Loving My Best Friend

By a_bose04

155K 5.7K 626

Two best friends... Aiden and Enid. Aiden was the star football player and co-captain of the team and Enid wa... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 18

3.8K 144 9
By a_bose04

Enid's POV

When Ethan and I entered the living room, my eyes landed on Aiden first. He looked freshen up and I could not help but smile at him, seeing him smiling at me.

Our friendship would never be the same again. I knew it when he said we could at least try. I have kissed him before, but that was when we were still kids. A lot had happened since then. A lot of things had changed. Our love for each other had also changed.

"Come on, don't stare so obviously." Ethan said and dragged me towards dad's study. There was dad, Avan and Mark hanging out, simply talking about business. Matt looked like he had left the most important work to be here.

"Ah! The future of my company." Dad greeted me. I knew I had to take over the company after my father. It was very clear from my childhood days, but hearing those words always made me uncomfortable, every single time. "And the star swimmer."

Sometimes I wished I had some qualities like him. Anyway, that was not the problem, at all.

"I wish Aiden was as eager as Enid is about the business and company. Maybe you can give him some advice, Enid." Avan said and I frowned.

It was kind of sad, 'cause Aiden wanted to become a football player. Why could not his parents understand that? I went to fetch Aiden who was apparently on phone.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Mm-hm, okay. Take care." And he cut the phone. When he turned around, he jumped.

I laughed out. "Your face!" I did not try to stop the tears that was coming down my cheek.

He did not seem to enjoy it at all. So I had to stand up straight. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just was bored with them." I told him shrugging.

"So, you wanted to do something interesting?" He asked, taking a big step at me. There was barely an inch between us.

"No," I said, taking a step back. "Listen, I needed to talk to you, if you don't mind."

"No, of course not. What happened?" He asked, frowning. I took him by hand, leaving Matt and Ethan confused. I took him in my room. "Are you still upset?" Aiden asked as soon as I shut the door.

"No. I just wanted some time alone." I said walking towards him.

I kissed him pretty hard on his lips. I just could not get enough of them. His hands travelled to the back of my neck, pulling me flush against him. Our lips were moving perfectly. He licked my bottom lip and I opened them. Our tongue met, soothing each other. I did not realize that my hands had travelled to his ass until we pulled apart for air. I still held him by his ass, our lower half met and was then I realised that he was just as much hard as I was.

"I want more of that." His voice was not above a whisper.

"Me too, me too." I replied leaning in so that my forehead was resting against his. Our nose was almost touching. I kissed his nose, his cheeks, his chin, his forehead and finally his ear lobe. I could feel him shivering as I nibbled on his one ear. My hands automatically went to his chest and started to unbutton the top one of his shirt.

"Enid." He moaned. I never heard him moaning and I knew right then that nothing else could be this much turn on for me.

"Yeah?" My whisper was barely audible, my breathing was hard too.

"Enid, should we..." Aiden tried to ask.

"No, but, I can't help it." I unbuttoned the second one too. This time he did not protest.

At that moment his phone decided to ring. He sighed, not picking up. So, I took it out of his pocket. It was normal for us to pick up each other's phone. It was an unknown number. I showed it to him and he shrugged. I answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello? Is this Aiden speaking?" A grumpy voice said.

"No, but who is this?" I knew I should not have asked him the question when it was clear that the call was for Aiden.

"This is officer Rosenberg. I needed to talk with Aiden, please." He said and I handed the phone to a frown faced Aiden.

"Hello?... Yes... What?! Where?... Where is she now?" By then my heart was speeding a hundred miles per hour. "Okay, I'm coming."

He was sweating. He ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly. Something bad definitely had happened.

"What is it?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's Dri. She's in the hospital. I have to go." He headed for the door.

"I'm coming with you." He nodded and we went downstair. Explaining briefly and quickly to Ethan, we left the house. Ethan and Matt also came with us.

We rushed into the hospital and asked for Dri Lakewood at the front desk. The receptionist told us to go to the third floor. The entire time Aiden was tensed and I could feel it, so I squeezed his hand a little. He relaxed until the elevator door opened and there stood two officers outside an OT just down the hall.

"Umm, excuse me?" Ethan said to them as they were chatting between themselves.

"Yes? Are you Aiden?" Asked the officer.

"I am." Aiden replied.

"Mr. Aiden, look, I am guessing you know Miss Dri Lakewood. The question is how?"

"Yes. We are classmates. What happened?" Aiden asked again.

"She was talking to you on the phone while driving and had an accident."

"No! That's not true. I hung up. She was fine till then." Aiden protested. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay." I whispered to him.

"Well," The officer continued. "You were the last call. So, we called you. Her family is not in town." The officer looked at all of us.

"Yeah, they are out of town." Matt replied.

"Well, more like out of country. I left a message for them too. Just ask one of your parents to fill the formalities." The officer said to Aiden and looked at my hand which was on his shoulder. My face burned and withdrew my hand.

When we were just best friends, I never had a problem of these small gestures, but now it felt different.

"Well then, I'm gonna go now and come back tomorrow morning. Be here." The officer left with the other one.

"I'm gonna ask for some info from the desk. Be here with Aiden." Ethan said to me and left with Matt.

Aiden sat down on one of the waiting area's chairs. I sat beside him.

"I can't believe it. Is it really my fault?" He asked me in a whisper. I felt bad. He looked broken and I could not watch him like this.

"No, no, no. It's not your fault, Aiden. It's nobody's fault. It's just an accident." I said to him rubbing his back.

No, he won't feel guilty for something he had not done. Maybe he did not have a relationship with Dri, but it did not mean that he did not care for her.

He did not say anything after that, kept his quiet. Our parents arrived and my father signed the papers for her surgery. He tried to contact with Mr. Lakewood, but it was in vain.

We all patiently waited for her surgery to be finished. It was almost four in the morning when the doctor came out of the OT and informed us that she was alright, but still unconscious, so we could all go home. I knew Aiden would not go. So, I told everyone that we would be in the hospital and the rest can go.

"But, you two, alone? How would you handle if anything serious happen?" My mom asked.

"Don't worry, mom, everything'll be fine. Go home, get some rest and help dad pack." I assured them and she only smiled at me.

"Call, if anything is needed." Dad said before he left with mom.

"Aiden, we are also going, but will come back in a few hours to check on you. Okay,baby?" Aiden's mom said.

He smiled reassuringly at her. "Don't worry, mom. I'll call you later. Go." Aiden's parents protested a little, but left.

"We'll be in here in the morning before the police is here." Ethan said before his leave.

"I'll be here in the morning as soon as possible." Matt said before he also left with his dad.

I watched them go before I turned and went to seat beside Aiden who looked miserable.

"Hey," I whispered to get his attention. "Get some sleep, okay?" I instructed him to put his head on my lap. He did. Maybe hospital chairs were the least bit comfortable, but Aiden needed this sleep. I combed through his hair with my fingers and he closed his eyes. Aiden fell asleep, but I could not.

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