An Unexpected Love

By Ilusyunadaaa

211K 3K 1.1K

[COMPLETED] [UNEDITED] “Always Expect the Unexpected.” Sometimes we need to admit that once we fall inlove... More

An Unexpected Love
AUL Introduction
AUL -1- Simple Party
AUL -2- Force Love
AUL -3- Wedding Day
AUL -4- Life
AUL -5- Awkward
AUL -6- Feelings
AUL -7- Vacation
AUL -8- Vacation 1.0 and Confession
AUL -9- Busy and Begging
AUL -10- Bonding with BTS
AUL -12- Troubles
AUL -13- Phobia and Illness
AUL -14- Visiting
AUL -15- I Forgot
AUL -16- Plans
AUL -17- Surprise!
AUL -18- Bonding
AUL -19- Bonding 1.0
AUL -20- What?!
AUL -21- Why?
AUL -22- Painful
AUL -23- Happiness
AUL -24- Bad Day
AUL -25- Alone
AUL -26- Another Surprise!
AUL -27- LQ. Play. Eat and Watch❤
AUL -28- My Phobia.
AUL -29- I can't feel it
AUL -30- Bonding. AGAIN❤
AUL -31- Bonding AGAIN❤ part II
AUL -32- 1/2 Rain Rain.
AUL -33- 2/2 Rain Rain
AUL -34- Shopping
AUL -35- My Cousin's Wedding Day
Special Chapter- [1] Soyun
Special Chapter- [2] Soyun
Special Chapter- [3] Soyun
Special Chapter- [4] Soyun
Special Chapter- [5] Soyun
Special Chapter- [6] Soyun
Special Chapter- [7] Soyun
Special Chapter- [8] Soyun
AUL -36- Oppa!!!
AUL -37- Promises
AUL -38- Visiting SungJae Oppa
AUL -39- Visiting GongChan Hyung
AUL -40- Should I?
AUL -41- Jealously?
AUL -42- Yes, I do.
Don't Go: Introduction
DG -1- USA~
DG -2- [1] Party in the USA!
DG -3- [2] Party in the USA!
DG -4- Blanket Kick
DG -5- Attack On Bangtan!
DG -5- Colorful
DG -6- Good Morning Baby
DG -7- Miss Right
DG -8- Lucky
DG -9- Angel
DG -10- Busy
DG -11- W-why?
DG -12- Danger
DG -13- Good Luck
DG -14- The Truth
DG -15- Pity
DG -16- Agony
DG -17- Girl, Let me know
DG -18- N-no!
DG -19- Lighten Up
DG -20- Giving Up
DG -21- Hurts
DG -22- 1/2 M-my.. Baby..
DG -22- 2/2 M-my.. Baby..
DG -23- 1/2 Save Me
DG -23- 2/2 Save Me
DG -24- Lies
DG -25- Does that make sense
DG -26- Done
DG -27- Gone
DG -28- Regret
DG -29- Realization
DG -30- Jimin
DG -31- Saved her
DG -32- Begging
DG -33- Deserves
DG -34- Bullet
DG -35- Time
DG -36- Empty
DG -37- Lonely
DG -38- Cry
DG -39- Fragile
DG -40- Missing You
DG -41- Eyes Nose Lips
DG -42- Playground
DG -43- 1/2 Long time no see
DG -43- 2/2 Long time no see
DG -44- Back Hug
DG -45- Aches
TRB in MNL~ ❤❤❤
DG -46- Scared of
DG -47- Wait for me
DG -48- Don't Go
DG -49- It's really him
DG -50- I'm yours
DG -51- You're my [LC]
AUL's DG Epilogue
Special Chapter [1]
Special Chapter [2]
Special Chapter [3]
Special Chapter [4]
Author's Love again ❤
Support & Love ❤

AUL -11- Bonding with BTS 1.0

3.2K 43 5
By Ilusyunadaaa

>Taehyung's POV<

It's already 8am. We need to arrive in BigHit Entertainment building within 15 minutes. I started the engine and drove trough the building. We're already on the Van and they play like a kids. I want to play with them too but I'm not in a mood. Jungkook is always sitting next to Soyun. I'm so jealous! You know that huh? I forgot that jealous moments. I just looked up to the sky and looked at the clouds. It's so beautiful. My jealous is already forgotten.

"Are you Okay Yeobo-ya?"

"Ah. Ne~ Yeobo-ya. I'm just looking to the beautiful clouds."

"Ah. Arraseo."

I plugged my earphone and started to sang quitely. We're already arrived on the Beach. Damn. It's so beautiful. The water was so quitely warm and the sunset is so perfect. I'm just standing on the seashore and looking at the beautiful sight of the beach. Soyun keep taking selcas of her and beach. She's so cute when she's taking a selca. A girl that lots of Aegyo❤ that's why I loved her. I took a picture of the perfect sunset and warm water. It's so perfect. I didn't realize that it's already 7pm. Manager Oppa called us and eat.

They're running like kids trough the table and I'm just walking like a cold guy. Soyun called me and I run. I sat beside her and feed her. Suga kept playing. Ugh. He so childish than me. After we ate our dinner, RapMon decided to play a game named 'Spin The Bottle' (A/N: last chapter. Hahaha.)

We run trough the seashore and formed a big circle. I'm not going to sat next to Soyun. If I sat next to Soyun, I didn't get a chance to ask her. Hahaha. I love it. XD So the play begins!

The bottlecup was pointed to Jimin and the bottomglass is with Suga hyung. Hyung took the Dare, he thinks that if he took the truth, the game will not be happy, so he took the dare to make us Happy and laugh. He started to make some crazy moves. I can't stop laughing even Soyun. I saw her laughing hardly. She's so cute when laughing. Kyeopta.

After Suga hyung do the dare of Jimin hyung, the battle begins! The buttlecup was pointed at RapMon and the bottomglass was pointed to Jin hyung. RapMon took the dare. Jin hyung dared him to make a Rap with some jokes. He started to Rap nonsense. It's so funny. He's laughing too when he's rapping. Soyun is kept laughing. I can't take away of my eyes to her.

After RapMon do the dare of Jin hyung to him. RapMon spin the battle. I was shocked. The buttlecup was pointed to Soyun and the bottomglass was pointed to Jungkook.


>Soyun's POV<

••Fast Forward••

After RapMon do the dare of Jin hyung to him, RapMon spin the bottle. When the bottle stopped. I was so shocked! What? The bottlecup was pointing at me, meanwhile the bottomglass was pointing to Ju-ng-kook? What?! Jungkook? Uugh.

"So I choose Dare."

"I dare you to love me."

>Taehyung's POV<

The bottlecup was pointed to Soyun and the bottomglass was pointed to Jungkook. Ugh.

"So I choose dare."

"I dare you to love me."

What?! Are you crazy? This is not funny. Uuugh. What should I do? Jungkooooook! Your destroying our relationship! Ugh. I hate you Jungkook!! Why are doing it to me and Soyun-si?! Uggh!

"Are you crazy?!" I said angirly

"Mwo?! It's just a dare." He pouted

"You know Kookie, your just ruining our relationship."

"It's just a dare Hyung!"

"You should get another dare. Except that dare you said earlier! Uggh."

"Aniyo. That's what I wanted hyung."

"Aniyooo! Don't do this Maknae-si!"

All the members was shocked. I don't like this situation. Uugh. Waeyo?! Maybe Kookie think another dare. Uggh.

RapMon interupted "Hajima! Let's end this game." All of us starting to stand-up. I gave a evil look to Jungkook.

"Are you okay?"

"Ne, just stay beside me."

"Gwaenchana Yeobo-ya."

All of them started to walk trough the cottage. Me and Soyun stayed on the seashore.

"Don't worry, I'm not accepting his Dare."

I'm still angry. I hate Jungkook! My sad face is still in my face.

"Don't be sad Yeobo-ya. I'm here. As you can see, I'm not going to accept his dare easily. So don't be sad. Smiiiiile! Arraseo?"

I smiled. But fake. We're walking in the seashore. We're just day dreaming. Holding her hands tightly, it's a sign that i don't want to lose her.

I asked her "Let's go the cottage?"

"Ne, it's so cold here."

I hugged her tightly, "You feel cold huh?" She smiled and smile back.

She broke the hug "So, let's go?"

"Yes Yeobo!"

Me and Soyun started to walk and go to the cottage, I know the hyungs are waiting for me and Soyun especially Jungkook. Uugh.

"Oh! There you are!"-RapMon screamed

Jin hyung asked "Where have you been?"

"We're just walking in the seashore." I answered.

"So, here's our room. In 1 room, are 2 persons are allowed. Manager Oppa and the Driver will be on the 1st room. Jin hyung and Me is on the 2nd room. Jungkook and Jimin hyung is on the 3rd room and Soyun. JHope and Suga is on the 4th room and Taehyung is on the 5th room. Arraseo? No one can allowed to exchange the room! Arraseo?" RapMon explained our respective rooms.

"Ne!" All of us screamed.

Me and Soyun are walking trough our room. She go to the bathroom and took a shower. Meanwhile, me, I'm just waiting on the outside, Duuh? She needs a privacy too even if we're married. I heard Soyun was screaming.




"Help me!"

I panickly open the door, and I saw her was in the corner of the room and screaming. I rushly go to her as asked her why.

"I saw a cockroach." She's about to cry. Hahaha! I taught there's a theif. Pheew.

"It's okay Yeobo-ya, don't be scared. It's just a cockroach not an thief or ghosts." I patted her back and hugged her, to show to her that I'm always here for her. Yeeah.

"The cockroach!" I jokely screamed and pointed at her back.

"Waaaah!" She punched my arms.

"Uugh. Don't do that again! Huhuhu."

"Mianhe Yeobo-ya~" I hug her again and someone's knocking in the door, so I broke the hug and opened the door. I saw all of the members.

"What happened?" RapMon panickly asked

"What happened to Soyun?" Jungkook asked me.

"Is there's a thief? A ghosts? Or anything else?"

"What did you do to Soyun-si? You two of you are having a -----" I interrupted the Suga hyung's sentence.

"Aniyo! Not like that! Soyun saw a flying cockroach! Arraseo?" I explained.


"So you need to go back in your respective rooms hyungs, were okay now."

But when i look at Soyun, i saw Jungkook talking to her. I walk when the two of them are talking.

"Aa-uhm, Kookie. I think you need to go back to your room. Soyun is laready fine as you can see."

"Okay hyung."

"Annyeong Hyung~ Annyeong Soyun babe." He closed the door.

Whaaat?! "BABE." WTF?! Uugh. Koooooookie! I hate you! Aaaigo.

"Are you okay Yeobo-ya?" I changed the topic.

"Ne, just stay beside me Yeobo-ya. Arraseo? I'm so scared~"

"Neeee! I'm always here for you Yeobo-ya~"

"Just sleep and take a rest. Don't mind the cockroach. Just mind me. Arraseo?" I joked and pinched her chicks.

"Hahaha. Your so funny Yeobo-ya."

I'm just hugging her and fall asleep.

••Next Morning!••

I woke up at 5am. I saw Soyun was still sleep. Waah. She's so cute. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I looked at Soyun again. She's still sleeping. Okay. It's already 5:30am, I decided to go to the seashore and watching the warm water.

I didn't realize that it's already 6am, I run and go to our room. I saw Soyun, she's still sleeping. Yeeeah. She's so cute. So i took a photo of her while sleeping. I love her when she's sleeping XD Hahaha. I'm so mean. Aniyo, I love her so much the way she loves me. You know how it feels? Hahaha. But someone is ruining our relationship. You know who is it huh? It's Jungkoookie! Uugh. I don't know what happened to him. The past day, he's not like that, he's not serious on the other girls. Buut Uugh! Neermind! I don't want Jungkook will be our topic.

After i took a photo of her, someone was knocking on the door, so I opened it, I saw Jimin hyung.

"Waeyo Hyung?"

"Ooh, We need to eat our breakfast, after lunch, we're going back to Seoul. Arraseo?" I nodded.

I forcely woke up Soyun-si, I din't want to do that but I need. "Yeobo-ya.. We need to eat our Breakfast!"

"Ne.. Just a minute."

"Aniyo! We need to eat our breakfast."


"Faster huh?"

She woke up and rubbed her eyes. She's going to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth.

"Let's go?"

Me and Soyun walked on the seashore and go to tr cottage. The table was ready, there's a lot of foods. It's just like it's our Last Suffer XD Hahaha. Jk.

After we ate, Manager oppa announce to us that we need to pck our things and after lunch, we need to go back in Seoul. We nodded and go back to our rooms.

After we packed pur things, I brought all the things of mine and Soyun. Yeeah. I'm gentleman. Hahaha. Now, were on the cottage now. It's already 12:30pm.

••To Be Continued••



Tada! Hahaha! Sorry if my english/grammar is not good enough. XD Hahaha :") Vote! and Comment whats your opinion to my story XD ㅋㅋㅋ Kamsahamnida~ ❤

Saranghae! My fellow Chingus~ :")

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