Triplets with Bradley Simpson...

By musicgeek98

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Being a triplet with the one and only Brad Simpson. It has it's perks, but also it's down falls. Rhiannon and... More

Triplets with Bradley Simpson- The Vamps fan fiction
Chapter 1- Just getting started
Chapter 2- Movies and Pillow fights
Chapter 3- Arguments and Tragedies
Chapter 4- Covered in Blood
Chapter 5- Tears are shed
Chapter 6- It hurts
Chapter 7- Memories
Chapter 8- Facing old fears
Chapter 9- A new friend
Chapter 10- Pay backs a bitch
Chapter 11- Campfire stories
Chapter 12- Thoughts and troubles
Chapter 13- Surprises
Chapter 14- Strange Encounters
Chapter 15- Romance and Plans
Chapter 16- Opportunities
Character Competition *closed*
Chapter 17- Shopping expeditions
Chapter 18- Confusion
Chapter 19- Broken and hurt
A question
Chapter 20- Confessions and new friends.
Chapter 21- Soaking Wet
Chapter 22- Love is in the air!
Chapter 23- Too excited to concentrate
Chapter 24- Hit me like a brick wall
Chapter 25- Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 26- That wasn't meant to happen
Chapter 28- Getting things ready
Chapter 29- Dressing for the theme
Chapter 30 - In the studio
Chapter 31 - Date Night
Chapter 32 - America, here we come!
Chapter 33 - The View is Amazing!
Chapter 34- Bad first impressions
Chapter 35 - Singing in New York
Chapter 36- 2 weeks to go
Chapter 37- Extra vocals?
Chapter 38 - No way
Chapter 39- Back to School
Chapter 40 - Not them
Chapter 41- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 42 - The Morning Routine
Chapter 43 - The hospital
Chapter 44 - Soon. I hope.
Chapter 45 - America Bound
Chapter 46 - Brighter Days
Chapter 47 - new beginnings
Author's note *must read*

Chapter 27- Everything's falling into place.

802 17 13
By musicgeek98

I couldn’t sleep all night. Hesitantly, Tris and I thought we shouldn’t share the same bed because of his injuries, we didn’t want to make them worse. I was currently sitting in my bed, informing our fans about our up-coming plans. It was only 8:00, so I decided to stay in my room. I’m glad it is the summer holidays. We still have another 4 weeks off, which is awesome! Tristan and James are going to move to our school, which is going to be good for us. My phone starting ringing. It was Tristan. I answered it quickly. 

“Are you alright?” I asked. 

“I need some help out of bed. I can’t move.” 

“Ok, just stay there, and I’ll be right down.” 

“I can’t exactly move anyway!” He laughed. I hung up and raced down the stairs. James was in Amber’s room, so he couldn’t help Tris. I opened the door. He smiled to me as I walked in. I walked over to him, pulling back his covers. I spun him around so his feet were hanging off the side of the bed. Slowly, I pulled him up. “Can you take me up to the bathroom, so I can have a shower?” He asked. I grabbed him some clothes, and carefully helped him up the stairs. I took off his top, and let him do the rest.

“Call me again, when your dressed and I’ll put some cream on you injuries.” I informed him. I walked down stairs, Amber and Brad were there. “I feel like a mother!” I laugh. They laughed with me. 

“I can’t believe you girls are going to America for a month!” Brad exclaimed. 

“It’s so unbelievable!” Amber says. “But we’re leaving in three weeks.” 

“I don’t want to leave you guys.” I said. 

“But you need to. This will open up options for you girls.” Brad said. I hugged him. James bounded down the stairs. Standing in front of Amber, then he did something no one has witnessed for awhile, he kissed her in front of us. Brad and I stared at each other. 

“Why the sudden change in heart?” I smirked. 

“Well, if you girls are leaving in three weeks, I better make the most of those three weeks, because I won’t be able to do that, for a month.” James said. 

“Do what?” Amber smirked. 

“This.” James said bringing his lips to hers again. I think it’s nice he is finally doing it in front of us. Brad and I turned away so we could give them some sort of privacy. 

“At least you and Caitlin won’t be split up.” I tell Brad. 

“I’m grateful for that. I don’t know how I’d cope to be honest.” 

 “I have no idea how I’m going to cope.” My phone rung again. “Hello? Are you finished?”

“Yep.” Tristan replied to me. 

 “I’ll be back in a minute.” I tell Brad. I walk up to the bathroom again. He was sitting on the bench next to the sink. His bruises darkening. I grabbed a cream that I hope might work to heal them fast. I rubbed it into his skin. Pain crossing his face again. “I’m really sorry if this hurts.”

“It should be better soon.” He said to me. 

“Hopefully.” I continued to try and tend to his injuries. “Your lip is almost healed.” I told him. 

“It kept splitting last night while I slept.” 

“Was there much blood?”

“Not sure.”

“We can check it afterwards.”

“I can’t wait until it’s healed.” He smirked.

 “Steady on mate! One step at a time!” I laughed. “But yes, I can’t wait either.” 

 “You feel like a mother. I don’t want my girlfriend being my mother.” He says and pulled a face.

 “I don’t like mothering my boyfriend either!”

“You’re going to be a great mum one day.” I started to style his hair, putting some wax in it, turning it into a quiff like hairstyle. 

“One day, hopefully not soon!” I laughed. “You’re done!” He slowly climbed off of the bench and stood up. He looked in the mirror, nodded his head at his new style. I had grabbed a shirt that you could button up so it would be easier to pull on and off. “Arms out.” I slid the shirt up his arms, then buttoned up the buttons. 

“Thank you.” He said. I reached up on my toes and kissed the corner of his mouth, the opposite side to the cut. 

“That’s all we can do for now.”

 Amber’s P.O.V 

We had moved into the lounge room, because I think we were annoying Brad. 

“We didn’t have our date last night.” James tells me. 

“No we didn’t.”

“We can go out on the weekend, since so many things are happening at the moment.”

“What do I wear?” 

“Something warm and comfortable.” He continued to kiss my skin. Mum was staying home today, didn’t want to leave us after what happened yesterday. 

“Shall we practice the song? You can teach me the words?” I suggest. He sits up and grabs his guitar. I held the lyrics in front of me. He strummed his guitar. He sung it through once, then played it again, and I started to sing. 

I don’t want to leave him for a month. Not yet. 

Rhiannon’s P.O.V

 Caitlin had stayed the night, and is currently making out with Brad. Tristan and I walked to his room, so I could look at his covers. He sat on James’ bed. A fair amount of blood was on the pillow. I took the pillow case off of the pillow, and walked upstairs to get a new case, and to put the old one in the wash. I returned back down stairs and put the new case on. 

 “Good as new!” I laughed. He held out his hands to me. I put my hands in his, and he pulled me closer. He rested his head on my stomach. “We will get through this. Together.” 

“I don’t want to loose you.”

“You won’t loose me. Not by choice. The only time that I will loose you, is when I go to America. Only then.” He looked up at me. I kissed his mouth again. 

“You won’t be kissing any American boys will you?”

“No, I prefer the British ones.” I smirked. 

“Do you know how much I want to kiss you?”

“I know. Maybe tomorrow.” Someone rung the door bell. I walked over and opened it. “Hey guys.” I said greeting Connor and Shannon. 

“My fans absolutely love you and Amber!” Shannon exclaimed. 

“Really? That is awesome! Oh, everyone is sort of having a make out session.”

“Shouldn’t you as well?” Connor laughed. 

“I would, except Tristan’s lip is split, so we are waiting until it’s healed.” 

“He must be loving that!” Shannon said sarcastically. 

“Yeah. Totally loving it!” I walked into his room. Connor and Shannon waited at the door. Not really sure what to do with all the kissing couples. I helped Tristan up and walked out to them. 

“Looking better mate.” Connor said. 

“Feeling better too.” 

“Shall we go for a swim?” I suggested. 

“I don’t have any bathers with me.” Shannon said. 

 “I’m sure I have something. You look like the same size as me. Tris, do you want to find something for Connor?” I pulled Shannon up the stairs with me. I walked into my wardrobe. Pulled out my blue bikini, and found a green one. I passed it to Shannon. She went to the bathroom to get changed. I got changed in my room and tied my hair up in a bun so I could try and not get it very wet. I grabbed some towels, and once Shannon was finished, we walked down the stairs and found Connor and Tris standing in the kitchen. “Brad, Caitlin, don’t mind us. Just going to go and have a swim. You keep doing whatever you’re doing.” Brad looked at me for a split second, indicating he heard me. We walked out to the lounge room. James and Amber on the couch. “Not looking. Please continue.” I said putting my hand up to the side of my face. Laughs were heard behind me. 

Putting the towels on the deck, I helped Tristan into the water. Connor and Shannon already in. We sat on the small step on the side of the pool.

“So how are you guys coping with our household?” I asked. 

“Interesting.” Connor laughed. 

“Don’t worry. Next time I see Josh, I’ll punch him.” Tristan said. Must still have a grudge.

“Tris. You won’t be punching anyone. I don’t want you getting even more hurt.” I told him seriously. 

“I won’t get hurt.” He replied. 

“You might think you can handle him, but trust me on this. You won’t be able to. As much as I’d love to say you can, you have no chance. I’ve seen what he has done before. I’ve known him for ages. Please, don’t go looking for trouble. Especially if you can’t handle it.” I felt like I just gave a lecture. I didn’t like the feeling. 

“You should listen to her Tris.” Shannon said joining my side of this small argument. He sat silent. 

“You were lucky you weren’t hurt even more last time. If the boys weren’t there, you might of almost been killed. If you go by yourself and start a fight, that’s might where you will end up. I don’t want to loose you Tristan Evans.” He looked down at me. 

“Alright.” He said in a defeated tone. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, being careful not to hurt him. 

“Listen to her Tristan. She’s right. And you wouldn’t want to loose her.” Connor said. It was like wisdom flowing from his lips. “You two have something special. Don’t throw it away now. You’ve been through so much already, why give in and loose it all.”

“You should be a psychologist!” I laugh. “But thank you.” 

“How are you two going though? Being the only non couple in our group?” Tristan asked. I knew where he was heading with this. I nudged him a little.

“Quite good. Not really a big deal. Just waiting for the right person.” Shannon said. Her fans must love her! 

“A little awkward, but I guess it only gets easier with time.” Connor replied. We continued to talk, and just sit in the pool for what felt like hours. We had to get out when mum came out, and told us to get some lunch. After pulling Tristan out with me, we went inside with Connor and Shannon. Mum had made sandwiches for lunch. 

Since us four were still wet from the pool, we grabbed our lunch and sat on the grass. Tristan on a chair, because he wasn’t able to get down that low. We continued to chat, ask questions, tell stories while we all sat outside. It was an overcast day. It was quite weird. The sky dark, the air warm. 

Amber and James soon joined us. Amber and I parted from the group and discussed what songs we’d like to cover. 

“I think we need to ask Sam to come over or something so we can ask her about the album.” Amber said. 

“That word. Album. It’s so weird in the context of it being ours!” I laugh. 

“Calm down Ms English, I don’t want to go back to school yet!” Amber laughed. “But I agree. It does sound weird!”

“Should we go and call Sam, maybe on a Skype call?” Amber and I collected ourselves and headed back inside. We Sat at my desk while we called her. She told us that she’d be working from  home for the rest of the week, so it should be fine to call her. 

“Hello girls. How may I help?” Sam asked as soon as she picked up.

“Hi Sam. We were just wondering about the album we are going to record.” Amber started. 

“The one in America? Yes.”

“We were hoping we’d be able to put on some covers as well? Some of our fans wanted us to record some of the covers from our channel.” I told her. 

“It should be fine. You know what we might do? We might record two albums. One purely for covers, then the one that you girls write yourselves. And when I say yourselves, I mean with some professional help.” 

“That sounds awesome!” Amber exclaimed. 

“How many songs do you recommend we cover?” I asked. 

 “10 - 12. And if you want some other instruments involved - if you don’t play them, like guitar, drums, bass - we can look for a band together that suits your needs, because one day if you go touring, they’d need to come with you girls for your songs.”

 "Will we look over in America?” Amber asked.

“You know what, come in tomorrow. We can start looking then. Then after that we can start calling and ask to come in for a interview.”

“That sounds awesome!” I exclaimed. 

“Make sure it’s alright with your mum, but if it easy, come over tomorrow at 12:00.”

“Mum should let us. We’ll text you later if we can. But thank you so much, for everything.”

“You guys shouldn’t thank me. You should thank yourselves. If it weren’t for you two, you wouldn’t be signed, and I wouldn’t have a band to look after. So if anything, I should be thanking you.” I felt myself starting to blush. “I have to start planning your trip. I’ll see you girls tomorrow.” 

“See you then.” Amber and I both said before disconnecting. “Lets go talk to mum.” We went downstairs, and found mum sitting at the dinning table with paper work. I guess it was for her work. “Mum can we ask you something?”

“How much will it cost me?” She said still looking at her work. This was an on-going joke we have in our family. 

“Only your house!” I laugh. “No probably just some petrol. Sam would like us to come up to her office tomorrow to discuss some things for America.” 

“What time?” She asked, putting her pen down on her work. 

“12:00.” Amber responded. 

“That should be fine. Find out the address, and we can leave at 11:30.”

“Thank you!” Amber and I both said. We walked back outside. Brad and Caitlin had joined everyone outside. 

“What should we do today?” I asked, sitting down next to Tris. 

“We wanted to record a new cover. Brokenhearted by Lawson.” Brad answered. 

“But we want to do it over looking the waterfall.” James added. 

“Us girls can record for you guys.” Amber said. 

“But what about my current state?” Tris asked. 

“I’ll fix you up with some make up.” I smile. He grimaced at my words. “Shall we go and get you guys ready?” I helped Tristan up, then went to his bedroom to pick out some clothes. After he got changed, I gave him a beanie and went to the bathroom, sitting him on the bench. I got some foundation and started to apply it. I tried to not make it look too heavy. He looked quite feminine this way!

I grabbed my camera - after I had finished his make up - and returned down stairs with Tris. He could walk better now, and could move his arms better, so drumming shouldn’t be too difficult for him. Everyone, except Brad and Caitlin were downstairs. Amber and Shannon holding a camera - each - in their hands. Amber also had the tripod so we could place a camera on it to get a whole shot of the guys playing. 

After Brad and Caitlin came downstairs, we headed off. The boys carrying their instruments. I helped Tristan carry a little box that he was using as a drum. 

They set up, as did us girls. I set up the camera on the tripod, then focused my camera on Tristan. We decided we’d record a boy each. And they knew who was recording them, so they knew which camera to look at. 

They started playing. 

For most of it, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Tristan. But at some points I’d look over at the girls. Amber and Caitlin looking through the camera, watching them. Shannon checking on her camera, but looking directly at Connor. She was mesmerised. Connor kept looking at her as well. I wish one of them would have the guts to ask the other one out!

“That’s a wrap!” I exclaimed when the camera’s were turned off.  

“Let’s head back. Looks like a storm might hit.” Brad said, putting his hands in his pockets. We quickly grabbed everything, and fast-walked home. Thunder was heard as we went through the forest. It got louder as we took more steps. We reached the back door before we saw a bolt of lightening piercing the sky. 

We handed the camera’s to Brad once inside. He and Caitlin retreated to his bedroom to work on the footage. I sat on the couch with Tristan, Shannon, Connor, James and Amber. 

“Can we put on a Disney movie?” Amber asked. 

“Sure. Why don’t we put on The first Lion King?” I suggested. We put in the movie and sat down. Tris snuggled into my stomach. James and Amber snuggled in each others arms. Connor and Shannon still a little awkward, but closer than before. Making progress!

 I started playing with Tristan’s hair. He didn’t mind. When I lifted my hand from his head, it has the residue from the foundation on it. 

 "Tris.” I said quietly. “We need to take the make up off.” He sighed before getting up. He was able to get up more easier. We made our way to the bathroom. Tris sat on the bench while I pulled out the make up remover and a cotton ball. I started to take off the make up. 

 “You are so beautiful.” He said looking at me. I looked him in the eyes. Then smiled. I was not good at taking compliments. I can give them, but it’s just awkward receiving them. I continued to take off his make up. 

“You know I don’t know how to respond to you when you say things like that.” I stated. 

“I know. But it makes you blush, which I find adorable.” I could feel my cheeks heating up. “You don’t know how tempting it is, to just kiss you.” 

“You know you can’t. You need your lip healed first. We don’t want to re-split it. Then, you’d have to wait even longer.” He sighed. “On the positive aspect. It’s almost healed. I’d say, tomorrow is when we can start it again.” I smirked. 

“I’ll be waiting.” I finished up, and threw the cotton balls in the bin. 

“Come on Mr. Impatient. Let’s go back downstairs.” I giggled before walking out the door. He grabbed my waist, pulling me back in the bathroom. He spun me around in his grip. I looked up at him, his eyes staring into mine. “This would be the perfect time.” I say. I reach up on my toes and press my lips to the corner of his mouth. I pull away smirking. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the full effect!” 

“You’re the one making me so impatient!” He whined. 

“Oh come on!”

We sat back on the couch. The movie was up to the part where they singing ‘Can You Feel The Love Tonight?’ 

We kicked Amber and James out at one point, because they were making out, and we wanted to watch the movie. We sung to every song and quoted different parts together. The rain started to pour, Tristan snuggled closer into my stomach. His head resting on my chest. I think it’s easier for him this way - to lay on me, rather than me laying on him. It was a plus for me anyway, he was keeping me warm.

Tristan’s P.O.V

Currently laying on Rhi’s chest. I like laying like this, being able to hear her heart beat, feeling the warm radiate off of her small body. Her perfume filling my senses. 

My body might ache in pain, but being around Rhi is making it better. She almost numbs the pain, makes me think of something else. 

She’s been so good to me. Fixing me up, but she can’t help but feel guilty. I can’t help but feel guilty for that reason. I don’t want to leave her though. I feel like I need to be there. To protect her from the world, from anything that might hurt her. Her tears, pain me. Her cries, hurt me. But seeing her smiling, her laugh, is the best feeling in the world. 

I held her hand in mine. She shifted underneath me. Laying a hand on my head, the other still in my hand. I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it, before putting it back. I moved my head to look up at her. Some hair falling over her face as she tilted her head downwards to look at me. I gave her a small smile before returning my head to it’s previous position. 

I couldn’t concentrate on the movie, only on the beautiful women I was currently laying on. 

I don’t want her to leave for America. I know it will be a great opportunity for her, but part of me wants her to stay here with me. 

The movie finished. I guess not concentrating wasted a lot of time. I moved my arms to wrap around her waist. Holding onto her tight, shutting my eyes. She was comfortable, like a warm teddy bear. I felt her laugh a little.

“Tris? Come on, let go.” She said quietly. 

“No.” I simply replied. 

“Why not?” She asked. 

“Because you’re a warm teddy bear.” I sounded like a young child!

“Tris!” She laughed. I looked up at her. She looked down at me. 

“What’s going on?” Brad asked entering the room. “Getting up close and personal are we Tristan!” He smirked. 

“We’ve been closer.” I smirked back. We hadn’t done anything serious yet. I don’t want to pressure Rhi into doing anything doesn’t want to do. 

“Don’t tell me anymore!” He said sitting down, Caitlin sitting on his lap. 

“Where did Amber and James go?” Caitlin asked. 

“We kicked them out of the room.” Rhiannon said simply.

“They were making out on the couch, and disturbing the movie.” Shannon added. 

“Sounds like two other people.” Brad smirked. 

“Hey! That’s not us! We’re in the room first, everyone else walks in on us!” Rhiannon defended. 

“What ever you say Rhi.” Brad replied in a smug tone. 

“Let’s go to your room.” I quietly said to her. She nodded. I sat up carefully, pains re-appearing all over my body. I stood up. I’m glad I can stand on my own now. She intwined my hand with hers as we walked to her room. At least now we have space to ourselves.

I walked over to her bed and laid down. She joined me. Laying down facing me. She gripped my t-shirt in her hands. 

“I want to kiss you so bad.” I complained. 

“Why don’t, I do it tonight. You can do it once your mouth is healed?” She suggested. I nodded in agree . She sat up, one knee either side of my hips. She pressed her lips to my neck. I held her waist. This was going to be so tempting. 

Caitlin’s P.O.V

I sat on Brad’s lap. His arms around my waist, holding me close to him. Him and Connor were talking about the band. Shannon and I just sort of sitting there listening to them. 

“So how are you getting on with everyone?” I asked her. We haven’t really spoken much.

“Pretty good. Quite close to Rhiannon. She’s quite cool.” 

“I think I’m more closer to Amber. They’re quite cool though!” I lowered my voice a lot more before talking again. “Do you like Connor?” She leaned in closer to me, her voice low as well. 

“A part of me does, but the other part doesn’t know him very well, and hasn’t decided.” 

“Well, if you take it from me. I think, you’d make a pretty cute couple.” She blushed a little. 

“You think?” She asked. I nodded. 

“Give it a little time, he might ask you soon.”

“Hopefully.” She said so quietly, I almost missed it. I looked at my phone. I had to be getting back. 

“Brad?” I said turning to him. He looked at me. “I have to go back to my parents work. I have to help them in the afternoon shifts.” He pouted. I nodded to him. I stood up. “Walk me to the door?” He nodded and got up with me. I opened the door and he walked outside with me. He shut the door behind him. He pressed me up against the door. 

“I really liked doing this earlier.” He said before pressing his lips to mine. When he was editing the video, we had a little - but heated - make out session in his room. It was sort of addictive.

“Me too.” I said pulling away. “We can continue this later. I really have to go.”

“Alright. Tomorrow.” He said and kissed my lips one more time. I started walking down the road. It was still raining. I was getting wet. This is great. “Caitlin!” He yelled out again. He ran up to me. Standing in front of me. He held up an umbrella, to keep me dry. Once he gave it to me he pressed his lips to mine. A kiss in the rain!

Connor’s P.O.V

I awkwardly sat on the couch with Shannon. We were left alone. Again. I do like her, but I don’t know if she’ll like me. I don’t want to rush things. I want to take them slow. We’ve only just been brought into the group, roughly at the same time. 

“So do you live close?” I asked her, breaking the silence. 

“A short bus ride away.” She responded. “You?”

“20 minute walk.”

“Are you staying the night?” 

“No. I’ve got some things to do at home. I’ll probably be here tomorrow though.”

“Yeah, I can’t stay. But tomorrow I’ll be back to do separate videos with Rhiannon and Amber for my channel.” It’s quite cool, her being on YouTube, and having her own little fandom. “I better get going. Mum’s taking my family out to dinner. Sorry Connor.” She says and stands up. 

“Don’t worry.” I smiled and hugged her. Without thinking, I kissed her cheek. I pulled away. “I am so sorry.”

“Connor. It’s fine!” She grabbed her things and walked out the door. I can’t believe I just did that. 

Rhiannon’s P.O.V

It was the morning. Tristan slept next to me last night it seems. I got up and got changed. Today was a big day. I had to look nice, but also look like myself. I grabbed a little denim vest, a black skirt, white and bright coloured leopard print crop top. Black vans. I put my hair up on the side, letting it fall naturally. Lots of hair-spray to stick it down on the left side of my head. Some bobby pins to keep it in place. I walked downstairs and had some breakfast. It was only 7:00, no one was up yet. 

After breakfast I brushed my teeth and sat at the piano. Playing the song Brad wants me to learn. I’d learnt the piano part, I just had to learn the lyrics. I started to sing the song at the same time as playing it. 

I got the hang of it pretty quickly. 

I changed songs. I began to play The Great Escape by P!nk from her Truth About Love album. I was in love with this album! Sadly, Amber and I missed out on tickets. 

“That’s beautiful Rhiannon.” Mum said standing in the doorway of the lounge room. 

“Thanks mum.” 

“Do you want to go and wake up Amber? I want to leave a bit earlier so I can go do some things for work. Maybe leave about 10?”

“Sure.” I got  up and went to Amber’s room. I opened her door. Her and James snuggled in bed together. I quietly took a photo of them. Brad will be happy. “Amber? You need to get up. Mum wants to leave at 10.” She groaned before opening her eyes. I quietly shut the door and backed into someone. I gasped before turning around. “Tristan.” I playfully hit his arm. “Don’t do that!”

“Sorry. Do you want to help me? With the cream and all that?”

“Sure.” I followed him into the bathroom. He took off his top. His bruises still showing, not very nice to look at. They were purple, but now they’re green. I rubbed some cream over them. His mouth was healed, but I wasn’t going to tell him that! “Your mouth!” I gasped. 

“What? What’s wrong with it?” He asked, seeming quite worried. 

“There’s only one thing that will fix it.” 

“Anything.” I cupped his head in my hands and pulled him down to my level. I pressed my lips to his. Finally we could do this! We moved in sync with each other. He seemed a little desperate, but who wouldn’t be? 

I pulled away. 

“That’s what I was waiting for!” I smirked. 

“I hope you know now, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” He smirked back.

“You’ll have to be patient after 12:00. But when I get back home, you can have me for the rest of the night.” I kissed him again. 

He pulled away slightly before speaking. “I look forward to it.” He pressed his lips back to mine. 

“Hey Rhiannon?- I’m so sorry guys. I should of knocked.” Mum said walking in on us. Luckily we weren’t doing anything really bad.

“It’s alright mum, what is it?”

“Would you be able to give me the phone number of Sam, and the record company, just in case I need to contact them.” She said looking at her phone.

“Sure.” I pulled out my phone from my pocket and gave it to her. She walked away with it. “We better get down stairs.” I kissed him again. “When I get back, I’m all yours.” I walked out of the bathroom after fixing myself. 

Time passed and we were now in the car. I couldn’t help but feel nervous. We might be interviewing a band today, we might be practicing our songs, we could get told the trip to America is off. Anything could happen. 

I think I’m actually more nervous than the first time we went to the record company. I pulled out my phone and decided to distract myself by going on Twitter.

Hello everyone, big day today. Tell you all about it later xx - I tweeted. I thought I might as well answer some fans while I wait. 

How are you today? - I’m really nervous.

Please follow meeee! - Done xx

You should leave Tristan alone. Everyone knows you’re not good for him - Why must there always be people like you dampening spirits?

Don’t be nervous. Be awesome! - I’ll try! 

Don’t listen to the haters. You’re amazing, and so perfect for Tristan - Thank you so much! You’ve just lifted my whole spirits! 

I wish I could be like you. - Maybe I can give you some tips one day :)

Say hi to the boys for me? - of course :) Instead of telling them hi, I tweeted them, in a private message telling them to say hi to her. I guess they were online, because they did it within minutes.


I logged out as we arrived. The moment of truth. 

I got out of the car and walked with Amber up to the front door. We opened it together, instantly being congratulated by workers. I couldn’t help but smile at the response we were getting. 

We were greeting by two body guards. At first they scared me, why were they here? With us? Walking with us? They didn’t even say hello. They walked in with us when we reached Sam’s office. 

“Hello girls!” She exclaimed and hugged us. “So I see you’ve already met Dylan and Marco.”

“Not really.” I said honestly. 

“Well I’m Dylan. And this is Marco.” Dylan introduced them. Amber and I both said hi, and introduced ourselves. “We know who you are. Thats the point of us.” Dylan said. This was starting to get weird. 

“Sam?” I questioned. 

“These are your body guards for America. You’ll need to take them home so they can get used to you both. Just tell them if you don’t want them in a certain room, because I know you both have boyfriends.” Sam filled us in. 

“How much do they know about us?” Amber asked. 

“As much as I know. I’ve assigned them to you girls. One each. Dylan, you’re looking out for Rhiannon. And Marco, for Amber. I’ve already spoken to your mum, they will be staying with you for a few days.”

“We have a gig tomorrow night. Actually, every Friday night.” I told her. 

“I know, and so do they. They’ll be accompanying you both to and from it, getting to know you. This is what this whole time period before America is. Getting you both ready for it. They also know about Josh, we’ve found him in police records. They know who too look out for.” This is getting quite serious! “Take a seat, I have some news.” 

“More?” I laughed. Dylan and Marco sat down next to us. 

“Yes, I’ve found 5 bands that are willing to come to America with you girls. The first one will be here in 10 minutes!” 10 minutes, that’s not very long. 


I hope you guys like it! I'm sorry it took so long. 

Does anyone actually read this?

It's a shorter note today. I'm still sick, and going back to school so I've got less time to write. But I will still fit it in somewhere. :)

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