The Bad Boy's Queen

By ChocoPieDana

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❝He was a King and he chose her as his Queen.❞ In Ava's world, the underworld is everything. The bad side rul... More

Chapter 1 - Holy Moly
Chapter 2 - Rumors
Chapter 3 - Impressive
Chapter 4 - Mafia
Chapter 5 - Back So Soon
Chapter 6 - Last Name
Chapter 7 - Trust Me
Chapter 8 - Best of All
Chapter 9 - Just for You
Chapter 10 - Anytime, Boss
Chapter 11 - For Her
Chapter 12 - You'll See
Chapter 13 - Thanks To You
Chapter 14 - Never Happened
Chapter 15 - Fucking Bodyguards
Chapter 17 - No Promises
Chapter 18 - Sadistic Little Bastard
Chapter 19 - True Feelings
Chapter 20 - The Underworld
Chapter 21 - Dead Man
Chapter 22 - Carter
Chapter 23 - Confession
Chapter 24 - Shut Up
Chapter 25 - First Kiss
Chapter 26 - Even If Everything Breaks
Chapter 27 - Yes, I Will
Chapter 28 - Stop Running Away
Chapter 29 - Goodnight, Love
Chapter 30 - Just Temporary
Chapter 31- On The Battlegrounds
Chapter 32 - Breaking Down
Chapter 33 - It'll Be Alright
Chapter 34 - I Already Lost Him
Chapter 35 - Dirty Secret
Chapter 36 - Just Feel Sour
Chapter 37 - Is Love This Painful?
Chapter 38 - Slowly Killing Me
Chapter 39 - No Excuse

Chapter 16 - Another Mafia

1.7K 55 9
By ChocoPieDana

Chapter 16 - Another Mafia

"Let me guess." I paused with a finger raised for effect as I crossed my legs on the table. "Jack's orders. Also, that's not even a question, its a fact. Its true, isn't it?"

Rhiannon crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair, blowing air into her gum. After it had burst, only then did she gave a response. "Yup." 

I groaned loudly, smacking my palms onto my face and dragging them down. "Fuck you, Jack." I muttered under my breath, the image of Jack probably laughing his ass off right now popping into my head. "Why?"

Vern gave a shrug. "He only said its for safety reasons. Said that the shitty brat can't take care of herself."

I cursed Jack internally. I'm going to fucking cut his dick off someday.

"Pfft, I bet its more for his entertainment than security." I grunted, looking away and unconsciously biting my bottom lip. "And the both of you are okay with this?"

They looked at each other for a few seconds before shrugging in unison. "Technically, we don't even care."

I bit on my bottom lip a bit harder than before, analyzing the situation.

The three of us are in the cafeteria right now and basically, the other students kept their distance from our table. I don't even have to ask to know that all three of us look terrifying with our frowns and let's not mention Rhiannon's gang clothes and Vern's dark aura radiating around. Let's also ignore the oh-so obvious brass knuckles and pocket knife that Rhiannon thought would be fine to be placed on the table in front of hundreds of hormonal teenagers. They're also stained with blood, by the way.

Not gonna ask what 'fun' activities she did with them.

I knew by heart that Law would be arriving soon with the two other idiots and after witnessing Dominique's current relationship with Rhiannon, its not going to be a family friendly verbal fight since they are both very vocal in their conversations. I'm lucky enough to get to have a few not so private moments with the both of them during recess but I just had to confront them about this matter. I can't just mention Jack in front of those three boys.

 Jack ordered Rhiannon and Vern to transfer to this school for 'safety reasons' -I highly doubt that and already, they are both attracting unwanted attention. What the fuck was Jack thinking? Sooner or later, mobs will catch wind of this and that is the last thing I want on my list.

Is Jack thinking irrationally or just losing his 'edge'? That's impossible, he's the most calculative person I know. He won't do this without reasonable excuses -except the fact that he's also doing this to mess with me- and of course he'd have thought of all the possible outcomes. But in this case, the cons clearly outweighed the pros more so unless there is a very solid and dangerous reason he risked this, then I'll overlook this.

And somewhere deep inside irritated, annoyed gut, I have a familiar feeling that Jack is going to send me a text.


Oh, will you look at that! Speak of fucking satan and he shall appear.

With a glare, I punched in my pin number and true enough, in bold lettering is the man of the day himself. I typed his name into my contacts as Shitty Uncle because truthfully, it suits him perfectly well.

Did you enjoy my awesome, heartwarming surprise? :) -Jack

Bastard dares to send me an innocent, smiley face. Asshole.

Its the best goddamn surprise in my fucking life! <3 When did you have the time to think about it considering that you're always busy visiting your local strip club? -Haha, very funny

No more than five seconds later, my phone let out a short, tiny ring which only aggravated me more if you didn't count his reply. I bet he's laughing behind his polished office desk with his suited guards looking at him curiously.

You're so delightful, my wonderful little niece- not. Your suffering is amuses me, what can I say? PS, how did you find out about that? -Jack

I was about to type in my reply when another message buzzed in, almost causing me to laugh and forget what he did. But then I remembered what he had done and I'm back to bitchy mode again.

Please don't tell my wife. Jane will kill me. -Please help me, I'm desperate

On a more serious note, I have my reasons. I'll explain when we finally have time together. -Jack

Fine. I'll hear what you have to say this one LAST time. -Ava

With a grunt, I shoved my phone back into my pocket, actually pondering whether or not I should tell Jane but decided against it. He may be an asshole but he's still my uncle. Plus, I can tell he's desperate. 

Four people I know who are definitely a thousand times scarier than Jack being pissed is Jane and Jack's three daughters. Somehow though, their anger are always directed towards Jack.

No surprise there.

I took a sip from the bottle of water in my hands when I finally realized it was empty. Sighing, I stood up and slid out of my chair. "I'm just going to get a drink. Be back soon." Rhiannon and Vern simply nodded, too absorbed into how gross the food is.

Trudging towards the vending machine at the back of the cafeteria, I glanced around, noticing how the small crowd of students there suddenly dispersed upon my arrival like I'm a red demon with horns wearing a hideous ballerina dress. Yeah, certainly not the most prettiest of sights.

I just rolled my eyes, even flipping my finger at one of the boys who was most-definitely-not-staring-like-a-creepy-dude as I pushed one of the buttons on the machine. For the rest of the crowd who seemed to be watching like I'm some kind of antique puppet show, I sent them my best glare and they immediately went running away. I would have laughed if I weren't feeling so drained right now.

Right as I finished taking a few sips of the drink, a figure suddenly emerged beside me. I used the word emerged because he literally emerged out of nowhere. I'm not even joking. Is there some Houdini shit going on here?

"Ahh-!" I shrieked, my fist instinctively flying towards the person.

Said person easily caught my fist in his and I was left to drown in my own pool of embarrassment as Law's body shook while he tried to contain his laughter. Sadly, his willpower wasn't enough and he eventually burst out laughing.

I retracted my hand and smacked him weakly on the shoulder. "Jerk."

"But that was hilarious!" Law laughed. I could only purse my lips in shame as my face went even more red than it already is while waiting for Law to finish his laughing session. I watched as his jet black hair got even messier though still unfairly gorgeous and I couldn't keep my eyes away from the way muscle underneath his sleeves rippled with his every movement, even when he ran a hand through his wickedly soft hair. Suddenly, his beautiful steel eyes flashed in mine and I find myself blushing.

Thank god, I managed to catch myself before I flew off into the forbidden land which is Law's hotness.

I huffed and turned around, crossing my arms. "You know what, I'm just gonna go."

But before I could even take a step, Law's arms are already securely wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I suddenly became aware of his warm breath right above my temple and how it dipped down to right beside my ear, fanning it. Law's nuzzled closer to me and I could feel him smile against my skin as he kissed my cheek. 

"Its okay, I still love you." He whispered huskily. I didn't have to see to know that Law is grinning that infamous adorable boyish grin of his.

Oh sweet Jesus, you can take me to heaven now before I melt into a puddle of cuteness.

"Too bad, I still hate you." I said, just to mess around and get him riled up.

Soon, Law had turned me around and was staring down at me. The intensity of his gray eyes was enough to get my knees to buckle. 

Law's lips suddenly broke out into a smirk. "Is it just me or do I see a need for me to turn that hate into love? Because if yes, I have a million ways going through my mind on how to change that."

"Oh, Law's thinking, now that's dangerous. Mind if you tell one of your ways then, big boy?"

Law's eyes darkened tremendously and suddenly, I found myself anticipating as a shiver went down my spine. It was silent for a while as Law ran his hand on the small of my back up to behind my neck and into my dark brown hair. His other hand was clasped firmly on my upper arm, Law just looking at me- as if contemplating. My eyes followed when he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip dangerously slow, his lips in a smirk when he finally finished the motion. 

Then he lowered himself to my level, his lips just barely grazing mine that if he were to nudge me only a little, our lips would be touching. I couldn't focus on anything else, only his voice as he breathed out a word onto my lips in a soft whisper, just audible enough for me to hear. 


Right when the moment I have been waiting was about to happen, a loud voice pierced the air. "Hey, Law!"

In an instant, Law swiftly placed a kiss to cheek and pulled away- his face blank as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, I was a blushing, shocked mess, just barely able to process what had happened.

And just as quickly as that moment appeared and vanished, I found myself crying, screaming, cursing and basically raging internally.


Who the fuck was that fucking bastard? Should I stab him repeatedly in the chest?

Now this moment just got added to my long list of 'Things that irritates Ava today'.

"There you are! Oh hey, Ava." Dom greeted with a wide smile before suddenly frowning as Law also looked my way. "Why do you look flushed? Did something happen?"

I clicked my tongue and scoffed like NOTHING happened. "Tch, no. I'm ju-"

I was unable to finish my sentence because my voice was suddenly muffled by Law pressing my face into his chest. Unwillingly, the toxic scent of his sweet cologne was like a drug to my brain, getting me high and wanting more. 

How the hell did he managed to smell so divine?

I should really ask him his daily morning routine soon.

"Nah, she's just feeling sick and.. angry." Law said simply, adding the last bit with a bit of hesitance. He probably saw the disappointment on my face thus coming to the conclusion that I am pissed. "Anyway, why are you here actually?"

As Dom forgot about my state and went to ramble on and on about whatever the hell he's talking about, I gripped Law's black t-shirt as a sign that he should really pull me away from his chest before I could jump him. Despite loving my time to get to embrace Law's sculpted and toned chest and bathe in his intoxicating scent, I could really use my oxygen right now, thank you.

Law finally pulled me away and I glared up at him. rubbing my squished nose. Law simply ruffled my hair, making me feel like a little kid. 

Unfortunately, before I could get anymore mad at him, my eyes caught sight of his lips first and despite my billion cells raising their red flags, my eyes zoned in on them. Oh gosh, did I really just had a once in a trillion years chance to kiss those beyond kissable li-

Okay, I'm shutting myself down for now. I don't need myself to produce more hormones for me. I'm hormonal enough already.

But I am definitely going to get back to that kiss, just you wait. I ain't letting it off the hook that easily.

"How can you look like that?" I whisper-shouted to Law, still rubbing my nose while Dom's rambling voice faded into the background.

"Like what?" Law whisper-shouted back to me.

I poked his arm, although it felt like I was poking a diamond. Damn, those muscles. Definitely no stranger to the gym. "Like nothing just happened! Teach me your ways, senpai! I could use some lessons on how to perfect a poker face."

Instead, it was like anything pass my first sentence flew over Law's head because judging by his smirk, he definitely only processed the former. "I didn't say nothing happened. You did. I only acted the part."


"Were you expecting something more to happen earlier, hot-stuff?"

That definitely shut me up. Thankfully, Dom was there to save me from dying from my own blush. Hmm, that would make a very interesting newspaper headline- 'Girl Dies of Exceeding Blush Caused By Hot Guy'.

"So, now that that's out of the way." Dom grinned, suddenly brushing his fingers through his hair like its a comb. 

I frowned. "Why are you prepping yourself up?" I mused as he dusted imaginary dust from his shoulders. Even Law looks amused.

"Well, as we all know, there are some new students and sources have told me that they are girls." Dom started, fixing his collar while Law and I exchanged a knowing look with a smirk. "So before my friend, Law, here could snatch them away- I should act right away. And what better way than to look devilishly good till their fall into my arms."

With a mighty hold on myself to keep myself from laughing, I gingerly placed a hand onto Dom's shoulder. "Dom, don't get your hopes up. Its fine, you don't have to tidy yourself."

Dom's face contorted into a look of confusion. "What do you mean don't get my hop-"

"Oh hey, look, Vern. Its the fucking pretty boy again."

Dom instantly tensed and as the gears in his head finally clicked together, his eye twitched in annoyance as he whipped around to face Rhiannon. "Oh." He hissed, crossing his arms. "Now I get it. Its the fucking bitch. Had enough playtime with your sugar daddy this morning, kitten?"

Rhiannon placed her hands onto her hips, her blue hair falling onto her face as her vest jacket shifted. "I'm not here to play your bullshit games, asshole."

"I'm not in the mood either, cagna."

At this point, they were practically growling menacingly at each other. Oh jeez.

"Well, I'll be damned. The sexual tension here is overwhelming!"

In a flash, everyone's eyes are on Roman who had crept up onto us without any of us knowing- except Vern, of course. Roman stood obliviously beside Vern with an innocent smile, not even acknowledging the two 'lovebirds' drilling holes into his head. 

Roman glanced at Vern and lit up, slinging an arm over her shoulder as if they had been friends for years. "Hey, Vern! I heard you transferred here. I'm Roman, if you don't already know."

Vern stiffened next to Roman. She's not that used to overly friendly guys like him. "Yeah, I know you. We've met before."

Roman grinned before leaning over to look at her. "I'm actually qui-" Roman suddenly frowned, stopping halfway through his sentence as he gazed at Vern intensely. Roman tilted his head in confusion. "Weren't your eyes green the last time I saw you?"

Alarms immediately went off all around as Rhiannon and I darted towards the two of them. Rhiannon legitimately pried Roman away from her as I got in front of her. "What, green? What're you talking about? Her eyes have always been-" I trailed off, looking behind me to look at Vern's eye color. "Blue! Right, Rain?"

Rhiannon seemed to be unable to catch up as she let go of a squirming Roman. "U-um, y-y-yeah. It has always been a beautiful navy blue." She laughed nervously, glancing at us as the three guys narrowed their eyes in suspicion. 

I mentally facepalmed. Its a fucking baby blue, not navy blue! "Yeah, blue's the best!" I chuckled, cracking under the pressure. I have to change the topic! Anything to save us! 


"Oh yeah, I thought there were three new students! Whose the other one? Never met the person yet. You said all new students are girls, right Dom?" I said sheepishly, sighing in relief internally.

Dom jumped slightly, taken aback. They all clearly noticed my lame attempt to divert their attention away from the subject at hand but they seemed to let it slide. Guess it wasn't worth pushing if we aren't talking anytime soon. 

Dom scratched his cheek with his finger, looking away in thought. "Y-yeah. They're all girls." Dom looked back at us with a slight shrug. "Haven't met her though."

 "Oh, I've met her! She's in my homeroom." Roman perked up, joining in the conversation- probably as glad as us that we're out of that awkward topic.

"How does she look like?" Rhiannon mused, a hand on her chin in thought as she tried to conjure up a mental image.

Law walked over and stood beside me, nudging me a little. I looked up just as Law whispered into my ear. "Nice distraction." I shoved my elbow into his side, causing Law to chuckle as he remained unfazed. Is he fucking made of stone or something?

Roman hummed for a few seconds, deep in thought. "She's blonde with blue eyes. Tall and had an Italian accent."

"Great, another mafia?" Rhiannon joked and we laughed a while. I crossed my arms in content that we managed to get into a safe topic.

Vern poked in. "What's her name, Roman?"

"I don't quite remember. Was it Sarah? No, it wasn't. Stella, Sophie, no, not that either. Susan, Scarl-" Roman trailed off, rubbing his temples in frustration.

I rolled my eyes in amusement. "Do you have short-term memory loss now, Ro-"

"I remember now!" He suddenly cheered out loud, a big victorious smile on his face. All of us looked at him expectantly as he grinned cheerfully. "Her name's Sierra de Costa."

And instantly, I froze as my blood ran cold.

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