fucked up | taehyung

By taekookstyles

427K 14.7K 14.9K

"don't you think what we're doing is kind of fucked up?" "yeah, but it'll be our little secret, babygirl..." More

1. numb
2. pick-up lines
3. rude
4. tears and hugs
5. live a little
6a. ready to party
6b. party
7. dislike
8. phone numbers and new girl
9. arcade and surprises [m]
10. mall and phone calls [m]
11. facetime and twenty-one questions
12. ex bf and stranger [m]
13. apologies and emotions
14. confessions and kisses
15. tell me anything
16. i fucked up
17. movie night and makin it right
18. hate
19. i'll be okay
20. drawings and hair dye
21. conflicted and awkward
22. getting banned and being a fan
23. being late and flustered
24. confusion and beauty
25. sometimes the truth hurts
26. being friendly and disoriented
27. broken
28. are you leaving?
29. you are loved ♡
30. coffee and groceries
31. christmas and gifts
33. down and hopeful
34. the morning after
35. birthday wishes [m]
36. hostility and jealousy
37. you don't believe me?
38. i love you [m]
39. what happened?
40. things are not always as they seem
41. suspicions arise
42. k-i-s-s and p-i-z-z-a
43. the meeting ♡
44. together
45. can't forgive, can't forget
46. time flies when you're in love

32. i missed you

8K 266 493
By taekookstyles

hi bbs!! it's been a year 💕

"Call us when you get there! I want to make sure you get home safely!" Taehyungs mom yelled as he walked towards the bus to go back to his home.

Taehyung and his parents had a conversation about how he didn't want to rely on them financially anymore. He knew that they had no financial problems buts he felt as though he needs to learn how to learn how to live on his own with his own money. His parents refused at first until Taehyung practically begged them to just trust him. He promised that he was going to get a job right when he got back home and try to get a roommate or move in with someone who needed a roommate. His parents then agreed since he wasn't going to go through adulthood completely alone.

Once they said their tearful bye's, and see you later's, Taehyung was on his way, hoping for kind of new fresh start.

It was Friday morning, which meant that there was a get together at Namjoon's that night. He got small gifts for everyone, just guessing what everyone liked, since he didn't want to be that one douchebag who didn't bring gifts but for only two people.

As he was drifting off to sleep, he felt his phone vibrate.

hey man! idk if you decided to come back or not, but the get together is tonight and if you need a ride, i got you dude

yeah, i'm coming back. i can't keep running from my problems, am i right? and if it's not too much trouble...i'll give you gas money for sure

pft, it's christmas don't worry about it! plus i got you a present so i'm stoked that you decide to come! ill pick you up at 6, okay? it's just going to be us and the crew.

Taehyung then felt really nervous since he hadn't seen Mia in two weeks and has only sent her one text.

awesome, thanks hobi (: for everything.

Once Taehyung arrived back in Seoul, he went straight to his apartment and looked at how messy he left it. He groaned at himself for making such a dramatic exit and that's all he left with Mia to think about for the last two weeks. If she even thought of me...

He straightened everything up and then sighed out of relief once he was done. He then relized that he needed to wrap all of the presents that he bought for everyone. He groaned at the fact that he had to limit his money now since he told his parents he wanted to be an adult. He shook his head and decided to go straight to the nearest store that may sell wrapping paper.

He arrived at the store within 10 minutes and was crying inside out of happiness since there wasn't that many people inside. He spotted the Christmas section that was completely demolished, assuming the late-last minute shoppers doings, and grabbed two rolls of wrapping paper. One was printed with Scooby-Doo and one was printed with Overwatch logo all over. He decided to get both.

He wrapped the presents as neatly as he could but he noticed he's never wrapped presents so they came out pretty shitty. He decided to start new and watch YouTube videos on "how to wrap presents so people won't laugh at me"  and surprisingly saw a bunch of videos that help him a lot.

He perfected the wrapping and was pretty proud of himself that he took a picture and sent it to his mother.

Taehyung 🦁
mom!!! look i wrapped presents!!! perfectly!!

momma 🐻
...is that scooby-doo wrapping paper?

Taehyung 🦁
don't judge me


my hoes

guys!!! i'm so excited for today!!!!

i know!! same!! i can't wait to give you all your presents 🎁

it's wayyyy too early for this conversation

it's like almost 1 ???

stfu or youre not getting your present today

it's wayyy to early for this conversation g'night

when i just woke up aha

that's not surprising

not at all

so whose all coming so i know how much food i need to buy

and are we drinking and are you guys staying the night bc i make that happen

i'm going and im down to drink

ya same

i probs won't drink but i'll stay anyway

hellllllllllll ya you already know

whatever you want joon

drinking or not, ill still come !!

so basically all of you are going ok cool is anyone bringing anyone else???

o ya, i invited my neighbor, Hay, over so don't be alarmed if you see an extra person lol she's hella cool

wait who??

neighbor. next door. hay. extra person.

(The name seemed familiar to Jungkook but he didn't know why.)

a/n; he got hella drunk that night remember so he doesn't remember her name or her features that much ok cool

hay is her name??? what kind of name is that

it's her nickname, kook??? lol

jeez jungkook, already got a problem with the new girl

wtf it was just a question omg

plus we didn't get her a gift so we're going to feel really bad ???

oh nah, i already talked to her abt that ; she's not materialistic she doesn't care if y'all didn't get her anything. as long as you guys treat her well she'll be good

also that's how she introduced herself, so i don't know her real first name

that's not sketchy

she's actually pretty nice

oh!!! speaking of having people over, i invited taehyung since he doesn't have that many friends and jungkook and him are on good terms now so i thought he can join us

yeah he just texted me that he was going but wanted to make sure i was comfortable with it

is that a good idea

well he's a nice guy and we're gucci now so i don't see why not

(Mia was silently freaking out on the inside. She didn't know he was in town.)

plus it won't be too awkward since he's good with me, mia, and jungkook right?



oh yeah sure why not


"Do I look okay?" Taehyung asked Hoseok for the third time in the car.

"Dude, yes! I like your tan sweater with your black jeans. You look nice. Why are you so worried? Are you trying to impress someone?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows as he acted like he knew of Taehyung's feelings.

"W-What!? No! I just want your friends to like me." Taehyung mumbled, messing with the hem of his sweater.

"They do like you! I promise. But trust me, you're not the only fresh meat there. Namjoon invited his neighbor and she doesn't know anybody but Namjoon, and maybe Mia. So, don't worry." Hoseok reassured as he smiled softly towards Taehyung.

"Does he like his neighbor or something?" Taehyung asked as he counted the presents underneath his seat. Okay 9 presents, one for each but two for Mia.

"Nah, I don't think so. She's just alone at home a lot and she's apparently really chill according to Namjoon and Mia. I don't know how Mia knows of her but yeah. She just moved here like right when our vacation started. She even has a job already." Hoseok told all the information he was told about the girl.

"Damn, I need one soon." Taehyung groaned as he felt the car being parked.

"We're here. I think we're the first ones here. Don't be too nervous, okay? Just be Taehyung!" Hoseok smiled as they both got out of the car.

Just be Taehyung.


"I'm so excited for presents, dude! Oh my god." Jungkook bounced in his seat as he drove Jimin, Mia, and Aria to Namjoons house.

"Eyes on the road!" Jimin laughed as he held Arias hand in the backseat.

"So, you're good with Taehyung coming, right Kook?" Aria mentioned.

"Yeah, I'm chill with it." Jungkook nodded as he turned on the street he needed to go on.

"Taehyung is actually really cool, besides with what happened." Jimin chimed in, making Mia think of the situation all over again. It didn't really bother her as much, she's was just nervous to see him in person.

"Are you okay, Mia?" Jungkook asked as he glanced towards her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mia said shortly as she made sure that Taehyungs presents were in her purse.

"I wonder what Hay is like." Jimin said while looking out the window.

"Oh, I met her at the cafe May's; she works there. She was actually pretty nice. Namjoon mainly talked but she seems alright." Mia shrugged.

Jungkook was trying to remember if he ever met her but he doesn't really remember her name or face. Maybe he'll remember her if he put her name and face together.

"Ah, finally! We're here!", everyone yelled as they got out of the car, grabbing all of the presents they brought themselves.

Mia knocked on the door frantically since it was kind of cold, but yet again, she chose to wear a thin black sweater, a black choker, and ripped blue jeans. She was definitely not expecting it to be this cold.

Namjoon opened the door, with the smell of chicken surrounding him, which made the boys drool.

"Hey guys! Come in! I just got take out delivered," Namjoon said excitingly.

Once everyone entered the house, they noticed that almost everyone else was already there. Mia scanned the room and instantly spotted Taehyung. Her breath hitched as she noticed the light tan sweater contrasting to his tan skin and blonde messy hair. He looked so handsome and Mia did not prepare herself correctly.

Taehyung was feeling the same way as he spotted Mia once she entered the room. Her thin sweater clung to her upper half as her jeans really enunciated her curves. Taehyung was breathless and he didn't know what to do but appreciate his view.

"Dude, you're drooling," Hoseok whispered as he nudged Taehyung out of his dazed thoughts. Taehyung cleared his throat and scratched his head, deciding on to greet the people who just arrived.

"Hey, guys!" Taehyung smiled brightly, showing slightly that he's nervous but for different reasons.

"What's up, my man?" Jungkook gave him a bro hug and laughed as he noticed how tense Taehyung was.

"Dude," Jungkook detached himself, "We're good, alright? I just hope you got me a bomb ass present." He stated as he patted his back, walking away.

"Hey, Taehyung!" Aria and Jimin waved as they walked by, leaving Mia in front of Taehyung.

"He-Hey, Mia." Taehyung breathed, trying so hard not to check her out but failing.

Mia widened her eyes slightly and cleared her throat, "Hey. Uh, you didn't tell me you were back. I didn't know you were going to come back. Like at all." Mia said with a chipped tone, trying to not get bothered. She thought of him the whole two weeks and only received one text. She just wanted to know if he was okay. She was so scared that he wouldn't come back. She was scared that he might've found something or somebody better. He came back, though. He really came back, when he could've just started a new life back at home.

Taehyung guided Mia to the side in the dining room, where it was secluded, "I know, baby," he whispered since the others were in the living room which wasn't too far away, "I was going to tell you, but I was so nervous seeing you today, I didn't know what to say. Then I see you now being beautiful as ever and I j-" Mia cut Taehyung off by grabbing the mid-section of his shirt and pressed her lips against his. His lips instantly molded against hers while her gripped her hips lovingly. The feeling to have each other against one another was blissful, both filled with want and need of being next to each other. As much as they wanted to continue, they knew they had to stop after a few kisses.

"You came back, that's all that matters." Mia soothingly said as she detached herself and giggled at her actions, which caused Taehyung to giggle and beam his beautiful smile towards her.

"What's so funny?" Sora came up next to them while eating a piece of chicken in her hands.

"Taehyung just pulled me aside to tell me a stupid art joke." Mia rolled her eyes, hoping to convince Sora that that is what actually happened instead of them kissing 5 seconds ago.

"Oh, alright," Sora smiled softly, "Let's hear it." Sora nudged Taehyung who just widened his eyes, not knowing what to do.

Mia just snorted, "You wouldn't get it and you know it," Sora just nodded and shrugged, "Joon said Hay is walking over, so lets all greet her." She said to the two while guiding them to the living room. Once the three of them entered the living room, Mia noticed that Yoongi looked over at Taehyung with an annoyed expression upon his face. Taehyung didn't notice since she was too focused on laughing whatever Sora said. She just decided to have a good time with her friends and the guy she was crazy about.

Once everyone had settled down a bit and Namjoon went to go get some drinks, they heard a knock at the door.

"CAN SOMEONE GRAB THE DOOR? ITS PROBABLY HAY." Namjoon yelled across the house, which resulted into everyone looking at each other.

"Jungkook, go open the door." Hoseok nudged Jungkook who just rolled his eyes and set his food down. He dusted his hands off on his jeans and walked towards the door. He looked at the mirror that was near the front door to see if he looked okay and opened the door to see a rather familiar girl. A rather good-looking familiar girl.

"Oh! Hey, mopey! Nice to see you, again." Hay smiled brightly, which made Jungkook stutter.

"M-mopey?" Jungkook questioned tilting his head, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, wow. Hurtful, Jeon. Party. Here. You. Mopey." Hay gestured as she shifted on both of her feet.

Jungkook then had a foggy memory of the girl from the party and distinctively remembered telling Mia about her and saying she was weird.

"Oh! Hay...Hi." Jungkook smiled uncomfortably which Hay just furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing why the guy in front of her is being awkward. Jungkook bit his lip slightly out of nervousness and noticed how Hay was dressed in a short flowy black dress with a army green jacket. Jungkook cleared his throat, "You're dressed up," he commented and mentally slapped himself since he wanted to say you look really nice today, but no, his mouth had other plans.

Hay shifted her eyes while narrowing them, "Thanks...I guess", she laughed while still waiting to be invited inside.

"Jungkook! Don't just let her stand in the cold, jesus." Namjoon scolded lightly while appearing behind Jungkook, "What's up, Hay? Come in! We have plenty of food and drinks! Help yourself."

Hay then stepped closer to Jungkook to go around and looked right at him as she said, "Thanks", and went towards everyone in the living room.

"This is Hay, everyone!" Namjoon announced. Everyone waved and introduced theirselves except Jungkook.

"Come on, Jungkook!" Mia nudged Jungkook to not be rude, but Hay interrupted.

"Oh, no! It's fine. I meet Mop-Jungkook at Namjoon's party. It's all good." She smiled as she went towards the kitchen to get some food.

"The party, huh?" Jimin raised his eyebrows up and down, "Did you guys sleep together?" Jimin whispered which made some of his friends giggle, including Taehyung.

"W-What!? No!" Jungkook yelled defensively.

"Dude, it's chill if you guys did. She's pretty and chill. Go for it." Taehyung smiled as adjusted himself on the couch while sitting next to Jin and Mia.

"I didn't sleep with her!" He whispered in an rushed tone, "We just talked. She came up to me when I was down about Nina. That's all."

"Was her intention to hit on you because you gotta cut her out if that's the case," Sora said as she gestured cutting throat motion.

"No, she just saw that I was sad. I was an asshole to her at first and said I didn't want to be hit on but she said I wasn't her type." Jungkook side smiled at the memory since it was kind of funny.

Mia then bursted out laughing and clapped, "Oh my god, I like her. Can we keep her?" She asked as she looked around.

"That's hilarious," Jin giggled, then all of a sudden they heard footsteps near them.

Jungkook and others were so nervous at the fact of who they were talking about just now is about to enter the room, that Taehyung started babbling about something random, "and then I was like ,'Hey! Give me my taco!' but then he just ran so that's my story on how a homeless person stole my taco." Taehyung cleared his throat while Hay just walked in with a plate filled with chicken and sides that Namjoon ordered.

"Sounds intense." Hay said with a mouth full of chicken.

"Uh," Taehyung cleared his threat once more, "yeah. I'm still sad about it to this day."

"Guys, its fine if you were talking about me. I'm fresh meat, of course you're going to mention something when I walk out of the room." Hay said as she sat next to Jungkook with everyone smiling and looking at each other.

"Seriously, though. Can we keep her? I like her." Sora laughed as she cuddled up next to Jin more.

The rest of the entire group laughed and decided to talk about their break and everything that had happened.

"Oh! Taehyung went back home, how was that?" Hoseok smiled as everyone looked towards him.

"It was great, I missed them a lot." Taehyung smiled sadly. They all ended up sitting on the floor around a coffee table, drinking some alcoholic beverages, enjoying the vibe that was being created.

Mia secretly grabbed his hand and held it while he thought of his family, which made Taehyung's heart race. He looked at her and she smiled softly at him as if telling him that everything will be okay.

"I don't see them regularly. I moved here to change myself for the better about two years ago. I came here alone and I just missed my family, you know? You never know what you have until it leaves. Well technically I left. But, everything I took for granted at home, I wish I had once I noticed I was truly alone. But, I didn't like who I had become back home so I came here for a change. Once I returned home, I showed them the new and improved me and they still loved me. I know its crazy to think that there may have been a chance that my parents didn't love me but I believed it. They even pay my own groceries and rent but now I told them I'm going to do that on my own. I gotta get a job and get a roommate or be a roommate. It was a great visit, though. My whole family was so happy to see me. They were so happy to see me genuinely smile and be the Taehyung that I wished to be once I came here." Taehyung croaked, feeling himself getting emotional thinking of the entire time he spent with his family and how much he cherished the new memories.

Taehyung looked around and noticed how some people had gotten teary-eyed as well, which made Taehyung feel slightly bad.

"Well," Mia cleared her throat, "I can tell you right now," Taehyung looked at her with intense eyes, "that they are so proud of you. They loved you then and they love you now." Mia smiled while she thought of her own mother and felt grateful how close they were since some people aren't as close with their family as they wish to be.

"Yeah, dude. Also, you're not alone." Jungkook nodded his head while smiling towards him. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head.

"You got us." He mentioned while motioning to the entire group who all nodded. That movement alone made Taehyung want to cry but he held his ground.

Taehyung just smiled to himself while looking down, not wanting to cry on the spot, "Ugh, screw you guys, making me cry and shit. You guys suck." Taehyung laughed as everyone else did, "Anyone down for presents?"

Everyone gathered up all the presents that they had brought and set the presents in front of them.

Jin had given his presents, while Sora, Jimin, Aria, Namjoon, and Hobi went after him. A lot of people had received plenty of gifts already but were still excited to see what was to come.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn." Jungkook had given his presents to everyone and felt really bad that he didn't give one to Hay. As he sat back down to where they were sitting he whispered to her, "I'm sorry that I didn't get you anything," Jungkook said even though he doesn't really know her.

"It's okay," she smirked, "you barely know me, but next year; I'm expecting at least something," she laughed, which made Jungkook smile.

"You didn't!" Mia screeched, looking over at Jungkook. Jungkook shrugged, "Did I?"

"Did you get NF tickets?" Mia asked.

Jungkook shrugged, "The tickets were on sale and you wouldn't shut up about it, so yeah. You know, a thank you would be nice. Plus, I'm going with you." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. Mia said a huge thank you to Jungkook as she got up and hugged him. Jungkook even got Taehyung something.

"Oh wow," Taehyung mumbled as he stared at a plain black sweater but the material was smooth and felt very nice, "Thank you, Jungkook." Taehyung was thoroughly confused on to why Jungkook got him a present but just shook it off.

"Yeah, I noticed you like sweaters, so yeah." He mentioned while patting his back.

"Well my turn!!" Taehyung and Mia screeched, while narrowing their eyes at each other.

They ended up both handing their gifts out.

"Yo, who chose the Scooby-Doo wrapping paper? Sora snickered as Taehyung blushed.

"Dude, who cares? Overwatch wrapping paper is a gift itself." Jungkook laughed as he peeled the paper off carefully.

Taehyung gave almost everyone either a shirt or some type of jewelry that they might have liked. He got Jungkook some shoes and told him that he'll take him shopping and he can get whatever he wants since he still feels bad about the Nina incident. Mia gave everyone stuff that was filled of memorabilia such as photo albums of them and paintings of them and clothes as well. Everyone loved their presents and thanked both of them.

"Uh, Mia" Taehyung had whispered to Mia,"I have your present but I kind of want to show it to you in private," He bit his lip as she looked back at the distracted group and nodded. They went to the kitchen and decided to exchange both of their gifts.

"I got you two presents, I hope that's okay." Taehyung cleared his throat, wanting to not stutter.

"I got you two as well," She smiled.

"Okay, I, uhm, got you this. If you don't like it, it's okay. I could return it, if you don't.." Taehyung handed her a small box that could contain a bracelet, a ring, or earrings. Mia slowly opened the box to see heart shaped diamond earrings. Mia gasped and looked at Taehyung.

"This-wow, Taehyung. I love them." She gaped, still in awe.

"I'm so glad," Taehyung beamed as he grabbed the other present. Mia looked over it and snickered at the Scooby-Doo wrapping paper.

"Don't judge me," Taehyung pouted as he handed it to her. It was a squared present but flat. Mia furrowed her eyebrows but was smiling nonetheless. She tore the paper off and was faced with a painting of them. The painting was one of the photos on the photo strip of them from the arcade. It was the photo of where Taehyung surprisingly kissed her cheek. Mia's heart started to slightly hurt just from the thought of that memory and how precious it was, which made her smile until her cheeks hurt.

"Do you love it?" Mia just sniffled and nodded frantically. She handed his presents quickly before things got too emotional and patiently waited for him to open his presents.

He opened the thick small box and was faced with a silver watch with a maroon T within the clock itself. Taehyung was in shock at how he finally has a watch and he would've never guessed someone who he's hurt so much before to give him such a gift.

"Put it on!" Mia smiled warmly as she put some of her hair behind her ear. He seemed to be in shock and Mia was striving for that reaction. She went to the mall to get everyone's gift but she spotted the 'T' watch and fell in love with it.

"I love it, Mia." Taehyung said, although he wanted to say I love you instead but he stopped himself. He figures it's too soon. He just needs to wait for the right moment.

[play song 'artic' by sleeping at last rn]

Taehyung then grabbed his other present and ripped it open with excitement. A CD was revealed that read 'Atlas: Year One'. Taehyung raised his eyebrows and before he could voice anything, Mia intercepted.

"Uhm, this is like one of my favorite albums of all time. I just wanted to give you something that meant a lot to me. The artist, Sleeping At Last, made some beautiful songs in this album and they make me feel so carefree.When I close my eyes and listen to this album, I feel as if I'm filled with everything that was precious; flowers, butterflies, the sun, the moon, even the stars, my family, friends, and even you. I feel as if I can do anything and I am everything I want to be. It makes me feel beautiful and reminds me to appreciate everything. And you know what," She breathed as she looked right into Taehyung's eyes, "when I'm with you, I feel all of those things. Guranteed, I have felt pain from you but that's okay. I've hurt you, too. No one is perfect. We're only human. The important fact is that you make me feel happy, just like this album, my family, and friends. So that's why I gave you this gift. It reminds me of you; so hopefully you'll think of me when you listen to this album." Mia looked down, embarrassed at her long speech that she had just given to the guy who was completely in love with her.

"Mia," Taehyung whispered while he lifted her chin up to look at him with his index finger, "I always think about you." He leaned more towards her, leaning down a bit due to her height and locked his lips with hers.

Mia's mind and heart was racing and she didn't know how to deal with such overwhelming pressure. The pressure was intoxicating, though. The pressure of wanting Taehyung all the time, the pressure his body was giving against her own while caging her within his arms, the pressure of her heart yearning to give him everything she has as he does the same. The feeling was rather scary to her and she wanted the fear to disappear. The feeling of Taehyung's lips, hands, and body against her makes her feel safe and secured. As long as Taehyung is by her side, she won't get hurt; although she knows that's not true, but she basks in the fantasy anyway.

"I missed you so much, Mia," Taehyung groaned, bringing her body closer, not caring that other people are in the other room. He should but he doesn't.

"I l-" Mia started saying but was interrupted by a voice on the other side of the kitchen.

"Oh, my bad," Hay mumbled while witnessing two people kissing. For all she knew, they could be a couple; a cute one at that.

"Uh, I-uhm," Taehyung murmured while Mia just detached herself from him.

"Can you no-" Mia started pleading but was interrupted yet again.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. But uh, I just came in here to tell you guys that we're going to play Truth or Dare...like as if we're twelve but yeah" Hay breathed while looking around.

"Jungkook's idea?" Mia snorted as she started going towards the living room.

"Jungkook's and Jimin's" Hay mentioned.

Mia rolled her eyes, "Of course."

"HEYYY, lets play!" Jungkook yelled while everyone cringed. The majority of them seemed pretty buzzed or totally gone so Taehyung and Mia both grabbed drinks to catch up.

"Okay! So this is like Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle at the same time." Jimin slurred as he had everyone gather in a circle. Taehyung ended up being across from Mia within the circle while Yoongi and Aria were beside her.

"How the hell is that going to work?" Sora roared, taking a swig of her beer.

"Wellllll, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on, you gotta ask Truth or Dare!" Jungkook slurred while grabbing an empty bottle and putting it in the middle.

"So there's no kissing, right?" Mia asked to make sure. She doesn't want to kiss anyone other than Taehyung but she never backed out of a dare. Maybe that will change tonight, who knows?

"Only! If we dare ya to" Hoseok said with excitement.

"Who wants to go first?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin then raised his hand to go first which Namjoon allowed. He spun the bottle and everyone was silent until it landed on Hay.

"Oh God." She mumbled while bracing herself for what's to come.

Everyone oo'd and hollered since the new girl got the hook.

"Hay!" Jimin hollered, laughing at how loud he said her name.

"Yes, Jimin?" Hay slightly smiled.

"Hi," he giggled slightly, "Truth or Dare?"

"Hm, let's do dare. Why not?" Hay said casually while everyone else gasped since no one says dare first.

"Oh! You're exciting. Let's see...I dare you...to...kiss the handsomest guy in the room on the cheek!" Jimin hollered, clapping to himself since his dare was legendary in his eyes.

Hay felt all the mens eyes on her which made her feel a bit nervous. She knew she wasn't going to offend anybody but she didn't want any rumors to go around. She got on her knees and went across the circle from her, and kissed Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook widened his eyes and mumbled, "Wait, what?" Everyone widened their eyes as well and clapped their hands.

"Oooo, Jungkook's handsome!" Hoseok giggled.

Hay knew that would make Jungkook flustered and it worked. Plus, he was pretty handsome in her eyes.

Sora was the next to spin the bottle and it landed on Mia.

"My girl," Sora slurred, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Mia said simply.

"What is one of your sexual fantasies?" Sora giggled. The question didn't even phase Mia since she expected Sora to ask that kind of question. The question did phase Taehyung, though. He slightly coughed and listened intently.

"Hm, probably where the guy and I have to be quiet because there's other people in the room, orrrr...I guess have sex in the car." Mia shrugged while Taehyung was feeling very flustered. Just thinking of Mia withering beneath him while her having to be quiet or having her be on top while they have hot sex in the car was driving him crazy.

"Okay! My turn!" Hoseok yelled, he seemed to be drunk off his ass already.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Yoongi.

"Yooongs! I dare you-"

"Dude, you haven't even asked me truth of dare." Yoongi said, sounding sober. He was more buzzed than anything.

"Oh, right! Truth or Dare?" Hoseok leaned up against Taehyung who was right next to him.

"Uh, I guess Dare." He mumbled, feeling a bit nervous.

Taehyung felt the urge to go the bathroom so he excused himself quietly and went to the bathroom rather quickly to do his business.

"Okay, woah, let me think of a good dare." Hoseok mumbled.

"Shouldn't you have been thinking about that before you claimed your turn?" Yoongi questioned with his eyebrow raised, making Mia snort.

"Shut up! You know what! Fine! I dare you to kiss Mia!" Hoseok ordered, gesturing to the two exes. That's when it got really quiet.

"Oh, shit," Hay raised her eyebrows, assuming that Mia is not kissing buddies with Yoongi.

"Uh-" Yoongi mumbled, but Hoseok interrupted.

"Oh come on! Do it! We alllll know you've been wanting to since ya'll broke up!" Hoseok blurted out which made everyone shocked.

"Hoseok, you can't just say-" Mia started sneering.

"Fuck it," Yoongi breathed and grabbed Mia's chin and kissed her, attempting for it to be passionate and sweet.

"What the hell?" Taehyung gasped, making only a few of them, including Hay, look at him. Taehyung was once again, in pain. Not physical pain, of course but he couldn't believe he was witnessing what he has feared since he fell for Mia. Whether it was a dare or not; Mia didn't seem to push Yoongi off in his eyes so he left while grabbing a bottle of whiskey.

"So fucking stupid!" Taehyung half-yelled once he stood on the street. He was mad but when is he not? He settled himself on the curb in front of Namjoons house and tried to calm down.

"Uh-are you alright?" Hay sat next to him, now wearing a bigger jacket than before.

"Does it look like I'm okay to you? I'm drunk, so I can't leave! I'm broke! I have to find a new place to live! The girl that I love is kissing the guy who can take her from me just like that!" He snapped his finger while burying his face in his hands, the whiskey bottle sitting next to him.

"I, wow, I'm bad at this advice stuff, uh-"

"Look, I don't want your damn pity, okay? It's unwanted. You're unwanted. Just like me. Unwanted." Taehyung muttered.

Hay just sighed, "If I wasn't as wasted as I am, that would've hurt. Anyway, how about you stop being a dick and go get your girl? You say you're unwanted? I'm sorry but she was sucking your face off in the kitchen and I don't think I can erase that image ever, drunk or not." Hay slurred, "She loves you, dumbass."

"How do you know?" Taehyung asked.

Hay inhaled, "Cause, she looks at you like how I looked at my ex boyfriend," she smiled sadly, "Don't be the guy to not acknowledge a love like that. I was with that kind of guy and I ended up broken. Don't leave her in pieces and have her try to repair them without you. You say you love her? Then act more like it. Tell her everyday. Shit, tell everyone everyday. Love isn't always for everyone so if you find it, then grab it while you still can. Especially if it feels right. Love can be found again but it's never going to be the same type of love. Sometimes that's great, sometimes that's worse. If you never want to let her go; then stop letting her slip through your fingers." Hay scolded as she had tear-filled eyes.

"I-" Taehyung started trying to comfort her but she declined the warmth of another.

"I'm fine," she steadied her breathing, "By the way, uhm, I know we don't know each other but the cafe I work at, May's, is hiring and if you need a place to stay, I have an extra room. You'd have to help pay rent of course but it's just me right now since my mom and especially my dad are on business trips a lot. You don't have to give me an answer right now, just know it's an option." Hay smiled.

Taehyung smiled softly, "Thank you."

"Just go get your girl." Hay sniffled while motioning for Taehyung to get going.

He was going to get his girl. He was going to not have her slip through his fingers this time. Not again.

wow, okay. so this book, which i cherish so much, has been officially published to you guys for a whole year. i'm so proud with how far this book has come and i'm in awe on how many of you love it. it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that you guys actually love it but i love you guys so much. you all make me want to write more and create more content. i'm getting a little emotional but i love you guys and thank you for everything. i'll try to update asap. i love you guys. peace, mwah, i'm out.

p.s. i have a twitter if you want to follow me;


p.s.s. i love you

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