Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSIO...

By ForMyOwn

1.1K 110 34

REWRITE IS UP NOW ANd is way better seriously. Taking a shortcut was the most life-changing decision Rosalie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
So long, and thanks for all the fish

Chapter 35

16 3 0
By ForMyOwn

"I'm proud of you," Twila said from her spot on Ro's horse. "You are quite the force of nature when you want to be."

"I'm just glad that I won't ever be on the opposite end of your blade," Corvin commented. Ro laughed.

"You can still get on my bad side," she said, nudging him since they were riding side by side.

"I'm glad that you're such a good person," Ava stated plainly. "We'd all die if you weren't. Think about it! You could go on a killing spree, and it would take the entirety of the elites to take you down, maybe even more."

The girl grimaced at her sure statement. "I don't think I'm that powerful..." she said.

Crow laughed humorlessly. "But you are," he said. "You could take over even the demon realm with your wit and strength alone."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Since when have you been so confident in my abilities?" she said, not bothering to hold back her annoyance.

He shrugged. "Your ability to fight and outsmart any opponent, yes, but your ability to run the kingdom better than your father and uncle have? Not so much."

"Gee, don't try to sugarcoat it," Elliot deadpanned.

"I'll be sure to remember that, McKnight," Crow sneered.

Ava sighed and gently shook her head. "I'm sorry about them, your highness," she said to Ro. "They've got a stupid rivalry going on since-"

"It isn't stupid!" the two men yelled.

"Whatever. Just behave in front of the princess," Ava hissed at them.

Ro smiled at Ava. "You can call me Rosalie if you'd like," she offered.

"Rosalie," Ava said, giving the girl a sincere smile. "It's a beautiful name, one that fits you in every way." The blush on Ro's face was apparent. She tried to stammer a reply, but Corvin beat her to it.

"I agree," he said. "'That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'"

Reaching over to punch his shoulder playfully, Ro laughed. "You're such a cheesy dork," she said. "And I thought you didn't like Romeo and Juliet."

"I don't," Corvin answered, leaning over to shove her gently. "But I like that line. Besides, you're the one who lent me Shakespeare."

"Because you were interested in Earthen literature. You're lucky Fausta managed to grab my copy when she went down there," Ro countered.

He looked at her with a goofy smile. "Have I mentioned that I love you?"

"Several times, but another time won't hurt," she laughed.

Crow groaned behind them, then he grunted. "Why did you elbow me?" he asked Ava.

"You're a grumpy old man, but even you have to admit that they're cute together," she said firmly. Ro and Corvin looked away sporting blushes, but sent each other little smiles anyway.

Twila shifted around to look at the others as they came to a fork in the road split by a huge oak tree that looked to be nearly 600 years old. "I'm afraid this is where we part ways," she said. "You can take the horses back with you, as we'll be going on foot."

Ro and Corvin got off and said goodbye to the three knights. Twila, who had shifted to her natural form, stood at the roots of the tree waiting for them. "Are you both ready to enter Fae land?" The two rankers nodded. "Then follow me."

The cat turned and walked directly into the tree, disappearing into the bark. Rosalie and Corvin stood there looking after her for a moment before her head popped out again. "Well? Are you coming?"

Sharing a glance, they held hands and stepped into the tree.

Coming out on the other side was disorienting to say the least. The two rankers both stumbled slightly and they found themselves in a forest; it was the same as the one they left, yet different at the same time. Everything seemed more vibrant and alive, almost as if Ro could feel the life flowing through each leaf, branch, and blade of grass. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy with ease, lighting their way with warmth.

A small worn path led further in, a path that Twila was walking down. "Come along, young ones," she said. "We're nearly there. Only a short walk and we'll be at the city's edge." The cat turned to look the two in the eyes. "While we're walking, I am going to explain a few key things that you need to follow.

"Remember, young ones, this is not like your world," she continued on the path with Rosalie and Corvin following. "The Fae are a fickle people. Their longevity means grudges are easily held. In most case, don't speak unless spoken to, especially if I am not with you. You'll likely end up digging your own grave. Are you understanding so far?"

She glanced back to see Ro and Corvin both nodding. "Good. Corvin, this rule is especially true for you. Rosalie is the princess, she will have more freedom when it comes to speaking. The Fae recognize her as a special case, and they have heard of what she's done concerning a few incidents. They have eyes everywhere." She paused to let a family of quail pass by.

"Most likely, Corvin, you will have to prove yourself to them in some way, be it with your wit and sly words or trial by sword. The latter I do not recommend." The cat turned her green eyes on him for effect, to make sure her point had gotten across. "And the most important rule: do not, under any circumstance, thank one of the Fae while in their domain. Saying thank you is equal to owing a debt. Even I wouldn't be able to get you out of it."

She turned to give them one last hard look before sighing and continuing on the path. "We'll be there once we pass this last bend," she said.

Rosalie stopped the big cat to kneel down and hug her. "Thank you, Twila," the girl said softly. She stood and readjusted the cloak on her shoulders. "Let's go." A smile came to her face when Corvin slipped his hand into her own.

Twila sighed again and turned the corner. Ro had noticed the path they were on had gradually become wider and more worn until it opened up to a city edge. Ro and Corvin gasped audibly at the sight before them.

A bustling city was revealed. Each building was made from nature; there were no bricks or straight edges. The shape and material varied for each structure, lending to a mish-mashed patchwork of colors. Walls made of twisted roots and branches sat next to a house made entirely of woven leaves. There was no apparent plan or theme, but instead of chaos, a sense of harmony and unity was consistent. Rosalie found that she was in love with it.

"Ro." Corvin nudged her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Twila is waiting for us." He nodded his head towards the cat, who sat impatiently waiting for them to take in the sights.

"Stick close to me, young ones," she said briskly. Despite her terse tone, Rosalie could tell Twila was happy to be home. She had a new glint in her eye that made her seem younger.

Fae were out walking and tending to their business. They were all diverse in the truest sense of the word.

Small pixies flitted about tall and graceful elves that looked like something out of Tolkien's books. Gnomes waddled, fairies flew, and nymphs and dryads swung merrily through the treetops.

The apparent disregard for clothing was startling; a blush was already showing on Rosalie's face. She glanced over to see Corvin in a similar state. He leaned down to her ear as they walked.

"It's a little...awkward to say the least," he whispered. She stifled a giggle with her hand. "Let's hope the Queen's court is less lenient about dress."

"At least cover the essentials," she whispered back, making them both laugh. They noticed Twila looking back at them expectantly.

"Are you two-"


The three travellers turned their heads to the source of the cry. A large, tiger-like cat was pushing through the crowded path, running full speed at them. The cat pounced on Twila. The two cats, started rolling around in a play fight like kittens. They sprung up again quickly. Ro didn't miss the huge smile on both their faces.

"Elva!" Twila exclaimed. They butted heads affectionately. "It's been far too long."

Elva, as Twila had called her, began laughing merrily. "Little star, I have missed you as well," she said.

Once they finally stood still, Rosalie noticed the similarities between the two. "Rosalie! Corvin! Come, meet my sister," Twila said, inviting the couple closer.

"Hello, your highness," Elva said, bowing her head slightly to the girl. Her pale green eyes, much like Twila's, twinkled when turned on Corvin. "Young Lord Duarte. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"It's an honor to meet another noble protector, especially one related to Twila," he said, bowing deeply.

The two sisters shared a knowing glance before exploding into laughter. It's like seeing a new side to her, Ro thought happily. I'm glad I can see her so happy like this.

"Please, Lord Duarte, there is no need for such niceties with one such as myself," Elva assured. Her warm orange fur shined in the sunlight as she turned. "Come, young ones. The Queen has requested I bring you to the court sooner rather than later." She bounded away swiftly.

Rosalie looked to Corvin with a huge grin on her face. "I like her," she stated to no one in particular. Her two companions chuckled.

"Let us continue," Twila said.

"Little star! You are as swift as a snail!" Elva called from the top of a nearby building. Twila grumbled under breath, but followed her sister on the ground, being sure her two charges were close behind.  

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