
By pretendedtobeokay

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To be or not to be; That's a question. Be yourself. More

Sequel 2


41 1 0
By pretendedtobeokay

This world only has one you, one and only one.

Date: 10 December 2016

Place: China.


Oh god, ugh.

I pursed my lips while closing my eyes in frustration.

I hate it that I can't move too much, not even my head!

Why the hell did I sprained my neck ugh!

But luckily the cast was removed yesterday because I felt so uncomfortable with it!

And still, doctor told me not to move too much. Maybe a bit but not too much of movement.

"Hui Xin, do you want to eat?" I choose to ignore when I heard Shao Xing's voice.

"Or maybe do you want to drink something?" Guen Feng said and I moved my head slowly to face other side, away from him.

"Hui Xin, please talk to us." Zhao Xiang said while sighing and I just refused to open my eyes.

I don't even know how the hell they knew I got into a car accident!

Who's that fvcker that told them huh?

Shao Xian spoke up next, "Open your eyes and look at us. We aren't going to eat you or something." He chuckles; man, he thinks that's funny?

I was wishing that Kris could come back soon from buying food for me.

They all came just in time when Kris went out and seriously if I could walk, I would have shoved all of them out from here with a broom and lock the door! Damn the cast on my right leg!

I immediately shoot my eyes open when I heard a click from the door and I knew it was Kris, "What the?"

I tilted my head, slow again as I pouted when he was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who are they?" The guys were shock to see Kris here as he came to me while placing the food down on the moveable table at the edge of my bed.

"Can you just bring me out from here?" I said, whining and he nodded while placing my arms around his neck.

He slowly lifted me up in his arms and places me down on the wheelchair that I have in the room, "Seriously?" They muttered in disbelief, "How did he even...."

"None of you guys business." I hissed before we left the room, "Are they those guys that you told me before?"

I wanted to nod my head but I winced when I try; fudge! How long will it takes for me to recover?

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

"Yes." I just puffed out my lips in annoyed.

He sat down at the chair provided here, not before pushing the wheelchair so I'm facing him, "They like you, right?" He asked while frowning a little.

"Hmm." I looked down at my fingers as I fiddle it. My hum means a yes.

"How did they know you are here?" I shrugged my shoulder, "I don't know." I don't even have my phone since Kris is keeping it for me.

I seriously don't know how they got the news about me admitting into the hospital.

Is he mad about me having guys liking me? Like, plenty of guys?

"Xin," He held my chin lightly as I look at him, "I'm not mad, don't think too much." He then kissed my lips lightly and I can't help but smile when he pulls away while smiling too.

To be honest, I was surprise to see Kris when I woke up.

I mean, I don't even think I can survive from the car accident. I thought I'm dead.

There are moments when I feel myself dreaming during the period I was unconscious;

I imagined me and Kris being together.

Since I thought I can never see him again.

Fudge, it was even stupid to have a car accident at the moment I promised to be his girlfriend!

And what shocks me more is Kris cried the moment I woke up.

It's more shocking than him kissing me at that moment.

From that moment, there's no doubt left in my heart about him.

Because they say when you make a guy cry for you; it means you meant a lot to them.

It means that they really care for you.

"Can you change a room for me? I think they will still come back tomorrow." I stated and he held out to touch my face, "Sure." I didn't fail to notice him looking at the bandage on my head.

I took his hand that was on my face and he trailed his eyes to my face now as he gave me a faint smile.

It had been five days since the operation. I'm fine already, I just need time to recover but he wouldn't stop worrying or I should say;

Blaming himself.

I don't understand why he is blaming himself when it's my own fault for not focusing on the road and got myself into the accident.

If he thinks is because of his call, I can say that is not.

Is just my stupid heart that can't contain the happiness when he confessed and lost focus.

Just, overall it doesn't even have anything to do with him. He was still in Los Angeles that time.

"Stop blaming yourself." I muttered and his smile immediately faded, "It's not your fault, Yi Fan." I winced a little when he pulled his hand away and hugged me, ugh the wounds on my body, "Please." I almost beg as I whisper.

He can't be looking at me with that eyes full of guilt when he did nothing wrong.

I can't stand seeing him like that, seriously.

"But if I didn't call----"

"I'm going to be mad if you are still blaming yourself." I pouted furiously when he pulled away from the hug, "Hui Xin, I----"

I looked away, "Say one more thing and I'm not giving back Lola to you." Okay, I know that isn't a threat at all and it's even a childish one but dang! I just want him to stop blaming himself for what had happened!

I pouted again when he chuckles in defeat, well, expected, "Okay, okay." I sneaked a glance from him when he sighed, "But I'm willing to give you Lola anyway." I groaned when he laughs as he held my face and kissed me again before standing up, "Let's just get something to eat from the canteen."

I was glaring at him playfully when he looks at me and he pinched my nose. That's when I lose it and giggled, "Naughty."

He shook his head before pushing me on the wheelchair and we went to the lift, "You don't mind if people recognize you?" I tilted my head a little to look at him who are standing behind me as he gives me a lopsided grin, "I don't care anymore."

I furrowed my brows while removing my eyes from him as I scratched my head after that; probably he had given up in bothering about these things.

I groaned when I can't lean my head forward to drink the soup; man! This is irritating!

You can just imagine me trying to bend my neck but I couldn't as I look like a robot that couldn't move its head.

Is only straight, right and left seems too challenging for me now.

I just put down my spoon and sighed in frustration.

"Ah." I end up having Kris chuckling at my pouting face and he feed me, "Be careful, is hot." He blew it a little before he lets me drink the soup.

"Can you still eat on your own or do you want me to feed you?" He asks and I picked up the spoon in my hand again as I almost nod my head, "Ugh, I can." I hissed, "I hate it when I can't even nod my head." I grumbled and he just chuckle while getting some vegetables and meat to put on top of the rice in my bowl before he gives it to me, "Just don't move your head."

"Oh." I puffed out my lips in grievance.

I was biting my lips when I heard nurses around us who are eating too actually talked about Kris.

I gazed at him and he was eating silently, only looking at the food in front of him.

"He's handsome,"

"I know right! He looks better in person."

"I think both! He looks good on TV too!"


I wasn't jealous that girls checking him out since that should be normal because he's an idol.

But I was more worried that when people's attention got on me, what will happen?

Will I actually affect him?

I flinched a little when I feel a pair of hand are stuffing earphones into my ears as I had totally spaced out while thinking about things and Kris smiles at me.

He turned the volume up of the music on his phone, is to an extent that he makes sure I can't hear anything from what those people are saying and he place his phone on my lap before he continues eating.

"Fan," Again, I tried my best to turned around to look at him when we are alone in the lift, going back to my wad, "Hmm...I like you calling me Fan." He seems to be trying to divert our conversation but I just gave him a stare and he soon dropped his smiley face.

"Okay, ask me whatever you want to know." He sighed as he says when we get back to the wad and I was glad that I see no one.

He sat down on the chair beside my bed after putting me down on the bed since I still couldn't walk, "Is it really okay if people sees us together?"

He stares at me after hearing my question; a really long stare.

"Yi Fan,"

He took in a deep breath, "Do you want me to be honest?"

I gave him a firm stare instead of answering anything, "Is not." He sighed heavily.

"So it means news about us being together had spread?"

He chooses to look away from me now as he stares at the window, "I don't care if it did." He muttered, somehow firm with what he said.

I think he doesn't care; but his fans would.

"Give me my phone." I said while holding out a hand to him and he snapped his head back to me, "Xin,"

"I want to see." I looked up at him when he stood up from his seat and shake his head.

I want to know how bad it goes. I want to know how far it had been spread in the web now.

There must be a reason why for those guys know that I'm here today.

And this could be the reason.

Kris never give me my phone since he got it from the nurse.

One; I couldn't use even if I have because of my aching body and sprained neck.

Two; he doesn't want me to know what those people had been saying about us when the news had spread within five days.

"I want to see." He bites his bottom lips when I say again.

"Don't make me repeat for the third time." I spoke up again in a stern tone when he makes no move.

He let out a sigh before pulling out my phone from his pocket and I took it; the tempered glass on my phone had broken during the accident but I will get it fix once I'm out of here.

My heart felt heavy when I was scrolling through my Weibo.

Indeed, everyone knew we are together because he always come to the hospital without any disguise and people obviously recognize him.

I don't expect any good comments about me either.

They had already found my Weibo and was bashing tons of comments on my wall, saying that I'm ugly;

Or I'm a girl who try to steal their gege.

Fine, it's fine.

As long as they didn't say something bad about him, it's fine if I'm the only one who are getting the scolding.

My fist balled up beside my leg when I came across a comment that says Kris is the most idiot idol she has seen because he doesn't know how to hide from the reporters.

Fudge? Don't you know it's tiring for him to hide himself from cameras every day when he come here?

He chooses not to avoid anymore so it's up to him! Why do they like to comment so much?

"Hui Xin," He tries to stop me when I clicked into his weibo because I know the comments are worse there as I slid my phone under my blanket before he could reach, "Don't read it." He almost begs.

I just pushed him away lightly on his chest as I pulled my phone out from the blanket and start reading it.

He sat down on my bed side and I know he's looking at my reaction towards those comments.

Don't worry fan fan ge, I will still support you even if no one would. I hope you and her can stay forever. Prove them right ge!

I eventually smiles when I finally saw some good comments.

At least there are still people who don't blame him for having a girlfriend.

I mean, they really shouldn't! Kris is still a human being who has the rights to find the love of his life.

Any idols have that rights and no one is allowed to take that away from them.

"Are you seriously smiling?" He exclaimed in disbelief as he pinched my cheeks and I have no choice but to remove my eyes from the screen, "You shouldn't be smiling!" He said and I shrugged while grinning, "Why not?"

"At least they are nice." I showed those good comments to him and he let go of my face, "But still," He shook his head in disbelief while rubbing his forehead, "They are scolding you so much."

"It's okay." I whistled and continue reading those comments, "How can that be okay?" He hissed, "As long as they scold only me, is fine."

"How can you say that?" He growls and snatched my phone when I had my guards down as I pouted, "Give me back."

"No." He frowned and I pouted even more, "I'm not done yet." I think I should post something on Weibo to clarify everything.

"I said no." He stated firmly when I try to grab it from his hand but you know, my whole body that full of wounds is restricting me from moving too much, "Hmm, I already can't move too much. You are basically bullying me!" I exclaimed in frustration when he was raising his arm with my phone in the air, "I can't even look up!" My hands were on his shoulder as my head can only tilt up for 20 degrees.

I can't see my phone, seriously, I wasn't lying.

"Give me." I end up looking at his face while grabbing his ears and he just pursed his lips at me, "You shouldn't say that." Can't he drop that already?

"It's fine, okay? Just give me my phone." I said and again, "It's not! How can that be fine to you?" He unintentionally raised his voice at me, "Then? Are you expecting me to cry when I saw those comments?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes, "Seriously, that's nothing." It's nothing compare to those people around me when I was still in high school laughs at me for having no parents.

That's the worst comment that I had in my life and this is really nothing because I don't feel a pinch either.

I always hate it when people call me an orphan that her parents doesn't want her because deep inside my heart; I knew my parents died instead of abandoned me.

"It is something!" I got irritated already when he shouted as I pulled my hands away, "If that can be worse than people saying that I'm a child that no one wants then I would have cried already okay!"

I growled at him and he widened his eyes, "It doesn't matter if they hate me for you. It doesn't matter if they say I'm ugly. Because it can never be worse than people saying that my parents don't want me anymore." Because it hurts more when people accused my deceased parents in that way.

That's never the truth. Not at all.

"Hui Xin," He muttered when I gave him a hard stare before pushing him off the bed and slowly lay down.

I pulled the blanket to cover over my head and close my eyes when I feel my tears almost rushing out from my eyes.

The familiar pain creeps up to my chest and my heart clenched in no time.

Fudge. I hate talking about it. I really hate it.

I tilted my face away slightly to my right when I feel him lifting the blanket away from my face, "Xin," He grabbed my face and I was controlling my breath, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry." I open my eyes when something warm touches my forehead as he stares into my eyes.

My vision blurred, "I'm sorry for shouting at you." I was biting my lips to hold back my sob, "Shhh, don't cry." He immediately pulled me up into his embrace when my tears start falling.

He just has to bring back those bad memories of mine ugh!

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he rubbed my back, "My fault okay? Don't cry." He whined and I stiffened, "You don't look beautiful when you cry." He uses his thumb to wipe my tears when he pulls away from the hug and I pout, "Don't cry, hmm?" He took a tissue for me and I cleaned my nose.

"You lah." I hit him on his thighs and he winced a little, "I'm sorry." He wiped the tears stained on my face and my eyes are a little puffy now.

"Phone." He immediately groaned when I held out my hand to him as I pouted, "Don't pout." He covers my mouth with his hand and I pushed his hand away, "Why?" Again, I pout.

If pout means I can get back my phone, I won't stop doing it.

"You make me want to kiss you aishh." He hissed while getting up from the bed, not before stuffing my phone to my hand as I grinned in victory.

Oh yes! I knew pout would work!

"Thanks!" He just grunted something under his breath in frustration as he went in to the bathroom and I giggled.

I was ready to face the world when it's time for me to leave the hospital after a month of staying.

I'm almost fully recovered; except for my right leg that still have a bandage on it because it still hurts a little when I put some strength on it.

But I was wrong once Kris send me back home after we manage to get rid of those reporters that waited at the hospital, "Pack some of your clothes."

"Huh?" I literally let out a question mark when he said that as he placed my stuff that I brought back from the hospital, "We are leaving tonight." He informed and I looked at my clock on the wall; is 6pm already.

"Why? Where are we going?" I stand while facing him and he caresses my hair a little after getting my shirts and all to the washing machine, "Los Angeles."


I look at him with my eyes popping out, "My album was delayed because I came back for you, Xin." He pinched my nose playfully, "I need to continue where I stop now." His hand then slides down to my face, "Then why am I going too?"

He is the one who should go isn't it? Why did he say 'we'?

"I want you to come with me. I don't want to leave you alone here." His thumbs brushed my cheeks lightly, "And they wouldn't be following us to Los Angeles right?" He said and I looked up to think for awhile.

Wait, I'm forgetting something.

He let go of my face when I turned around and walk away.

I scratched my chin; where is Lola?

"What are you looking for?" He follows me to my room as I flipped my blanket away and I didn't see Lola, "Your dog."

He immediately laughed, "Lola is in my house now." I spun around; cheh, I thought she is still in my house.

"You have totally forgotten about Lola when you are in the hospital." I scratched my head at his words in embarrassed.

Okay, I did. But at least he remembers.

We went to his house now and I hugged Lola when she came to me, "Hi." I chuckled when she licked my face.

I guess she misses me and same goes to me.

"If I follow you, are we leaving her here?" I tilted my head to the back, found Kris staring at me, "We are bringing her." He shakes his head while saying.

He went to his room after that, "What time are we leaving?"

"We are leaving at 10pm." Means the flight is taking off at 10pm?

"So we need to leave to the airport now?" I innocently ask and he chuckles, "No,"

He came back with some shirts in his hand, "The flight is at 1am in the morning. I want to avoid the reporters." OH.

"You never take a flight before?" I shook my head when he asks.

Man, it's great to be able to move my head!

"Hmm, are you afraid of heights?" He asked again, "I don't." Lola was cuddling up to me on my lap as I caress her fur, "Then you should be fine." He muttered to himself.

"Why would you ask me if I'm afraid of heights?" Okay, bear with this girl who never seen a plane before in her life.

"Luhan afraid of heights, he can't really take flight so I wonder if you would." He stated while stuffing his clothes into a luggage bag now, "You still contact him?" It had been 2 years since he left EXO isn't it?

"Not really but sometimes." He gave me a smile swiftly before resume packing his things, "You like him too?" Hey, hey, hey, he should remove that word 'too'.

"Did I ever say that?" I furrowed my brows, "I mean, you could be fan girling over more than one idol." He shrugged as he zipped his bag now, "Then I think I should stop fan girling over you and find Luhan." I said, mocking and he hummed a tone, "Hmm, would you?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled lightly when I pout; he doesn't believe that I would!

"I know you wouldn't." He held my chin with his fingers and kissed my lips lightly as I literally fudged in my mind; dang! I hate him!

He gave me a peck again before finally letting go of my face, "You should go and get your things ready." I handed him Lola while glaring and he wasn't even affected by it as he laughs.

He ruffled my hair before I went back to my house.

We were both in mask and with caps, pressing the brim low when we reached the airport.

He holds my hand and pulled me back when I almost run around because of excitement, "I don't know that airport can be this huge!" I exclaimed and pulled him with me which he hisses, "Xin, we need to board the flight now!" He lowers down his voice but still, is quite loud.

"Let's look around!" I was literally jumping as I ran, "Xin!" He groaned, "We are late already!" I just ignore what he said and look around the airport in awe.

There are many shops here selling branded stuff like handbags, shoes, perfume etc.

"We will look around when we come back later okay?" He managed to pull me back as he wrapped an arm around my waist, "Ahhh, can't we look around now?" I whined sadly and he sighs, "We are really late, we need to board the flight now." He let go of me, "Let's go, okay? I promise we will walk around once we come back." I pouted a little under my mask and nodded.

He just pulled my hand and drags me with him, "How is Lola going to board the flight?" I asked when I saw a sign saying that no pets are allowed on the plane.

"The staff will take care of it." We passed through the gates and he handed Lola who are in a bag with holes at the counter before we enter a long and huge runway, "This is the plane?" My jaws dropped in shock when I saw how huge the plane is!

"Yes." He chuckles when I pulled my mask down, showing my face, "Is so huge!" I was dragging him this time as I ran into the plane, "Xin, don't run! Your leg is not fully recovered yet!" He exclaimed when we passed through many empty seats, "It doesn't hurt!" I laughed as I can't help but feeling excited!

This is the first time I'm flying to overseas! What's more I'm going to Los Angeles this time!

"Do we simply sit where we like?" I know I'm acting exactly like a three-year-old kid but hey, I'm a girl, a little girl this time.

I shook his hand and he chuckles while pinching my nose with the mask on, "No, we have our own seat." He took out our flight ticket, "Our seat is D-36 and D-37." He showed and I nodded my head in awe.

He brought me to our seat and he let me take the seat next to the window; it's dark.

What can you expect? Is midnight now.

"Try to get some sleep once the plane took off. When we reach Los Angeles, it will be night there."

I nodded when he told me that.

I rubbed my ears when it's hurting a little the moment the flight took off as he stuffed a sweet into my mouth.

I gave him a confused look, "Your ears will feel better if you eat something." I popped my eyes open.

Eh? Really?

But it did feels better when I ate a second one.

"Are you hungry?" I pulled my gaze back from the clouds outside the window and shook my head at him, "If you are hungry later, tell me." I bobbed my head before staring out at the window again.

For the first time in my life that I'm seeing the clouds so close! As if I could reach it with my hands.

My eyelids start to get heavy when I have been looking for a long time. I'm excited but still, is midnight now oops.

I feel my head swinging when I had closed my eyes and a hand guided my head to lay on his shoulder, "Just sleep." He mumbled when I opened my eyes tiredly before he pressed my head down to his shoulder again.

I fall asleep in seconds.

I don't know how long I had been sleeping, until I try to move my fingers but I couldn't as I shoot my eyes open.

I blinked for awhile before I saw Kris holding my hand duh.

Lmao I thought what's wrong with my fingers.

I feel a weight on top of my head so I assumed he's sleeping too and I noticed that the surrounding is still dark.

We are not there yet.

I checked my phone; Shanghai time is 6.00am.

Are we even halfway to Los Angeles already?

I slept for another few more hours before I feel Kris touching my face, "Xin, wake up." His voice is so soft to my ears, "You should eat breakfast now." He stated when I stirred a little on my seat before lifting my head up from his shoulder and rubbed my eyes.

Wait, breakfast???

I looked around in blur; right, we are still in the plane. And it is still dark outside.

The flight attendant served some western breakfast and warm coffee which it smells so nice that makes my stomach growls.

"How long do we still need to wait until we reach?" I asked after we are done eating breakfast as my back feel sore for sitting too long and I stretched my body a little.

"Hmm... 2 more hours." He muttered after checking his phone.

We are watching an English movie to kill time as I had totally no idea what they are talking about if I'm not reading the subtitles.

"I can't understand anything." I frowned when we finally landed as the announcements in the airport are all in English. How am I going to survive in this place when I know no other language but Chinese alone?

I looked up at him as we headed to the area to get our luggage and Lola, "I can will do." He commented and look at me swiftly, "So you better don't run once we are out from here." What does that supposed to mean?

I literally dropped my jaws, almost falling on the floor I think because dude! This airport is even huger than the one in China!


"Ah, Xin!" Oops, I can't help but start running again as he got pulled by me, "I told you not to run! You can get lost here!" He groans and I giggled.

Even Lola is barking now.

"Is bigger than the airport in China!" I exclaimed as we came across Mc Donalds; there are many people in there!

"I know!" He barely pulls me back, "Don't run!" He couldn't stop groaning and I laughed, "Now where should we going?" Since he said is night here.

But I don't think I can sleep anymore.

He let out a sigh in exhausted and I giggled, "Back to my house. We should leave our luggage there."

"YOU HAVE A HOUSE HERE?!" I almost gasped out loudly.

Seriously? In Los Angeles?!

"Yes, here is almost like my second home." He shrugged.

I thought he came from Vancouver, Canada?

I mean, China should be his second instead of Los Angeles?

"My team is always here." He pats my head before holding my hand again and led us to a different direction, "Team?"

"Dancer and all. I composed and do everything here before I finalised it in China, Hui Xin." He explained and my mouth dropped to an O shaped under my mask; I see.

"You are richer than me!" I exclaimed in disbelief when I saw his car!

That's definitely a sport car since it only has two seats!

"No, I'm not." He laughs before shoving our luggage into the car and I was holding Lola, "This is a sponsored car, I don't buy it."

"What?" I hissed; don't tell me that they gave him this car because he's the ambassador for it?!

"Bingo, they gave it to me." He winks before opening the car door, "Hop in." Fudge, that's so lucky!

A sport car wey!

Not Ferrari but Porsche is expensive enough!

The seat is so low that I feel myself getting smaller in this car as he gets into the driver seat, "Seatbelt." He mentioned that and I wore my seatbelt.

He speeds off from the car park out to the road and I was choked in surprise; that speed dude!

It didn't take long before he reaches at a house like terrace house, "Open the door, I will get our things." He passed me a bunch of keys and how am I supposed to know which is which?

And yeah, it took me some time to try out almost every single keys in my hand before I finally get the door open.

I looked for the switch and turn the lights on, "OH MY GOODNESS." I hissed while widening my eyes at what I saw, way beyond disbelief because----------

"Oh shit," Kris cursed as he dropped the bag down before covering my eyes and I only see black now, "Shawn!" He was almost growling, "Get the hell out of my house!" He spoke in English now and my face reddened at what I saw earlier.

Damn, there's a couple making out on his couch!

"What? Bro! You came back!" I don't know what's going on but that guy's voice sure sound husky to me, "Get out!" Kris shouted again and he chuckles, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for dirtying your couch." Don't ask me, I can't understand any of it.

"Do it at some other place and not my house!" Kris exclaimed something now, "Hey, you brought a girl yourself too!" I feel a strong pull as my face was on Kris's chest now and he removed his hand from my eyes, "No, don't you dare touch her!" Erm, he sounds mad now.

I looked up at him and saw him glaring, "Are you being serious?" That white guy snickered as I tilted my head a little to look at him. He has plenty of lipstick stain on his face and the girl beside him just stood there lazily with a messy hair.

"Just, get out." Kris hissed one more time before pulling me with him and walked passed them to a room, "Stay here, don't come out until I say so." I nodded and he went out, not before closing the door.

I heard a few more shouting before the door outside being slammed shut hard and I flinched.

I thought he's living alone in this house.

"Xin," A knock was heard from the door as I went over and open it, "You can come out now." He walks away and I walked out from the room, "Who is that?" I curiously asked, "A friend of mine."

"Is that her girlfriend?" He awkwardly scratched his head when I asked that and he avoided my eyes, "Erm," He start cleaning his living room now that is a mess, "That's his fling."

"Fling?" What does that mean in Chinese? He said it in English.

"Just, let's not care about him. He won't come back anymore." He shoved some sort of plastic that was on the floor into the bin, "Damn, he really ruined my place." He hissed something in English under his breath.

"The keys," He then gave me a bunch of keys again that looks the same with the earlier one or maybe not, I don't know.

"Keep it with you, don't lose it." I nodded, "Is for this house." I nodded again before keeping it inside my bag.

"You can take any room upstairs; I will clean here for a bit." He informed before leaving to the back of the house and I muttered an okay.

I let Lola out from the bag before getting my luggage to upstairs.

There are three rooms; one I assumed is his because there are many equipment in there like those I saw in his studio in China.

I went the room next to his and open it, looks like no one stay in this room so I went in.

I pulled the curtain a little and check outside; dark.

I checked the bathroom, not too small but nice.

I cracked my neck; ugh my body is aching from sitting too long.

Getting my clothes out from my luggage bag, I decided to get a shower.

I locked the door before entering the bathroom and have a nice shower.

Hmm, how long are we staying here though? Kris didn't mention about that.

I had told Yong Wei that I won't be going to university for a long time. I think it would be a total chaos if I go back because of the news.

I checked my phone while drying my hair. I got some message from my friends as I reply them.

I went downstairs again after I change into comfortable clothes; I'm feeling hungry now.

But his fridge is empty, his cabinet is empty as well.

He got no food in his house heh.

"Are you hungry?" I turn around when I heard Kris as I was tip toing to check the cabinets, "You don't have food at all." I pout and he chuckle, "I don't stay here often so I didn't have anything in the cabinet."

He motions me to come and I walked to him, "I'll bring you out for dinner." He took my hand before grabbing his car keys and we left the house.

The current place looks beautiful at night as I can't stop looking around; my head is spinning but I don't mind about it.

We ate some kind of giant burger that I can barely finish my god.

The serving of their food is a lot.

He bid me good night after we came home as I chuckle when Lola is following him wherever he goes, "Shoo," He acted like he hates Lola and shoved her to me as she whimpers, "Don't do that to her!" I laughed when Lola bites the edge of his pants and he groaned.


She just likes his smell, way too much!

"Never bite!" He hissed and picked her up from the ground as she let go while sticking out her tongue at him and barked, "Good night." I just kissed his cheeks before going in to my room.

I swear I was having a peaceful sleep comfortably on the bed;

Not until I felt a presence behind my back and an arm wrapped around my waist, which makes me furrowed my brows.

Soon I scrunched up my face when a strong alcohol smell hit my nose and I shoot my eyes open while struggling to get away as a breath hit my skin at my neck, "Hmm,"


That person mumbled and I immediately scream when I finally realize that there is another person in the room with me!

That person even gets up from the bed and I saw him stumbling when my eyes had get used to the darkness in the room, "Shhh, babe be quiet." He falls towards me and I throw him out from my shoulder once I get hold of his arm.

I'm not lying, I really just did that.

I quickly ran to the corner of the room and my door got banged open with a force, revealing Kris, "What happened?!"

He switched the lights on and I pointed at the person on the floor, fainted. I can feel my tears almost rushing out from my eyes dang! How can there be another person coming in here?!

"Fvck," Kris cursed as he slapped his forehead in frustration, "Are you okay?" He wiped my tears when I cried, "How did he get in h-here?" I asked with my hoarse voice and he hugged me while rubbing my back, "Sorry, I forgotten that he used to sleep in this room."

"But why is he on the floor already?"

He asked me as he pulls away; I know it's weird that he fainted out of the blue.

Or not.

"I-I..." I just show him what I did a moment ago.

"Huh?" He looks at me in dumfounded as he went over and checks him out.

"I throw him on the floor."

He gave me a shock face.

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