
pretendedtobeokay द्वारा

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To be or not to be; That's a question. Be yourself. अधिक

Sequel 2


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pretendedtobeokay द्वारा

Since I met you, I no longer feel normal.

Date: 15 August 2017

Place: USA


I was tapping my index finger on my lips while furrowing my brows.

"How long are you going to stare at it now?"

Kelly has her hands clasped behind her back, bending down on my right to look at the beautiful cakes in the display as she asked.

"You had been staring for more than 5 minutes already." Hai Tian said as he's on my left, bending down as well.

Eeeeee, I wanted to eat a cake but I don't know which to choose. There are too many of it.

I turn around to look when I heard a finger snap as Yi Fan eyed the two plates of cake in his hand, "Chocolate or strawberry? Choose one." I stand up straight on my back and pouted, "I was thinking about blueberry cheese cake."

"Ah," He gave me a nod and handed both cakes to Kelly which she went confused.

He went to the counter, speaking English which is too fast for me to get what he's saying.

"Blueberry cheese cake and tiramisu cake. You just choose one and we eat the rest." I cupped my chin with both of my hands and looked at the cakes after we found a seat and sat down. Yi Fan is sitting beside me.

"Is it that hard to pick? Is just a cake!" Kelly groaned at me when I stare at it again.

I dropped my hands on my lap and pout again, "Blueberry cheese cake it is." At the end Yi Fan just put the cake in front of me.

You knew I'm coming here for a competition and yes, Yi Fan literally ditched his work and come with me because he thinks two weeks is enough to send him to hell.

Well, for Kelly and Hai Tian; Li jie ge wanted them to follow just in case anything happen here. You know, the killer thing. Hard to say if they would follow me until here. USA. Plus, is legal to carry a gun here as long as you have the paper of approval. But I don't think they will. Nothing happened when I went to Korea.

"You are still wearing this." I mumbled with the cake in my mouth as I hold the metal tag that was showing from Yi Fan's neck.

Weird; I ask him where did he get that when we are still in China and he says is from the sponsor for a photo shoot, he forgotten to take it out. I thought he would return it to them because with Yi Fan's sense of fashion, he won't choose to wear something so simple like this.

"They just ask me to take it when I want to return. So I didn't take it out." He said as he keep it under his shirt after I let go of it.

Still, weird.

But I decided to shrug it off, "Hands off!" I giggle as Kelly groaned in annoyed when I steal a spoon of her strawberry cake, "You don't steal!" She smacked my head and I immediately winced while pouting, "I didn't. You saw it mah." I rubbed my head as the boys chuckle.

"You can just eat mine. I'm not fancy with tiramisu." Hai Tian pushed his cake to me which was remain untouched, "Thank you!" I cooed as I smile and he smiles back.

"You are going to be fat." Kelly snorted and annoyingly shoved a spoon of strawberry cake into her mouth, "I don't mind." I chirped and start eating the tiramisu cake after I finish the blueberry cheese cake.

"What time is your competition tomorrow?" Kelly asked when we are walking around to street as I look up to think for awhile, "It starts at 10am." I said and she nodded.

We actually came two days before the competition. One day was spent on the plane and today, we relax ourselves.

"You don't simply ask things." Yi Fan poked me on my forehead when I'm about to ask what was being written on the display as we are walking pass a clothing shop, "I won't." I pouted while blushing; I know. I remember how stupid I was to ask about a condom in Los Angeles.

English beat me. I can only understand a bit now.

"That means summer clearance sales, darling." Kelly explained and winked at me; great, they all know English. Only me who can't read and understand as much as they did.

"Your knife is too obvious." I whined at Hai Tian when I constantly have something blinding my eyes due to the sun. His knife is creeping out from his boots.

Hello, they are killers. I understand that and you need to try to understand them too.

"So my gun isn't obvious?" Kelly said while shoving her butt to me and pull up her tank top a little; her gun was hanging on her waistband like a shining star okay?

I rolled my eyes and annoyingly pushed her on her back as she giggle, swinging her butt as she walks.

Aish, this girl.

"Sorry." Hai Tian muttered before bending down to adjust the edge of his pants to cover it better.

"Can they actually bring guns like this?" Yi Fan ask while whispering which I gave him a shrug; I don't really know either.

"We can, handsome." Kelly said while blowing a kiss to Yi Fan as he awkwardly stared at me instead, "Kelly, stop that." Hai Tian just pushed her head as she yanked forward because of the force, "Hai Tian!" She groaned and he just pulled her with him which she stomped as she walks.

"You are blushing." I pointed at his nose and pout; why the hell is he blushing? His cheeks flushed in red now!

He squeezed my hand that he was holding lightly, "I'm just nervous." He said and I stared at him with doubt; nervous? Nervous but blushing?

Okay lah, I know Kelly is sexy as hell because she does look that pretty and always wear really low cut shirts and hot pants but then again, my boyfriend shouldn't be affected by that!

"You don't blush because of her." I frowned, "No, I don't." Heck, then?

He look away from me now as he took in a breath; he knows I'm asking for an explanation with my eyes, "I just suddenly remember the night when you." He muttered in a tiny voice which I wish that I didn't hear him but heck, I did.

Heat creep up my face as I bite my lips, hard.

God damnit, why did I ask?

I hit my head lightly, "Guys, come on!" Hai Tian yelled as he waved at us, "Let's go." I whined and pulled him which he follows silently.

"Diamond!" That girl got crazy again as she exclaimed excitedly while looking at the diamond rings on the display, "We are not coming here for a vacation, Kelly! Please remember that!" Hai Tian annoyingly pulled her back on her collar when she's about to run into the shop, "Let me get one for my collection!" She whined while pouting and I slapped my face in ashamed; seriously, I'm ashamed with her act now. People are looking at her weirdly.

"Next time." Hai Tian just locked her in his arm around her neck and drag her away, "Not a good option to bring her." See, even Yi Fan said that, "Xiao Ni jie is a lot better." Or Wu pei jie. They are more mature than that girl.

"Where should we go now?" Yi Fan asked when we are just slowly walking behind that two killer who are currently arguing about something now.

They look like a couple to be honest.

"Don't know." I shrugged "Wait," I muttered when an accessory shop caught my eye as we pass by; I pulled him lightly as I enter.

"Fake diamond." Kelly said while pouting as she walks around in bored, "Why are you looking at these?" She asked and I simply checked out the necklace with some rings. Ear piece as well.

"Xiao Rong is having a performance. I want to buy her some so she can use it." I said while letting go of Yi Fan's hand and start picking; Xiao Rong has a dance performance soon, she once told me that she don't have the necessary clothing and accessories. I said I'll handle it.

I mean, she's one of the kids in the orphanage. 15 this year.

"Hui Xin, let's go." I haven't done picking it as Hai Tian suddenly stopped me from picking, "Hmm? Why?" I furrowed my brows but I notice that he's looking at a direction behind me in cautious, "We will come back if we have time." Even Kelly became cautious too as she make me drop the stuff, getting us out from the shop.

"Walk in front of us." Hai Tian said in a low tone as he gently pushed me and Yi Fan, "Don't look." Kelly said as she shoot me a stare when I'm about to see what's going on.

Hai Tain shook his head at me as well.

I instantly know why; someone is following us.

"When I said run, you run with her, you understand?" Hai Tian said to Yi Fan which he gulped while nodding.

He hold my hand again, "Take in a deep breath." I whispered to him and he did what I said.

I took the chance to sneak a glance of what's the situation behind us; I can't help but tightened my hold on Yi Fan's hand.

Not someone is following; is a bunch of guys who are wearing black leather jacket, they are following us.

White guys and Chinese.

"Stop there!" The moment I heard that yell, people around us start screaming, "RUN! NOW!" Hai Tian yelled and I run but Yi Fan stunned, "Fan!" I pulled him in urged, "FAN!" I slapped his face lightly as he saw them pulling out guns; that's why he stunned, "RUN!" I yelled and that's when he picked up his heels and run with me.

"Kelly!" I yelled when I heard a few gun shots and look back, "DON'T LOOK BACK! GO!" She yelled back at me as she shot a white guy on his shoulder.

Really, shits really happen.

I can't believe they chase me until here. They really did.

"Ah!" Yi Fan accidentally tripped over something and scratched his knees, "Are you okay?" I quickly checked him and he nodded before we start running again.

The gun shots were so loud from where we are. It was so loud that I feel like it's shooting through my body.

Every shot makes my heart skip a beat. Not in a good way.

"They are here!" Something yelled in English and we both turn around, saw some white guy manage to chased us, "Shit," I'm panic but Yi Fan is more panic than me which he look at them in fear as we are stuck in the alley.

"You hand us the contract, we let you go." The white guy said when we are stepping backwards slowly as he raised his gun up, not pointing at us.

"What did he say?" I breathe in to calm myself, "C-Contract. The contract." Yi Fan muttered in a shaky tone when our back hit the cold wall; damn it, dead end.

My eyes scanned around to see if we have any way out without fighting three white guy, "Can you understand what I said? I need the contract." He spoke in an annoyed tone now when my eyes spotted a door; it's painted as black as the wall which is hard to notice.

"You say I don't have the contract now." I muttered to Yi Fan and nudged him to walk a little; I need to check if the door is lock, "W-What?" He look at me with wide eyes, "Tell him, I don't have it with me now." He swallow a little before facing him and tell him what I said.

My hand was behind my back as I blindly search for the knob, our body is blocking it so they couldn't see.

I twisted it when I found it; it can be unlock, "He said don't lie." Yi Fan look at me again; his lips tremble as he says, "The door is not lock. You hide behind the door later, understand?" I whispered that and he look at me in disbelief, "What?"

"Door, you hide later, understand?" His hand which I was holding was behind us as well; I placed his hand on the doorknob, "Y-You?" He finally get what I mean, "I'll come after you." I said while letting go of his hand and pulled my gaze away from him, looking at the white guy, "So? You have it with you, aren't you?" He continue to ask as I was mentally calculating the distance between me and this three white guys in front of me.

The other two doesn't have guns but knife. Only the talking one has a gun.

I touched my back pocket; I was actually hiding a pocket knife, Hai Tian forced me to bring it this morning when I don't want to. I'm glad that he did now because is too far to get the gun and dismantle it even if I want.

"X-Xin," Yi Fan sputtered, "I said go, you go." My eyes never remove from the white guy, "B-But," I turned around to kiss his lips lightly, "Trust me. I'll come after you." He finally nodded and I let go of his face as I took out the pocket knife; flickering it open.

"Go." I said once I look back at the white guy and he quickly open the door, sliding in, "HEY!" They notice it as now I threw the knife at the one who are having a gun as he fire and I dodged; the knife stabbed right at his arm and he dropped the gun while groaning in pain.

I ran as fast as I could towards the nearest guy to me and jump to climb up his shoulder, bringing him down by twisting him around with my legs and he fall on the ground. I snatched his knife and make a cut on his neck near his throat; he would die but not so fast.

One, down.

I threw the knife in my hand towards the second one who now got the gun that was on the floor, pulling the trigger as the knife sank into his chest perfectly.

I sprint to get the gun before it fall on the ground and kicked the last guy on his feet; he fall backwards as I pointed the gun at the one who still has a knife in his hand.

He immediately raised his hands and I wasted no time to get his knife, slicing him on his neck near his throat; I have to do it. Or else they will chase us until there's no tomorrow.

"D-Don't kill me." The one who had been talking to me; he said in a shaky tone when I pointed the gun at his forehead while looking at him, "Scare?" I muttered an English word, "They pay us! I just want to get the contract! I never want to kill you!" He sounds like he's explaining, "I don't care anymore." I said that in Chinese and stabbed the knife into his shoulder which makes him having two knife on him.

He screamed in pain and I pulled out my pocket knife from him, wiping the blood away from his shirt before leaving, back to the door where Yi Fan was hiding.

"Hold this." I handed Yi Fan the gun and he stares at it, "Wu Yi Fan, hold it." I said through my gritted teeth; he look up at me, "You better don't get yourself killed." I said while stuffing it into his hand; I checked, real gun with 5 bullets. A gun that can save him 5 times.

I walk away; we are now in someone's house but it's empty. No one is here.

I checked the situation from the window; it's silent now.

"W-What are you doing?" He asked when I went to find a bandages; his knees are bleeding.

He hissed when I poured the water to clean his wound and wipe it dry with the towel I get; luckily they have the first aid kit box here so I have the medicine for his wound before I wrap it with the bandage.

"Did you face such a situation before?" He suddenly ask when I'm almost done as I tie a knot, "Yes." I quietly said, "Where?" I stand up now and went to wash my hands, "Chongqing, China." I muttered.

"Tibet." I continue as I went to check any way out, "GuangZhou." I heard his footstep behind me, "The reason why horror movie never scares me," I pulled out what seems like a waist holder from the closet here as I checked the thickness; at least it can block the bullet a little and reduce the impact slightly. Better than nothing.

"Nothing can be scarier than losing your life." I end my sentence as I lifted his shirt up, wrapping the waist holder around his waist, "Skulls. I have seen dead people in front of my eyes. Nothing can be scarier than that."

He stares at me without a word as I pulled his shirt down after I'm done, "But I have my biggest fear now. Bigger than losing my own life." I said while taking my time to remember how he looks at me at this moment, "Is you, Wu Yi Fan." I muttered.

His eyes wavered at this moment.

"So do it for me, keep yourself safe. You use that gun properly if anything happens." I make him hold the gun as I put it on my forehead, "You shot here," I move it down to my throat after that, "Here," then down towards where the heart is, "And here." He pulled the gun away from me immediately, "You understand?" I look up at him, found a tear rolling down his cheeks, "You understand a not? Answer me." I said and stare, "Xin," He pulled me into a hug after that; the sour feeling is rushing out from my throat which I have the urge to cry too.

"I-I understand." He muttered and hugged me tightly which I look up to stop my tears.

"You need to know what is happening now is like what you saw in those action movie. Like your movie. But movie isn't real, this is real. You dodge when people shot, you run when we say run. Okay?" I pulled away to wipe his tears and he nodded but I immediately grabbed his hand when someone is banging on the door really hard, "They are here! Is lock!" I quickly pulled Yi Fan with me; I look through the holes from the front door, no one.

I open the door a little but quickly slammed it shut and lock it again when I saw black; their leather jacket.

"Help me." He helped me to push the sofa to block both doors as they kept banging on it, yelling.

"We need to jump." I said and pulled the window open, window is what seems like the only option we have now, "J-Jump?" He muttered in shock as he look out from the window, "Two floors, not too high. You won't die." I said and start climbing up the window, "When you almost reach the ground, roll over on your back so you won't get hurt." I said and he look at me in fear, "Yi Fan, you can do this, okay?" I reached out to touch his face and he nodded hesitantly, "Is like a back flip. Just do it the other way round. Roll forward on your back." He nodded and the door is almost open as the sofa got jerked backwards due to the force, "Now!" I yelled and pushed him to jump first when they manage to bang the door open totally.

I follow behind him as I jump out from the window, rolling on my back as I reach the ground; kneeling on one knee.

I pulled Yi Fan quickly when he's struggling to get up, "Let's go!" I urged him and we start running; I kept looking at my back as I saw them jumping too. Damn, professionals.

Coward won't jump; but someone who has the skills dare to.

They hire a professional this time.

"Stop running or I'll shot!" I heard them shouting; but I didn't bother.

A loud gun shot was heard; people on the street screamed and I quickly pulled Yi Fan into what seems like a restaurant.

I pulled to check his back; nothing. They must have shot up the sky instead, killing innocent birds.

"Hui Xin!" I heard someone calling me as I got out from the table; we were hiding under the table.

"Thank god." Kelly pulled me into her arms and I hugged her back in relief, "You okay?" Hai Tian ask us and we nodded as Kelly let go of me, "Now listen to me," She hold my face as she says, "There are total 15 guys. 10 white and 5 we assume Chinese. 8 of the white are shits, 2 and the 5 aren't. They can do what we do." She tells me, "You knocked down 3 shits, right?" I nodded, "We knocked down 8 shits and 2 pros, left with the 5. 4 Chinese 1 white." I hope you guys can understand the way she says it. I can.

"Each of them have a gun and a knife. Short knife." Hai Tian said now and she let go of my face, "You and Yi Fan try to run as far as you could but not the police station."

"Why not?" Yi Fan asked that in confused, "They could have backed up with the police so is a no. Never go to the police station. They can accuse her with something just to lock her up legally and it will be difficult to get her out. I'm sure you don't want that to happen." Yi Fan immediately went quiet.

"You find a place, you know how Hui Xin. Code. Call Li Jie. We will know where are you and we will come after we settle them." Hai Tian said as he stares at me firmly, "You remember the code, right?" I nodded while holding Yi Fan's hand again, "Now?" They both went to check for awhile as they came back, "Back door." We headed to the back door as we go through the kitchen without bothering the questioning look we get from the people in this restaurant.

"Where should we go?" He asked once we got out from the back door; I pressed him on his chest to lean closer against the wall to hide when people are running pass the alley.

"I'll find a place for us." I said after I confirmed that there's no one as I pulled him and we got out from the alley.

I looked around; stairs. Leader stairs. It looks a place where we can hide.

But no, I think we should run further away from this place now. At least two more blocks from here.

"Come." I said and he quickly follow me as I run down the street. He wasn't fast enough, I pulled him.

I need to keep him safe first, before I can go back to help Kelly and Hai Tian.

I went into a building which looks empty; it was dark but there's sunlight creeping in from the window as we run up the stairs so it's fine.

"See which isn't lock." I said and he nodded. We check the rooms in third floor; my side was all lock, "Hui Xin," he called when he clicked a door open and I went to him.

Clean and neat. Just nice.

It even looks like there's no one staying here but I found food in the fridge; there is. The person living here must be having mysophobia.

"No one, come in." I gesture Yi Fan to come in after I checked the bedroom as I locked the door after that.

"Eat some and drink water." I gave him a glass of water and the energy bar that I found in the cabinet.

I ate some too to regain my energy while looking for a phone.

I have my phone with me but they always tell me not to use it in a situation like this because they might be eavesdropping me. So I throw it away at the rubbish dump before we came here. Including Yi Fan's one. They could be tracking us down too.

Yi Fan was watching me when I make a call with the cellphone I found in the bedroom; Li jie ge picked up, "Hello?"

I tapped on the phone immediately; I'm not talking and yes, I'm just tapping it. And I know he can understand.

They taught me this, is called the Holmes code.

People who never learn it wouldn't know what is it but the people who did; they know I'm talking to them by just tapping on the phone. It has a rhythm; it has a sequence.

"Strawberry?" He's asking about Kelly; he did that name coding, is a lame name I know.

I tapped twice, "Sea?" Hai Tian; I repeated the same thing again, "Double?" He's referring to me and Yi Fan; same, I tapped twice.

"Call." Means he get it as he cut the call immediately.

I put the phone away, "Are we waiting here?" I took in a breath when he asked, "Yes, but only you." He immediately frowned when I start looking for something that can be a weapon; small and easy to carry. My pocket knife isn't enough.

"I'm going back to help them." He immediately pulled me on my arm to face him when I'm checking the cabinet that I haven't go through, "I don't wait here if you are not here." He stated through his gritted teeth and I pursed my lips, "You are." I shoved his arm away, "You wait here until Li jie ge's friend come and get you." I said and bend down to get.. A gun.

The owner of this house has a gun; hell yeah, I'm definitely lucky.

"Huang Hui Xin," He pressed the gun down from my hand when I was checking if there's any bullets, "I don't wait here without you." He's not happy with the fact that I'm leaving without him, "You are, Wu Yi Fan. You wait here." I stand firm on my ground as I say, "You don't get yourself out there in danger and I need to end up saving you. You don't bring trouble and stay here." I pointed at the ground; I don't mean it that way, but I need to be harsh. I need him to stay here.

"Hui Xin," I just grabbed him on his collar and drag him to the bedroom, opening the huge closet here; he can fit in by just bending. He can. He will be safe if he hide here.

"You don't come out unless you heard someone knocking like this," I shoved him into the closet as I said and knocked on the wooden door, showing him, "Twice. You remember it." I repeat again, "You remember it, Yi Fan." He's looking at me with tears in his eyes again, "You are a guy, you don't act like a girl." I pulled his gun out from his pocket and make him hold it.

"Focus. Anything not right, you shot." I bend down and hold his face, "Wu Yi Fan, you remember everything I said. Open the door when they knock twice. If not, shot and run when it's not right. You understand?" He swallow a lump on his throat, "You understand me? Say yes." I frowned while staring, "Y-Yes." I then pressed my lips on his for awhile before pulling away, "I love you, okay? So don't get yourself hurt." I said and stared at him for a few more moment before I let go of his face and slammed the closet door shut.

I took in a deep breath and leave the house as I locked it before closing the door.

I pecked out from the window as I ran in small steps down the stairs; good, no one.

I ran all the way back to where we came from; they will need my help, facing one professional is more than enough but 5? It isn't going to be easy.

And Kelly and Hai Tian is professional enough to knock down two of them.

I stopped on my feet when I saw them fighting; I hide behind the wall as I pecked out from the edge; gun, a gun was on the floor as Kelly kicked it away before the white guy could pick it up and she gave him a head lock.

They struggle; punching; kicking as I pulled my gun out, aiming at that white guy.

Kelly straddle her legs over him and gave him a hard punch on the jaws but he was fast enough to counter attack as he flip her over by slapping her across her head and I shot the moment he's up.

Bang, on the forehead. Perfect.

"Hui Xin!" She yelled when she notice that is me, "Behind!" She yelled again before I can go to her as someone pulled me back on my hair and I winced; fvck.

Judo; I ignore the pain on my head and pulled his arm, throwing the Chinese guy over as he let go of my hair.

I immediately climb up on him and shot him on his shoulder; he try to pick up the gun in his hand and I snatched it as I use the handle to knock his head before shooting another side of his shoulder.

He's badly wounded, he won't be able to get up either when I shot his legs after I stand away from him.

I'm really glad with the speed that I have; he will kill me if I'm not fast enough.

"Hai Tian, move!" I yelled at him while running across the road to them as I fire when he bend down and the bullet penetrate through the forehead of the Chinese guy he's fighting with.

That guy dropped on the ground lifelessly in seconds.

2 Chinese and 1 white, out.

Where the hell is the other two?

"Where's Yi Fan?" Hai Tian asked while wiping his mouth that was bleeding, "3 blocks from here. He's hiding." I said and Kelly annoyingly tying her hair up now, "Fvck, everyone is pulling my hair." Hai Tian laughed at her and she glared; me too though. Long hair does have the disadvantage when you are fighting. They tend to pull your hair.

"You didn't finish him." Kelly said when she notice the Chinese guy that I'm fighting just now is still breathing, "He can't move already. It doesn't matter. I have the gun and knife." I pulled out the gun and she took it, "Let's go. We will get Yi Fan now." Hai Tian said.

"No, there's two more." I frowned while pulling them back; there's two more guys which is not here.

"You didn't see them when you are coming here? They seems to be following you both. I thought you finish them." Shit; I immediately start running back to that house and they immediately follow behind me.

Damn it, I didn't see them. No one is on the way when I'm coming here!

"There," Kelly immediately pulled me into the alley as we pecked from the edge; 2 Chinese guys were looking around.

Hai Tian try to shot them down but damn it, I really want to curse at him when he failed, "Your skills is still like shit!" Kelly yelled him at annoyed as she pulled me down and hugged my head when those guys were firing at our direction, "I lost my contact lens just now!" He shouted through the loud gun shot as I can't help but hit him and he winced; damn him! He should tell that he can't see! I would definitely be able to shot both of them down without any problem!

"Dumb ass." Kelly said after the gun shot stopped as she release me while pulling out the gun I gave her just now, "You don't shot today or else I'm shooting you." She growled at him before snatching his gun and he raised his hands in surrender, "You go back there and stay with your boyfriend." I nodded before she dashed out from where we are hiding as she start firing at them.

We were observing, finding the right moment to run across; is the opposite side, not the side we are hiding now.

"Fvck, tell me that I'm blind." Hai Tian said that suddenly as he pulled me back on my shoulder and point at the opposite alley, "Tell me that's not Yi Fan but Kelly." I look over but my heart almost stop beating when I saw that face; that shirt; that metal tag that was shining due to the reflection from the sun.

One word; fvck.

"Is him." What the fvck, I told him not to come out until someone come and get him!

That idiot didn't listen!

He was shivering at the continuous gun shot coming from both Kelly and the Chinese guys she's facing.

The gun shot stopped when they were out of bullets; a throw, just a throw of the empty gun by Kelly towards him starts the fight as Hai Tian rushed out to help her when another one came.

I stand by here while staring at that idiot.

Really, he's the most idiot person I had ever seen in my life!

I said don't come out means don't follow me as well!

I immediately ran out from where I was hiding when one of them notice him, "Run, Yi Fan!" I yelled and shot at that guy's shoulder, "H-Hui Xin!" Gosh, I'm really annoyed with him when he actually came out from the alley, "RUN, IDIOT! FVCK YOU, RUN!!" He really make me curse a lot when he stunned while standing there as the chinese guy is going to him even if he's hurt!

I quickly tackle that guy back as I jump up to pull him, "RUN! NOW!" I yelled again before he grab my arm and shove me over his shoulder; I coughed in pain, damn it!

This guy is bigger than any guys that I fought before; his blood is gushing out without mercy but he looks like he can't feel the pain at all!

"Don't look, run!" I'm really gonna kill him if he's not running!

I punched that guy on his jaws and Kelly came to help as she tackle him down, "GO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO SAY NOW?!!" I yelled at him in annoyed as I get myself free from the fight after shooting that guy on his shoulder again and went to Yi Fan, "Go!" I slapped him to wake him up as I pushed him; he stumble, "Hui Xin, gun!!" I pushed him for one last time before running back to help Kelly as I threw her the guy and she fire him at his forehead. He's finally not moving.

"No, you don't shot!!" Me and Kelly yelled when Hai Tian got the gun from the guy he's fighting as he's trying to shot him but almost hit us, "Get out of the way!" He yelled at us, "YOU PUT THAT DAMN GUN DOWN!!" Kelly literally screamed when it almost hit me on his next shot and I fall on the ground because she pushed me; I scratched my arm badly aish.

I stand up again, "H-Hui Xin!" Gosh, idiot, this idiot!!

He is still here as he bend down to check my arm and I winced; again, blood.

"You both, get out from there now!" Suddenly Hai Tian yelled; should be me and Yi Fan right? Me and him.

I haven't even turned to look before Yi Fan block in front of me as he hugged me tight.

Bang; a bang that almost deafen me as Yi Fan oofed but hugged me tighter.

My whole body just froze. I can't move when he buried his face on my neck and I saw blood; I saw blood rushing out from his back. Where the heart is.

"Fvck!" Hai Tian cursed and few more gun shots was heard as Yi Fan breathe in shakily against my neck, "L-Luckily." He muttered before falling totally on his knees, "Y-Yi Fan!" I screamed while hugging him to steady him, "Wu Yi Fan! Fvck, no!" I cry out loud as I pressed him wound, in attempt to stop the bleeding, "No!" I sobbed as I feel my heart tearing inside me.

A part of me just die when he got that shot.

"D-Don't cry, okay..." He was whispering already as he hold my face gently and I hugged him closer, crying my heart out, "Don't c-cry..." Why is he so stupid?! Why?!

Why take that shot for me? Why the hell did he block!

I can't stop sobbing when he kissed me; I can't stop yelling his name when he gave me a smile. He still smile; damn he still smile when he's dying!

"N-No," I shake my head as I hold his face when he's about to close his eyes, "Look at me, F-Fan, look at me!" I yelled in panic when he closed his eyes and dropped his hand on his side.


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