Mist on the Moon

By tomboylatte

440K 21.6K 1.1K

She was the favored daughter of a medieval lord. He was a wealthy prince, a girl's dream. No one thought he w... More

"There's more to love than that"
"If you love someone, go with your heart."
Getting ready to be chosen
The coming of the prince
Cara and the prince
"He wants you!"
He will miss her when she's gone
Not a hot blooded peasant
A secret kiss
Invitation from the prince
What happened in the forest
He has feelings too
His ball for her
A special moment for both
Surprise! He is coming
Lurking danger
Taken captive
To die for her?
The girl in the window
His attempt to rescue her
"Oooohhhh," she moaned
"Oh, my God!"
She stood over him
A special knight
Her great happiness?
"I know many girls."
Danger/another woman
"I love you"
The weaker sex?
What she feels for him
Women fighting back
No! Not him!
Awakening hope
"Stop! Don't say it!"
Angry with him?
She Makes up Her Mind
"I will make you happy"
"I think it will be good."
What she said, right or wrong
"My love for you is. . ."
She would give herself to him
Ready for love
"You are so beautiful"
Waking up with a man, and. . .
A night for love
Joy, followed by. . .
A new life
She doesn't want him to
It's my baby
She knew what she wanted to do
She would be brave
Is something wrong?
It's her time!
He's coming!
An angry woman
A little child
Not what they expected!
Come back!
Advice for Cara--a good idea?
A special night
Good news and bad news
A girl in love
Captured by the enemy
A love so strong
How could this have happened?
A love strong enough?
Just for fun
"Trent! Oh, no!!!
A noble woman
Too young?
Joy, and an Omen
What men do that causes women grief
She has to do something!
Don't do it. Don't go!
Something she should not do
Hope for the best
Not in a good place
Some hope for her
Can she? Should she?
She gives her best
Never! She would die first!
She knows it's because of her
To hold onto life
That girl! and Justin
Justin, and what she didn't say
They talk it out
Making up
Together, at last
Getting ready to party
A celebration!
Dancing fun--and worry
"Dear, I know what you're thinking."
A wedding preparation surprise
The marriage difference?
What Trent didn't say
Not ready for this
He's brave to stay with her
No, Kirah, he's not coming home.
They want him
Let's have fun!

She had to see him

4.3K 239 4
By tomboylatte

Cara visited Justin every day, twice a day. Though his progress was slow, he seemed to be gradually getting better. She was glad for him, and learned that when he was well again he would be made a knight. She didn't tell him that, and thought that maybe he didn't know. She wondered how he would like it, suddenly becoming a knight with all that it meant—having others provide for all his needs, fine clothes, a suit of armor, a distinction far above that of a commoner. What would he think to suddenly be in an honored position. Would he change? Somehow, Cara didn't think so, though things would be different for him.

She enjoyed quiet moments talking with Justin. He and Gina were her only links to the little kingdom she had left behind. They knew it as intimately as she did and maybe she was beginning to get homesick for it. She talked with Justin about some of the people they both knew, and she found it so interesting to get his perspective on people she knew in a much different way than he did. Of course, his was a man's point of view and hers was that of a woman. 

As she talked, she could tell that Justin was still weak for his voice didn't have his usual tenor and depth--that deeply male quality that somehow excited her though she for the longest time refused to admit it. No, now she talked with him in a quiet way, in a restrained way for that was what he was capable of in his present condition. Still, it was good to talk to a friend. Yet she knew that when he was fully recovered, which she hoped for, she would have to be careful, for somehow Justin had a way about him that affected her. But she refused to think any more of it. Soon, she would be married to Prince Trent, and that would be that.

Cara had plenty of time to talk with Gina, who mingled with ordinary people far more than she did. Gina saw that the people were concerned for the knights who still had not returned. Their anxiety for their beloved prince was growing. To them, he had been away too long in the battle against the Magyars, and they hoped that all was well with him and the Bavarian knights who fought with him. Then, a messenger arrived. The smaller army of the Magyars, the ones that Prince Trent and his men battled, had been defeated. There were casualties however. Then, at last Prince Trent's army returned and the city rejoiced. That is until they learned that their leader was struck down.

At first, it was as if Cara couldn't learn anything. There were conflicting reports. Finally, she managed to see Trent's old friend, Daniel in the hallway near her apartment. "Daniel," she called out on seeing him. "Daniel, you must tell me about Trent."

Daniel stopped at her voice, but she sensed he wanted to move on. "Daniel, I need to know about Trent. Please come inside. You have to tell me what happened."

Still showing some reluctance, he came at her bidding, and she held the door open for him to enter. "What is the matter, Daniel? Tell me. Prince Trent. . ." She could not bear to say or to think more.

"My lady, Prince Trent has fallen in battle."

"Oh my God!" she uttered, her worst fears suddenly materializing. "But, but. . ." she stammered.

"He is alive. The doctors are hoping for the best as we all do, my lady."

"Oh, thank God," she uttered, holding onto Daniel's tunic in her relief. She backed away, but still stood close to him. "How did it happen" She felt she had to know.

"He was too brave, my lady. We were chasing them, trying to catch them before they reached the protection of the walls of the manor. We didn't know it, but Trent took an arrow that cut into his thigh, but he considered it of no major importance and continuing to fight. In the clamor of battle we didn't know of his wound. He directed the fight from horseback as he always does, and we were able to defeat them. Some Magyars entered through the gates but we followed them in and captured them except those that escaped and fled outside the walls. We then found that they had the knights locked up in the dungeon and we released them. That's when Trent fell down. We didn't know why until we saw the blood spilling from his leg. We bandaged him and carried him back more dead than alive. I'm sorry, that is all I can tell you. He is in the care of the doctors. He is unconscious."

"Can I see him?"

"I don't think so. Only the king and queen. Even I, his best friend can't see him now."

Cara leaned into Daniel, tears coming down her cheeks. He held her or she might have fallen. She cried into his shoulder. Then she caught herself and stepped back. She looked at Daniel and saw the sorrow etched on his face. She didn't know what to say to him. What words are there at a time like this? Sadly, she murmured, "Thank you."

He left the room and she went to her bed, lying full on her stomach, her tears falling into the blanket. She thought to pray, but prayers didn't come to her. Finally, she got up, dried her tears, opened the door and walked out. She was determined to see Trent. Stefan was there, and he fixed his gaze on her. Cara could tell that he knew of her sorrow. Maybe he had heard her crying. "Stefan," she told him, "I must see Trent."

"My lady, I don't know if that is possible. There have been strict orders. . ."

"I don't care," she spoke forcefully, interrupting his words. "I will see him one way or another. He is to be my husband. Don't you understand that I must see him?"

Stefan saw her determination and answered. "Lady Cara, I have no power to let you in, but I will escort you there."

The two walked down the hall, and then over to the rooms occupied by the doctors. When they arrived at the main door, Cara knocked.

"Who is it?" came a reply from within.

"Lady Cara," she tersely answered.

She heard conversation from the other side of the door. "Only the king or queen is authorized to see Prince Trent."

"But I am his betrothed." There was no answer. She looked at Stefan who only shrugged. Obviously there was nothing he could do. Then, Cara had an idea. She would take a bolder tactic. Turning to the door she said in loud voice, "I am Lady Cara, soon to be Princess Cara. I don't think you want to go against a princess, for I will remember you and how you are being so obstinate." She heard more talk from behind the door, and then, as if by magic it was opened to her. Only she was let in. Stefan had to wait outside.

"My lady, pleaded one of the doctors, do not tell the queen that we have let you in.

"Of course not," she answered, as she looked for but did not see Trent. "Where is he?"

"This way."

The doctor led her a short distance, and then turning a corner she saw him. Across from him was Justin, sleeping. She went up to where Trent was lying in bed. She gazed down at him, so handsome even in sleep. His color was pale, but his breathing was steady. She stood there, looking down at him. The doctor stood near, at her side. She reached a hand to touch Prince Trent on his shoulder. Then, his eyes opened, and he looked up at her. He smiled, and Cara smiled back at him before bending down to plant a gentle kiss on his lips. "Ah, my prince," she spoke. "I know you are weak, but now I know you will be well again. I will be waiting for you."

Prince Trent smiled at her at her words, but his eyes began closing. The doctor near her said, "Lady Cara, he is quite weak. We should leave him to rest and recuperate."

"I understand," she answered, and began walking with the doctor toward the door. She glanced at Justin, but he was still asleep. It occurred to her as she walked from the operation center that the two men she cared for most were now both together. A prince and a stable boy, who would soon become a knight. How strange was life. As she went through the door, Stefan was waiting for her in the hallway. She gave him a big smile, for now she felt sure that both Trent and Justin would recover.

The two of them in the same room! I think Cara is right, that they will both recover. But what will happen next? Something dramatic? Something romantic? 

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