Suspicious Minds [Darkiplier...

By Actual_Angel

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Okay, kids, this is where it gets complicated. The Reader and Darkiplier have teamed up to fight against Wilf... More

Author's Note: Here We Go Again
Chapter Two: This Won't End Well
Chapter Three: The Author
Chapter Four: The Host
Chapter Five: Googleplier
Chapter Six: What's Wrong With Him?
Chapter Seven: The Doctor Will See You Now
Chapter Eight: Quiet In The Library
Chapter Nine: Someone New
Chapter Ten: It's time
Chapter Eleven: Darkiplier (Part 1)
Chapter Twelve: Darkiplier (Part 2)
Chapter Thirteen: Trapped
Chapter Fourteen: Guess Who's Back
Chapter Fifteen: Fight Me
Chapter Sixteen: Concern and Forgiveness
Chapter Seventeen: The Truthliest Truthy Truth
Chapter Eighteen: A Date With Darkiplier
Chapter Nineteen: Comfortably Numb
Chapter Twenty: Earth Angel
Chapter Twenty One: A Show
Chapter Twenty Two: Persuasion Room (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty Three: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty Four: Persuasion Room (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty Five: You Can't Give Up
Chapter Twenty Six: Losing A Friend
Chapter Twenty Seven: Dance With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight: I couldn't think of a name for this one
Chapter Twenty Nine: A New Friend
Chapter Thirty: Somewhere New
Chapter Thirty One: Raspy Hill
Chapter Thirty Two: The Woods
Chapter Thirty Three: The End
Author's Note: That's a wrap, folks!
Chapter Thirty Three-ish: Alternate ending

Chapter One: What Now?

1.6K 49 102
By Actual_Angel

A/N: Are you ready to be disappointed?
Your vision was completely black, you were on the brink of passing out. You clawed at Wilford's unrelenting hand, dying for him to release. You felt your body being to give in, but it refused.

In a last ditch effort, you grabbed Wilford's face and used what Dark taught you. You gathered your remaining strength and pushed against Wilford in his mind. He released your throat, screaming in agony. He clutched his head while you coughed and sputtered.

Once you regained your breath, you used the bond to continue pushing. Wilford kept hold of his head, staying in his spot. You took this time to move over to the still unconscious Dark.

You focused your energy on him, placing your hands on his temples. You pleaded in your mind to him: Dark, please wakeup. I need you. I can't do this alone.

Dark's eyes shot open, he pushed you away gently and stood up. He advanced towards Wilford who was now on his feet as well.

Dark pounced at Wilford and the two were throwing punches at each other, lashing out wherever possible. Watching them fight was like watching dancers tango, they knew each other's moves like the backs of their own hands. They were practically evenly matched in skill, although Wilford appeared to have a bit of an edge on Dark.

You snapped out of your daze and moved to help Dark. You sprinted full force at Wilford and jumped on Wilford's back. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arm was around his neck in a choke hold.

Dark utilized the distraction to his advantage and right-hooked Wilford square on his temple. You felt Wilford go limp, jumping off him as he fell to the floor. He was unconscious, you kicked him once in the side to check. Okay, you kicked him a few times.

"We have to help Mark!" You said rapidly after you were finished with the piece of shit on the ground, "Wilford shot him and he's probably bleeding out right now!"

"I'll concern myself with Wilford," Dark bent down and picked Wilford up over his shoulder. "You deal with Mark."

Dark vanished into thin air along with the man on his shoulder. You ran out of the room, pushing the doors open to see a trail of blood. Mark was gone.

Your thoughts were racing. Shit! Shit! Shit! Ah, where the fuck did he go? You looked down at the floor and followed the little specks of blood. The trail ended next to the room Wilford was supposed to be locked in.

You tried the door, but it was locked. Dark must have already put him in there. You called for Mark through your bond, but there was no reply. You barely felt his presence in your mind at all. You called out to Dark next and seconds later, he stepped out of Wilford's holding room. You wondered why he hadn't opened the door when you jingled it, but you'd have to shelve it for now.

"I can't find Mark anywhere!" You were starting to panic, your heart racing. "I followed his trail of blood and it ended here. I don't know what to do, he could already be dead!"

"He's isn't dead, but I have an idea where he may be." Dark walked at a quick pace down the hallway, leaving you to jog after him.

"Where is he, then?" You said as Dark and you rounded a corner. You realized you were heading in the direction of Dark's room.

"You'll see." He stated simply. You hated when he was vague like that.

"Wilford wouldn't come without backup. Unfortunately, he isn't that idiotic. Whoever accompanied him kidnapped Mark." Dark sighed, pulling open the door to his room. You followed him in.

"Do you know who Wilford could've brought?" You asked him, watching him scuffle around his room. He frantically searched the area for something, he grew more frustrated by the second.

"Yes." He stated bluntly, not leaving room for question. He ripped open his dresser drawers and scanned every inch of them. "Where the hell is it!" He slammed the drawers shut forcefully, rattling the entire dresser. He ran his fingers through his hair, which was something he did when nervous or frustrated.

"Where is what?" You moved closer to him, wanting to help. Dark waved you away, indicating that it's best to keep your distance.

"My black book." He clenched his jaw, his cold stare set on you. "I never set it in a different spot."

"I know there are some spells in there, but why do you need it so badly?" You crossed your arms, awaiting his next move.

"My book contains dangerous magic." He used his arm to brush past you and tried to walk out of the room. You took hold of his arm to stop him.

"Like what?" You furrowed your brow, he faced you with a look of growing irritation on his face.

"Is now really the time?" He glowered, but seeing as you wouldn't let this go, he gave into your curiosity. "There's a spell that grants ego separation. It would give us the ability to kill one another." You released his arm and he continued on his path to exit.

"So there are alter egos." You fucking knew it. Dark gave you a curt nod.

"How and why exactly did you come across all of this?" You followed behind him at a quick pace, unsure of where he was leading you.

"I desired Mark's destruction and his influence. I thought it to be impossible, but someone came along to help." He stopped walking and you ran into his back. He turned to face you with a grim expression that sent shivers down your spine.

"Who?" You queried, a look of reminiscence came across his face.

"Wilford. I remember traveling the world, desperately searching for something to come to our aid." Dark's eyes went black, he shoved his hands into his jean pockets. "We discovered numerous amounts of powerful magic."

"I always respected Wil." Dark paused, glancing at the floor. "Until he..." Dark trailed off. He turned and started walking again.

"Until he what?" You asked Dark, only to be met with no response. He grabbed his arm to stop him again. "Talk to me." Dark's eyes were black, his face twisted into a scowl.

"He cast the spell on me." Dark's expression hinted at the betrayal and pain he felt. "He nearly succeeded in removing me from everyone else, but I was able to flee before he finished." Dark paused for a long period of time.

"What happened next?" You asked, seeing that Dark wasn't going to continue unless you asked.

"I panicked." Dark looked down, he seemed ashamed. "I went to Mark, but never revealed any details. For all he knows, it was simply a fight that got out of control."

"Afterwards, Mark sealed Wilford away and allowed me to remain free." His eyes turned back to brown. He started walking again and you walked beside him. He took another long pause again, before resuming his story.

"When Mark and I determined he was stable again, we released him. He was actually doing rather well for a while, despite how often him and I fought. We were sure he was fine," You noticed you were down a hallway you had never seen before. "But, we were so very wrong."

Dark grabbed your arm and stopped. "And I am deeply sorry, (Y/N). Everything that occurred with him, it was our fault. He should have never been released."

"What's done is done." You shrugged, "We can only move forward."

"Very true." He agreed and started walking once more.

You saw a silver door come into sight, Dark's expression relaxed slightly upon arrival. He held the door open for you and what was inside the room is impressive to say the least.

Along one wall, there were shelves of different herbs and jars with curious looking items/liquids. You were absolutely positive that Dark was a witch, or he was in a cult.

There were different guns, swords, and knives on the other two walls. You looked at a corner and saw a grenade launcher just chilling there. Your eyes lit up at the beauty, it was just itching to be used.

"Dark," you said, staring at the glorious weapon, "Can I-"

"No." He cut you off. In return, you pouted, but maybe it wasn't a great idea for you to have access to the grenade launcher.

Dark brushed pass you to open up a closet on the fourth wall. He grabbed what appeared to be a bullet proof vest, as well as a black trenchcoat. Once he slipped them on, he dug around in the closet once more.

"Here," he said, handing you a vest and a hoody he pulled from the closet. "They're not quite your size, but they will protect you."

"Thanks." You replied, putting both clothing items on. They were loose on you, but you felt safer with the vest.

Dark scuffled around the room until he found what he was looking for. He picked the object up and turned around to reveal it. It was a foot-long, silver dagger, with engravings across the hilt.

Dark smiled with the knife in his hand, brandishing it with strength. He looked ready to take whatever was going to be thrown at him.

"This dagger is an object of incredible power." He held it in front of you, "I, and now you, are the only living people that have knowledge of its existence."

"Okay, Mr. Theatrics," You rolled your eyes, but he didn't seem bothered. His onyx eyes actually glistened with hope. "tell me why it's so important."

"Very well." He handed it to you so you could see it up close. "But, to truly understand, I feel you need a little history lesson." You inwardly groaned, history could be so boring.

"This blade was crafted by determined megalomaniacs." He saw you tilt your head to the side and continued speaking. "Witches, basically. They would do anything to increase their power and control so they created this." You studied the item in your hands, it was pretty cool.

"It will kill any living thing it breaks the skin of and only I know the cure for such an injury." You were starting to understand now. Kinda. You handed the object back to Dark. He put it in his trenchcoat pocket.

"Isn't bringing it dangerous?" You felt concern bubble up to your chest.

"Extremely." Dark smirked. "But the process of dying from the blade is slow. I'll be able to unbind the unlucky ego and allow him to die." Dark's eyes changed back to brown.

"Is that our only option?" You huffed, "Isn't there something better?"

"Perhaps I could heal them and lock them away afterwards." He shrugged.

"Lock them away?" You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion. "What, did you build more cells or something?"

"Yes." He stood with his hands in his pockets, appearing to be at ease. "They were trial and error cells for Wilford. We made some mistakes that would be difficult to undo and leaving the cells in would be more beneficial to us."

"So basically laziness, right?" He turned playfully glared at you, as you followed him out the room. "Where are we going now?"

"The only place that Mark has a chance at being." He led you back down the halls and to the door that led to the outside world. "Warfstache's house."
A/N: I know. It's a slow start, I'm sorry. I also apologize about the wait. The entire book is drafted now and all that's left is editing.

I can't tell you how often I'll post because school tends to suck the motivation out of me. Maybe every few days, but I won't go for more than a week without putting something up, unless shit happens.

Okay, that's enough of my blabbering. Byyyye.

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