The marriage difference?

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This was the day! The day they had been waiting for and preparing for a long time. Now it was here. Even Cara, though she was not one of the bridesmaids was growing anxious for all the proceedings to begin.

Those about to be married had, it seemed to Cara, to have been consulting her every step of the way. Well, that was natural, Evie was her sister and Gianna had become her very best friend. She looked forward to their getting married with the hope that they would experience as much happiness with their man as she did with hers.

Justin came to her mind. Still showing some unsteadiness resulting from his being slashed on the head during battle, he nevertheless carried himself with a good measure of dignity. Cara thought that was new for him for ever since she had known him his manner had always been relaxed and at the same time careful. She supposed it was because of working with horses. She knew they can become skittish if one moves quickly or acts in an excited manner. 

In a way, that's how Trent was as well. She had quickly come to feel at ease with him despite that she came from a small, almost insignificant kingdom and he was from one of the largest and most important kingdoms in all of Europe.

Ah, well, too much thinking perhaps. Trent was out doing something or other related to the wedding and soon her handmaid would be here to help her primp and dress for the elegant occasion. Also, her sitter would soon come to take care of the children. Already she had managed to feed her children and bathe herself. They would not be attending as at their age they would have no idea of what a royal wedding was about.

Their sitter arrived first and in the next moment in came Gina, her handmaid. Cara had long since noticed how close her handmaid's name was to that of her best friend, Gianna. Gina was in high spirits and said, "I'm so excited to be helping to get you ready for this wonderful occasion."

After what seemed like a long time, Gina had worked her magic with her hair, wardrobe, nails, etc, and looking at herself in the mirror, Cara was pleased. Even after Gina left, Cara remembered her words, "You will be the most lovely woman there."

Then Trent came back, looked at her, and shaking his head said, "Cara! You are so beautiful!"

Cara lacked the words to answer him. All she could say was, "Thank you, my husband."

Trent still needed to get dressed himself. Cara said to him, "while you're dressing, I'll stop to see if Evie is still in her suite. She quickly walked there, knocked gently, and her handmaid opened the door. "Is she still here?" Cara asked.

"Yes. The bridesmaids have already left. I'm leaving too. Evie said she wanted to be alone for a short while."

Cara went further inside and saw Evie. There were tears in her eyes."

"Evie, you're crying!"

"I know," she uttered. "Isn't it stupid of me? I'm never one to cry."

"But you're happy aren't you? I mean this is what you and Richard have wanted for so long."

"Oh, yes I want it. I want him. Cara, I have no idea why I'm this way today," she added, dabbing a kerchief to her cheeks." She added, "And I'd really rather not have Richard see me this way."

Cara tried to quickly think of something to possibly cheer her sister. "Evie, you're going to be fine. Everyone is a little emotional at a time like this. We just show it in different ways."

"I'm sorry," sighed Evie, as she hugged Cara.

"No, dear sister. There's nothing to be sorry for. We are women. We have feelings. Men just have to understand that. Now Evie you go and join your bridesmaids and wait for your man in the church. This is what you've wanted for for so long."

Through her tears, Evie gave her a big smile. "You're right, my dear sister. I'm on my way to be there for him."

Evie quickly left, and Cara exited her apartment to see Trent coming toward her. Smiling, she took his arm and they soon joined the procession of royalty walking the short distance to the Cathedral.

Of course she and Trent had the best of seats to watch the proceedings. With Richard and Justin waiting at the front of the church, her father ushered Evie up the aisle to the front to the accompaniment of the beautiful music of a choir and pipe organ. At the same time, Gianna came forward, escorted by Daniel, Trent's longtime best friend. Gianna's father had long since died.

 Cara had never seen her sister look more beautiful and she was glad that instead of tears she appeared radiant as she accepted Richard's arm to lead her to the two kneelers set before the altar. There, she and Richard, Justin and Gianna would hear the mass and more importantly make their vows before the celebrant and all those in the great Cathedral. Vows to love and honor one another in sickness and in health until parted in death.

Cara was glad it all went off without a hitch, and now as the two couples proceeded down the wide isle they were showered with rice, a good omen, and applause that overcame even the loud strains of the organ.

Later, at the reception in the great hall, Cara looked on as the two newly wedded couples took the first dance to music they had chosen provided by twelve talented musicians. The evening continued with plenty of food, wine and music and Cara was glad to see Justin and Gianna dancing together as frequently as anyone to the regal music provided by the band. Glad she was that on this evening there were none of the more rousing dances favored by the peasants for she did not wish to see Justin take another fall. Perhaps she should not have worried, for Justin seemed gradually to be overcoming the effects of his injury

Later still, when it was just Trent and she in their suite, she told him how much she had enjoyed the wedding and the reception, especially that she could enjoy it with him.

Trent was removing his exquisite jacket and seemed to be in a thoughtful mood. "Marriage is a good thing," he said. "Tonight these two couples will join together in marriage for the first time."

Cara didn't want to interrupt his train of thought but she did remind him that Evie and Richard had been together in that way at least once before.

"Yes," he answered, "but that was passion. I think in marriage it is different."

"How do you mean?" she asked, coming nearer to him as she began removing her beautiful gown.

"Part of it may be that this joining together has the blessing of the church. But I think there's more to it than that. I mean one makes a commitment to a certain person for the rest of one's life."

"That's true," said Cara, following his logic.

"So when you have sex with the one you love, the person you're going to be with every day, it's not just to please yourself. I mean you want to please the one you love."

"Yes," she answered. "I think I understand what you're saying. Trent, I love how you are with me. You know I want to please you."

Seeming to have let go the topic of his thinking, Cara noticed Trent looking at her with great tenderness. Then, taking her in his arms he said, "I'm fortunate to have you, Cara. I don't know how I could love anyone more."

"Yes," she sighed, before her mouth was covered by his kisses. Returning his kisses she thought to herself, NoI am the fortunate one.

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