Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan F...

By VividFantasyFiction

6.4M 128K 46.6K

She thought she knew what pain was, until she met Harry. *This story is in the process of being ed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Authors note! Please read!

Chapter 88

43.3K 1K 292
By VividFantasyFiction

I slept rather comfortably last night, not much was on my mind but Harry's visit surely did ease my thoughts. I woke up not from my alarm, but from the pain in my thighs. Last night was pretty rough between us and the soreness between my legs are starting to increase. I woke up two hours before my usual time and decided to kill it so I washed Harry's clothes. I forgot some of his blood stained the bed and there I was sleeping in it and I cringed to the point where I gagged. I know it's just a small stain but it goes against my obsession with neatness and cleanness, even though it's only Harry's. I showered before everything, scrubbing like a madman disinfecting any traces of germs or dried blood. My skin was red when I stepped out from the rashes caused by my loofah and I looked like a teletubbie from how irritated it looked.

After drying his clothes, I folded them nearly placing them in my bag so that I can give it to him when I see him later. It seems everytime we get into a fight or argument, or even a slight separation causing distress, he injuries himself. He comes back to me in pain and hurt and it scares me sometimes. He was never like this when we first started dating. I remember him getting angry all the of time over small things and whatever involved Liam but it was out of protection and worry toward me. He always knew how to control his feelings and now, they seem to be more loose than ever and I know I'm to blame.

I slept with my ring on and it's actually a great sight to wake up to. I don't think I'll ever take it off, it's absolutely beautiful and receiving it from him makes it even more special.

I can't wait to see him today and I'm actually looking forward to school again. I really need my phone back but I'm trying to avoid Alan as much as I can. Behind my anger towards him and his sudden change of feelings, I feel hurt. It's hard letting it all sink in because it's not easy to believe that him of all people wants to end things between Harry and I. My relationship with him was becoming so good, almost unbreakable because I trusted him so much and was the only one I turned to aside from Harry. Despite using "you're not my real father" against him, he always treated me like he was. He was like my best friend but that relationship has just--poof! Disappeared.

"Do you want breakfast?" my mom smiles preparing Alan's coffee. I wrap my flannel around my waist and tie my boots, a bit too excited to get to school and out of this house. It's quiet and the birds are chirping to each other while the sun shines through the small window above the sink, right behind my mom who looks stunning in her natural skin and long waves of hair.

"No," I sit resting my tired elbows on the counter top, "did you have fun last night?"

She sweetly beams, "I did. We went to Rita's and saw a movie." she sips her energy booster, "did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, glad you had fun."

Alan is taking forever and if he keeps taking his time we're going to be late.

"Listen, you and him need to work this out after school. I don't want this silent treatment going on any longer." she strictly says pouring the coffee into the sink.

"Okay." I simply agree not because I do, but because it's too early to argue and I'm in a great mood and don't want to change it.

"Here." she slides her hand in her pocket pulling my phone out.

Finally! I stand with excitement and reach to grab it but she pulls it away causing me to pout.

"I'm going to take it back if you don't talk it through with him." she warns but I can't take her seriously with that little smile on her face. She'll forget about it, I know she will.

"Yeah, I promise." I lie. Like I actually want to sit there and speak to the person ruining my life. Okay.

"Have a good day," she kisses my forehead just as Alan walks down the stairs. He dressed in his usual attire; dress pants and a button down, typical teacher.

"Love you." I smile taking the phone before Alan sees it. He'll probably take it away and blow up over how "children shouldn't be allowed to have cell phones." The normal bullshit he speaks.

"Good morning, sweetheart." he greets his wife with a kiss, "and good morning little child living in my wife's stomach." he lowers his head to her swollen belly and kisses it," definitely a boy." he winks knowing she'll protest. She changed her mind and wants another girl, I think her decision depends on her mood, really.

"Good morning." I think that's a smile...towards me?

"Hi." I place my bag strap over my shoulder. He takes the cup of coffee from her hands and kisses her again before grabbing his keys off the table. Why are they so...touchy?

"Let's go." tossing his bag over his shoulder, I follow his out of the house and to his red truck.

The music fills the silence and awkwardness between us. He doesn't look upset or mad, but rather...calm. His eyes remain on the road with strong focus and doesn't even turn to look at me, not that I actually care. I'm in way too much of a good mood to let the little things get to me. Harry's finally back and that's all that I'm looking forward to. He'll be with me every period and I finally won't be bored during class because I know his silly faces and dirty notes will keep me entertained.

He pulls up in front of the school and without saying a word I get out. The weather is amazing, it's perfect for strolling through the park and maybe Harry won't mind going after school. Alan drives away and I hurry up the stairs and passed the entrance doors. Students are chatting and roars of laughter from groups echo the school almost making it hard to hear the bell.

"Alee!" Niall waves his hand from across the hall and jogs to me. He looks nice today. Red is definitely his color.

"Your hair!" I gasp at shade of purple highlighting his blonde hair. It's actually nice, it goes great with his eyes.

"Do you like it?" he poses like a model and I giggle at his cuteness.

"A lot, what color is it? Like, purple?" my fingers brush through his soft hair and he chuckles.

"Lilac, yeah. Harry told me he's comin' back today." Even he's as excited as I am. Well they are best friends so it's understandable.

"Yup, I should text him." I almost forgot I got my phone back, "Alan must have turned it off." I speak my mind aloud, "shit it's dead." I press the power button over and over but it just won't turn on, "anyway," I sigh tossing my bag in my locker, "where's your first period?"

"Right there," he points to the English class while students enter as if they're entering hell. How familiar.

"You have Mr. K? Man, that sucks." I laugh shutting my locker.

"I know. He's the worst. Anyway, I'll see you around, alright? Be careful." he pats my back and joins his friends. The loud jocks laugh and tease him over his lilac hair not even giving him time to greet them. One said he looks like a daffodil and I burst into a fit of laughter as he flipped me off. He's a great guy, I really like him. He's so outgoing and carefree, probably the most insanely cool guys I've ever met in my life. I don't know much about him, I don't really know much about any of Harry's friends, but him and Conor are really great guys and I think they're good for him.

"Alee, haven't seen you in ages." Mr. Joseph announces checking names off the attendance sheet. The gymnasium reeks of sweat and men already and the insides of my nose are beginning to sting. The day just started and it already smells like the dump.

"Yeah." I awkwardly walk to him passing through the half court of kids dribbling basketballs and showing off their dunking "skills."

"And look, you're even dressed." sarcasm is his best friend. I always keep spare gym clothes, which consists of sweat pants and a plain t-shirt, in the girls locker room incase of emergencies like this. It totally slipped my mind this morning to pack it.

"And look," I smile mimicking him," you're wearing shorts that actually reach your knees." I tease back and he glares at me. Even though he never approved of Harry and told me to "stay away" from him because he was "dangerous," he's one of my favorite teachers. He's cool, like "I don't give a fuck what you do just run around for fifty five minutes" cool.

"Wow, you actually made a joke. Props to you." he fights back and I roll my eyes following him to the basket of equipment, "are you going to play?"

"Um--," I want to say no but I'm probably the only person failing P.E from lack of participation,"yeah, I am."

"I'm glad. Pick a station and stay there until we rotate."

I ignore the soreness and look around to pick something I won't mind actually playing. The girly girls with their pony tails and short shorts pathetically toss a basket ball back and forth to each other. I swear it's girls like them who makes general girls look unathletic.

I shouldn't expect Harry to be here until maybe next period since his mom should be reinstating him, so I need to socialise with some people. Socialise; worst part about life.

"Hey, Alee! Want to play soccer?" a girl named Telly offers. Her real name is Tatiana but apparently she hates it. I don't get why she thinks 'Telly' is better than that.

"Sure." I don't have anything better to do, so why not?

"Okay, stand beside me." she instructs positioning the ball. She passes it to not-so-smart Lauren who steps aside and misses it. Lauren then runs awfully girlish, as if every guy in the world is watching her, and picks it up with a proud smile on her face.

"You can't touch the ball, Lauren." I cross my arms watching her jog her way back as if she's in BayWatch.

Why can't he come already? I'm dying here.

"Well, here. You kick it then." she strides over to me and hands me the ball, walking away with cockiness. She's so full of herself it's sickening. She's not even that pretty.

"She's a bitch, don't mind her." Telly whispers to be sure she doesn't hear. How could she when she's adjusting her boobs?

I laugh and place the ball on floor before Telly stops me, "can you dribble that on your knee?"

"Not really." I shrug. Harry taught me once, or tried at least, but I still failed. I remember that day so clearly. He kept making me try over and over until I got it right and when I barely made it passed three, I made him do it for me. He was so good at it too. I remember how focused and professional he was and I guess being on the team boost his skills. Everything was going great until Liam came and basically held me hostage in the storage room begging me take him back. That was the first time I've ever seen him so hurt and to be honest, I was almost convinced. Luckily I didn't give in to his act like an idiot. I think if it weren't for Harry, I probably would've.

"I can try," half of me wants to and the other half doesn't to avoid embarrassment but the instructions given by Harry on how to master it are becoming fresh in my mind.

"Cool." she smiles handing it to me.

"When you throw the ball in the air, throw it so that it's high enough for you to follow and connect with your knees." The image of Harry positioning me and tossing the ball in the air appears before me like a projector and his voice is as clear as day in my head. Tossing it just high enough, I bounce it off my knee once, twice, three times...and four.

"You liar!" Telly laughs picking up the ball before it rolls any further, "that was so good, better than me and I'm on the team." she presses the ball against her stomach as her arms keep it in place. She's not that bad, to be quite honest. Her blonde hair compliments her olive skin tone and her brown eyes really tops it all. She's nice, I like her.

"Thanks. My boyfriend taught me." All credit of course goes to Harry. If it weren't for him I'd just be kicking air.

"Boyfriend?" she says confused, "Oh, Harry!" she recovers nodding, "the tattoos and accent, right? Yeah, he's cute." her cheeks lightly flush. She probably has a crush on him. Why do I find that to be so funny?

"Why are you laughing?" she smiles walking to the benches. She sits down setting the ball beside her but I remain standing in front of her view.

"Nothing," I didn't realize I was, "but yeah, he's pretty cute." More like sexy as hell and has great abs.

"He reminds me of that other guy. He has an accent too." she stares trying to think of the name.

"Conor?" I suggest.

"No...uh--Liam!" she claps, "Liam! The soccer player. I think he transferred but awe man was he sexy!"

It doesn't upset me that she thinks he's "sexy" and I don't feel any type of way. I just feel bad for her bad taste in men.

"Hmm, I see." I grin, "don't you have a boyfriend?"

"No," she frowns, "guys don't really like me. I mean, I'm so weird it's sad." we both laugh but it's hard to believe her. Shes so pretty I don't see the problem.

"You know," an idea steals my mind, "my friend is single. I'm not sure if he's your type but he's honestly the sweetest guys you'll ever meet." her glum face immediately lights up with a wide smile.

"Really? Who?"

"Niall. He's funny, and sweet and is the cutest thing in the world." I don't find Niall sexy or hot like the other girls, I think because we're good friends I don't think of him that way but I won't deny how adorable he truly is. Like how his cheeks turn red from laughing so hard--that laugh, Jesus it's contagious! Come to think of it, despite Telly's beauty, Niall is way too good for her.

"Horan?" her face contorts in disgust.

Oh. Guess not.

"Why the face?"

"No thank you." she widens her eyes like Niall's the most horrible person in the world.

"Why do you say that? He's a great guy." I defend.

"Yeah, every girl in school just might agree with that." she insults scoffing," anyway. I'll leave you two alone." she smirks grabbing her ball and standing.

Leave who alone?

"Boo!" I scream when Harry's massive hands grab my waist to scare me. He laughs catching me before I fall over to hit the ground and kisses me as everyone "ooo's" and chants like a bunch of children. He flips them off laughing and even Mr. Joseph joins.

"Didn't mean to scare you." he laughs wrapping his arms around me to hold me against his chest. I can feel something bumpy underneath his shirt. Maybe he wrapped his scar.

"It's okay," I laugh, "what took you so long?"

Grabbing my hand, he sits us down and I throw my leg over his allowing it to hang between his, "my mum had to fill out some papers and shit." he traces my thigh.

"Was she mad?"

"Annoyed." he laughs carelessly, "whatever. She can stay annoyed I don't care."

"Why do you say that?" I hook my arm around his and rest my head on his broad shoulder. He smells amazing.

"Because I'm sick of her shit." he simply tells me, "always getting mad, always picking a fight--fuck it. I don't care anymore." evident frustration paints his face but he's doing a good job at keeping it in, "but anyway, I missed you." he kisses my forehead and I smile. He goes from the Hulk to a marshmallow within five seconds, it's pretty funny.

"I missed you too." I feel his stubble with my hand as I rub his cheek. It's not that noticeable, but little black hairs are beginning to shape out.

"I haven't shaved in a while." he chuckles amused with my fascination towards it.

"Don't. I like it." I kiss it when he leans in, "is your scar okay?"

"Yeah. I wrapped some gauze around it. It's fine. Thank you for helping me last night."

"You don't have to thank me," I smile at his sweetness, "thank you for coming over. I needed you." I throw my arm around his neck pulling him and our lips brush against each other. He doesn't realise that just his presence makes my day. He turns a shitty one into the best and no one can do it but him.

"I need you later on tonight too." He smirks into our kiss. I have no problem with that.

"Hey! Cut that out!" Mr. Joseph blows his whistle walking to us. I hide my face in his arm laughing as him and Harry shake hands, "it's been a while, Styles." Like a typical gym teacher, he spreads his legs and crosses his arms, "how have you been?"

"I've been well, and you?" I know he wants to crack some jokes about how he's standing and I can't tell he's trying not to laugh at his shorts.

"Good, I'm glad you're ba--" two kids tackling each other cuts off his sentence and he groans clenching his jaw, "not this shit again." he growls marching up to the two boys and pulling them apart by their shirts. I watch him yell as everyone laughs and Harry grabs my hand and begins to rub it.

"You have your ring on." he smiles feeling it.

"I told you I'll always have it on." I remind watching him.

"I've been thinking..." tilting his head, he begins to play with the tips of my hair, something he does when he has a plan involving me.


"An apartment." he looks at me still brushing his fingers through it and I look away in thought.

"That's random." I laugh.

"I know but I've thought about it. Like really, really thought it through and I think I might do it."

"If that's what you want..."

I think it's a great idea for him to have his own place. I mean, I support whatever decision he makes and since he thought about it long and hard just as he said, why not? It'll be a good step for him and will create a new form of independence and responsibility. So I'm 100% with him on it.

"It is what I want, but.."


"I want you to move in with me."

*Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the million reads! We're at 1.8M and that's seriously insane! thank you so much for all your support it truly means so much! I love you all so much and you're the best readers in the world. Please don't forget to comment and vote :) Thank you all again! <3*

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