Hidden || Park Jimin ✔︎

By _treasurey

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Have you ever fell in love and thought you'd be with this person forever? , the more you sit forever the more... More



45 5 29
By _treasurey

Jimin pov
I look into the light as they check to see if I'm intoxicated , I have to go through this everyday for a month or two I don't remember I wasn't playing attention that much anyways.

"Mr.park how are you doing today?"
"The same as everyday I'm fine but I wanna leave thank you" I say while laying back down
"Mr.park this is for your own good why do you hate it?, usually they say if a patient hates therapy they're an addict " she says softly
"I hate it cause I don't like being here I wanna be at home with my girlfriend thank you" I say with a little attitude in my voice

"So is that why you've been taking drugs? Is your significant other taking these drugs? Is she forcing you yo take drugs?" She says while writing something down
"She would never" I say while I sigh
"You sure Jimin ? Do you know what she does when you're not there?" she says while folding her arms
" she wouldn't dare do that!" I say while standing up as soon as I stand up police officers bust in and then have stun guns pointing at me ready to fire them at me I chuckle softly then sit down " you use a taser for people in this class?"

"No but if the people is too wild we have too"
" i see that, may I leave?" I say while holding my hands up
"Yes, park Jimin" the lady says softly I smirk then walk out the room and as I'm walking out the room the guy tases me in the back I fall to the floor and they pick me up and wrap me in a stray jacket my vision goes black then I close my as not being able to do anything.

Yasmine's pov
I roll over and see my brother ass close to my face I sigh then I get out of the bed , I grab my phone and see some texts from my mochi.

Jimin has a doctor? And why didn't he tell me about this? I mean I knew he was acting pretty strange but I didn't think it was anything major , but why does he have a doctor?

I grab my moms keys from the shelf then I walk out the house and drive to this rehab center. Why is he in a rehab center? .

I didn't have time to ask the woman where it was so I just used location and found it I walk in the rehab center place and walk to the front desk.

"Hell ma'am how may we help you?" She says with a smile on her face
"I need to see park Jimin" I say exhausted
"Yes ma'am, right this way" I follow the assistant to wherever she's taking me I see that she's taking me to the stray jacket room what has my boyfriend done?

"Right In here" she says while opening it , as soon as she opens it I see Jimin curled up in the corner with his hair covering his face I'd never thought I'd see my boyfriend in this certain place in this situation, what does he do when I'm not there?

I walk in slowly and the lady closes the door to let us talk, I walk over to him slowly and I see his eyes dark and watery .

"Jimin?" I say softly
"You weren't supposed to know or see this"
I scoff sarcastically "really Jimin? We are not five anymore when we're you going to tell me this?"
" I don't know" he says softly
"You don't know huh? , you've been lying to me this whole time and this is the way I have to find out about it?" I say trying to hold back my angry

"Well it's not like it's easy to just bring it up!" He yells
"I guess not i guess I don't know who you are anymore , I'm sorry Jimin but I can't see nor talk to you like this because my boyfriend park Jimin would tell me everything no matter how little it could be" I stand up then walk away I push the door open the run to my car I open the driver seat then I start bawling my eyes out. I get it together then I wipe my face then I drive off to my house.

Jimin pov
I sit at a table with both my doctors looking at me but all I'm looking at is the floor thinking about how I should've told her and how big of an asshole I am why couldn't I just man up and tell her I probably hurt her so bad and now she's leaving me.

"Mr.park we think that you're better off to go out on your own now but you need someone to watch you and take care of you who would you like that to be?" A lady says to me

"Put jeon jungkook" I whisper
"Okay , so we'll be sending him a letter that tells him he's the person in charge of taking care of you we'll pass by once a week to get track of your well being okay mr.park?"

"Yes ma'am" I say dryly

After they drop me off to my house I call Yasmine and it goes straight to call ended . Great she's ignoring me I guess I do deserve it , I guess I'll just ask ariella how she is. I go straight up to my room and I lay down with my thick covers wrapped around me, I stare out of space until I feel and see my eyes getting watery

"Hold it together Jimin you're okay buddy" I feel one tear roll down "you're not okay Jimin " I began to sob hard I put the covers over my face as I let the tears pour down like a rain fall.  Why am I so stupid? Why can't I be honest? I don't deserve you yasmine and I'm sorry for breaking your heart but you should move on.

After my little nap I wake up and see messages from yasmine , pick up my phone as I read them from my lock screen.

Yasmine pov
After I send those few texts to Jimin I feel my phone vibrate, I pick it up and see it's from my baby

I feel my heart drop down to my stomach and I open my phone super fast and spam him with messages , I fucked up badly.

I start hyperventilating and I call jungkook , it rings and rings and rings
"Come on jungkook answer stop making out with Ariella"
"Hello?" I hear him say is a husky tone
"Um jungkook is Jimin with you?" I say while pacing back and forth
"Um no why? I just picked up this form from a rehab center telling me that I'm responsible for taking care of him, since when did he end up in a rehab center?" He says in a more serious tone

"I still don't know the answer to that, but fuck I'm going to stop by his house"
"Hey slow down what's up?" Jungkook says in a calm voice
"Jimin isn't responding to my texts messages after I told him I needed space when I got a text from his doctors and I saw him in a stray jacket in the rehab center"
"Oh shit , yeah go check his house and I'll check mine and his favorite hangout spots to see if he's there"
"Thank you jungkook"

"No problem sis"

He hangs up and a grab my keys as I walk towards the door .

I arrive at his house and I unlock the door because I have a spare key then walk in the house , the atmosphere feel very sad but also happy because it smells like him .


I walk throughout the house and then I make my way up to his room "baby I'm so-" I say as I swing the door open I see his bed all made and a note on top of it I grab it as I sniffle slightly I open it and begin reading it.

Dear yasmine , I know you probably went on a cute tantrum and started to worry about me you probably called one of my closest friends most likely jungkook and asked where I was and his answer was probably 'idk' that's good because I don't want anyone to know where I am , I want to stay hidden and let everyone forget about me because I'm just one big ball or disappointment and a liar , so yeah you're right you deserve space and so do I so i guess what I'm saying is I'm breaking up with you and you'll never see my face again , you deserve better princess and the only way to get better is to get rid of me goodbye baby go find someone better

I crumble the paper up in heartbreak , I didn't want to leave him I just thought he was going to be in the hospital for a long time so I couldn't bear to see him like that , I guess I should've rephrased it now the love of my life is out of my life. I fall to the floor and start sobbing and sobbing. This is unreal its dream

No it's not yasmine this is your fault.

Jimins pov
I throw the card down on the dresser and then I lay down on the soft bed and look up at the ceiling. I smirk to my self then I put my phone in the drawer

"A new life wouldn't be so bad would it?"

Authors note:

Welll this chapter is a roller coaster😂 , I'm glad I finally get to post weekly like I usually do now that I have an iPad , which I broke the home button but at least I get to type for you guys 👏🏾 anyways so tell me how you feel about this chapter by commenting and yeah bye see you in the next chapter !!

~ooo ooo pick me pick me! If theirs any grammatical errors just let me know right here🙊

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