For Only You: A Grayson Dolan...

By lil_ole_me17

75K 1.5K 151

"The tears don't stop coming, but I can't feel them come out anymore. I want to run, to leave this place, to... More

Alise POV
Grayson POV
Alise POV
Grayson POV
First Encounter
Stupid. Stupid.
He's Done
One More
The Line
Meet-and-Greet Goals?
Corn and Beans
Please No
Day Off
Back to the Grind
Shattered Hearts
Annaliese's House
Annaliese's Village
A View
Back to The Village
The Goodbyes
School: Take Two
Going Away
Bonus Video
No Annaliese
No Grayson
The Day Before
Two Dates?
Clicks and Some Food
...Don't be Alone
Oh No
Back Again
Going Back
Bye - Bye
Day after Day
The Phone Call
Bonus POV
My Hero
One Voice
Idiot: Take Two
The Plan
The Condo
Snowed In
Back On The Road
Round Trip
The Week
Surprise: Times Two
A Talk
Annaliese's Debut
No More
The Intersection
The Shot Heard Round The Hospital
The Voicemail
Happy, Happy, Happy
A Good Night
Waking Up
Epilogue 2

The Big Day

752 17 4
By lil_ole_me17

Grayson's POV
7 am and Ethan and I have said our goodbyes to our parents and we're on our plane, riding to Chicago. Hopefully, the news of where we're going right now hasn't gotten out, so we don't walk into an airport of screams. I love my fans, there's no doubt about that, but I've been really anxious about today and I can't have people screaming at me. Later tonight, I can handle, but just not before Ethan and I pull this off.
Annaliese has pictures at 4:30 with her group at a park place. Where Ethan and I will show up to and surprise her. I can't wait to see her face. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I am. We won't be in normal clothes. I will be in a suit, and she'll be in an awesome dress. And I don't know what I'll do when I see her. God, I just hope I don't act stupid... well more stupid than normal.

Annaliese's POV
I wake up to light hitting my face and the bad urge to have to pee. I hate when that's the reason I wake up. Like, could you not wait a little longer so I could sleep? I look at the clock. It's only 8:15. Ugh. Ethan and Grayson said they wouldn't be leaving until like two, so I won't be able to talk to them and keep them busy while they're on the plane. I apologized and then they... they like giggled. I've never heard them... giggle. It was weird. They were like teenage girls. But I was up and maybe they would be too? So, I text Grayson, because he normally always responds pretty fast.
You up? Wanna talk?
I wait ten minutes before I text Ethan.
Are you guys up yet?
Neither one of them replied. That's definitely not like them. They usually at least tell me if they're busy then. And like they read my mind they both text me back.
E: Sorry, we're dealing with some stuff.
Gray: Sorry, I didn't see that. Yeah, can't talk, maybe later? E and I are taking care of stuff.
I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to, since this is their last time with their family, but when they say they're "dealing with things" it kind of gets me nervous.
'I wonder if any thing is wrong and they just don't want to tell me cause it will ruin my day.' I think, nervous at what it could be. But then, they wouldn't keep something really bad from me, so it can't be that serious.

Grayson's POV
I don't like lying to her.
"Can't I just say that we've already left?" I ask Ethan.
"No. It will literally ruin the whole surprise," he scolds me. I stick my tongue out at him. He does it back.
"Stand up straight please," Sandra tells us both.
"Sorry," Ethan and I both say. Luckily, people know us and they're willing to let us borrow a couple of suits for the day. Sandra is helping us out. We found out that Annaliese's dress was a baby blue color, so I'm wearing a darker gray suit, with a baby blue tie and Ethan's wearing a black suit with a baby blue vest and tie. We didn't want to wear the same colored suit, even though we knew plenty of people would, we decided not to.
"Ouch!" Ethan grunts. I look down at Sandra who shrugs, "you were moving," and I laugh. Ethan gives me a death glare, so I get in a couple more chuckles before I stop. My phone dings again at the other end of the rooms and someone grabs it for me. It's a text from Annaliese.
Is everything alright? You would tell me if it wasn't right?
And another ding.
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I just hope that you feel comfortable enough to tell me if something was wrong.
I show it to Ethan and we both look at each other with guilt in our eyes.
"I really hate having to lie to her," I tell him.
"Me too," he sighs.
"It's worse that she's checking if everything's okay. She's making sure we're alright and I just wish I could TELL HER," I finish, frustrated.
"This girl must be someone special for you two to do all this work for her," Sandra breathes. I can't help but smile. "I would like to meet the girl that has made the Dolan Twins go truly soft," she says, winking. I'm excited to see her. Really excited. Sandra finishes up our suits and we go to take them off.
"Sandra's right," Ethan says as we walk back to change. "She is truly one of a kind." I look over to see him smile. He didn't try to hide it, that means she really has grown on him and they're getting closer. In a matter of hours, we'll be with her again. I couldn't be more ready.

Annaliese's POV
Someone wonderful enough to help me out came over about half an hour ago to help me get ready. My hair was actually almost done and I was ready to get my makeup over with. Joanna helped me out and was surprised that I didn't do my own hair, because I'm pretty skilled at it, but I can't make my own hair look as good as I can other peoples, plus it's always nice to have someone do my hair for me.
"So, who's your date?" She asked, getting all girly. I sighed slightly.
"I don't have one," I reply as good as I can get to my "I'm totally fine with being alone" voice. Her face drops slightly. She's disappointed. Of course.
"My boyfriend and I just recently broke up and I think everyone was just too scared to ask me then," I explain.
"Oh!" Her face fills again. "That's alright!" And then it gets serious, "I'm sorry about your boyfriend."
"It's okay. It was really bad when it first happened, but I met some really great people that helped me through it and now I'm almost all the way better," I say, happy I could tell the truth. I smile down at my lap, thinking about the two amazingly adorable goofballs that got me through it. I remember I haven't seen them in a while and it drops my mood a little. I don't think about that, but how awesome they are and soon enough, I'm ready. I turn around to see the full effect, but I quickly go put on my dress, to get the whole look. I walk back into my bathroom and have to stop. 'If Colin didn't want me, then too bad. I'm me and that's all I could ever be,' I think. I look in the mirror and almost don't completely recognize myself.
My dress is baby blue, goes to an inch above my knee, has one strap full of jewels and the other doesn't exist and is slightly ruffled. The color of the dress makes my eye color pop, making my lashes and eyeliner pop with it, along with the slight glittering of my eyelids. My hair is curled, but my crown is pulled back into a braided crown, with smaller curls flowing from it. I smile at myself. Even though I just did this for my friends, pictures and dinner, I'm still proud of how I turned out. I thank Joanna and turn to go upstairs to meet my friends.
'This Homecoming is gonna be different, 'I think as I get into the car to meet my group.

I'm sorry I actually didn't do the whole them meeting together yet, but IT'S COMING VERY SOON!! How do you think Ethan and Grayson are going to pull off the whole dance part? They also have a tour... it's not like they can blend in...

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