The Cursed Chronicles: Year 6

By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

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Our heroes return to Hogwarts for what's certain to be an eventful sixth year. Their fifth year tied up all l... More

Prologue/ NEW CAST
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 23

427 8 9
By NotSoAverage_Fangirl

"Although-" Katrina continued.

"Thomas is definitely evil and rotten enough to be Sauron, and Albus could pass for Gollum easily, and they are both hunting for this ring as well, so maybe it is similar."

Suddenly, a stack of junk to the side collapsed, half burying Katrina. She slipped her ring back on, just as Thomas came running by.

"Where is it?" He said to himself, oblivious that Katrina was laying a few yards away. He turned over several books and various other items in search of his item. He jerked his head at a crackling sound behind Katrina. "Great, another problem." He took off running in the other direction.

Once he was around the corner, Katrina pulled off her ring, tucking it in her pocket, and struggled to get out from under the pile, but she was pinned down. The crackling grew louder, and an orange glow had grown behind her. She struggled to get out from under the pile, but her foot was pinned, and it hurt painfully when she tried to wrench it free.

"Help!" she screamed as the fire got closer. "Help!" nobody seemed to have heard her. The fire was getting dangerously close. The flames crawled across the pile hungrily, searching greedily for more fuel wherever they could find it. Just when Katrina had accepted her fate, she heard a voice close by.

"Aquamenti!" the voice called. Katrina felt a forceful blast of cold water. When the blast subsided and she wiped the water from her eyes, she saw the source of the voice. It was Albus. He knelt down beside her.

"That should hold back the fire for the time being. How are you stuck?"

"My foot is caught in something, and my leg is pinned down." Albus nodded. He got down on his stomach and slipped under some rubble. He reached back and lifted the board that was pinning her leg down.

"Can you get your foot loose?" He asked. She strained.

"Got it." she said as she got her foot loose. Albus dropped the board, causing Katrina to wince.

"Sorry," he said as he crawled out from under the rubble. "It was heavy."

"That's fine," Katrina said. She wiped her brow. The flames were getting closer again.

"Here," Albus said. He looped his arms under hers and pulled her out from under the pile. Katrina didn't move for a minute. She just lay in Albus' lap, attempting to catch her breath. Albus didn't say anything. After a bit, she sat up.

"Thanks, Albus."

"There's no need to thank me," he insisted. "That's what friends are for." The fire roared next to them, and they both scrambled to their feet and ran. They split up at a fork. Katrina was running and she ran right into Sandy. They both fell backwards.

At the same time, both girls laid eyes on it. It was a charm bracelet. The charms on it were various magical creatures. The one charm that wasn't was an S. It was clearly Sandy's item. Both girls were up on their feet instantly. The bracelet was on top of a high stack of junk. Both of them climbed at a surprising face to the top of the stack. They both lunged for it at the same time. It was a thrilling moment. Katrina's heart beat so fast, she was afraid it would burst right out of her chest. It nearly did as she felt her fingers grasp the bracelet. Sandy grabbed it after her, trying to tug it out of Katrina's hands. The charms glowed, but it was too late.

"Sandy Stone is out of the task," Professor McGonagall announced from the sidelines. Sandy disappeared suddenly, but the bracelet still glowed in Katrina's hands. Sandy had actually given her an advantage. Even though she was already out of the task, her touch had activated the magic in the item. She slipped it on her wrist. Nothing appeared to happen. She flexed her fingers, and fire burst from her fingertips. She grinned.

"Cool." She heard commotion nearby. She pulled her ring out of her pocket and slipped it on her finger. She disappeared. Thomas and Albus came around he corner. Albus was running from Thomas, who grabbed a nearby wooden chest and threw it at Albus. Albus rolled, dodging it, and it smashed to splinters  behind him. Katrina noticed a watch around his wrist. Their were strange designs on it that were glowing. It was certainly his item, and was probably the reason for his inhuman strength. While Thomas and Albus were busy with each other, Katrina climbed down the pile.

Thomas leapt on Albus, trying to pry the chain with the green snake charm from his neck. He reached forward to grab it when Katrina used her bracelet to send a burst of fire between them. Thomas cried out and dropped to the ground, rolling to put his clothes out. While he was down, Katrina seized his wrist and undid the watch from it before he could do anything about it. She approached Albus as professor McGonagall announced that Thomas was out and he disappeared. She bent down and grasped the chain.

"Sorry Albus," she whispered before yanking the chain of his neck. Thankfully, he latch wasn't state of the art, so it undid itself rather than breaking. Albus was extremely confused. Katrina took off her ring. Professor announced that Albus was out and that Katrina was the winner of the task. Katrina helped Albus up.

"That was great, Kat!" he congratulated, seemingly unfazed that he didn't win (unlike Thomas, who was furious).

"Thanks! Sorry. I guess I kind of owed you since you saved my life.."

"That's fine. I'm glad you won anyway."

"Well, I'm glad you aren't angry. But I purposely got Thomas' item before I got yours. I just wish I could have gotten Thomas' first. Sandy deserved third place ten times more than he did, and he's even being ungrateful about it." They made their way back to the end of the room they had started from. They were met by their friends and family.

"Great job, Katrina!" Bella said as they met at the gate.

"Your attention please!" Professor McGonagall called. "The champions will be awarded points depending on how they placed in the task. First place is Katrina Fizzleworth, from Beauxbatons. She will be awarded fifty points. Second place is Albus Potter. He will be awarded thirty points, and since he is a Hogwarts student, double that amount of points will be awarded to his house." The Slytherins cheered. "Third place is Thomas Done. He will be awarded twenty points. Lastly in fourth place was Sandy Stone. She will be awarded ten points. Since Katrina successfully gathered all of the items, she gets to keep all of them. The clue to your next task will be given soon. Keep your eye out. You are dismissed." Students flooded from the bleachers to crowd the champions. Katrina managed to catch Sandy before she was pushed out the door by her friends.

"Here," she said, handing Sandy the bracelet. "I want you to have this." Sandy smiled.

"Thanks," she said. It looked like she might have said more, but her friends pulled her away. Katrina used her ring to escape the majority of the people there, who were all crowding her. She met up with her friends on the front steps of the school.

"Here Albus," she said, giving him his chain and charm. Albus accepted it an put it around his neck.


"No problem. What are friends for? Besides, I gave Sandy's back, and I didn't know what I was going to do with a Slytherin themed necklace. But I am NOT giving Thomas back his watch. I don't kow what I'm going to do with it, though. James, do you want it?"

"Me?" Albus' brother asked.

"No, the other James," Katrina replied sarcastically. "Yes, you."

"Of course!" He answered eagerly. Katrina tossed him the watch.

"Just don't use it unwisely, or I'll steal it back." He nodded.

"So who's up for the New Years party in the Gryffindor common room?" James asked. "They're starting it right now."

"I don't know if I feel like getting crowded by a bunch of people," Katrina said hesitantly.

"Me too," Albus agreed,

"That's okay, we'll shoo them off," Lily assured him. "Please come! I never get to spend time with you!" That kind of did it for Albus.

"All right, I'll come. Are you coming Katrina?"

"I'm in if you're in."

"Let's go!" Lily said excitedly, grabbing each of the champions' arms and dragging them own the hall towards the moving staircases. The rest of them followed close behind.

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