Suspicious Minds [Darkiplier...

By Actual_Angel

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Okay, kids, this is where it gets complicated. The Reader and Darkiplier have teamed up to fight against Wilf... More

Author's Note: Here We Go Again
Chapter One: What Now?
Chapter Two: This Won't End Well
Chapter Three: The Author
Chapter Four: The Host
Chapter Five: Googleplier
Chapter Six: What's Wrong With Him?
Chapter Seven: The Doctor Will See You Now
Chapter Eight: Quiet In The Library
Chapter Nine: Someone New
Chapter Ten: It's time
Chapter Eleven: Darkiplier (Part 1)
Chapter Twelve: Darkiplier (Part 2)
Chapter Thirteen: Trapped
Chapter Fourteen: Guess Who's Back
Chapter Fifteen: Fight Me
Chapter Sixteen: Concern and Forgiveness
Chapter Seventeen: The Truthliest Truthy Truth
Chapter Nineteen: Comfortably Numb
Chapter Twenty: Earth Angel
Chapter Twenty One: A Show
Chapter Twenty Two: Persuasion Room (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty Three: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty Four: Persuasion Room (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty Five: You Can't Give Up
Chapter Twenty Six: Losing A Friend
Chapter Twenty Seven: Dance With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight: I couldn't think of a name for this one
Chapter Twenty Nine: A New Friend
Chapter Thirty: Somewhere New
Chapter Thirty One: Raspy Hill
Chapter Thirty Two: The Woods
Chapter Thirty Three: The End
Author's Note: That's a wrap, folks!
Chapter Thirty Three-ish: Alternate ending

Chapter Eighteen: A Date With Darkiplier

819 32 111
By Actual_Angel

On day seven of being in the bunker, you gave The Doctor a call. Dark was right, Doctor Iplier told you he already knew Dark was fine now. He sounded a little nervous, too.

Mark told you it should only take a few hours to break the barrier. You were so ready to go outside and see Mark again. It's going to be strange to see him, now that you knew he isn't human. You couldn't tell him either, not yet. Dark said you'd know when it was the right time, but you weren't sure about that.

Wilford was nowhere to be seen, not even Dark could find him. It was disconcerting, you knew he was up to something. You had to let it go for now and continue onward with your current goal.

You and Dark walked the halls towards the exit. Mark had told you they were nearly done and you felt your heart beat pick up with excitement. The bunker began to shake, Dark held you close to him.

As soon as the ground stilled, the door flew open. Mark ran down the stairs at you and engulfed you in a bear hug. Mark was apologizing again for getting you stuck in here and telling you how much he missed you. It was really heart warming.

You could see Dark behind Mark, smiling sweetly. He didn't look jealous or upset in any way that Mark was all over you. You felt so loved right now and it was a nice end to a horrible week.

"Where's Wilford?" Mark asked Dark after he backed off of you. Dark shrugged and Mark looked pissed. "What does that mean? How did you lose him?"

Everyone heard a chuckled towards the exit and there Wilford was, holding the handle to the door. His hand was engulfed in pink magic and he sent it at all of you. Everyone was knocked to the ground and unable to move. You watched Wilford open the door, wink at you, and close it behind him.

"What the fuck just happened!" Mark yelled, still laying on the ground with everyone else.

"It appears that Wilford has casted a stun spell." Google's robotic voice answered Mark. "It should wear off in approximately five minutes."

"Google, do a scan on Wilford's location." Mark commanded him.

"He is off premises." Google said, "Someone is aiding his escape. I am unable to detect who it is."

You all silently laid immobile on the floor until Wilford's spell weakened. As soon as Mark could, he sat up and put his head in his hands. You listened in to his thoughts, you didn't realize you could do that.

"Why am I such a fucking idiot?! Everything is my fault! I don't know what to do." He thought, groaning in frustration. He felt you reading his mind and glared at you.

"Sorry." You muttered, looking away from him. You scooted over to Mark and put your arm around him. He leaned his head on your shoulder and the two of you sat there for a while. Everyone else had walked away while you were comforting Mark.

"It's okay." You rested your head against his.

"No, it's not." He said in a broken voice, "I caused this and Dark hurt you-"

"Dark and I are okay." You smiled, thinking of the most recent memories between the two of you. Mark didn't say anything.

"Listen," You began, gently pushing Mark off of you so you could gaze into his eyes. "We'll figure this out. You're the strongest person I know, Mark, and you are not alone."

"Thanks, (Y/N)." He smiled weakly. You got to your feet and helped Mark up. He wandered off to his room, but before he rounded the corner, he turned to you. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

"No." You got a little nervous, wondering if you should tell him about the whole Angel thing. You can't just go up to someone and be like: "Hey, buddy pal friend chum, you're not actually human. You're an Angel who created all of these egos and some how you don't remember a single thing about it!"

Now was definitely not the right time, so you decided against it. He seemed to be able to see through your lie, but he left without another word.

You were alone by the exit and unsure what to do now. Everyone seemed to go back to their places like nothing ever happened. It was strange to say the least. Maybe I should go pay The Doctor a visit.

You walked to The Doctor's lab, ready to give him a piece of your mind. You felt angry at him, he was the cause of this cluster fuck. If he hadn't messed with Dark's mind, Wilford would still be locked up and Mark wouldn't be blaming himself.

You approached the lab doors and heard muffled talking. You weren't sure who with, so you pressed your ear against the door.

"I need you to give it to me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't play games with me, doctor. Don't ever think you're capable of that."

"I'm telling you I don't have it!"

"You are aware of what happened between (Y/N) and I, but I am still a demon. Please don't force my hand, Doctor." Dark's voice sounded like he really didn't want to hurt The Doctor. No one spoke for a long time.

"You are ignorant of its true capacity! You would never be able to understand!" Dark yelled at him, losing his patience. You heard crashing and banging before The Doctor finally gave in.

"Follow me." The doctor said, and silence fell. You backed away from the door, and ran into something hard behind you. A hand covered your mouth to muffle your scream.

"We can't disturb them." A robotic voice came behind you. He dropped his hand and you turned to find that it was just Red.

"Why not?" You asked him, his face looked softer than it previously did last time you saw him.

"Darkiplier g-gave me those orders." He glitched for a moment and it scared you.

"Red, are you okay?" You were concerned, ready to run in case he turned on you.

"Y-yes." He sputtered, "I-I'm just l-low on b-batt-tery." His arms twitched and he stumbled forward.

"What do I do?" You asked him, considering running into The Doctor's lab.

"T-t-take m-me t-to D-D-ark." Red collapsed on the floor in front of you, his eyes drooping shut.

You rushed into the lab to see The Doctor begrudgingly giving Dark the knife. The Doctor scowled at Dark and Dark gave him a little smirk.

"Red ran out of battery!" You called, interrupting their pissing match.

"I'll take care of it." Dark said calmly, leading you out of the lab. You watched him effortlessly pick Red up over his shoulder and carry him to the storage room you found him in. Dark set his limp body on the floor, face down. He used his golden magic to illuminate the small closet and found what looked like a giant charger. He flipped open and switch on Red's neck and plugged him in.

"That's so weird." You looked at Red's form, his eyes glowed a faint blue.

"It is, isn't it?" Dark chuckled and left the closet door open. He took your hand and teleported you to the kitchen. "Go get something to eat. Afterwards, I will take you flying."

You shook with excitement, nodding your head furiously. You felt like a little kid going to Disneyland for the first time. Dark laughed at your reaction and left you to your food.

You ate a light dinner, not wanting to get sick and throw up all over Dark in mid air. That would be quite a sight to see, though. You went to your room and put on a heavy pair of jeans and a thick sweatshirt. You knew that it was gonna be cold as heck.

You went and knocked on his door. He opened it, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt like you. He smiled widely, the golden glint in his eyes twinkled.

"Ready?" He asked, allowing you to step in his room.

"I was born ready." You said confidently, eager to get things going. You watched his golden wings poke out and he picked you up bridal style.

You watched his room fade and a field come into sight. The night was clear and the sky was moonless. Perfect night for star gazing. Dark hovered above the ground, his wings moving elegantly.

"Hold on tight, my dear." He said as he held you close to his chest and you gripped onto his neck. He took off with amazing speed, soaring through the night sky. You watched your soundings fly by as Dark held you in your arms. Normally, you would be afraid of being this high, but Dark made you feel safe.

You made the mistake of looking down and realized how far away the ground was. You clutched onto Dark even tighter and he laughed at your actions. You looked behind him to watch his wings cut through the air gracefully; they really were beautiful.

Dark stopped suddenly and dived to the ground at an insane rate. You thought for sure that you both were going to go splat.

"DARK STOP!" You screamed, and he did. You two were only a few feet from the ground. "You are such an asshole!"

"You love me dearly." He chuckled, flying upwards again.

"Yeah, whatever." You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. He smiled back at you, and returned his gaze to the sky.

Dark moved into a vertical position, still clutching you as closely. You looked around at the stars; they really were beautiful. Especially from this view. You looked back at Dark to see him looking at you with a worried expression on his face.

"Will you promise me something?" He asked you.

"What?" You furrowed your brow, wondering what he was going to ask of you.

"Keep yourself safe, (Y/N), no matter the circumstance." He had a grim expression on his face, making you curious as to what this was all about.

"I will." You hated making promises, but you did it for him. You would do your best to keep it, but nothing, other than death, is guaranteed in life.

"Good. I think it is time for us to head back." He said, already turning and flying back. He must be getting tired. After all, flying while carrying someone must be quite the workout.

You rested your head against him as the two of you made your way back. You continued admiring your surroundings and got lost in thought. You stared at his face, admiring his beauty once more. Even though he put you through a lot of heart ache, you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You were lucky to have him.

Dark landed on a lighted roof top and set you down. You looked at him curiously and saw that he was holding his hand out to you. You took it and he pulled you closer to him, one hand on your waist and the other holding yours in the air.

He held your arm straight out as you held on to his shoulder. You realized that he was actually tangoing with you and he looked so intense while doing it. He dipped you, gazing seductively into your eyes. He pulled you back up and wiggled his eyebrows at you, resulting in a small giggle from you.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in."

(Yes, I know, I'm very original. I'm a sucker for Elvis, but you all should know that, based on the titles of these books).

You searched around to see where the music was coming from but found nothing. You pushed the thought aside and focused on dancing with him. You two moved slowly as you rested your head on Dark's shoulder. He was gentle with you, something you forgot he was capable of being.

"Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be."

You looked up into his eyes, seeing that golden glint again. He looked at you like you were the only beautiful thing left in the world and time stopped around the two of you. If you could live in this moment forever, you would.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you."

Dark dropped your hand and moved his other hand to your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to press your lips to his. Albeit cheesey, nothing had ever felt so right.

You pulled back from Dark, listening to the gentle lull of Elvis's voice. You rested your head against his shoulder again and danced until the song ended. You hugged Dark closely, and you picked up his scent. You had never really noticed before, but he smelt like... cinnamon. That is not what you were expecting, but a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.

"What are you doing?" He asked, sounding both confused and amused.

"Making a memory." Was your response, and it was true. You didn't want to forget any part of this night. This had to have been your favorite date with anyone.

"Ready?" He asked when you pulled back from him. You nodded and he picked you up in one swift motion. The two of you were off to Mark's house and you noticed a necklace that had popped out of Dark's sweatshirt. You studied it and saw that there was a shiny black ring on a silver chain.

You stuck your finger in it and Dark's eyes turned gold. He didn't look angry, just startled. He glanced at you curiously, but then back to the sky around him. He dropped down to a desolate alley and before you could question it, you two appeared back in his room.

"What's that ring for?" You asked after he set you down gently. He appeared to be having a mental war with himself, unsure whether or not to answer you.

"I'll tell you someday." He looked down at you and smiled warmly. You decided not to push him and moved in for a hug. He held you in his arms loosely, you could tell he was fatigued.

"You should get some rest." You told him and pushed him to sit on the bed. He nodded his head, his eyes almost drooping shut then and there. You felt a little bad for making him this exhausted, but it was a good night.

"Goodnight, Dark." You delicately placed your hands on the sides of his head and kissed the top of it. You left him alone and made your way back to your room. You saw Mark wandering down the hallway towards you and he had on his Markiplier M pajama pants. He smiled at you as he passed you by and he grabbed your wrist gently. You were confused as to why, but followed him anyways.

He pulled you into his room, then dropped your hand. He stared at you longingly, showing how much he truly had missed you.

"I want you to sleep with me tonight." He said sternly, indicating that he wasn't requesting it. He was demanding it. You always enjoyed the more assertive side of Mark.

"Okay." You said softly and slipped into his bed with him. You were too tired to brush your teeth, so you laid their in his arms. He spooned with you just as Dark had. You noticed how similar they were becoming and it was a little strange to say the least.

"Goodnight." Mark's breath tickled your neck as he nestled closer to you.

"Night, Markimoo." You smiled and held his hand that was on your waist. You let yourself drift to sleep, thinking about the two men you loved.
A/N: Can we just talk about "Who Killed Markiplier" for a second? Because I am fucking shook and confused. It feels weird to write Darkiplier after watching that.

Side note: Jims coming soon. Maybe. Probably.

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