Waking up with a man, and. . .

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They awakened together. The sun was streaming in through the upper window, and it did not take a clock to know that it was already fairly late in the morning. They exchanged meaningful glances, rose from the bed together, though on opposite sides. Cara went first to the huge stone basin to rinse herself, then after toweling began putting on clothes for breakfast. Trent did the same, and soon they were both dressed and ready to go out to have breakfast before the kitchen staff put it away. They were both hungry.

Cara thought to herself, It is different waking up with a man. I guess I am always going to wake up with this man. She gave him a smile, he took her hand, and they walked out of the suite together. When they reached the great hall, surprisingly there were quite a few people still around, and she soon learned why. Cheers arose from her family, their friends and other well wishers. Cara turned to Trent, who was still holding her arm as they entered, "Did you know they would be waiting for us?"

Trent just shrugged, indicating to her that he also didn't know. As they stood there, not yet far into the hall, Evie came to her and handed her a large card. "Read it, read, it," said Evie.

Cara looked down at the lettering on the card, and spoke the words out loud. "To the now fully married prince and princess. May you be happy together always."

She was pleased with the card and said so to Evie, pulling her close with a hug, and then said to the others, "So kind of you." Her father came close, and said to those gathered, "These two must be hungry. Let them eat."

A plate of eggs, sausages, toasted bread, and a second of cherries and two different kinds of pastries were brought to each of them. Cara didn't get to sit next to Trent because of all those gathered around them. They were all well meaning, talking, asking some questions, speaking of their future. She looked and saw Trent speaking with Daniel and Justin and another of his friends while she was occupied talking with her father, brother, Gianna and Evie. Evie sat directly across, leaning forward toward her. Her sister was so inquisitive. Had there not been others there she probably would have asked how the night went. She hoped that Trent wouldn't say anything about their night to his friends because she certainly wasn't going to.

At last, breakfast was over, people went their way and she could once again be with Trent. She stood up, Trent took her arm and they walked out of the hall together. Trent of course walked with a limp, but by now she was getting used to it and had no trouble adjusting her pace to his. They went back to their suite where they found the door and windows wide open and the maids doing what Trent asked them to do—removing every petal and airing out the apartment. Cara gave Trent a smile for she sincerely hoped that their second night together would be much better than their first.

"We can't go in there now while they're removing all the petals and replacing all the bedding. I have nothing scheduled for two full days. We should do something fun together."

"Then let's ride," replied Cara. "You know there's scarcely anything else I like to do better." Then she thought about it. "Trent, do you still enjoy riding with your bad leg?"

"Very much so. In fact, riding is one thing I can do just as well as before."

"Good. Let's get our horses and then you lead me to anywhere you want to go."

Trent had a place in mind and told her that they should take a lunch so that they could enjoy the whole afternoon and part of the evening together. He went to the kitchen and got bread, meat, strawberries, etc. for them to take, packing them in his saddle bags.

They set off. Cara was in high spirits for she loved to ride, and was with the man of her life who was taking her to a place she thought would be special. They rode quickly through the forest, Trent in front and she following. Cara loved the speed, she always had.

After a time they emerged from the forest and began ascending a long incline leading up a vast hill. Cara had never seen this landscape before and as they rose higher the trees became fewer and fewer. Now at the top of a plateau, they rode side by side together, enjoying the view and each other's company. They had already ridden farther then Cara had ever gone with Trent and here in the hills it seemed they were alone for not a person was to be seen.

Trent rode close beside her. "Cara, my princess," he said. "How would you like to be remembered?"

Cara looked at him questioningly. "As your wife, of course," she answered. Seeing that he seemed to be looking for more, she continued. "I want to be a good wife and mother, I mean when, if we have children."

As they rode together, Trent came closer, putting an arm around her and giving her a kiss. "I like that, and that you put us first is important to me. Then, riding as close to her as their two horses allowed he said. "But Cara, how would you like to be remembered in history as princess? And then maybe later as queen?"

"Oh, Trent, if that should happen by then I will be old and grey. Who would care?"

"I would care and our people would care. And that old and grey thing. You will never be old in my eyes."

"Trent, you say the sweetest things. And, you ask the hardest questions. I know almost nothing about being a princess let alone a queen. You're going to have to teach me a lot. I suppose there are duties for each, but I'm going to be content for you help me. Or, maybe I could find a book on how to act like a princess." She said that in jest, turning to Trent and smiling at him.

Trent took her hand, and then pointed ahead. "That looks like a good spot for us to stop to eat.

* * *

Cara marveled at how well prepared Trent was. As they sat on the long grass, it seemed to her that he had wanted them to share not just a meal, but a dining experience. From his saddle bags he took out a tablecloth, then brought out cheese, fresh baked bread, a generous portion of white turkey meat including a leg and thigh, cloth napkins, strawberries and a flask of wine and two goblets.

After their long ride, looking at everything Trent had brought made her hungry. Trent sat beside her, helping her to reach the things he had laid out on the cloth. They talked and ate heartily, enjoying the food and the red wine. It was a beautiful day to be outdoors and after awhile Cara began to feel like maybe she was eating too much for she was beginning to feel almost drowsy. She didn't want to do that for they had a long a trip back.

Trent's arm was around her, and he turned more fully toward her when she had finished eating. "I am glad there are places like this where we can be alone together. I don't think there is anyone  around for miles."

Cara was struck by his rapt attention to her, and when he moved closer to kiss she was not surprised. She kissed him back with tenderness, with the thought in the back of her mind that back home in their suite this might be how they would be together. Hopefully, she would not be sneezing anymore.

Trent's kisses became deeper and Cara began to respond to the feelings he was awakening in her. He laid her back in the tall grass and she looked up at him, wondering what he was going to do next. Then he was over her, his eyes fixed on hers and his hand caressing her body. She loved the feeling of what he was doing to her, but to be doing it here, out in the open? "Trent," she breathed. "Trent."

Hope you enjoyed this, and look forward to what is coming next.

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