Origins. || teen wolf [3]

By hxlystydia

86.2K 3K 1.3K

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." It... More

one: a getaway
two: la iglesia
three: an encounter
four: "camping"
five: dinner for four
six: school priorities
seven: unsuccessful plans
eight: a gift
nine: the key
ten: search for cipher keys
eleven: 2-4-3-6
twelve: it's obvious
thirteen: danger
fourteen: sick as a wolf
fifteen: the truth
sixteen: perishable
seventeen: destroying the deadpool
eighteen: post break up
twenty: finding hope
twenty one: recovery
twenty two: back to normal
twenty three: mexico...again
twenty four: one last time
authors note.

nineteen: inevitable

2.8K 104 42
By hxlystydia


Stiles had arrived 15 minutes ago and since then we've just sat in his car outside of my house. I didn't want to be in there anymore, but I didn't really have anywhere else to go. Stiles was kind about it though. We've just been sitting in silence for the time being, and I was thankful for Stiles' patience. He was waiting for me to talk, whenever I was ready.

But for some reason I just felt numb. I didn't know what to think, I didn't know how I should feel. Peter had said that he loved me, but for obvious reasons it was so hard for me to believe. However, those three years growing up with him, were some of my happiest memories. He was nothing but kind and showered both my mother and I with love. I didn't want to believe that was all an act. I wanted to believe that there was some good in him.

And on top of all of this stress, I knew that I had to fight my pack tomorrow. Time was quickly running out, and I needed to make sure that if there was anything I needed to say that I should say it now. Just in case.

"Stiles," I breathed.

"Yeah Lains?" He spoke quietly and carefully.

I looked over at him and he had soft gaze on his face. It showed so much concern and care for me, and it just broke my heart to look at it.

"Thank you." I told him.

He shook his head slowly and then asked "For what?"

I shrugged my shoulders and let out a heavy sigh, "For everything. You've just always been there whenever I needed you." I looked down at my lap, tears brimming my waterline, "I just-I don't think I deserve you."

"Lainy are you crazy?" Stiles let out a half-hearted laugh, "If anything I don't deserve you."

I couldn't hold it in anymore, and looked up at him with tears dropping from my face.

"Lainy, what's wrong?"

"There's so much." I answered vaguely, "So much I don't know how to say, so much I don't know what to say, so much that might be left unsaid."

"Why are you saying this? Lainy, what's going on?" Stile asked growing concerned.

"I can't tell you," I snapped.

I didn't mean to raise my voice like I did, and I saw the sadden flash over Stiles eyes.

I looked back down and whispered a soft yet genuine, "I'm sorry."

"If you can't tell me, I'll just have to accept that," Stiles said and then reached for my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I held my breath.

"But, Lainy..."

He paused waiting for me to look back up at him.

"Don't do anything stupid."

I squeezed my eyes closed tightly, and let the sobs escape. I don't think that I've ever cried in front of Stiles- but he knew just what to do. He quickly encompassed me in his arms and pulled me close to his chest.

Deep down I knew that this was my last moment with him.

As unfortunate as it is, no matter how hard I would fight, my future was inevitable. I was going to die tomorrow.


I sat at my vanity, staring deep at my reflection. I was ready for this. I had to be. There was no turning back, there was no running away this time. I was going to fight, and I was going to rid myself of the demons that kept me awake; the ones who made me fear for my life.

My eyes trailed down the photograph of my mother and I. I wasn't doing this for myself. At this point, I could care less about what's going to happen to me. I was doing this for her, my mother, a woman who I lost too soon. A woman who didn't deserve the fate she was given. A woman who was as strong as I aspire to me.

I let out a deep sigh as I folded the note I had finished writing a while ago and got up to place it on my bed.

I knew how stupid I was for doing this, but I couldn't look like a coward.

I walked out of my house, and started briskly walking down the street. I pulled my hood over my head, making sure no one saw me, or knew what I was doing. No one could know.



I turned around and saw Liam standing there.

"Oh, hey Liam," I smiled.

"You weren't at school today," he pointed out.

"Um...Yeah," I nodded.

Liam gave me a questioning stare, and I knew that he was suspicious of why I was heading toward the woods.

"Yeah, I promised I'd help Derek with something." I said quickly and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll see you later, Liam."

"Yeah...see ya Lainy."


I walked deeper into the woods. I was miles outside of Beacon Hills by now, and it felt as though I had been walking for hours. But I could smell them, they were close.

"Look who actually showed up." A voice sneered from behind me.

My face contorted into a scowl and I turned around. There she stood, my best friend for years while I was in the pack, was right across from me, ready to kill me.

"Hi Isabell." I stated monotony.

"Where's mommy to save you now?" She teased mockingly.

I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fist tightly, feeling my claws grow.

"Oh that's right, you killed her."

"Don't you dare," I growled.

Her arm twitches and pain stabs my jaw and spreads across my face, making my vision go black at the edges and my ears ring. I blink and lurch to the side as the room dips and sways. I didn't even see her coming at me that quickly. I blink multiple times trying to regain my balance. This was barbaric.

Isabell starts toward me and throws her weight into a punch. As her body shifts forward, I duck and drive my fist into her stomach, right above her bellybutton. Before she can get her hands on me, I slip past her, my hands up, ready for her next attempt.

She's no long smirking, she runs at me likes she's about to tackle me, and I dart out of the direction she sprinted. She turns around to face me again, a frustrated groan escaping from her mouth.

I aim an uppercut low, below her bellybutton. My fist sinks into her flesh, forcing a heavy breath from her mouth that I feel against my ear. As she gasps, I sweep kick her legs out from under her, and she falls hard on the ground.

Our eyes meet for just a second, before the pure look of terror covers on her face. That is when I know how vulnerable she is. I close my eyes, exhaling heavily, and then look back at her.

"Stop!" She screeches backing away from me on the ground.

I don't listen to her pleads, but continue looking at her.

"Stop it!" She shrieked again pressing her palms against her temples. I notice how weak she was becoming; how weak I was making her. She drops her arms, along with her body. "Please," she whispered before she lay motionless on the ground, her eyes still open. It was like the life was taken out of her, but she was still alive.

I let out a few heavy breathes looking down at her.

"Impressive Barnes," someone commented coming out of the shadows. "Or should I say Hale."

Emmett, I immediately thought seeing the smirk on his face and narrowed eyes.

"You've definitely improved since I remember," he said, "And how remarkable is're alive."

I stood there frozen, the air stuck in my throat.

"C'mon on, grab her."

I had no time to react before another man grabbed my arms grotesquely. I tried to squirm freely, but he brought his hand to my face and slapped it hard, the noise echoing throughout the empty warehouse as he did it a second time for no reason. I stopped moving after that, I was fed up of his petty slaps he kept giving me.

"Follow me, don't let her go." Emmett demanded through his gritted teeth.

The man hauled me in front of him, kicking the back of my shins forcing me to walk and follow Emmett through the building. We stopped before we reach the window down the hallway, the thought of them throwing me through it and letting me fall to my death flashed across my mind.

Emmett stretched above his head and took the key off the doorframe. I tried to shake the man holding me off when I realized what was happening. They were going to lock me in a room- out of sight, out of mind.

"This is inhumane." I screeched as I kicked the man's legs.

Emmett opened a door that led to an empty room and began pushing me through. I refused to take another step. The man felt my resistant and began pushing me harder, edging me to walk into the room but I refused to lift a foot off the ground

I let out a cry when Emmett pulled my hair. It was so painful my eyes were close to watering. He pulled so hard my foot was forced off of the ground. I was pulled into the room, the tension on my hair becoming looser. He then took hold of my wrists and pushed me into the middle of the room. It was dark, so dark I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face.

"Don't do this," I spoke my thoughts aloud.

I tried one last attempt at escaping when they preoccupied with the cuffs that were now around my wrists. He snapped one side of the cuff to my wrist and pulled me by the hair to the far side, which was completely empty. He yanked my arms behind my back locking them behind my back and leaving a wooden beam between. It was so uncomfortable as I was handcuffed to a post, unable to move my hands freely.

I was too afraid to scream as tears began flowing down my cheek uncontrollably.

Emmett and the man both moved behind me. I tried to strain my neck to see what they were doing but it was no use, I wouldn't be able to see. It wasn't until I felt a pull on my shirt and it ripped open, revealing my back. My eyes widen as my heart began racing faster.

"What are you doing?" I screamed, my throat growing raw.

They just sneered, not answering my question.

The anticipation was killing me. They were silent for so long. I lowered my head in defeat. Maybe they left.

But I was wrong.

A thick needle pricked my neck and I let out a gasp in agony as I liquid was injected in my veins.

I pant sharply, in and out, before I was face to face with Emmett once again.

"You knew the rules Lainy..." he mocked, "You abandon this pack, you die."

"What did you inject me with?"

"Something that will kill you."

I felt the rush of bile run up my throat and before I knew it I was puking. The liquid in front of me was black, and I immediately knew it was wolfsbane that had been inserted into my body.

"Let me go!" I screamed as they both walked away. The door slammed shut with a force strong enough to shake the floor. I heard the key click in the lock and then complete silence.

I was sitting alone, my arms feeling like they were ready to dislocate, in the dark with my body aching from their aggression. The whole room was cold and depending on how long I was left there; it could have severe consequences. I don't what was happening now, or what was to happen next, I just needed someone to save me.

But my fate looked dim, I was slowly dying. My chances of living another day were slim as my body attempted to defeat the poison that would end up killing me.



Stiles walked up the doorstep of Lainy's house. She hadn't been to school that day, or answered any calls or texts. Stiles hated to say that he was worried, but something felt off. Especially after everything was said between them last night.

He knocked on the door and Mr. Barnes answered a few seconds later.

"Stiles," Mr. Barnes greeted, but looked confused to see the young boy at his doorstep.

"Hi Mr. Barnes," Stiles answered grinning in return. But then his expression dropped when he asked, "Is Lainy home?"

Mr. Barnes furrowed his eyebrows, his confusion turning into worry.

"She told me she was going over to your house to study this afternoon?" Mr. Barnes said slowly.

"What?" Stiles asked with panic.

"What do you mean what?" Mr. Barnes inquired growing worried.

"She wasn't at school today. She told us she was staying home today."

Mr. Barnes stared blankly toward the ground. His eyes wide and his heart pounding frantically. With this whole dead pool thing going around, he was already a nervous wreck, but not knowing where his niece was made him even worse.

"Oh my god," he mumbled rushing inside and grabbing his phone to call her. "Stiles, check her room."

Stiles quickly ran up the stairs toward Lainy's room.

He stumbled around, looking sporadically at different papers and objects hoping to find something. He needed to calm down first, however, he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything while on the verge of a panic attack.

He took a few deep breathes before carefully examining her room. This time he did it slower.

He felt defeated when he didn't find anything, and sat on her bed. The crunch of a paper caused him to jump up and then look down at what he sat on.

It was her handwriting.

To whoever finds this,

Hopefully you won't find this, but incase something happens here's the reason why you would.

Earlier this week I was told that my old pack knew where I was, and it was like my entire world collapsed. Everything that I had kept secret and hidden for months was exposed and I was once again in danger. I thought it would be all over after moving here, but all good things must come to an end I suppose.

A few days ago I received a note telling me when and where to meet my old alpha, so we could finish this once and for all. I will finish this. My plan is to kill him, my plan is to avenge my mother's death, my plan is to survive.

But, if by chance I don't survive I did not die in vain. I died for my mother. I died for my friends.

And if I do die, I leave you with this: I hope you can understand, and never blame yourself.

-Lainy Barnes.

The panic in Stiles was evident as he finished the last line. His head was spiraling with awful thoughts and he kept blinking rapidly, hoping that the lines would change. He didn't want to believe what he had just read.

Stiles then pulled out his phone to call Scott.

"Hey, what's up?"

Stiles was silent for a second, not entirely sure how to tell him.

"Scott," Stiles sighed, "We have a problem."

"What is it?" Scott asked nervously. In the back of his mind he already knew.

"It's Lainy."

a/n: tbh I'm as impatient as you guys when it comes to updating sooo i think i'm just going to update whenever i want to, like i've done before!!! so there might be another update tonight....or one tomorrow or maybe one friday, who knows!! just whenever I'm feeling like it's time for an update!! 

things are getting intense am i right??  (just wait)

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