The Bad Boy's Queen

By ChocoPieDana

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❝He was a King and he chose her as his Queen.❞ In Ava's world, the underworld is everything. The bad side rul... More

Chapter 1 - Holy Moly
Chapter 2 - Rumors
Chapter 3 - Impressive
Chapter 4 - Mafia
Chapter 5 - Back So Soon
Chapter 6 - Last Name
Chapter 7 - Trust Me
Chapter 8 - Best of All
Chapter 9 - Just for You
Chapter 10 - Anytime, Boss
Chapter 11 - For Her
Chapter 12 - You'll See
Chapter 13 - Thanks To You
Chapter 15 - Fucking Bodyguards
Chapter 16 - Another Mafia
Chapter 17 - No Promises
Chapter 18 - Sadistic Little Bastard
Chapter 19 - True Feelings
Chapter 20 - The Underworld
Chapter 21 - Dead Man
Chapter 22 - Carter
Chapter 23 - Confession
Chapter 24 - Shut Up
Chapter 25 - First Kiss
Chapter 26 - Even If Everything Breaks
Chapter 27 - Yes, I Will
Chapter 28 - Stop Running Away
Chapter 29 - Goodnight, Love
Chapter 30 - Just Temporary
Chapter 31- On The Battlegrounds
Chapter 32 - Breaking Down
Chapter 33 - It'll Be Alright
Chapter 34 - I Already Lost Him
Chapter 35 - Dirty Secret
Chapter 36 - Just Feel Sour
Chapter 37 - Is Love This Painful?
Chapter 38 - Slowly Killing Me
Chapter 39 - No Excuse

Chapter 14 - Never Happened

1.7K 55 6
By ChocoPieDana

Chapter 14 - Never Happened

I sat on the park bench, playing with the ends of my dark brown hair while watching a bunch of kids playing. It was a peaceful day and I definitely needed one of these days to loosen myself up. I brushed my tangled hair with my fingers as a comb before I heard a little girl's voice.

"My mom braided my hair. Isn't it pretty?"

I looked up and saw a girl with her blonde hair in a pretty braid. A flower was placed perfectly into her hair, just right above her ear. She was showing it off to another girl who clearly looked jealous of her hair.

I closed my eyes as a memory appeared in my head.

Mom had passed away when I was only 10 years old. She died giving birth to Michael and Michelle. So all that was left was Dad to take care of us, not that he complained.

At the age of 13, I was about to begin my first day of high school and I was a nervous wreck. I had woken up an hour earlier than usual, frantically going through my option of outfits to wear on the first day. The outfit that I finally chose was perfect for the day but I didn't know how to style my hair. I was about to go mad when Dad offered to braid my hair.

I guess Dad had noticed my panic mode because he calmly asked me to relax. I was still tense but I did loosen up in the end. Dad then skilfully braided my hair and surprisingly, it went perfectly with my outfit. I was shocked that Dad knew how to braid.

"Where did you learn to braid?"

"A few videos and some practice." He said but I was still confused. "Dad has to be a Mom once in a while for his daughter."

I smiled at the memory when a sudden bark broke me out of my reverie. I beamed when I saw the all adorable bulldog, bouncing up and down. I got up from the bench and crouched down with a huge grin on my face.

"Boo!" I cooed loudly, spreading arms out wide.

Boo barked and ran towards me, tail wagging furiously. Boo bounded to me and basically ran me over, licking my face profusely while jumping around and barking. I messed and pet him like a madwoman, laughing.

"I missed you too, buddy!" I grinned, stroking his head a bit roughly.

Evan let out a laugh, walking to where me and Boo were having our bonding time. "See, I told you he missed you."

"He looks so happy to see me!" I squealed, hugging a hyperventilating Boo. "I want him as my own."

"No can do, bella. He's my best friend."

"Aw, man's best friend?" I mused. Boo was rubbing his head against my shoulder like crazy as if he wanted to push me off my butt. "How cute."

Evan and I had agreed to meet up earlier and its only Wednesday, two days after my rendezvous with Law. Its around 5pm and I had asked to leave my shift an hour earlier just to meet with Evan at the park. I was not disappointed to say the least.

"In my opinion, you're cuter."

I gave Evan a playful frown before pushing at his leg causing him to stumble a bit and nearly falling down. "What makes you think so, handsome?"

Evan smirked before crouching down to my level and winking at him. "I think its pretty obvious, cutie."

I'm starting to notice the amount of pet names I have.

Hmm, interesting.

"And you were saying something about handsome?"

I hummed in response, smiling devilishly at him but keeping a passive look on. I propped a cheek into my palm. "Words can't describe how handsome you are, Evan."

"Aw, how flattering." Evan mused, fanning his face.

Then I smirked. "But numbers can. 7 out of 10."

"What the- Ava!"

I burst out laughing at his whining, clutching at my abdomen as it was starting to hurt. "Just a joke, Ev."

He pouted at me and crossed his arms in feigned hurt, which I found painstakingly adorable, it pierced my heart like a cupid's arrow. "I'm not talking to you again."

"Oh really?" I teased, leaning in and trying to make eye contact with him but he was being hard to deal with since he kept on looking away from me. Anything but me. "Come on, Evan." I cooed, trailing a finger on his arm. Evan visibly shuddered. "Don't tell me you can't forgive this girl right in front of you." I ran a hand through his hair and I guess that was where his restraints snapped.

He gripped my wrist with an iron grip at record speed.

I gasped in surprise, eyes locking with his blue ones. We were torturingly close, just inches apart, having been pulled together at some point during the fray. I bit my lip softly, a sudden feeling of nervousness hitting me and his eyes flickered down to my lips for just a second. Evan inhaled sharply before he finally shook his head and let me go, looking away with a tinge of red on his cheeks.

"That-" He breathed, fiddling with his thumbs. "Never happened, okay?"

I blinked. Once. Twice. Before I finally processed what had happened.

I don't know why but I felt something sink in me.

"Hey, its okay." I smiled, getting up and brushing the dirt off my pants. I winked at him. "It never happened." I caressed Boo's head who had been watching silently at the side before ruffling Evan's sandy blonde hair.

"You have my word." I said, walking away while waving my hand at them. Its about time I left for home. "Never happened."


"Never happened!" I called back, already jogging the opposite way towards my home. I held up my hand and crossed my fingers for him to see, sending one last smile his way.

I shut my eyes close and muttered under my breath. "It never happened anyway."


I walked home, noticing how strangely gloomy it was. I was just about to drown myself in my sudden depressing mood when a black Porsche pulled up beside me on the sidewalk. The window was pulled down and a familiar face poked out.

He leaned his arm over the window and smiled at me. "Need a ride, pumpkin?"

I found myself smiling, all negative thoughts flying out the window as I made my way to the passenger's side. "Thanks, Noah." I bumped my fist with his as the car revved to life again and pulled out of the sidewalk. "You're officially my favorite uncle."

Noah's laughter bounced off the walls of the expensive car. "You won't mind if we took a detour, would you? I was on my way to a cafe nearby and I happened to run into you."

"Sure. I'm starving right now."

"So." Noah started, the car turning a corner. "What were you doing walking home alone all sad-looking?"

I cursed silently to myself. Damn Noah for being so sharp! "Just finished my shift at the diner."

"Your shift ends at 6pm."

"I asked to leave early. I was feeling down for no reason."

Noah gave me an odd look. "Why?" He pressed. He narrowed his eyes at me. "I've known you my whole life. I know when there's a reason."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Rough day."

Noah nodded just as the car came to a stop outside a quaint cafe. I stepped out and I was already drooling at the mouthwatering smell. "Calm down, pumpkin. You can eat a buffet soon." Noah chuckled, pushing at the small of my back and making our way towards the door.

As soon as we were in, a flashback flashed through my eyes at how similar the cafe looked to the one back in my hometown which I used to dine at.

"Daddy, can we sit there?" I asked, tugging at his hand and pointing to a table at the corner. I was jumping up and down, anticipating the upcoming meal.

"Of course we can, princess." He grinned and we weaved our way through. At some point, there was a lot of people and we had to squeeze through them but I got stuck between two teenagers. I was about to whine when Dad lifted me up and held me close to his chest. Dad was laughing at my misery.

I gasped in awe at the sight. I was short and being at that height made me feel tall, it made me feel amazed. "I want to be tall like Daddy!"

"You will one day, princess." He said, pecking my cheek as we reached the table. The image of the cafe etched into my mind. "You will."

And I guess that day finally came.

I sat down and looked around. Its painfully similar. My heart felt pierced, broken- my father was a man who completed my life like no other.

"How have you been, pumpkin?" Noah asked with a smile after the waitress left with our orders.

"We're holding up somehow. Its been great."

Noah stirred at his cup of coffee. "Is there anyone that I need to know about?"

I scowled. "No?"

"No friend that you met in class or by accident?" I shook my head, still confused. Then Noah's eyes glinted when he looked up to lock eyes with mine. "Not even a boy who goes by the name of Law Valenti?"

At that very moment, I felt like the sky came down onto me. My eyes widened in shock. I thought I kept it a secret.

"Don't worry about the little things. I found out by myself." Noah said simply, tapping his fingers on the table which only caused the tension to rise up higher than before. He then leaned forward on the table and laced his fingers together, observing me with his sharp eyes. "You're lucky Jack still doesn't know about this."


Noah inhaled slowly before sighing, staring at the foam on the surface of his coffee. "I was right behind your car when you both left school." Noah looked up, an almost malicious look in it as he narrowed his eyes at me like a predator cornering its prey. "My turn to ask. Why? You know who he is, Ava. I'm sure you're no fool in this matter."

I massaged the bridge of my nose, finally deciding that its time to let the cat out of the bag. Its stayed hidden long enough. Its about time a family member knows about this.

"I never knew he was him until he told me who he really was. I only knew of his last name like two weeks ago." I unclasped my fist and stared at it, mainly my middle finger. Remembering the crown ring on Law's finger. "I didn't notice the ring symbol on him. If I did-" I closed my eyes shut. "I would have stayed away before I get attached."

"You've always been one to get attached too fast, pumpkin." Noah commented, a sad expression glazing over his face for only a second before it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. "Just like your father. Which was why he couldn't let us go without a fight. Bastard always wanted a dramatic death."

"You, Dad and Jack are not blood brothers right?"

Noah looked up before he began fiddling with his wedding ring that bands his left ring finger. "We never were tied together by blood but we're brothers for life." He lifted his gold pendant that every single one of us had. "Never imagined that he'd go first, you know? Man always acted like a big brother even when he had his own family. Truthfully, I miss the jackass."

I chuckled with a hint of sadness. "I miss him too." Then I locked eyes with Noah, a new resolve etching itself onto my heart at that very moment. "Don't worry about Law. I'll let him stay in my life until he decides to leave."

Noah smiled a smile filled with pride. "I've always known you got your father's determination."

I grinned back.

"What else can I say? I've been bound to him my whole life."


After making sure the twins were asleep, I gingerly closed their door and silently walked down the pathway towards the living room. I switched off the lamp in the living room and instantly the light from the streetlamp outside made its way into the dark house. I looked around one last time before taking my jacket on the sofa and putting it on. I stepped in front of the front door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

The cold night air didn't bother me a single bit including the dimming light of the streetlamp as I locked eyes with Law who stood there with his hands in his pockets.

Law sighed, a smile tugging at the ends of his lips. Cold steam left his lips as he breathed. "Hey."

I found myself smiling as well. "Hey."

Law stepped closer to me and I looked down to him as I was on the steps. Law took my hand in his. "What was it that you wanted to say?"

"I don't mean to intrude, Law but-" I inhaled sharply before looking into his steel gray eyes. My heart contracted a little. "Would you mind if I ask this one question?"

Law frowned, the crease on his forehead deepening. "Ask away. I don't plan on hiding anything from you anyway."

"What was your relationship with The Family?"

As I had expected, Law instantly tensed up and his breath hitched. His grip on my hand tightened considerably. I could only look down, waiting for his reaction.

He either tells me to fuck off or he tells me everything.

After what seemed like eternity, Law exhaled. "What made you ask this question?"

"I heard that you were an alliance with them once. I also heard you had an arranged marriage with their leader's daughter but it was called off." I placed my other hand onto his. "Would you mind telling me everything?"

Law breathed before he finally nodded, him guiding me to sit on the steps. I sat myself down beside him as Law pinched the bridge of his nose.

"If I were to tell this story, then I'd have to tell it right." He said, eyes zoning out as he contemplated what he should say. He then turned and smiled at me.

"My father and Maxon Carter have been best buddies ever since Maxon stepped into the underworld. When Maxon Carter got married to Beverly and had a whole empire under him, my father shook hands with him as a sign of alliance. Because they were two of the greatest powers, my father said it'd be a great idea to join both gangs together."

"And they decided that if either had a son and the other a daughter, they'd be wedded." I finished for him, smiling with a tinge of pain. Law nodded, looking away as I squeezed his hand.

"Its tradition in the family that if firstborns of both gangs were to be married, one of the gangs will have to lose their mafia name and serve under the other on one condition. The other gang has to be stronger than the other. So the mafia group that my father led, The KINGS which is the second strongest was destined to abandon its name and take on the name of The Family, the strongest one."

"Father readily agreed, he was more than obliged to serve his friend. His mafia members also agreed. So when I was born and Maxon had a daughter, we were already tied together. We were fated to marry each other and plans were already underway." Law licked his lips before continuing. "I only knew of the arranged marriage when I turned 14."

"Of course, I was furious and protested. I respected Maxon Carter, everyone did and I don't mean to deny his word but I deserved to have a say in it. Dad was set on the wedding and so was Mom. I was to marry her when I turn 18."

I gasped. "Which is this year."

Law nodded. "I was mad and went through strings of girlfriends in an attempt to show my father I wasn't a man of commitment. I wanted to choose my own wife, not be forced into a marriage where I might hate the girl. What added more pressure was the fact that she was Maxon's daughter. The legend's little girl. But I heard that she also only knew of it when she turned 14."

"Did you know her?"

"I never knew her name, only the fact that she was a Carter. We're not allowed to know anything about each other including the other's name until we finally meet for the first time. I only knew that she was a year younger than me, had dyed her hair a bright red and a few other small details."

I looked down when Law began rubbing the back of my palm with his thumb. "You've met her before the assigned date of the first meeting, didn't you?"

Law chuckled, probably at the memory. "I did. I was only 16 then and I had just broke it off with my then girlfriend. I was to meet her in a few days and I decided that its probably best if I had no strings attached to anyone when I finally saw her."

"I was in my room, thinking about how much I hated the arranged marriage and the fact that I chose to make her distaste me to the point she'd have to tell her father to cancel the wedding when my window suddenly burst open. It was night time and my room was on the third story, only a huge tree with its branch reaching my window just outside."

"I was surprised but even more shocked when I saw a teenage girl on the branch of the tree, looking in with amused brown eyes. She had leaves and twigs in her tangled bright red hair and a black bandana covering the lower half of her face. At that very moment, I knew who she was. She was the girl with the name 'Wrath' as her alias, Maxon's daughter and my bride."

"She beamed when she saw me and extended a hand to me. She said who she was but didn't tell me her name as she said that we'd eventually get to know each other officially in a few days. We lived in different towns and my family was supposed to fly down to her place the next day but she had drove all the way from her house to mine at night just to see me. She said she wanted to know what she had to expect. We talked for a few minutes, get to know each other a bit. She laughed when she saw me, shook my hand and said that she'd be seeing me again soon. Then she climbed down the tree and was gone."

"In that short encounter, I found myself not hating the marriage anymore but actually looking forward to it. My plan to break her heart vanished the minute she appeared outside my window. I found myself actually liking her." Law smiled before it was quickly replaced with a scowl.

"Then when we about to leave the next day, some complications appeared and we didn't go but the whole mafia group were agitated including myself. One thing led to another and the next thing I knew, the whole family were presumed dead from execution and The Family had ran away. The War of Dominance that took place two years ago were the newspaper's front page headlines for a few months. I actually cried when I found out. The KINGS and more gangs were a lost cause for the whole year."

"But I guess this is what I get for hating the marriage and not agreeing to it wholeheartedly."

I wrapped my arms around Law, snuggling my head on his shoulder with a soft smile. "Don't blame yourself, Law."

Law bit his bottom lip and glanced at me with sadness in his eyes. "But its like it never happened, Ava."

I pecked him on the cheek before leaning his head towards me. I stroked his soft jet black hair with a hum while Law looked at me confused as to why I'm doing this.

"Don't worry, Law." I smiled, finally knowing the truth after he told me everything.

"It did happen."

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