Together, at last

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Justin looked at her and smiled. "I would love to, Cara, but I'm rather awkward with these." He nodded to the staffs he was using. "Better for me to eat alone for a while."

Cara felt she really wanted to help but she had her own children to care for so left him. However, then Gianna entered the hall. She heard her speaking to him.

"Justin! I was all over looking for you. I didn't know you would be here, getting your own breakfast. Why didn't you tell me?"

Cara saw Justin shake his head. "I had to do this myself, Gianna. I don't want to be waited on for everything."

Gianna also shook her head unbelievingly, her arms uplifted as if she wanted to help, but as if she was not sure what she should do.

"I can do this, Gianna. I want to do this myself."

Cara found it hard to take her eyes off the two of them. Gianna obviously wanting to be of help and Justin not wanting her help. She heard Justin say, "I'm going to the counter to get some food. Would you like to join me for breakfast, Gianna?"

Cara could easily read the look on Gianna's face. Of course she was going to sit and have breakfast with him. But Cara knew Gianna always wanted to be helpful, and she saw that Justin's mind was set that he was going to do things on his own. Cara turned back to her children, glad that Evie had not left. "I'm going back. Would you like to join us? I have some especially delicious tea."

"No thank you," she answered. "I'm meeting Richard soon."

Striding quickly toward her came a courier. "A message from King Trent, my queen. He wants you to know that he and the army will be home tonight."

"Oh! That's the best news ever," she answered, smiling brightly. "Evie, did you hear? The men are returning tonight."


Cara returned to her suite with Kirah and Brendan. She needed to change their diapers, a task which many of the royalty had their nursemaids do. Then her children would go for their first nap. She attended to them, smiling inwardly at the thought of Trent coming home. Kirah and Brendan seemed to catch her joy for they too were chattering to each other and to her in their baby talk.

When they were down Cara had more time to think. She thought more about Justin and Gianna. She knew Gianna could hardly refrain from being helpful. That's just the kind of person she was. But though she knew Justin's love for her was real, he did not want her help in some things. As Cara thought about it she believed Justin was right. He would get stronger and recover faster if he did things on his own.

Then her thoughts went to Trent. She loved him so much. How soon would he return? Soon enough to see the children before they were in bed for the night? Surely Kirah and Brendan would remember him well; it had not been that long. Would he be tired? She thought he would be.

And herself? She would bathe and she wanted to wear one of her prettiest gowns for when he came back. Something very feminine that would accentuate her best features. Something he would love to see her wearing.

But what? As queen, she had great variety of clothing. Many for royal occasions, some for casual occasions and others for riding one of her horses, for traveling and for picnicking. None of those would be right for when he first saw her on coming home. She looked through her several closets, pulling one thing out and then another to see them in the light.

Finally, she pulled out one that made her smile. One she couldn't ever remember wearing. It was of a delicate lilac color. Quickly, she tried it on. She went to the mirror to look at herself. She could see that the gown clung to her figure in such a lovely way. Now she knew she had never worn it before. She could not go out in public to meet Trent wearing such a dress. That is unless she wore something over it.

She set it aside on the bed a moment and continued to look through all the other lovely things in the closet. But her eye kept returning to the gown she had laid on the bed. Looking back she hesitated a moment. Then she went to pick it up. Taking it in her hands she held it up to her face, feeling its softness. Yes, she decided. That is what he would see her wearing. It was perfect.

* * *

That evening, she went down with the children to supper accompanied by her friend Elke with her two children. There was excitement in the air. Every one of the wives, children and parents of the knights all seemed to be talking as they ate while they awaited the return of the army. No one knew exactly when, but all looked forward to reuniting with their loved ones.

"To think," said Elke, "that sometime tonight all our men will be back and this time there will be no one injured or worse. This will be a happy time for all."

Cara agreed with her completely until her thoughts went to Justin. Oh, how she hoped that he would make a speedy recovery. "Ah, yes, it will be a festive night, especially if they come home early. But even if not, I am thinking that Trent will want to have a grand party to celebrate on the next night."

Elke turned to Cara. "Oh, do you think so? That will be so great!"

"Yes, Trent likes to celebrate. And we do have much to thankful for that the Magyars have left without a major battle. If he doesn't mention it, you can be sure, Elke, that I will give him a good hint or two that he should do it."

"Wonderful," said Elke, clapping her hands together. I love it when Johann is regally garbed and we can dance to excellent music.

* * *

The time passed so slowly for Cara. She had put the children down, dressed herself in her beautiful lilac gown, and was still awaiting Trent's return. She fervently hoped that there was no problem. Then she heard shouts from the courtyard followed by even more clamor. They were back! Cara debated. Should she cover herself and rush down to meet him in the courtyard or should she only wait knowing he would immediately come to their suite? She decided to wait.

Soon she heard the sounds of joy in the hallways of the castle as the knights were greeted by their wives and families. Cara could scarcely contain herself from rushing out to find Trent among them. Then there was a light tap on the door and immediately Trent entered. She looked at him from afar and then he came to her. They stood for a moment facing each other, each looking into each other's eyes. "You are so beautiful," he breathed.

Cara had almost forgotten how big he was and she felt small and delicate against his larger frame. Then he took her in his arms holding her tight as she instinctively wrapped her arms around him.

"The children are asleep?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered. "Are you tired?"

"Yes, but not too tired. I want to sleep with you in our bed."

"I want that too, my lord."

They kissed tenderly. Then more passionately.

This part ended rather abruptly but you know more is coming. Hope you liked it.

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