought.

Sadly, I know that if I had to call Ryan out on all the shit he's done it would take much longer than our whole confrontation.

"Good for you girl... what did his face look like when you said that."

Damn that girl has it out for Ryan.

"Sandra Lee Anderson. You are meant to be helping me here, not making me feel worse."

"Sorry- bet it was a mixture of hurt and shock." She sounds ecstatic right now. All I need is for to be a little more supportive. Her happiness is only making me feel worse...and more guilty.

"You are useless."

"I am sorry. I just need to process this. It's a lot to take in."

I can understand why she feels like that. I am still trying to take it all in, which I why I need her to more frikken understanding. I know that I used to hate the guy and despised everything he did but after the past two days can you blame me for warming up to him.

"Imagine how I feel. He starts off being a d*ck and carrying me out of his way then he catches me after he trips me. I still don't know if that was intended or an accident. He flirts with me at the party and claims he is trying to 'gain my trust'. He follows this by being there for me when I was breaking down. Then he's playing Prince Charming to my binder by saving it and the next thing I know he is kissing me. Yes, he cheated on my binder with me. Then he practically says he helped me coz I am weak and then he gets mad at me for getting angry with him and telling him he's a player And in the end I am left feeling guilty for being harsh even though I did what was right and stood up for myself. URGGG, I am so confused. I don't know whether to hate him or apologize to him. Sannie- should I hate him or apologize to him? Help me. "

"I am sorry. I am being a terrible friend." Finally, she gets the picture.

"You are."

"Thanks for your blunt honesty. But in my opinion you are making a mountain out of a molehill. You are over reacting. Knowing Ryan he probably didn't think anything about everything that happened. For him his biggest concern is probably which brand of condom to use tonight. He was probably just toying with you this whole time to see how long it would take to get a reaction. You shouldn't hate him or apologize to him-you should just forget about it. "

She is right and for some reason that realization rips me apart. It feels like my chest has been slashed open and my beating heart has me torn out of its cavity. I don't understand why I feel like this.

"You are right Sandra. I think I am going to go watch a movie and get over what happened coz it's not my fault. He was being a douche. Thanks for the help."

"No prob. She you tomorrow Mini Munch."

That girl has issues. But at least she helped me see it all clearly. Ryan was just playing around with me for his amusement. My breaking down was just a lucky coincidence for him. I still feel so stupid and meek for crying like that. I am so much stronger than that and it is time for strong Riley to come out.

I grab some money and shove it into my jeans pocket. As I walk out of the door I think about how less than a week ago I had been debating whether being invisible was a blessing or a curse.

I wish I could go back in time and slap myself. How could I have been so stupid. It was obviously a blessing. Wish I had it now.

I arrive in the mall and book a ticket for That Awkward Moment.

The guy standing in front of me is acting oddly suspicious. He looks familiar but I can't get a good look at his face. It's like he is deliberately hiding it from me.

At first I think nothing of it but my curiosity is aroused when he buys two tickets. We have been standing in queue for like 15 minutes and no one has talked to him.

After he pays for his tickets I am about to go the booth when he turns around and I get a good view of who this guys is. I am about to hide my face when he walks up to me and pulls me out of the line. He keeps on pulling me towards the concessions stand.

"Seth. You jack ass. I didn't get to buy my ticket"

"I got it for you. I heard you telling Nataka you wanted to see That Awkward Moment in Maths. When I saw you here I assumed that was what yyou were going to watch. I promise I am not stalking you- I came to the movies today to get away from life not in hope to meet you. That was just a lucky coincidence. "

You see what I mean about the darn eves droppers in that school. It's like they don't have a life. This is why I can't have private conversations with my friends. Leave alone private, I can't even tell them what movie I want to watch or I will be dragged out of line by a maniac who is failing at trying to convince me he is not a stalker.

"Seth I can't let you pay for me."

He stops when we reach the line by the stand and looks at me. His green eyes are practically shining with amusement. Man those eyes are amazing.

"At least let me pay for the snacks." I tell him.

"Okay." He laughs at me as he says it. Its like he find me wanting to pay hilarious. All I wanted to do was exert my power as a female. Geez, what is up with all these sexist boys today. Is it annual chauvinist day or something?

" So why do you want to see the movie with me?" I ask him questioningly as we wait in the line. It still makes no sense to me as to why he decided to jack my night.

"They talk about boners a lot. I wanted to see if you'd get the jokes. Plus you need an adult to cover your eyes for all the rude parts." He jokes.

But he actually did it. Through out the movie he covered my eyes every time the characters did the nasty. I didn't mind missing out on those parts but it was still irritating having him laugh whenever I asked him if it was over.

We walk to the car park and talk casually. I feel a lot more open with him after having gone through a movie like that with him.

"You are so innocent, why'd you decide to watch a movie like that?" He asks me with a smirk.

"I wanted to see how that male mind works." I told him.

"I thought you'd already know about that."

"Hey. I might dress like a thirteen year old boy but the last time I checked I have boobs," I protest looking down my shirt just to add to the dramatic effect, "Yep. They are still there."

He laughs at my incredibly lame joke.

"I meant that you must know how the male mind works because of your two brothers."

"Three. And two sisters." I correct him, " and I still can't figure guys out."

"We are fairly simple creatures, its girls who are complicated."

"That's true."

He looks shocked that I actually agreed with him.

"Well it is," I tell him, " we are complicated but that it what makes us beautiful. And its what makes our love worth it."

"That's true." He says this seriously and all of a sudden the atmosphere becomes too quiet for me. He is staring at me with a deep expression on his face. It looks like he is imagining something amazing.

"Then you get girls who over complicate things. Like those ones who won't talk to their boyfriends about why they are mad instead they leave the poor boy to figure it out. Then when you tell them to at least tell him and then let him stew over it they look at you like you are stupid. I feel like telling them they are not in a Taylor Swift song." I blurt all this out in hopes that teasing my gender will lighten up the mood.

It worked. He laughs heartily.

"Well you can understand why they would want their boyfriends to figure out that he treated her badly. Like if my boyfriend called me a mean name or cheated on me I would also make him figure out what he did wrong. But if he didn't notice I was wearing a new pair of shoes. Well it would be stupid to not talk to him over that. It would just be a waste of time. Time that we could spend doing something fun together." I say feeling the need to elaborate that in some cases the silent treatment was necessary.

" You have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"That's the best joke you've made all evening." I laugh out.

"So you don't?"

"No I don't"

"I was about to give my condolences to the poor guy"

"Well when you meet him give mine to him as well."

"Naw. You'd be an amazing girlfriend. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You are smart, beautiful and amazing company."

I was shocked. Where did that come from?

"Thanks for the comment. But I am neither of those things," it's the only reply I can come up with that at least makes me appear polite.

"You are."

"Sure. And I think we just proved that you need glasses."

He laughs merrily. By spending the past three hours with him I realised that Seth's laughter is contagious. When he laughs he makes everyone around him want to laugh as well. It's just the type of person he is.

"You don't have to make fun of me. It wasn't meant to be funny. I take eyesight very seriously." I fake being upset, "I mean I was wearing nerd glasses before they came in just so that I had exra lense in case I needed it."

Obviously I am a better comedian than I thought.

That is until I realise Seth thinks I am actually upset. I can't wait to hear his response. I am going to hold the fact that I got one over on him in Math. He will be my slave or I will tell everybody. Mwahahaha

"No, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at how different you are from other girls. I think it's amazing. You joke around, tease yourself and actually eat rather than just peck on something low fat." He looks embarrassed as he says it and that makes me feel weird.

Right- I am never bringing up the fact that I was joking again. It would just be too awkward after that session of emotional release. This boy needs to stop ruining the atmosphere with his deep, sensitive comments.

" Wow. Did the bid bad Seth just pay me a compliment. Or was it a complaint over how much I eat. It was just a large popcorn and M&M's." I tease him lightly hoping he doesn't make everything awkward and serious again.

I can't keep coming up with these embarrassingly horrendous jokes to ease up the atmosphere all the way to the car park. I'm just human. Occasionally I run out of bad jokes and cheesy, dry humour.

"Yes I did. Here's another. And I hope you consider it a compliment. Will you go out with me Friday night? "


Author's Note


OK. Sorry for the late upload. Internet and personal problems but i am better now and the internet has stopped being stupid. WE GOOD TO GO!!!

This is 9 pages on word so it is officially the longest chaoter i have ever written. I have written the next chaoter but it need major editing as it has good points and bad points. So for now this shall end with a cliff hanger.

insert evil laugh here.

I write because it is an escape for me and the fact that this little adventure of mine has gotten 201 reads is beyond words for me coz i honestly thought no one wold read and i am just so happy that people do read. I am gonna stop babbling soon- I promise

Please, please, please, please COMMENT, VOTE AND FOLLOW. Whilst i don't write for these things they do help to motivate me on my down days. And they make me want to write even more.


P.s. this may or may not have been written whilst I was I the state of semi-sleep. That's all

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