Suspicious Minds [Darkiplier...

By Actual_Angel

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Okay, kids, this is where it gets complicated. The Reader and Darkiplier have teamed up to fight against Wilf... More

Author's Note: Here We Go Again
Chapter One: What Now?
Chapter Two: This Won't End Well
Chapter Three: The Author
Chapter Four: The Host
Chapter Five: Googleplier
Chapter Six: What's Wrong With Him?
Chapter Seven: The Doctor Will See You Now
Chapter Eight: Quiet In The Library
Chapter Nine: Someone New
Chapter Ten: It's time
Chapter Eleven: Darkiplier (Part 1)
Chapter Twelve: Darkiplier (Part 2)
Chapter Thirteen: Trapped
Chapter Fourteen: Guess Who's Back
Chapter Fifteen: Fight Me
Chapter Sixteen: Concern and Forgiveness
Chapter Seventeen: The Truthliest Truthy Truth
Chapter Eighteen: A Date With Darkiplier
Chapter Twenty: Earth Angel
Chapter Twenty One: A Show
Chapter Twenty Two: Persuasion Room (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty Three: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty Four: Persuasion Room (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty Five: You Can't Give Up
Chapter Twenty Six: Losing A Friend
Chapter Twenty Seven: Dance With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight: I couldn't think of a name for this one
Chapter Twenty Nine: A New Friend
Chapter Thirty: Somewhere New
Chapter Thirty One: Raspy Hill
Chapter Thirty Two: The Woods
Chapter Thirty Three: The End
Author's Note: That's a wrap, folks!
Chapter Thirty Three-ish: Alternate ending

Chapter Nineteen: Comfortably Numb

703 33 58
By Actual_Angel

A/N: I have no idea who made this fan art (tell me if you know), but my god is it beautiful. Lyrics are a bit wrong, but it's still glorious.

You woke up in Mark's arms, his shallow breaths were the only sound in the room. You smiled to yourself, enjoying his warm embrace. You didn't know how often you would get to do this so you were gonna savor every moment.

You had to pee. You tried to gently get up but Mark pulled you close to him. He had a firm grip on your waist and didn't plan on letting go any time soon.

"Come on, stay a little longer." He said in a gruff, morning voice.

"I gotta pee, man." You replied and he reluctantly let go of you. You turned back to him to see the floof sticking up in wild directions and a pout on his face. He was so precious.

You went to the bathroom in Mark's bedroom. When you entered came back, Mark had disappeared. You chose to go back to your room, wanting to get dressed and ready for the day.

Walking in the hall, you see Dark walking towards you. Instinctively, you got a little nervous because he would usually get pissed if he saw you with Mark.

"Good morning." He said with a smile and gave you a peck on the lips. He brushed pass you and continued onward. You were enjoying this change in mood of his. You didn't have to be scared of him anymore.

You walked back to your room and it was pitch black. You tried to flick on the lights but nothing happened. You felt a hand cover your mouth as you desperately tried to cry out. The assailant's free arm wraps around your torso.

"(Y/N) remains quiet." The Host says quietly in your ear. "She will not scream when The Host releases her."

You nodded to confirm his words and allowed you to be free. You turned around to face where his voice was coming from.

"How did you get in here, Host?" You snapped at him quietly, slightly irritated from him scaring the shit out of you.

"The Host has his ways." He said, mysteriously. He flicked the lights back on and you noticed his cloth was a little more bloody than last time you saw it.

"Why are you here, though?" You crossed your arms, analyzing every detail about him. You tried to detect anything unusually sketchy about him, but found nothing.

"The Host needs to tell you something." He informed you, "looking" around the room.

"Okay." You weren't sure what else to say at the moment. "What is it?"

"I'm King of the Squirrels." A man with a crown and peanut butter on his face said. He wiped his hand on his cheek, flicked his tongue out of his mouth and shut the door with a curt nod.

"What the fuck was that?" You were very confused and unsure if you should go tell Dark about your new friend.

"The King of the Squirrels." He said, sarcastically. You rolled your eyes at him and continued with your string of questions.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" You asked and The Host came closer to you. You instinctively backed up against the wall and held your hands out to stop him. He stopped when his chest touched your hand.

"Why is (Y/N) scared of The Host?" He asked as if he was genuinely curious. He gave you an unnerving smile. Something was wrong. "He is coming nearer to whisper to her. It is a secret, after all."

"You aren't getting any closer, Host. You can tell me from here." You were assertive, still keeping your hands out to prevent him from moving towards you. You really didn't want to hurt The Host after everything he had done for you. He didn't seem like a bad guy.

"It is necessary." He grabbed your waist with both hands and pulled you flush against him. He met your lips with his and kissed you passionately. Your hands were trapped between the two of you and were unable to push him away. You knew your heart belonged to Mark and Dark and kissing The Host felt like betraying them.

You vainly tried again to push him away, but he held you there until he decided to stop. You felt lightheaded and your knees gave out. The Host wrapped his arms around your torso to hold you up right. He leaned into your ear and whispered to you.

"(Y/N) has 48 hours to make her choice." He chuckled sinisterly in your ear and released you. You slid down the wall from the lack of support. He looked down at you and grinned maniacally. He turned his back to you and walked out the door. You tried to call for him but your lips wouldn't move, your body wouldn't move. You were stuck there.

"Dark, help me. Now." You called out to him and no answer came. There was no disturbance in the silence around you.

"Mark, I need you." You said through the bond, hoping that he would hear you. You sat there for minutes that felt like hours, immobile. Your breathing stayed steady while your chest tightened. The loss of control was making you panic and there was nobody to help. No one to calm you down. You were alone and the lack of sound was deafening.

Finally, after what felt like years of solitude, Red walked by your door. You tried to call out to him, but you couldn't move your lips. You couldn't even groan, all you could do was move your eyes. You thought he was going to leave you there, but he cast a small glance in your direction.

"(Y/N)!" There was a little bit of shock in his robotic voice which surprised you. He rarely displayed any emotion whatsoever.

He ran over to you and dropped to his knees to get a better look at you. He pressed his finger to your neck to check your pulse, but you couldn't feel his touch. He took your head in his hands and examined your face, shifting it side to side. He studied you with concern before sitting up straight.

"Doctor, I am in need of your assistance." He said, his voice conveyed urgency. "(Y/N) has been paralyzed."

Your heart stopped when you heard the words Red uttered. Paralyzed!!! Is this permanent? A tear fell from your eye and Red took notice. He leaned down and wiped the tear from your face.

"The Doctor said he will be here shortly." Red said in a soft tone, "He advises you not to panic." He moved your body so that you were flat on your back and your head was in his lap. He didn't say anything about this action and you didn't either, because you literally couldn't.

Red played with your hair in attempts to soothe you while taking occasional glances to your face and body. You noticed that he didn't breathe, which was strange for something that looked so human and alive. You studied him, noting that this Google's movements were fluid and less robotic than the original. Maybe you should spend more time with him, since you've mostly clung to Dark and Mark. Hell, maybe you could even pay Creepiplier a visit.

You heard footsteps and shifted your eyes to the door. The Doctor was finally here and Red gently moved you off of his lap. You laid where he left you and the doctor kneeled by your left side. You saw him pull out an empty syringe and he tied a tourniquet around your upper arm.

"I'm going to take a blood sample, okay?" The Doctor said to you in a calm voice and poking your arm to draw the blood. Normally you would have felt a little pinch, but you still felt nothing. He put a cotton ball on the spot he took the blood from and tape to stop the bleeding.

"Google," The Doctor put the blood in a vile and stuffed it in his kit he had brought with him. "I need you to carry her back to my lab."

Red nodded his head, grabbing under your legs and upper body. He lifted you effortlessly and followed The Doctor out of your room. The two of them walked quickly through the halls, the only sound that could be heard was their footsteps. Where the fuck is everybody?

The three of you finally arrived in The Doc's lab and Doctor Iplier instructed Red to lay you down on a medical table. It made you feel like you were going in to surgery and you were about to be put under.

Red stood by your side, looking away from you at The Doctor. From your current position, you were unable to see The Doc in your peripheral view. Being this vulnerable scared you. You knew that anyone could do anything they wanted to you and you wouldn't be able to prevent it.

If you were capable of trembling, you would be right now. Your anxiety was through the roof. You were terrified that The Doctor was going to come back and tell you that you were going to be stuck like this forever. When he did come back he had a relieved look on his face.

"I've run some blood tests and rest assured that this is temporary." He said to both you and Red. You hadn't realized that Red had been tense until he relaxed his shoulders.

"You will gain the ability to speak in a few minutes. I'm going to work on something that will speed up the process of undoing this whole thing." He told you. "Worst case scenario, you will just have to wait until this passes."

You grunted in understanding, which was good because now you could make noises. Can I speak in only grunts?

The Doctor left your side and went back to his lab. Red hadn't left you yet and no signs of going anywhere soon. It was a bit heartwarming to find out that a supposedly emotionless robot cares about you.

"G...e...t M-m...ark." You managed to push out to him and he fled immediately. You were alone on the operating table, The Doctor's clattering was the only sound you could hear. The Host's actions came back to your mind and you felt angry and scared. "(Y/N) has 48 hours to make her choice."

What does that mean? Why would he do this to you after helping you escape? Next time you saw him you were going to kick the shit out of him. You didn't care if he was insane, that fucker is getting a round house kick to the face.

"(Y/N)!" Mark shouted, running to your side. His hands hovered over you like he was hesitant to touch you. He cradled your head in your hands and turned your face towards him. Red didn't accompany him this time.

"Tell me what happened." He said anxiously. He let go of your face and your head lolled to the left side.

"H-host." You pushed out as best you could, "K-kissed me. Paralyzed m-me." Your speech was coming back, although your voice was beyond raspy.

"Did he do anything else?" Mark asked you, holding back his anger for now.

"He told me I have 48 hours to make my choice." You could move your head on your own now and straightened it back out. You stared up at the ceiling, you knew what he was talking about but you didn't want to acknowledge it.

"What choice?" Of course Mark was going to ask that question.

"You or Dark, I assume." You told him, upset at even the thought. Mark's face fell and he put his hands on the table, his head hung low.

"Where's Dark?" You queried and Mark snapped his head back up. He furrowed his brow and thought hard for a moment.

"I don't know." He looked frustrated and confused.

"Take me to him, please." You didn't want to be in this room any longer than you had to. You had to talk to Dark, he deserved to know what had happened if he didn't already.

"Let me okay it with The Doctor." He didn't give you a chance to protest as he walked off to find the ego. Again, you were by yourself and alone with your thoughts. You forced yourself to clear your mind. You didn't want to start freaking out again.

"He said it was fine. The thing he's working on will take at least twenty minutes." Mark came back and told you. He scooped you up in his arms, carrying you away from that wretched table. You rested your head against Mark's chest as he carried you down the hall. He made it all the way to Dark's room before he had to set you down. Unlike most fanfictions, Mark has a certain amount of stamina and can't carry the reader forever.

He positioned you so that you sat upright against the wall next to Dark's door. He gave it a mighty knock before it opened abruptly.

"What?" You heard Dark growl. He hadn't acted like that in a while and you wondered what could have made him so upset.

Mark gestured to you and Dark turned his gaze to you. He shuffled in front of you, pushing Mark out of the way. He kneeled next to you and you watched the anger melt from his face.

"Tell me what happened." He demanded, but you could see the concern on his face.

"The Host kissed me and after that I was paralyzed." You informed him, watching his face contort from shock and into anger. "He told me I have 48 hours to choose."

"Choose what?" Dark asked just like Mark did, even though it seemed like he already knew the answer.

"He didn't say, but I'm pretty sure it's about you and Mark." Dark closed his eyes and sighed. He acted if he knew this was coming.

"I believe it is time to tell Mark everything."

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