To Save a City (Divergent/Eri...

By Osara-chan

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This is the second story in a trilogy: Change Of Heart (Book One)-complete To Save A City (Book Two)-complet... More

Chapter 1 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 2 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 5 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 8 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 13 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 33 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 38 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 39 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 40 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 45 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 48 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 49 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 87 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 88 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 92
Chapter 93 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100 (Eric's POV)
Chpter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 104 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 116 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 117
Chapter 118 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chater 125
Chapter 126 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 131
Capter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135 (Eric's POV)
Chapter 136
The End
To Change a City

Chapter 14

1.5K 34 4
By Osara-chan

(Hosanna's POV)

Eric and I step into lockup. There's a guard stationed at the desk when we walk in and I can see several others nearby, all giving us their complete attention.
"Eric, Hosanna," the guard at the desk says in greeting nodding to each of us. "Ryan and Dana are in the first interrogation room with him."
Eric nods. "Thank you," I tell the guard.
I follow Eric over to the room. "We'll wait until Dana finishes, then we'll start," Eric says with his hand on the doorknob.
I clear my throat. "Okay," I agree.
Eric opens the door, gaining the attention of Dana and Ryan.  Ryan is seated at one side of the table. He's leaning back in his chair—arms crossed, legs crossed and feet propped up on the table.  Dana is crouched down next to Nathan and looks to be cleaning a wound on his face.  Nathan has his back to us.  He's seated and it looks like he has shackles around his wrists and ankles that are attached to the chair.  I can see that eye tattoo on his hand as he grips the armrest of the chair, sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine.  I step into the interrogation room, Eric following immediately after and closing the door.
I raise my head up high and put a serious look on my face as I walk around the table. Eric and I stand side by side gaining Nathan's attention as Dana applies a bandage to his face. He looks to me, then Eric, and back to me with a guilty expression on his face. It's clear that I did, in fact, break his nose and she must have reset it since there are tears in his eyes or maybe they're from regret. I'm not sure. He's got some cuts and bruising on his face from Eric though. His lip is cut and swollen, he has a cut across his cheek that's been bandaged up, one eye is almost swollen shut, and he has a lump on his forehead.
"I showed him the footage from the hallway last night," Ryan says sliding a small computer tablet across the table to Eric. "He said he was really drunk and doesn't remember anything."
"Dana can finish up, then we'll talk," Eric says staring down Nathan.
"I'm about done here," Dana informs us as she packs up her kit of medical supplies and stands. She walks around the table towards me and hands me a jar of healing cream. "We usually don't give this to prisoners, but I didn't know if you would need it or not for yourself," she says softly placing the jar in my hands. I nod to her and she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
I set the jar on the table just in front of where I'm standing. "Actually, I might need some," I say getting an idea.  I figure that I might be able to gauge Nathan's reaction to this on how he may behave in the future. "Eric, would you check that bruise you documented for me last night?"
Eric steps behind me and pulls that side of my pants and panties down slightly with very gentle, cautious hands. He's the only person in the room that can see but Nathan can observe that I will only allow Eric to touch me.  I try to keep my face neutral as he does so, glaring at Nathan.  It looks like he's trying to figure out what's going on but he looks upset. "It's still bruised," Eric comments. I open the jar and hold it out for him. He gets a small portion on his fingers and rubs it into my skin. The feeling of his fingers grazing my skin is setting my body ablaze and I have a burning sensation in my abdomen. Maybe this was a bad idea. I try to ignore everything except Nathan, watching how his expression changes from confusion to jealousy to rage. I remember my gun training with Eric and I focus on Nathan's face, even though he has just turned it away from me now. Eric finishes, pulling up my pants and panties. He kisses the top of my head and I hear him say, "Mine... and I don't share."
Nathan is now staring up at Eric's head above mine. He still looks angry but conflicted. I step to the side and have a seat across from him. Eric takes the seat next to me sitting straight up, arms folded, and ready to attack at any moment. I slowly close the jar and slide it into my jacket pocket. I reach into another pocket and pull out a list of questions I made this morning while Eric showered. I set it on the table along with a pen. I reach out my hand to Eric and he places the black box with the syringe into my hand. I open the box and set it down on the table between Nathan and me.
"Do you know what's in this syringe?" I ask.  He can see the syringe and the hue looks very different from the Dauntless serums. 
He purses his lips but shakes his head at me. Ryan drops his feet to the floor and kicks him—hard. He winces from the contact. "You will answer your leader when she questions you," Ryan says irritably.  I've never heard him like this before.  He can be just as scary as Eric.
"Do you know what's in the syringe?" I ask again.
"No ma'am, I don't," he responds.
"It's truth serum. Have you ever heard of it?" I say.
He opens and closes his mouth. After a moment, he says with furrowed brows, "Yes, Candor uses it."
"And Dauntless for interrogations," I add. "So, I will be asking you some questions. I want you to respond truthfully and respectfully. I expect you to follow my orders since you've had trouble in the past. For example, when I told you to leave me alone since I wasn't interested in you, I told you to stop looking at me the way you were, and I ordered you to stop touching me and let me go—just to name a few of my orders you've disobeyed. Afterward, I will ask you the same questions under the truth serum. If your responses don't match up, that may influence the severity of your punishment. Do you understand?"
"Yes, ma'am," he says.
"Why have you been bothering me?" I ask.
He clears his throat. "Um... because you're sexy as hell," he tells me.
Well, at least he was honest. I write that down. "Why haven't you left me alone when I've rejected you?" I question.
"I... I don't know," he responds.
I write that down—most likely a lie.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask.
His eyes shift from mine. "I was really drunk. I didn't know what I was doing," he says.
I continue writing all of his answers down.
"Do you know where you bruised your leader?" I ask.
"My guess would be your ass, since Eric was enjoying that moment so much earlier," he grins smugly. Eric jumps out of his chair and reaches across the table, grabbing him by the shirt.
"Eric, please let me handle this," I say calmly putting my hand on his back. He pushes Nathan back into his chair roughly and takes a seat.
Nathan looks to Eric and smirks. "I suggest you change that attitude quickly. If you haven't noticed, I'm keeping track of your behavior. Disrespect to a leader is at least a week in lockup.  That little stunt might be more, or maybe I'll let Eric decide. If you keep this behavior up, I might just change my mind about keeping you in Dauntless," I say.
"What does that mean?" he questions me, confused.
I smile kind of wickedly since he's being difficult, taking a page from Eric's book. "That means that I get to decide what kind of punishment you get. By the end of this interrogation, you may end up Factionless or executed if you don't change your attitude," I inform him. There it is.  I've put it out there. Both are decisions I was trying so hard to avoid but he's so unruly. I can't have him going around forcing himself on other females in Dauntless.
His face visibly pales at my comment. I put some ticks next to the columns of behaviors I have listed, one for swearing and two for disrespect.
I pull out my phone and place the images in front of him, scrolling through each as I name the location. "This one was on my neck. You've made me decide that I hate hickeys. This was on my abdomen just below my left breast. This one was on my breast, my hip, my leg, and my backside," I say.
"I'm sorry," he says apologetically. "I didn't want to hurt you."
"But you did," I insist. "This is why you need to understand that when a woman says no, she really means no. I was not playing hard to get. I told you I wasn't interested and you still pursued me to the point of forcing yourself on me. That is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in Dauntless."
He nods.
"Do you regret what you did?" I ask.
He looks me in the eyes, staring at me.
"Yes. I'm really sorry.  I... I wish things would have been different," he says. "If I could go back, I would have had less to drink and more control over myself."
"Will you keep yourself in control from now on?" I ask.
"Yes," he responds. "I'm definitely limiting myself to one drink maximum for a while."
I nod. That's probably best.
"Have you ever harmed anyone before or do you intend to in the future?" I ask.
"No," he replies.
"Do you have any questions for him, Eric?" I ask.
"I'll wait until after the serum," he tells me.
I nod my head and Eric walks around the table and shoots him roughly with the serum, pushing the plunger down and injecting the serum into his neck.  "You can start at any time. It works fast," Eric informs me.
"Okay, I'm starting with the same questions, then I'll ask more, then Eric," I announce.  "Why have you been bothering me?"
"Because I want to have sex with you," he says.
Eww, close enough I guess.
"Why haven't you left me alone when I've rejected you?" I ask.
"I've never been rejected before.  I find you incredibly sexy and I couldn't believe that you didn't want this.  Everyone else enjoyed it," he responds. 
"Ugh," I say absolutely disgusted looking to Eric.  He's staring at Nathan, face full of rage.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask turning back to Nathan.
"I remember watching you and Eric dance and I was drinking a lot.  I was jealous of him—that you go to him so easily.  I wanted some of that," he says motioning to me with his hand.
"Do you remember approaching me?" I ask getting away from my list.
"Just in bits and pieces.  I remember wanting to kiss your neck and have my fingers on you," he responds. 
I cringe at that, thinking about how his hands on me make my skin crawl.  He stares ahead but I can tell he sees the face I make at him admitting that.
"Do you remember anything else about our interaction?" I ask.
"Just the scent of your hair and the taste of your skin," he tells me.
"Do you know what that bruise on my backside is from?" I question.
"No," he says.
"Do you regret what you did?" I ask.
"Yes.  I regret that I was drunk and you weren't willing.  I wish you would just give it up but I can't make you.  I shouldn't have tried."
"Will you keep yourself in control from now on?" I ask.
"Yes.  I'm not going to get that drunk again.  I never intended to force you. I just couldn't understand why you wouldn't want me.  I thought you were playing some kind of dominatrix game," he divulges.
"Have you ever harmed anyone before or do you intend to in the future?" I ask.
"No," he responds.
"Do you understand now that I don't want you in any way?" I inquire.
"Yes," he says. His voice actually sounds a little sad.
"Did you understand any of the computer security training yesterday?" I ask changing the subject.
"No, not at all.  I didn't pay attention to any of it.  I was too busy trying to say anything I could to get you closer so I could look down your shirt and check out your ass," he says.
Pervert.  "So do you understand how to do your job in the control room?" I ask.
"Yeah, it's simple, boring, and I don't have to do much," he responds. 
"Eric, ask away," I tell him.
"Do you really think it's okay to treat women like objects?" Eric says.
"Every girl I've ever been with doesn't seem to mind—except Hosanna," he replies.
"What about your leaders: Lydia and Hosanna?  Will you treat them with respect along with other women from now on?" he asks.
"Yeah, I don't think it's worth fighting over and all this.  If that's what's expected of me, I'll do my best.  I didn't see it as a problem before but since it is, I can adapt," Nathan tells us.
"Did you actually think I would let you touch my girl and get away with it?" he asks.
"I didn't think about the consequences. I was just hoping she'd like me better than you after I had her," Nathan admits. 
"Did you really think I would share her?" Eric questions.
"No, but if that's the only way she'd sleep with me, I'd take it.  I was willing to take what I could get and try new things," he responds.
"Will you stay away from Hosanna and stop harassing her?" Eric says firmly.
"I still find it hard to believe that she doesn't want me but, whatever.  If she seriously doesn't want this, I'll keep my distance," he says.
"No. I'm. Not. Interested," I annunciate.  "I only want Eric."
Eric looks to me, "That's all I've got.  Don't you have something else you wanted to ask?"
"No, I learned everything I needed to.  He doesn't have the intellect I thought he did," I respond.
"Are you two done asking questions?" Ryan says.
I look to Eric.  "Yeah," I tell him after he nods his head.
"I've got some questions for you Nathan," Ryan says.  It sounds like he's going to mess with him before the serum wears off.
"How many girls have you slept with?" he asks laughing.
"I've never counted.  I think more than twenty," Nathan says.
"Why do you think it's good to be with that many people?" he asks.
"It's given me experience.  I like to try out different things.  Some are good, some bad," he says.
"Don't you ever want to settle down?" Ryan says.
"No, I like variety.  I considered it if Hosanna was good in bed but I guess I'll never know," Nathan responds.
"Have you ever knocked up anyone?" Ryan asks.
"Not that I know of," he says.
"How many diseases do you have?" he asks.
"That's none of your business," Nathan says irritated.
"Serum has worn off," Ryan states.  "Anything else you two want to talk about with him?"
"Can I ask some questions?" Nathan says.
All three of us turn to him.  "You're serious?" Eric says irritably.
Nathan shrugs. 
I sigh, rubbing my temple.  "As long as they're not disgusting or insulting," I say.
"Why'd you turn me down the first time I asked you out?" Nathan questions me.
"Are you serious?" I ask thinking that he has to be joking.
He nods.
"Hmm, let me see," I say tapping my chin.  "It's probably because you first of all wouldn't stop touching me.  Didn't you know I was originally from Abnegation?  You seemed kind of snake-like, dishonest, and loose with your morals.  You also invited me into your bed.  I'm a Christian and that's not how I behave.  Besides, I'm pretty sure I was already in love with Eric at that point."
"Wait.  You're from Abnegation?" he says.
I sigh again.  "That's all you got from what I said?" I ask impatiently.
"No, it's just I never would have thought a sexy girl like you was ever a Stiff," he responds.
"Under the grey baggy clothes, we're all human beings," I say.
"Are you a virgin?" he asks.
"That's none of your business," Eric snaps. 
"So, that's a yes.  Clearly Eric isn't getting any yet," he says.
"Did you forget about respecting your leaders?" I say reminding him and adding another tick to my list.
"Sorry, so what do you see in Eric that you don't see in me?" he asks.
I laugh.  "Everything.  From the first moment I saw him I was drawn to him, the first time we touched just to shake hands I knew we were meant to be together.  He's incredibly handsome, he's kind to me, he respects me, we have a lot in common, and we share some sort of bond like we're meant only to be with each other.  There's more than that though," I say.
"I've never had anything like that," he says deep in thought.
"It's probably because you're out the door before you have your fly zipped up," Ryan comments.  "You haven't been looking for anything lasting. You've just been poking anything and everything that'll let you."
Eric laughs.  "What's so funny?" Nathan says to Eric.  "I've heard you've slept around just as much as I have."
I turn to Eric when he laughs harder.  "Perhaps you shouldn't believe every rumor that goes around," he tells Nathan.
"No way.  I've slept with girls that say they've been with you," he responds shifting in his seat, the metal from the chains clanging.
Eric smiles.  "Who's saying they slept with me?" he says clearly curious.
"Cheryl, Rosie, Lena..." he lists off.
"I can stop you right there.  I told each of those girls no," he says.  "The closest any of them ever got to my apartment is the door... slamming in their faces."
I smile.  Good, I didn't think he was like that but I'm glad he confirms it.
Nathan bites his lip.  "Hmm, that might be why each of them could only describe your living room," he says.
"Eww, you really talk about me with the girls you bang?" Eric asks.
Nathan shrugs.  "When the sex gets boring I ask them questions that pique my interest.  None of them were any good considering their experience," he says.  "So if you didn't sleep with them, who did you sleep with?"
"Nobody.  I've been saving myself for her," he says gesturing to me.  I'm surprised Eric actually answered that question.  I think it was more for me than anything.  I smile and lace my fingers with his.  He looks to me and I smile wider.
"Wait.  You've a virgin?  That's not possible," Nathan says disbelievingly.
"I'm fine with it," Eric responds shrugging.
"Not every guy is a man whore like you," Ryan says.  "I'm still a virgin, too."
"Wait but you're old," Nathan says.
Ryan laughs.  "I'm twenty.  I'm only four years older than you.  Rosie was in my initiation group.  Clearly we're not that old if you slept with her," he tells him.
Nathan sits back in his chair thinking.
"Alright, I think this little question and answer session is over," I say getting back on topic. 
"Should we talk privately?" I ask Eric and Ryan.
"Yeah," Eric says getting up, pushing in his chair, and taking my hand again.  He pulls me to my feet.  Ryan follows.
"Don't go anywhere," Eric tells Nathan laughing.
"Ha, ha," Nathan says rattling his chains.
We step out of the door and Ryan calls two guards over to watch him while we talk in the next interrogation room. 
"So, what happened when he saw the recording?" Eric asks Ryan as soon as the door shuts.
"I think you want to hear about what he did when Dana and I first got down here," Ryan says smirking.
Eric makes a gesture for him to continue. 
"So he must have woken from his drunken stupor when the cell doors clanked open.  He jumped out of bed and freaked out when he realized where he was.  When he saw me standing there and I told him he was being interrogated for sexually assaulting a leader, he kept apologizing to me thinking that he..." Ryan stops to laugh doubling over.  When he finally calms down he finishes his sentence.
"That it was me," he continues chuckling.
Eric even laughs a bit.
"So, I showed him the recording and he got real quiet.  He hadn't really said a word until you two showed up," he says.
I take a seat at the table and they both join me. 
I pull my notepad out of my pocket and start to look over my notes. 
"Have you come to a decision?" Eric asks hesitantly.
"I'm thinking..." I say.  I peruse my notes a little more.  "So far, I've got three times marked that he was disrespectful to us and once for swearing," I say.
"He swore more than that and I'm pretty sure everything he said was pretty disrespectful," Eric says.
"Well, I didn't count the times that he swore or was nasty while he was on the truth serum because I'm sure he couldn't help what popped out of his mouth then," I say.  "He actually made an attempt to be respectful after I warned him and he apologized several times.  He was genuine about not harming me or anyone else in the future. 
"I'm thinking that we remove him from the computer security, replacing him in that position with someone else in the department that would be more qualified but keep him in the control room.  He'll work nights and weekends—the shifts that nobody else seems to want.  That will mostly keep him out of trouble at the times when he would be more of a risk.  I say we demote him slightly though, giving him less control, like he can monitor the compound but he won't have clearance to change anything.  There will always be a superior working with him that can though.
"I think he needs to serve out a punishment in lockup.  I'm thinking he should serve one month for what he did last night, one week for each time he was disrespectful to a leader in the interrogation, and one day for swearing.  The only time he lied was probably out of embarrassment so I'll only add a week for that. His pay will be postponed until he starts back to work and he'll pay for his meals through what he has remaining in his point account in lockup.  When he's released, he needs to be monitored by someone else while he's off and we should install a camera in the control room to monitor him at the times he's working as well.  What do you think?" I ask Eric and Ryan.
"I think it's quite complicated but it'll work.  He keeps his job but he's demoted.  He spends his punishment in lockup.  I think it's a good plan," Ryan says.
I look to Eric.  "Are you sure you can trust him in the compound?" Eric asks.
"He said he wasn't going to harm anyone including me under truth serum," I say shrugging.  "If it makes you feel better, one more slip up and he's gone."
"That I like but, you really are going to let him stay where he is?" Eric asks.
"What would you do?" I ask Eric.
"Demotion to the fence, probably time in lockup too, but it's your call," he says.
"You really want our number two this year on the fence?" I ask.
"Well, that's just my bias because I don't like him," he responds. 
"You don't like my plan," I whisper.
"Baby, it's your call.  It's fine.  I guess I'm just upset because I want him as far from you as possible.  I don't care what he said on truth serum, he did this while drunk.  What happens when he has too much again?" he says.
"He said he wasn't going to drink much anymore and if he does anything else, we'll have a recording and he'll be out of Dauntless," I say.
Eric sighs.  "Fine but if he slips up, I get to be the one to decide what happens next time," he insists.
I smile.  "That would be fine," I agree.
We all walk back to the first interrogation room together.  I'm the one to explain the demotion and punishments.  He nods his head. 
"If you cause any more trouble in the future," Eric says pausing, smiling that wicked smile of his.  "I am the one that will decide what happens to you."
Nathan's response is quiet and monotonous.  "What's that supposed to mean?" he says mirroring his response earlier but this time with a great deal of fear behind his words instead of mocking sarcasm.
"That means that you might end up like the last man that touched her," Eric says making a gun with his fingers and shooting them at him.  Nathan's skin turns really pale and he looks to me. 
"Do you understand how serious this is?" I ask.
He nods very slowly, clearly afraid of Eric.

*****What do you think? That was a pretty intense conversation, huh?*****

Words of Wisdom:
I think Nathan was severely humbled in this interrogation. His lifestyle and poor choices led him to act foolishly and take what he thought was owed to him. I think Hosanna was more than fair in her decision.
Sometimes we make bad choices in life and behave foolishly. We often have to pay the price for our mistakes. The good news is that we have forgiveness if we ask for it through Christ. He paid the debt fully for our sins and we are forgiven, our slate is washed clean with eternity in heaven as our reward.  There are many rooms in the Father's house prepared for you and you are more than welcome.  It just takes that one step forward, that leap of faith to enter.

"We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds. You say, "I choose the appointed time; it is I who judge with equity. When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm. To the arrogant I say, 'Boast no more,' and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horns. Do not lift your horns against heaven; do not speak so defiantly.'" No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt themselves. It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another. In the hand of the Lord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs. As for me, I will declare this forever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob, who says, "I will cut off the horns of all the wicked, but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.""
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭75:1-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

((This was in my Bible study today. I thought it was very fitting.))

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