Our Wildhearts (James McVey...

By Ola_Finbola

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I'm Delilah I used to live in a small town in Saddleworth before my dad made me move to London. London wasn't... More

Across The Way
The Boys
Skype Call
In The City
Texts, Facebook & Twitter
First Introductions
Small Gig?
Xbox 360
The Morning After
You Too
He's My...Friend
His Confession
The Triangle
Leaving Me
You, Me At Six
Just The Two Of Us
Memories Over a Picnic
It's the Little Things that Count
Just Another Saturday
Back Here
How Could You?
Home Isn't So Sweet.
The Journey Back
What Happened?
Bon Appetite
What's Up?
James' Recovery
It's All About Trilly
Madley Brilly
Back Alley
Don't...Just Don't.
Different & The Same
Crowd Craze
Drinking Games
Last Night.
Nothing Happened!
Just a Train Ride Away
Let's Shop
They Don't Know
Secrets About The Past
Don't Leave Me

Can We Dance?

637 9 8
By Ola_Finbola

Delilah's P.O.V

Me, James and Connor were all sat on one couch just witnessing love fill the air. Tristan was staring at Tilly like she was a goddess and Brad was gawping at Milly like she was Beyoncé (she's got legs like Beyoncé)!

Connor suddenly burst out laughing, which caused me and James to laugh. Tilly and Milly tried really hard not to laugh but couldn't help themselves which left Tristan and Brad staring at each other with a scared look on their faces.

"What's so funny?" Brad asked unsure on what to do and how to react.

"I don't know!" Milly replied laughing her head off.

"Why are you laughing then?" Tristan asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't know!" Tilly shouted before she started laughing even more.

We spent about 5 minutes just laughing at how obvious Tristan and Brad had made their feelings for Tilly and Milly. The thing that made it funnier was the fact that the four of them didn't have a clue why we were laugh so much.

Once we had finally stopped Tristan and Brad offered to do a dance for us and being the gentlemen that they are they let us girls pick!

"You're going to regret letting us pick y'know!" I said as Tilly and Milly giggled at our choice for them.

"Well, it's a price I'm willing to play to make you all laugh!" Tristan replied pointing at us all.

Tilly put Just Dance 3 in and selected Beautiful Liars by Beyoncé and Shakira. Brad and Tristan laughed before starting. Brad decided that he was going to be Beyoncé and Tristan was Shakira.

"You guys ready to witness this fitness?" Tristan said pulling up his top revealing his stomach whilst he pulled a pouty face. Everyone laughed and the boys started dancing.

Throughout the song everyone laughed but they did get a pretty good score...

"Is there something you guys aren't telling us?" Connor asked them.

"What do you mean?" An out of breath Brad asked confused.

"Are you secretly Shakira and Beyoncé or something?" Connor asked causing a roaring laughter to fill the room.

After finishing laughing James and Connor got up on the dance floor but again allowed us girls to choose for them. I picked this time and I chose Lollipop by Mika which entertained the group. I then managed to miss my turn and it moved onto Tilly's turn but Tristan offered to dance with her instead of Milly.

The two danced to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on Just Dance 2 and they both thoroughly enjoyed it, laughing and bumping into each other.

Milly and Brad got up next and danced to S.O.S Rihanna, again making everyone laugh so hard they got stitches.

Connor was about to get up until he realised...

"Wait just one minute! Our little friend Delilah here hasn't done a dance yet!"

The smirk that kept on his face scared me a little.

"Okay, sorry, I'll dance." I said getting up off the couch.

"James is going to dance with you and you're going to dance to...Pump It!" He said grinning even more.

I didn't mind dancing and I didn't mind the song it was the mere fact that I was dancing with James. Unlike Milly and Tilly I'm not confident around the boys I happen to fancy.

The music started and James turned to me smiling to reassure me that everything is fine no matter what happens.

"Can we dance?" James asked and I laughed a little as he quoted his song title. He held his hand out and I took it as he led me to the dance floor.

We started dancing and I knew this one so I laughed when James messed up. There were points when I couldn't dance because I was laughing so much.

It was nearly the end of the dance and I was winning. I kept going and...

"I WON!"

"Aww! No fair you know this dance!" He said walking over to me.

"Let's just face it James I'm better than you are!"

"Oh yeah..."


When I said this James lifted me up slinging me over his shoulder. The others laughed at us behaving like two year olds.

James spun around and then ran over to my bedroom where he put me down on the bed.

"You better be ticklish!" he said with a mischievous smile dancing across his lips.

"James, James don't!" I said to him knowing what was next.

He started tickling me all over and I was squirming around like I had ants in my pants.

"James, please...haha...please stop!" I yelled through my laughter.

James stopped and he sat next to me on the bed. I sat up and looked in his sapphire blue eyes. James looked back at me before I looked away breaking eye contact.

"So, who's the better dancer?" he asked reminding me why he was tickling me before.

"It's still me!" I said back cheekily.

"I guess I'll have to tickle you more!"

James leant towards me going to tickle me before I grabbed my pillow and smacked him in the side of his stomach.

I ran through into the lounge where everyone was talking. They all looked at me as James came hurtling down the corridor with another pillow.

I made sure I kept my eyes on him so he wouldn't be able to surprise attack me until I was grabbed from behind and pinned to the wall.

"What the hell!" I shouted whilst James laughed and climbed over the couch, walking towards me.

"This is payback!" James said to me grinning at me as I tried to escape from Tristan and Connor's firm grip.

I looked to Milly and Tilly for help but they were already stood behind James pillows raised. They hit James in either side and he leant forwards as if he was winded. I was released by Connor and Tristan and I walked over to James.

"Are you alright?" I asked genuinely concerned that he was hurt.

I went to lean down to look him in the eye but before I knew it he whacked me on my back.

"Right, that's it!" I said running after the fleeing James.

Everyone joined in the pillow fight and we were running all over the place, pillows flying every where. We all had fun and nobody got hurt during the process.

Once we ha finished we slumped back on the couch, out of breath.

"Well that escalated quickly!" Tilly exclaimed letting a little laugh escape.

"I know but it was fun!" Tristan agreed still a little out of breath.

"Shall we order some Chinese?" I asked knowing that after that epic pillow fight the boys would be famished.

"Aww, man that sounds great!" Connor replied excitedly putting his hand in his stomach.

Everyone laughed at him. Then I collected on everyone's order and rang the Chinese.

"They said it would be about 45 minutes." I said to everyone whilst walking back into the lounge.

"What shall we do in the mean time?" Milly asked already sounding board.

Nobody could think of anything to do until I came up with one idea.

"How about innuendo bingo?" I asked smiling to myself.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Milly had a huge grin on her face.

"But can I get changed first?" Tilly asked as she had a white top on.

"Yeah me too?" Milly asked realising she too had a pale top that when wet went see through.

I nodded before turning to the boys and asking them to set up the waterproof may and chairs.

They agreed and us girls went into my room shutting the door behind us. We all put on a black top of some sort.

We walked back into the lounge where the boys had set up the waterproof mat and two chairs also covered with waterproof material.

"Who's going first?" I asked and everyone pointed to each other. "Okay...any volunteers?"

"I volunteer as tribute!" James blurted out as a force of habit after reading The Hunger Games the other day.

"Great! Who do you want to go against?" I asked realising that he was going to pick me.


"Okay then..."

We sat down on the chairs which were facing each other. We both filled our mouths with water and braced ourselves for the phrase.

"A girl asks a boy 'what shall we talk about about?' The boy replies 'I dunno why don't you sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thin that pops up?'" Tristan says to us giggling himself.

I couldn't hold it in and neither could James. We both burst out laughing, soaking the other person with the water from our mouths. Everyone else laughed even more at the sight if me and James dripping with water.

"That was hilarious!" James said wiping the water from his face.

"I know right!" I said still laughing.

We carried on playing innuendo bingo and everyone had a turn. The Chinese arrived and I had to answer the door dripping wet. The man gave me the dirtiest look and I just laughed after shutting the door.

We are our food on the waterproof mat and when we finished it the boys went home with full stomachs. Me, Milly and Tilly went and got changed before crashing on my bed.

"You and James are so cute together!" Tilly said looking at Milly for confirmation.

"Yeah I agree! If he doesn't ask you out I'll slap him silly!" Milly said in her threatening voice which wasn't threatening to me at all.

"Haha well I don't think he will! I bet he thinks of me as one of the guys..." I said getting upset at the thought of having to pretend I didn't like him.

"He doesn't even the way he looks at you let alone the touchy feely-ness!" Tilly said shocked at my thought.

We talked for hours about me and James, Tilly and Tristan and Milly and Brad. We all were a tad upset felling like they didn't feel the same about us.

We all went to sleep and yet again I ended up thinking about James half the night. I hope he does feel the same, my life would be complete if he did!


Again I feel sorry for Connor but no worries we'll get him a girl! Delilah and James need a ship name I've decided! Comment one pleasee?!

Thanks Fin! <3

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