A Chance to Love

By Annie_anewbee

97 13 8

It's not easy to express love, but it's not even as hard as he made it... Meet Prem, a simple yet successful... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 2

6 2 2
By Annie_anewbee

As soon as I looked at the source of voice, I was entranced.

OH MY GOD! Is she an Angel!! How can someone be so simple yet so beautiful? She looks angry, but she is still so cute. Wait! Is she talking to me? I guess she is. But I'm too awestruck to respond. But I'll have to respond...

I came back from my trance just in time to see Kiran and Cheenu rushing towards me.

"Didi, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?" Cheenu asked the girl just as Kiran came to stand behind me, holding onto my right hand from back tightly. Bitto is scared of loud voices since I never raised voice on her.

"Cheenu Bhaiya! Didn't I ask you to have your Cafeteria for an hour? Then why can't I have this meeting without interruption?" She asked irritated.

"But Didi I've already put the notice out on menu outside that the place is closed for an hour" Cheenu replied.

"Oh really! Then why is this gentleman here walking in, in the middle of my meeting?" She asked him pointing at me.

And I guess that's when Cheenu realised that I was standing there. He turned to look at me and just as his eyes land on me and I gave him a soft smile, his eyes widened from shock and excitement at the same time.

"Sir Ji" He whispered the nickname he had given me during my college days. He's been working in this cafeteria since then. He was a waiter at that time, but now he owns the Cafeteria business in the University. I guess he wasn't sure that I'm here so lifted my hand and squeezed on his shoulder.

"Sir Ji" as soon as my touch brought him to believe my presence he shouted my name again and hugged me so tight that it squeezed the life out of me.

"Cheenu... ca...can't... br... breathe...ee" I choked out and he left me quick apologizing.

"Oh I'm so sorry. But I'm seeing you after so many years!" He exclaimed excitedly and I felt that his behaviour made Bitto forget the earlier tension as her hold on my hand loosened a bit.

"Uhmm" The Girl from earlier cleared her throat and caught my attention, but I guess Cheenu was far too happy to realise that.

"Umm, Cheenu... I guess you have a situation to handle here." I said looking behind him to make him realise.

"Oh!" he said turning back to the girl "Umm Sorry Didi, actually he's here to see me, not for the meal or cafeteria" As Cheenu said that her eyes softened and in the matter of seconds, she nodded and turned back to her business.

"Enough of the disturbance guys now give me the answers..." her voice faded as Cheenu began to speak and I was forced to listen, as she was no longer facing me to distract.

"Sorry Sir Ji, actually there was a problem in SSL and Didi wasn't informed on time which led to a mess and therefore she is very angry today. Otherwise, she would never have talked like that. She is the sweetest person I know after you." Cheenu was telling about the girl increasing my interest "After all, she is the student president of SSL..." Cheenu didn't get to speak further, as I and Bitto both spoke together and that too quite loudly.

"WHAT!" we both screamed, again disrupting the meeting being held and the girl again came to us.

"Excuse me! Look, I don't know why you are here; I mean not to sound rude but even if you are Cheenu Bhaiya's guests, then please talk in his room. I'm here in the middle of an important meeting and..." hearing the term meeting I realised I was damn late for mine and thus was forced to interrupt the girl.

"Umm, I'm really sorry to interrupt ma'am but I'm in a serious hurry..." I showed a hand to prevent her from speaking "Mother Stacy has sent us" this stopped her from interrupting "I'm here to give you these papers and introduce you to my sister Kiran" I pulled my right hand to bring Bitto forward as she was still holding on it and handed over the file to her.

"Bitto I'm really running late for the meeting, I got to go," I told Kiran in the meanwhile that girl looked into the file. Then turning towards Cheenu "Cheenu, this is my little sister Kiran and Bitto this is Cheenu, Cheenu Bhaiya for you" I introduced them and turned towards the girl "Ma'am, I'm in a rush so I'll take your leave, but please take care of my sis." I didn't wait for her answer, though I wanted to, but I really couldn't. I asked Kiran to wait for me in the Cafeteria after she gets free and asked Cheenu to take care of her in my absence.

I rushed to office with only one thought in my mind... I need to know that girl.



I was shouting at him and he was staring. Though I was feeling conscious of his gaze, but my anger took the best of me and I continued to shout. It wasn't before Cheenu Bhaiya told me that he is his guest that I controlled my fury. However, he was so disturbing.*sigh* He disturbed me with his shouting this time and what more he had a companion as well. But before I could have started with my angry rant, again he interrupted me by introducing himself, or more like introducing his sister, 'the said companion'. I then realised that they were actually supposed to be here and before I can process the whole thing, he left.

The thing that actually caught my eyes was that his eyes held so much love and care when he looked at Kiran. I didn't knew her at that moment but that short moment between them when she held his arm because she was scared of my shouting and his eyes instantly flicked from me and softened to the utmost level I've ever seen, it made me listen to him even when he had rudely interrupted me while speaking.

After he left, I resumed my meeting, which however gave no results than me just warning them to not repeat their actions; but his thoughts kept lingering my mind. Later I met Kiran properly and felt like I have found the most innocent soul existing on the face of earth. She is such a cute, innocent and pure-hearted person that I instantly felt care and protectiveness towards her. It's like I have found someone as dear as Aman, my little brother for me.


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