The Walking Dead

By WillBrennan7

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Based off of the hit TV show, The Walking Dead follows a new group of survivors as they survive the zombie ap... More

The Walking Dead
Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 2
Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 9
Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 Episode 11
Season 2 Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 2
Season 3 Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 4
Season 3 Mid-Season Finale
Season 3 Episode 6
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Season 6 Trailer
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7x20 The Heartbreaking SEASON FINALE
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Fun Facts #1-5
Final 12 Trailer
New Finale Title
Fun Facts Part 2
Top 5 Anthony Speeches
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Season 2 Episode 1

359 3 8
By WillBrennan7

The Walking Dead

Season 2

Episode 1

Life As We Knew it

         The twigs broke as they ran through the forest. The girl looked back, searching for the walkers who growled in the night. “FASTER” shouted William as a walker came up. He stabbed it in the head as he and Carly turned to the right.

          The growls became fainter as they reached the middle of the woods. “There” said Carly, as she pointed at a cabin. William nodded and they ran to the cabin. They got inside, and heard growls. “Down” said William as he pushed Carly down.

             He looked around and saw five walkers looking around. “Hide in there” William told her and he pointed to an empty bathroom. “Okay” said Carly. “Be careful.” She crawled into the bathroom as a walker nearest to William fell. William had stabbed it in the head.

              The other four walkers heard the scuffle and approached. William opened the front door and the walkers walked to it. Before they left, another walkers emerged and growled at William. He jumped on top of it and stabbed its head, but the other walkers heard him.

                William jumped over the couch and shouted “COME AND GET ME.” The walkers started to come, and William threw his knife into one of their heads, but dropped it as one almost bit him. Now, he had absolutely no form of defense.

                  “STAY IN THERE” William shouted to Carly as he kicked one walker into a chair, which fell over. He then threw the other walker into a wall as the next walker jumped on top of him. William could smell its mouth as it opened it to bear their teeth. William then grabbed the walker’s arm and pulled as hard as he could.

                     Within seconds, its arm was off. William kicked the walker off of him, pulled out its arm bone, and stabbed its head with the bone. He then grabbed a vase, broke it, and killed the next walker. Then, he pulled off the arm of a chair and stabbed and killed the final walker.

                          Carly walked out of the bathroom and asked “Are you okay?” William panted, but nodded. He then stared into the mirror next to him and saw the blood covering most of his body. He sighed at the picture. “No bites?” asked Carly. He looked at her, shook his head, and said “No bites.”

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


The Anthony, Sam, And Gwen Story

                            The rotting smell of the man in front of them filled the jewelry store. Anthony Freed looked at his son, Sam, who was grossed out by the man. “It’ll be alright” Anthony told him, and Sam smiled. Then, quite suddenly, the walkers banged hard on the door and the bat started to crack.

                             The three ran to the door and held it back. “Okay guys” said Anthony. “You hide in the security office and cover me. I’ll stay here and shoot them from behind the cases.” “Are you sure?” asked Gwen. Anthony nodded as the bat broke. “RUN” he shouted. Sam and Gwen ran into the security office as Anthony jumped over the cases.

                              They shot the incoming walkers. Sam and Gwen were soon out of ammo, but Anthony shouted “KILL THEM. AHHHHHHHH.” He shot and shot, and the other two did not understand where this anger was coming from.

                                Soon, he was out of bullets. He grabbed two glass cases, threw them at the walkers, and some fell from their smashed brains. There were only three left, and Anthony jumped into them. He stabbed one, stomped on the other, and beat the thirds head in the door.

                                 “Dad” said Sam, running out and hugging him. “Are you okay?” “Yeah” said Anthony. “I’m fine. Just thought I should kill them all.” Then, they saw another horde emerging from another street. “There’s a back exit” said Gwen. The three ran out as the other walkers flooded in. Anthony looked back, and saw them devouring the handcuffed man. “I’m so sorry” he said and then followed the others out. The three continued running until they got out o Savannah and onto the main road. “Let’s set up camp over near that car” Anthony said, after two hours of walking.

                                     They walked over to the car and looked inside. There was nothing except a bag. Anthony opened the door, grabbed the bag, and looked inside. “Animal crackers, juice, water, chips, candy, and keys” he said as he showed them what was inside.

                                       Anthony immediately got firewood as the others set up camp. They placed the wood down and then set it on fire. They sat down and started eating the animal crackers. “This’ll be the only food we have for a few days” said Anthony. “Let’s not waste it. I’m talking to you mister” and he playfully pushed Sam who laughed. “One time” said Anthony. “This kid, right before dinner, ate a whole bag of potato chips and claimed that he didn’t. I knew he did, but I still let him have pizza.” Gwen chuckled as Sam turned red.

                                        Gwen then stopped as she saw the look on Anthony’s face. He was saddened by something. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Anthony looked at the two and said “That man back there reminded me of Rebecca. That’s why I killed all the walkers.” Sam then said “You never told me what happened.”

                                       “You never told me what happened when this thing started” said Gwen. “Well you guys never told me what you were up too” said Anthony. “Okay, I’ll tell my story first. Then, Sam, tell us what you’ve been up too. Then, Gwen tell us from the beginning.” They all agreed, and Anthony started to tell the story.

Five Months Earlier

                                           Anthony awoke to find his wife throwing up in the bathroom. He jumped up from bed and immediately helped her. “MOM” shouted Sam as he in. “Are you okay?” “Yes sweetie” said Rebecca. “I just had some morning sickness.” “Sam” said Anthony. “Go and have some cereal. We’ll be with you soon.” Sam nodded and walked out.

                                            “This might prove that you’re pregnant” said Anthony. “We’ve got to tell him.” “After the appointment” said Rebecca. “When we’re absolutely sure I am.” “Okay” said Anthony. “Just let me know if you feel like you’re a mommy.” “I already am” said Rebecca. “Yeah” said Anthony as he kissed her. “But, a mommy of two.” He then walked out to join Sam for breakfast.

                                                At noon, Anthony and Rebecca left Sam with Julia, her husband, and her child. They went to the doctor and discovered something. “You are pregnant” the Doctor told them. They hugged and, after a few minutes, left in happiness.

                                                  As they drove to Julia’s, they listened to one of their favorite songs, but it was interrupted. “This just in” said a reporter. “An outbreak of some sort has occurred in many hospitals. Some strange virus, which turned patients into cannibal like people. The city of Savannah urges everyone to get into their houses and lock their doors. This is not a drill.”

                                                   “Oh my god” said Anthony as he saw a nearby hospital with patients coming out and jumping onto people, biting off their flesh. Several police ran up and shot them. “Drive, Anthony, drive” said Rebecca as Anthony drove off.

                                                       They arrived at Julia’s house and saw many of the cannibal like people walking towards them. “GET IN THE HOUSE” shouted Julia’s husband as he helped them in. A swat van drove up and shot the people down and said “Is everyone okay?” They nodded and the swat team left.

                                                          The next day, they found out that the virus was spreading quickly. “You can turn into one of those things by being bitten or scratched” said the reporter. “Scientists and doctors are trying to discover what caused this.” Then, there was a bang and the reporter screamed. The T.V then went off. “That was the last broadcast” said Anthony. “We’re alone.” Then, there was a bang and the door fell down. The people ran in and immediately started eating Julia’s son. “NO” shouted her husband, but a person grabbed him and he got bit. “RUN” shouted Anthony as he broke opened a window. They all jumped out, ran to the car, and got away.

                                                              A week later, they had discovered that the outbreak had happened everywhere. They also discovered that they had to survive themselves. Many had been killed and were reanimated into the “walkers” as Anthony had just started calling them. By this point, he had only killed one of them.

                                                            Another week past, and the house was running out of supplies. “Okay” sad Anthony. ‘I’m going to go and look for supplies.” “Can I come with you dad?” asked Sam. “No” said Anthony. “It’s too dangerous. I’ll be back soon.” Anthony hugged his son, his sister, and then his wife before loading his gun and going out.

                                                          He drove to a nearby grocery store and looked around. He didn’t see any walkers, but he still thought they were around. He walked into the store and pointed his gun. He walked over to the fruit isle and grabbed some apples. Then, he got a pack of water, crackers, cereal, chips, and candy. He put it all into a bag and then started to walk to the door, but he heard something fall.

                                                            He hid behind a counter and looked around. There were three walkers searching for him. He took out his gun and aimed. However, he heard growling and turned. Five more walkers were stumbling towards him. He started to run to the door, but he saw a horde outside. He gulped, turned, and started to shoot at the walkers.

                                                           Soon, he was out of ammo and there were three walkers left. Anthony grabbed a cart and rolled it into two of them before grabbing the third and bashing its head in on the counter. Then, one of them jumped up and fell on top of him. He pushed it up, but the second jumped on top and he had to deal with two. However, two bullets flew into their head, splattering their brains all over him.

                                                            Anthony looked up and gasped. “Kieran” he said as he saw a man with blonde hair holding a gun. “Anthony” said Kieran. “I can’t believe it’s you. How long has it been?” “Ten years” said Anthony. “Ten years since we last saw each other.” “Did you get hurt?” asked Kieran. “No” said Anthony as he looked at the walkers outside. “I just can’t get home.” “I can help” said Kieran. “I distracted them so I could get in. Maybe I could distract them to get us out.” Anthony nodded.

                                                              The two ran out the back and Kieran immediately said “As soon as I do this, run to your car.” Kieran ran out and threw a glass bottle, which broke. The walkers turned and started walking towards it as they ran to the car. They jumped in and drove off as the walkers tried to follow.

                                                                They returned to the house where they greeted each other. “Sam” said Anthony. “Me and Kieran were talking, and we think you should learn to shoot a gun.” “Are you sure?” asked Rebecca. “Why not?” asked Anthony. “It’s a bad world out there. He should learn to defend himself.” Rebecca looked at him and said “I’ll think about it.” Sam smiled with glee as they all started to eat dinner.

Three Months Later


                                                                 Sam Freed stood in the backyard, with his pistol in his hand, which had a silencer. “All you’ve got to do” said Anthony. “Is just shoot the target. That simple.” Sam nodded, aimed, but didn’t fire. “It’s too hard” he said. “I know that you want me to do this, but I might not be ready.” “Okay, fine” said Anthony.

                                                               “Fine?” asked Kieran. “You said it yourself, he needs to learn how to survive. Keep shooting.” “Hey” said Anthony, his temper rising. “He is my son. I tell him when he’s ready. That is obviously not right now. So, get over it.” Kieran stared into Anthony’s eyes and just walked off.

                                                                 They walked into the house to see Rebecca and Julia eating lunch. Sam went to reach for a sandwich, but Kieran took it and started eating. “Here Sam” said Anthony. “Have mine.” Sam nodded and started eating the sandwich as Anthony said “Can I talk to you outside?”

                                                                   Anthony and Kieran walked to the front yard, looked for walkers, and then faced each other. “Okay” said Anthony. “Lately, you’ve been acting pretty mad. What is wrong with you?” “I’m just mad that my best friend turned into a pretty little princess” said Kieran. “Ever since I met up with you, you’ve been all happy about your wife being pregnant and you’ve been all kind to your son. He needs to learn the reality of this world  and stop being scared. He needs to learn to shoot and kill at the right time. You can’t teach him that. I don’t want him to die, but he will if you keep being all kind. So stop being an idiot and learn something.”

                 “I know I need to teach him” said Anthony. “But, you’ve got to teach him slow. You can’t just run into stuff. That’s a problem with you. You rush into stuff, just like you’re failed marriage. Let me get something through you’re thick skull. Think before doing.”

                   At this, Kieran drew back his fist and punched Anthony. He screamed, and then Anthony pushed him into the wood fence. “Oh god” said Anthony. Behind the wood fence was a horde of walkers. Some jumped onto Kieran, but the others started walking to Anthony.

                    Anthony ran into the house and shouted “LET’S GO.” The walkers started banging on the front door as they grabbed what they could and started to run. They ran to the back door and started leaving, but the walkers broke through the fence. Out of fear, Sam ran off and Julia followed.

                    Then, a walker grabbed Rebecca’s arm and bit it. Blood flew out as Anthony stabbed its head. “RUN” Anthony shouted to the others as he pulled Julia inside, shutting the door behind him. He dragged her to the living room and held her in his hands.

                     He stared down at her and said “We can, um, go and get some medicine and then find the others.” Rebecca started coughing and said “I know you want to find medicine, but I’ll be gone by the time we do. End it. End it, and then find Sam and Julia. He’ll need his father, since his mother’s gone.”

                      Anthony cried into her soft hair before saying “I love you.” He kissed her for the final time before lifting the gun and pulling the trigger. Not only had he killed his wife, but he killed his future child. He felt like wanting to kill himself.

Present Time


                       Gwen stared at Anthony as he finished telling the story. “So Sam” said Anthony. “Tell us what happened with you.” “Aunt Julia and I were saved by Kenny” said Sam. “We stayed with him until tonight. That’s it. He wanted us to find his friends, but we couldn’t find them.” “Okay” said Anthony. “Gwen, tell us.” Gwen stared at Anthony and sighed.

Six Months Earlier


                         Gwen sat with her husband in a doctors office. “Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Dr. Hale is ready for you” said the receptionist. Gwen and her husband went into the doctors office and started speaking with the doctor. “You’re not pregnant” the doctor eventually said. “You can’t become pregnant.”

                          For an entire month Gwen was in bed, crying and watching T.V. A month later, her husband walked into the room. “Apparently” he said. “There’s been some type of outbreak. We have to stay here.” “All right” said Gwen. A week later, they found out that there was no cure. A friend of Gwen’s was killed and had turned into one of the monsters and was killed by police who were killed eventually. One night, Gwen sat in her window, staring down at a picture of a boy and her.

                         “Who’s that?” her husband asked. “A friend from awhile ago” she said. “His names Anthony. We were best friends. I haven’t seen him for years ever since” but she stopped. “Listen” her husband said “You’ve got to stop skulking in your room. I understand you can’t be pregnant, but have you ever wanted to be.” “Eventually” said Gwen. “Exactly, eventually” he said. “Eventually, you’ll settle down and have kids. Right now, you want to live.” Gwen nodded.

                             They started to go inside, but one of the infected grabbed her husband and pulled him into two other infected. “NO” shouted Gwen as she took out her knife and stabbed one. She then stabbed the next, but the third was already eating her husband. She grabbed a bat, pushed the infected against the house, and then beat it with the bat. She dropped the bat and stared at her husband. “It’s okay” he said. “I’m going to die, but you’re going to live. I love you.” Then, he took his final breath and died. Gwen wiped her eyes and then grabbed her husband’s gun. “I love you too” she said before shooting him.

Present Time


                                 “And after that” she said. “I was just alone. I never stayed in one place. I never trusted anyone, until I reunited with you.” Anthony smiled and said “I guess that’s your bedtime story Sam.” He kissed Sam’s forehead before pouring water over the fire, extinguishing the light.

The David And Bob Story

                                    David ran out of Savannah. He shot the walkers around him and continued running. “RUN” he heard a voice shout. “JOHN, PETER” he shouted back as he shot a walker. “DAVID” shouted a voice. David could see someone running towards him. Not just someone, it was Bob. “BOB” he shouted as he shot another walker. “Is Carly with you?” Bob asked as David approached. “No” said David. “But, we’ve got to go.” The horde started to walk towards them and they did not want to go with them.

                                   They ran off into the forest as some walkers followed them. They killed the nearest walkers and then saw a nearby cabin. “There” said Bob as he stabbed a walker. They ran inside and ran into the nearest room because there were walkers inside. They shut the door and put a chair in front of it. “Just like old times, huh Dave” said Bob, and David knew what he was talking about.

Twenty Years Earlier


                                    “DAVID.” “Oh no” said a young David, who was with young Bob. His father had shouted his name, and David knew this would not turn out well. His father stood at the gate, his face burning with fury. “I told you to stay away from them” said his father. Bob’s father walked out and said “My son is not hurting your son, so calm down.”

                                        David’s father looked Bob’s father up and down before punching him in the face. “DAD” shouted Bob as he ran to his father, but David’s father pushed him down. He grabbed David by the ear and pulled him into the car before driving off. “You can’t hang out with those African Americans” said his father. That night, David received a long beating. For the rest of his kid life, he wanted to kill himself.

Twenty Years Later


                                          David was now thirty-five, but he still did not leave his family home. His father would not allow it. He still had not hung out with Bob, or anyone for that matter. He wanted to leave, but anytime he tried, his father would catch him and beat him with a gun.

                                           The outbreak had started, and David’s father was already prepared. He had weapons and food. “If any of those creeps show up, Blam” said his father, holding a gun. “I’ll kill them.” David did not want to stay with his father, but he knew it was the right thing to stay with him and protect him.

                                             One night, David went on a run. He got food and ammo. As he returned home, he saw a figure in the distance. “Bob” he said. “You’re here.” Bob smiled at his long lost friend, but David’s father came out. “For the last time” said his father. “Stay away from them.” “No” said David. “I’m thirty-five, and he’s my only friend left.” David’s father hit him, but then, walkers started coming out. The three ran into the house, but David’s father started hitting Bob. “NO” shouted David as he hit his father with his gun. The walkers broke the door down, and one bit David’s father. Bob and David shot the rest of them as David stared at his father. “David” said his father. “You’re a little nobody.” David picked up a metal bat and said “When you get bit, you get put down.” Then, he started beating his father. The brains filled the bat and within minutes, his fathers head was gone. “When you get bit” said David. “You get put down. That’s all there is too it.”

Present Time


                                                The two heard a scuffle and then heard a familiar voice say “No bites.” They pulled the chair off of the door and opened it. “William, Carly” said David as he looked out. William and Carly were panting, but smiled at their companions they just reunited with.

The Tyler, Frank, Quinn, Riley, and Kate Story

                                                  The car drove off as the walkers started following. “Drive, drive” Frank told Tyler as he opened the sun roof and started shooting the walkers. “You’re just drawing more” said Riley as she pulled Frank back in the car. “The best we can do is just keep driving.”

                                                   They drove for another twenty minutes before something happened. The car ran out of gas. “Great” said Frank. “The car’s out of gas and we are stranded in the middle of nowhere.” Quinn immediately started crying. “Hey” said Kate. “What’s wrong?” “I’ve lost everyone” said Quinn. “My mommy, my friends, and the others.” “What about your dad?” asked Tyler. Quinn stopped crying at this and just looked outside. “Quinn” said Kate. “Please, tell us what your dad has done to you and your mom. What did you mean when you said he killed her?” “Fine” said Quinn. “I’ll tell you.”

Five Months Earlier


                                                     “Tell me about it” said Kevin as he stared at the door. Quinn thought he was staring right at her as he said “I’ve got to deal with two.” Tears formed in her eyes as she ran. She ran up the marble staircase and then into her room, where the smoke did not reach.

                                                         She woke up the next morning to hear frantic voices. “Kevin, what happened?” asked Quinn’s mother, Penelope. “There saying a sort of outbreak happened” said Kevin. “Jerry’s wife got attacked by one of the infected people and she became infected and attacked Jerry. It’s something that turns you cannibal. Quinn’s school teachers and friends got it.”  “What do we tell her?” asked Penelope. “We say that they got hurt” said Kevin. They walked to the bedroom and opened the door. Quinn was already crying into her pillow. “I know sweetie” said Penelope, who had a bruise. “It’ll be okay.” Kevin looked revolted as he walked out. Penelope just hugged her daughter.

Two Months Later


                                                            Quinn had still not seen any of the monsters, but she knew her father had killed them. One night, she found him, drunk as can be, stabbing something, which turned out to be a rabbit. “Daddy” she said, but he shouted “GET OUT.” She ran to her room.

                                                             One night, her father was drinking again. He had hit her mother, but she tried to stop it. “Get away” she said, but he pushed her into the door. Quinn, out of fear, opened the door and ran out. “QUINN” shouted Penelope as she ran after her.

                                                               When Quinn ran out, the walkers saw her. She froze as they started walking to her. Penelope ran to her and tried to grab her, but Quinn wouldn’t go. “COME ON QUINN” shouted Kevin as he pushed Penelope off and picked her up. Kevin looked at Penelope, and saw the walkers devouring her. He then ran, with Quinn in his arms. They ran into a drug store and Kevin tried to hold the door back, but the walkers got in. Kevin grabbed Quinn and held her in front of him, as if she was a sacrifice, but several bullets were shot and the walkers fell. He let go of Quinn and saw many people in front of them. “You okay?” asked David, who stood with the others.

Present Time

                                                                The group stared at Quinn, their mouths dropped. “Guys” said Tyler as he pointed behind them. They turned and saw the horde, stumbling toward them. “How much ammo?” asked Tyler. “One clip” said Frank. “That’s not enough.” “GET DOWN” shouted a voice. They saw two cars drive up and people with guns climbed out. They ducked as the people shot the horde. Within seconds, they were all dead.

                                                                 They stepped out of the car and approached the people. “You all right?” asked the man at the front. None of them answered; they were too scared. “Are you all right?” the man asked again. “Yeah” said Tyler. The man smiled and said “I’m Thomas Crane. You guys look like you’ve been through a lot. Come on, we’ll take you home.”

On The Next Episode Of WillBrennan7’s The Walking Dead…

“I’m the leader of this community” says Thomas as he opens a gate. “There’s probably some supplies left” says Anthony as he opens a door. “DAD” shouts Sam as he runs from walkers. Anthony shoots his gun, and Tyler says “I trust him.” Then, a man cuts a walkers head off and Thomas says “Welcome to your new home” as the group looks in awe.

Find Out What Happens On Episode 2 Of The Walking Dead.

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