fucked up | taehyung

By taekookstyles

428K 14.7K 14.9K

"don't you think what we're doing is kind of fucked up?" "yeah, but it'll be our little secret, babygirl..." More

1. numb
2. pick-up lines
3. rude
4. tears and hugs
5. live a little
6a. ready to party
6b. party
7. dislike
8. phone numbers and new girl
9. arcade and surprises [m]
10. mall and phone calls [m]
11. facetime and twenty-one questions
12. ex bf and stranger [m]
13. apologies and emotions
14. confessions and kisses
15. tell me anything
16. i fucked up
17. movie night and makin it right
18. hate
19. i'll be okay
20. drawings and hair dye
21. conflicted and awkward
22. getting banned and being a fan
23. being late and flustered
24. confusion and beauty
25. sometimes the truth hurts
26. being friendly and disoriented
27. broken
28. are you leaving?
29. you are loved ♡
30. coffee and groceries
31. christmas and gifts
32. i missed you
33. down and hopeful
35. birthday wishes [m]
36. hostility and jealousy
37. you don't believe me?
38. i love you [m]
39. what happened?
40. things are not always as they seem
41. suspicions arise
42. k-i-s-s and p-i-z-z-a
43. the meeting ♡
44. together
45. can't forgive, can't forget
46. time flies when you're in love

34. the morning after

6.4K 217 147
By taekookstyles

    Waking up with a hangover is never a good time. As Taehyung woke up, he felt his head pounding to no end. He was used to having headaches since he's stressed frequently and he used to get a lot of them when he was a kid but he has found out that he absolutely hated hangovers.

He groaned into the soft pillow he had laid upon and came to the conclusion that he didn't want to get up. He turned over and noticed the alarm clock on the bedside table that read 9:38 a.m. He weeped on the inside since he didn't want to wake up this early especially on one of his last remaining free days until he had to go back to school. He looked over at the window from the bed and had the memory of what he had seen with his own eyes twice in one night. He still felt the need to not deal with the situation since he felt highly conflicted. Should he keep trying? Should he forgive her? Does she even care? He didn't know and he didn't want to deal with the situation at the moment.

He checked his phone and looked at all of his missed messages and calls.

my babygirl
hey can you let me know when you're free? i really want to tell you something...

Probably to tell me that you are back together with Yoongi and that I mean nothing to you.

hey hottie ;)

dude where tf did you go

are you with hay?

hobi (missed call)
are you at home???? please let me know

Taehyung rested his eyes for a moment to arrange his thoughts. He ruffled his hair and noticed how greasy his hair was. Gross. He rubbed his face more harsher than normal and immediately felt his pain from his bruises which made him groan out loud.

"Fuck," he exclaimed while managing to get up to look in the mirror that was in the middle of the wall in front of the bed. In all honesty, he looked like shit. Besides the clean pajamas that he was lended, his face looked bruised and swelled from the fall and his eyes were sunken in as if he hasn't slept in days. His hair was obviously greasy in his opinion and he hated how he looked at the moment. In hopes that there were more clothes in the drawers, he checked to see if there were any casual wear and to his luck he found some jeans that were relatively his size.

He would've worn his jeans that he wore but he figured they smelled like alcohol anyway. He grabbed the jeans and decided he could possibly shower without anyone knowing. He opened the door and went towards the guest bathroom and blessed the gods that there was a shower within the relatively normal sized bathroom. He placed the clothes on the counter and started shedding off the borrowed clothes while putting the white shirt with the clean jeans. He started the shower to set the temperature just how he liked it and to his luck, Hays shower wasn't that hard to work with.

As he waited for the temperature to rise, he look at himself and he surely looked unhealthy in his opinion. He didn't look at his best and that was definitely putting a damper on his self esteem. He wasn't the broadest and was more on the lean side but he can tell he's been getting way too skinny. He wants to be buff and be able to make people go "Holy shit, you're buff." He doesn't know why, he just does. He wants to be able to look like he can beat some ass. He's never really thought negatively of his body but due to under all the stress with his love life and now his home life, he guesses his body is taking a toll from the strenuous actions. He hopes that he can just get his life together first even though the gods of love want to make his love life a living hell but he can manage to make something better in the process right?

As Taehyung was taking a shower, he thought of what jobs he could possibly apply for and what apartments or roommates he may look for since that's his main worry at the moment. He's is , of course, worried about Mia and his situation but he chooses to ignore it for now since it's easier for him. He always pictured himself working somewhere that makes him feel like home in a sense, and makes him feel welcomed. He knows in some jobs there will be jobs with bosses and co-workers that you hate but you should also consider the environment because that's what matters. It's kind of like the world itself; although there might be shitty people within, the interior and its purpose is what's beautiful. He hopes that one day he can pursue in something with his art but right now he figured he'll take what he can get.

As for the living situation, he figured he can look at some ads online to see if anyone were to be seeking a roommate but it's not likely that many people are looking for an 18 year old that is still in high school as their roommate. He needed to find somewhere live or someone to live with. He didn't want to burden his family more than he already has and he feels that it's going to be better for him and help him grow as a man if he figures this out himself. He felt as though he couldn't really ask his new found friends since he might be imposing on them. It's kind of a lot to ask for but he'll figure it out one way or another.

As Taehyung was finishing up his shower, Hay was waking up from her peaceful sleep on the couch. Huh. She figured she fell asleep watching Riverdale and dreamt of nothing yet again. Her sleep may be peaceful but she hasn't dreamt of anything or not even slightly remember her dreams for a while now. She stretched and frantically searched for her phone like a cat trying to catch a laser. She looked through her missed messages and her social media before she decided to do anything for that morning.

Aunt May
hey, sweetie! can you do me a favor and please come in for work today in about 2 hours? I know it's one of your couple days off till school but I really need you here. I have to see Nana to check up on her and you know we're short staffed :( i'll treat you for dinner after your shift yeah?

momma bear 🐻
this business trip is boring me to death Hay oh my god

hey darling, i just wanted to make sure you're alright

Hay smiled at her messages but also groaned at the fact that she'll have to work today. She worked with her aunt who is the owner of May's Cafe, which is why she got the job so easily. They were also really short staffed at the moment which is why they needed all the help they could get. She agreed to come in for work which meant she needed to actually get off the couch, make breakfast, shower, then get ready for work. She sighed but figured she had nothing better to do anyway.

As she went upstairs to get ready, she felt the sudden need to go to the bathroom. She groggily went towards the guest bathroom, which means she didn't know someone was currently inside the bathroom already. She opened the door to reveal a shirtless, towel wrapped around his hips, and combing his hair with his fingers Taehyung. Taehyung then yelled and so did Hay as she covered her eyes to delete the image from her mind so they wouldn't have an awkward conversation but she couldn't.

"What the hell, Hay?" Taehyung yelped as he tried to calm his heart rate down since he was more scared at the abrupt barging in rather than being insecure about his top half.

"Wha-you're the one who is shirtless and taking a shower! I didn't know you were in there! I just woke up, I thought you'd still be asleep." Hay sneered. In all honesty, she forgot that Taehyung was even at her house until she saw him.

"Good thing I have a damn towel on me, jeez that would've been awkward." Taehyung blushed slightly while grabbing the shirt Hay had let him borrow last night.

"Please, as if I would want to see what's going on down there." Hay said in her normal tone which made Taehyung wonder.

"Are you always this sarcastic?" Taehyung questioned as he saw her back out of the bathroom to go towards her room.

"Yep. Now finish getting ready, I'm about to make us breakfast." Hay exclaimed as she went to go to her bathroom and change.

After Hay did her business, she instantly started making breakfast, which was eggs and bacon with biscuits. It was easy and not that time consuming. While the eggs and bacon were done, she was waiting for the biscuits to cook all the way and she heard someone knocking a couple moments afterward.

Hay hesitated since she didn't really want to leave the biscuits but she figured she had a few minutes to spare.

She opened the door to see Hot Fries on her doorstep with a bow on top of the bag. She picked up the bag and there was a small note saying,

Since we didn't get you anything,
- Mopey

Hay instantly smiled and opened the bag right away and started munching on the hot flavored chips. As she went towards the kitchen, she saw Taehyung going down the stairs but he was looking at her oddly.

"That's what we're having for breakfast? Jeez, Hay, have some variety. Jungkook said you liked Hot Fries but damn girl." Taehyung laughed as he went towards her and stole a hot fry.

"I made eggs and bacon, dumbass. And the biscuits are done. Now if you'll excuse me," She moved away from him with her hot fries.

"So what are you doing today?" Taehyung asked as he sat on the stool that was placed near the island of the kitchen.

"Well, I actually have work in an hour and a half or so." Hay mentioned while placing a biscuit on hers and Taehyungs plate, then handing his plate afterward.

"Oh you work at, uh.." Taehyung was trying to remember since she told him last night but it was all a blur since he mainly remembers the aggravating details of last night.

"May's Cafe," Hay smiled.

"That's so cool that you have a job," He smiled while digging into his breakfast, "ugh, man I need to find a job, you know?"

"What kind of job are you looking for?" She asked as she poured some water in two glasses for the both of them.

"At this point, it doesn't matter. I just need to somehow make money. I also need to find either somewhere to stay that's cheaper than where I'm living or have a roommate, I ju- I don't know," He breathed harshly since there was a lot on his figurative plate and not his literal plate since he was actually almost done with all the food, "Im sorry, I just need to vent and all."

"Don't apologize! But hey, May's is actually very short staffed and I don't know if you want to work at a café but we really need people. You can come hang out at my work with me today if you want." Hay mentioned while biting her lip, not knowing if Taehyung was going to take the opportunity or not.

Taehyung's eyes grew wide and he was more than shocked to find a job so easily, "Really?! I mean- I know I have to apply and I'll do my best to work hard but really?" He smiled hugely since this was a step forward in the right direction.

"Yeah, dude. I can talk to my aunt, who actually owns the cafe," she smiled, "and since I'm feeling generous," she joked, "and because I'm actually quite lonely in this house, I could have you rent a room here. And no, I'm not hitting on you, so hush. But I mean, I have to ask my mom if you can move in and there would be rules. But only if you want. Like I've said before, my mom and dad are usually gone on business trips so it's usually just me, but I feel like they would like you either way."

"Hay, I couldn't possibly-"

"If you're being humble, save it dude. I'm offering. You're struggling and I want to help. I would like to think that if I were in need like you, there would be someone like me to help me out. So the offers on the table, just know that." Taehyung was in utter shock to think he just gotta both things he was worried about, but he couldn't inconvenience Hay that much.

"I'll keep that in mind, I still don't want to bother you so I'm just going to see how living at my own apartment will be like. Maybe find a roommate, I don't know." He shrugged, not knowing what he wanted but he just hoped for the best.

"Okay, you can always just knock on my door. You're always welcomed." She smiled while putting their plates in the sink.


Mia woke up cramped in between Sora and Aria. She noticed through her blurry eyesight from sleep that she was in the guest room that was downstairs.

She slipped out of her cramped space and headed towards the kitchen to get a water.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Namjoon winked as he sipped his coffee.

Mia just hummed towards Namjoon and grabbed a water.

"Last night was something, huh?" Namjoon huffed as he looked towards the tired looking girl in front of him.

"Very eventful, you could say." Mia implied.

"So, is there something you need to tell me?" Namjoon had noticed how Taehyung left right after Yoongi had kissed Mia which kind of made sense when he spotted Mia and Taehyung alone and their flirtatious stares they have shared recently.

"Uhm, no?" Mia lied as she walked away, making Namjoon roll his eyes.

"Oh, come on! Just let me ask you something and you can't lie to me. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." Namjoon smiled sweetly which made Mia break inside since she considered herself weak for her friend's dimpled smile.

"What is it?" Mia was kind of suspecting the accusation but she was just hoping that she wouldn't have to explain about her situation with Taehyung when she doesn't even know what's going on. The kiss(es) between her and Yoongi really put things in perspective for her. Well, kind of. She's still confused on things between Yoongi but she doesn't want to and can't focus on him when she has Taehyung, right? The kiss was great, but if she were to go back then it would be a major step back in her life. He clearly didn't want her when they broke up so why the sudden change of heart?

"Are you and Taehyung dating or like a thing?" He raised his eyebrows up and down, lifting his mug to hide his huge smile. In all honesty, he kind of shipped the two. He feels that Taehyung would be really good for Mia. He knows that Taehyung is just a person who isn't used to love and isn't used to being good enough in general, but maybe Mia could be the person who could help him to know that he is. Mia deserves someone who will love her and treat her right, and although Taehyung may not have the best reputation, Namjoon thinks he would be great for Mia. He's now good friends with both of them and he just hopes they would hit it off.

Mia instantly choked on her water and looked around if anyone was around but only saw Hobi, Jin, and Sora sleeping in the dining room. Again, she kind of expected the question but hearing it was off putting. Heat rose up in her cheeks as she asked, "W-what?"

"Dude. You are both kind of obvious." Namjoon tested to see if Mia was going to take the bait and he was successful.

"W-what? How? Are you serious?" Mia asked frantically, which made her think on why would she want it a secret. Oh, yeah. He cheated on his girlfriend with me and your best friend did like him although she is dating someone else but still. Awesome. That's why.

"Aha! I wasn't being serious but I was right!" Namjoon threw his fist in the air and put his mug down on the coffee table. He was excited now.

"Shh, no one knows about us...well, actually, Hay kind of knows but that's besides the point." Mia waved her hand off as she looked at Namjoon seriously.

Namjoons smiled dropped, "Dude. You meet a girl for three minutes and she already knows your secret when I've known you for 3 years and haven't been told anything." He was slightly offended but he didn't really care at the same time. He's kept a secret from his friends before but if he were to tell anyone anything first it would be Mia or Hoseok.

"I'm sorry! No one else knows. We're not even like together-together so its not that big of a deal." Mia shrugged even though her being in love with Taehyung may be a big deal but she'll get to that later.

"So you're like friends who have sex? Like friends with benefits? I've had those and some of them were awesome but some end up really horrendous. " Namjoon nodded matter-of-factly and Mia just grimaced.

"What? No. We haven't even slept together." Mia sighed, since she actually was sad about that fact. She's only slept with Yoongi but she wouldn't mind sleeping with Taehyung. It kind of seems out of character since they aren't even together but some people change.

"Dude, have you seen him? If I was into dudes, I'd jump on that. I mean, it's no wonder why he was a known play-boy...Oh, sorry." Namjoon sheepishly smiled while patting Mia's back awkwardly.

"Yeah, just imagine falling for one too. " She smiled tightly and that comment alone made Namjoon jump up on the couch.

"WHAT?! NO WAY!" He whispered excitedly. When Namjoon got really excited he would start jumping around and instead of yelling, he normally hummed or whispered cheers. It was very endearing but all Mia wanted to do was cover her face from how red her cheeks had gotten.

"Why is Joonie doing his excited dance?" Jin yawned with Jungkook passing right next to him with a coffee from Starbucks and sitting right next to Mia. When did he go out?

"Oh, uh...because Mia told me she's takin us to breakfast!" Namjoon smiled sheepishly towards Mia who just widened her eyes.

"Uh...yeah." Mia smiled softly which made Jin come and cuddle with her for a second.

"Aw, sweet Mia. Like always. I vote for any place that has pancakes. But I lowkey want Denny's." He whispered the last part which made Mia giggle.

"What's going on?" Sora asked as she eyed the whole room but mainly her boyfriend cuddling with Mia. She didn't really like the sight and Mia could tell so she got up from her spot and stated, "Looks like I'm taking all of us to breakfast."

just an update for the morning after !!! i have a lot more to write so be excited guys ~ there will be lots of drama, love, lust, and tears so woo!!

i love you guys so much, fucked up now has 30k almost 31k reads like wth y'all actually like this story? cries

don't forget to comment and vote!! and always remember you're super cute and i love you!!

mwah peace 💕

p.s!!! i made a tumblr to write taekook stories n all so if you want, follow and send in suggestions on what kind of stories or scenarios i should write ok i'm done i'm out mwah!! ily foreva

tumblr; taeguklife

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