One Shots Book

By hopestar524

84.7K 4.1K 2.1K

This is going to be a book of short stories and poetry. The stories will be mostly boy x boy, and about YouTu... More

Daddy Come Back (Merome)
Forgive Me (Vikklan)
Sick Day (Vikklan)
It's the little things... (Any Ship)
Skype Calls (TBNRduty)
Inspiration (Setosolace)
Arguments (SetoSolace)
Scared (Team Crafted)
Meeting in the Mall (Many Ships) [Part 1]
What Went Wrong (Vikklan)
Not As He Seems (Skyzero)
Meeting at the Mall (Many Ships) [Part 2]
Die For You (Merome)
Making Up (Merome)
Meeting at the Mall (Many Ships) [Part 3]
Two Mutes, No Future. (Subthan)
BattleDome (Noochless)
Keep Breathing (Merome)
Torn to Pieces (Vikklan)
Exhaustion (The Pack)
Lost Cause (The Pack)
Too Much Good (The Pack)
HIS drugs (poem by me)
Drunk Crowds (Merome)
Behind Each Scratch (SetoSolace)
Guardian of Me (SetoSolace)
Just Helping (Setolox)
Needed Signs (Skyzero)
Don't Forget (Poofless)
Wake Up Call (The Pack)
Healing A Heart (Noochless)
Get Out Alive (Vikklan)
Nice Things (Vikklan)
Run Away Vikk (Vikklan)
Prizza (LogDotUniverse)
Childhood "Friends" (Vikklan)
Livestream (BajanBattleFrags)
Rain or Tears? (NoochZahHutt)
Stars (LogDotUniverse)
Don't Hide (Vikktory)
*I'm trying to forget... (Poofless)*
Under the Sea (Merome, Vikklan, and Poofless)
Bae Under the Bus (the Pack)
Seto Remembrance Days
Field Trip (the Pack)
Good Night (Vikklan)
Stalker Much? (the Pack)
Chicken [The Nervous Game] (Merome)
Bruised Hearts (Poofless)
~Resume? (Merome)~
Something Different
~Study Buddy (Vikklan)~
Coming For The Throne (Skylox)
Court Case (Meguck)
As the Years Go On (Merome)
~Late Night (the Pack)~
Time? (NoochZahHutt)
Wanted (Vikktory)
~The Morning After (the Pack)~
Your House (Vikklan)
[1]Teardrops On My Guitar (NoochZahHutt)
[2]My Late Catch (NoochZahHutt)
Try Again (Vikklan)
Animal Lovers (Merome, Poofless, and Vikklan)
Breakfast Time (the Pack)
Sunsets (Branara)
Cop Car (Poofless)
[3]Distance Does Bad Things (NoochZahHutt)
Thank You (Hope)
I Was Here (Merome)
~How Long? (Poofless)~
Boys Of Fall (the Pack)
~Princess (Merome)~
[4]Our Relationship (NoochZahHutt)
[5]The Hero in Shining Metal (NoochZahHutt)
Game Day (the Pack)
Flower World (Poofless)
~Surprise Me (NoochZahHutt)~
~Stressed (Vikklan)~
The Pond (Guess)
~Cold (Noochless)~
While I Was Away (Merome)
Angel (Megily)
Drizzle (Vikkstar123)
~Heavy Drinking (Vikklan)~
Poem For Hope (not by me)
Are You Okay? (the Pack)
~The Show (the Pack)~
Cold in Canada (NoochZahHutt)
100th Part QnA!!!
The Vanishing Hitchhiker (the Creatures)
Real and Fake (Many Ships)
October 1st: Excessive Gashes/Lacerations
October 2: Extra Limbs/Eyes/Etc
Huggles? (TBNRNoochZahHutt)
Lullaby (Immortalfox)
The Knight's Happily Ever After (Merome)
Faded Pictures (Immortalfox kinda?)
Mitch Time (Merome/JeromeASF)
Satisfied (Syndisparklez)
My Immortal (Pewdiepie)
Afraid (MithRoss)
[6] What Time Brought Their Love (Noochzahhutt)
This Isn't Home (no ships?)
I've been thinking... (idk, maybe Mithross?)
Seto Remembrance Day
Two-Sentence Horror Stories
Save Today (Brodil)
Messages (Any Ship)
The History of Captain Frags (Poofless)
In a Right World (Many Ships)
Addiction (poem by me)
Here's to the Heartache (Merome?)
Ro'Meave Family Imagine
Secrets secrets are no fun... (Any ship)
Words (poem by me)
Sleepy Sunday (the Pack)
My iPod (poem by me)
We Don't Know What's Wrong (poem by me)
Hurting and Healing (Poofless)
Don't Choose Dare (SDMN)
Way too depressing for its own good (poem by me)
Darkness Consumes The Mind (SDMN)
Cuddle Buddies (KSimon)
Stolen (KSimon)
Your friends are calling (TBNRFrags/Poofless)
Thoughtful Soulmates (SDMN) [Part 1]
Skyscraper (SetoSolace)
Thoughtful Soulmates (SDMN) [Part 2]
Beyond Your Reach (Any Ship)
Secret Admirer (Brandon x Rob)
They Never (SDMN)
Delusional (Vikkstar123/Vikklan)
Thoughtful Soulmates (SDMN) [Part 3]
N.M.E. (Guess)
I Hate Emotions (Minizerk)
The Failed Jester and The Sucessful Prince (Merome)
Rebellion's Children (SDMN) [Part 1]
Rebellion's Children (SDMN) [Part 2]
Rebellion's Children (SDMN) [Part 3]
Rebellion's Children (SDMN) [Part 4]
Tainted Love (Minizerk)
Paralyzed (No Ships)
It's In My Jacket (Poofless)
A Break in Their Routine (No ships)
The Truth (Ministar)
Chocolate Molds (Poofless)
Eat A Bag Of- (Kstar)
Don't Do It (SDMN)
I Didn't Mean It (Kstar)
Written (SDMN)
Leaving (KSimon)
Lonely (Vikklan)
Strength To Go On (Kstar)
A New Friend (KSimon)
Creative Writing Class (poems by me)
Ode to a Pizza Dinner (poem by ME)
Surprise Snuggles (the Pack)
A Long Awaited Author's Note
Dance With Me Fxckboy (Merome)
Meanwhile, With Fxckboys 2 and 3 (Vikklan)
Murder. (MinecraftUniverse/TC)
(Just a Drabble) For the Love of Hope

I Am Sorry (Kstar)

168 12 2
By hopestar524

People involved: JJ, Simon, Ethan, Josh, Tobi, Harry, Vik, Lachlan, Rob, Mitch, Preston, Jerome
Ships: Kstar (finally)
Word count: 1247
Idea: JJ receives a package in his locker, the address on it blackened out with sharpie. Inside, someone left the boy quite the note. And now he needs to know who it was.
Extra notes: Part 3! This moves a little quick but eh ¯\_()_/¯ . I wanted to finish it up. Hope you enjoy anyway! Until next time, Peace my Cheeses! I love you all <3
End of part 2: "That afternoon was only the first of many miserable times for Vik."

Vik wasn't in school for the rest of the week. From that Tuesday, he wasn't seen again until the next Monday. And when he did show back up to school, you could barely recognize him. His clothes now bagged over his body, a belt tightened completely around his waist to keep up his pants. His eyes were dead and his face was sunken in. It looked as if he hadn't eaten or slept since the last time he was in school. And how I wish that were wrong.
Vik was distant all day. He wouldn't speak to anyone, wouldn't interact. His teachers brushed it off as him feeling ill, and let the behavior slide. He was always a good student, surely it was just a bad day. When lunch time came around, Vik spent the whole period locked up in a bathroom stall. He wouldn't eat lunch. Preston was a mess, sobbing for Vik to please let him help. There must be something he could do. He needed Vik to be healthy again. None of it worked though, and Preston cried for most the day. During his detention after school, Simon and Mitch tried talking to the boy. They were only met by silence.
Suddenly, just a bad day turned into just a bad week. When he came to school again after the next weekend, he looked even worse. Preston was begging  and pleading now. Eat some food, come home with me, something, anything. Vik didn't budge. He refused to change out for gym thus far and continued to do so, earning himself lower and lower grades as well as another detention. It was the day before Rob and JJ would return to school, and everyone was worried about Vik. Tobi had even tried interacting with Vik, being nothing but nice to the other boy. Tobi found himself ignored, however. Nothing could be done to help Vik. He was too far gone. Or, so they thought.
On JJ's first day back from school, he chased Vik down. He got him alone in an empty classroom and stood between him and the doorway. Vik only glared, hoping JJ would move on his own.
"Talk to me. What did I do to you?" JJ's words went unanswered. "Why won't you tell me what I did! If I did something wrong to have deserved your hatred, I'll apologize. I just don't know what I could have done."
"You don't know?" Vik's words were harsh, forced. He hadn't spoken in a long time, ever since he told Preston his secret.
"No, I don't! Please tell me what I've done."
"You're a privileged, spoiled brat. You get to do whatever you want and-" Vik had to stop his words for a coughing fit. "You don't have to worry about any consequences. And I hate you for it. I hate it. In my house if-" this coughing fit was longer, and more wheezes came out.
"Maybe you should go get a drink Vik."
"No, I'm fine." His voice was now dead, nothing more than a whisper. His wheezing breaths were often louder than his words. "But in my house, if you're one minute off, you get beaten. If you fail a class, you don't get to eat. And if you make a disgrace of the family, you get locked in a closet. I only get to leave to be beaten and to come to school. So I hate you. So, so, so..." Vik's words stopped and he collapsed. JJ was able to catch him before he fell, quickly rushing him to the nurse. The nurse scolded JJ for having been near the boy, but JJ quickly explained that he was just talking to him. He told her how once Vik started talking he started gasping for breaths and passed out. The nurse checked his vitals and sighed in relief.
"He'll be fine, probably just a little dehydrated. I'll call his parents and-" The nurse began her trip to the phone.
"No, don't!" JJ's words stopped her, causing her to turn around confused. She raised an eyebrow at JJ. "It's just, his parents get really worried and I don't want them to worry about something so little. I'll take him to my house, let his rest up and then bring him home once he's feeling better. They've been really anxious recently and I don't want them to get upset." The nurse nodded at JJ's bluff, believing it completely. She waved him away and off JJ went with an unconscious Vik in his arms.
The boy was way too light. JJ realized this as he carried him the nearly-one-mile walk to his house. It felt as if he was carrying nothing more than a few textbooks, and Vik was a human being. JJ was quite happy that his parents were never home, as no one was there to question him as he carried Vik to his bedroom. After laying Vik comfortably on his blankets, JJ rushed downstairs for some water, painkillers, and fruits. That boy needed to get better quickly. When JJ arrived back upstairs, he seated himself next to his bed and waited.
It only took four hours for Vik to awaken once again. He groggily glanced around the room, panicking when he didn't know where he was. He tried to sit up but JJ quickly pushed him back down, shushing him.
"Relax Vik. You're in my room. I won't do anything to hurt you. Relax. Here, let's sit you up so you can have a drink." JJ carefully propped the boy against his headboard and offered a glass of water. Vik eyed up the beverage and looked at JJ. "I didn't do anything to the water. Just drink up, the nurse said you probably passed out from dehydration." Vik eyed the glass again and took a tentative sip. The liquid burned his parched throat, causing Vik to grimace. However, he continued to take sips. Eventually, the glass was half gone and the water only stung a little. "Here, I got you some painkillers. Take these before you finish the whole glass." Vik nodded, taking the pills and following them with more water.
"Thanks." It was soft and broken, but JJ heard the words. "But I really gotta-"
"You aren't going anywhere. Not until you get better. Eat something, you're too skinny." Vik snarled at JJ and pushed away the food. "Vik, please. You gotta eat."
"Why would you care, huh? Just a useless nerd who can't even do anything right..." Vik trailed off as he looked away. JJ's fingers curled under his chin and turned the shorter boy's attention onto him.
"Don't you dare ever say that again. That eat a bag of dicks package was absolutely amazing. I just took a while to realize how funny it was." JJ smirked as Vik let out a silent chuckle.
"Wasn't my idea." His words were becoming clearer once again, and he took a sip of water after.
"I don't care. You gave it to me and that's all that matters. So, I'm going to pay you back." Vik looked up at JJ in shock as he stood up. "You'll be staying with me until we can settle everything out. We'll get rid of your abusive parents and we'll get you back into healthy shape. After that, I'll take you out on a date. How does that sound, Vikram?" Vik smiled, for the first time in a long while.
"I'd like that, Olajide."

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