The Only One (Nick Groff Fanf...

By BlueEyesXoxo

20.9K 587 143

Saige, Nick and the Ghost Adventures crew are back! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
The End

Chapter 46

285 8 2
By BlueEyesXoxo

I waited a few seconds before I opened the door.

"Saige?" He questioned. I nodded and stepped aside to let him in. If there was going to be a fight Zak's neighbors didn't need to see or hear it.

"Can I help you?" I asked him after I closed the door behind him.

"Is Zak here?"

"Nope. He took Griffin out for a few."

"What are you doing here?" He asked and I watched his eyes narrow. "I came here to apologize to Zak for what I said last week, but I come here and I find you here."

"Apologize to him? He's not the one that needs an apology, Nick. I do!" I snapped.

"Apparently neither of you do since you're here." I rolled my eyes and walked away to the living room. Hoping he would follow. He did. I made myself comfortable on the love seat. "Why are you here? If you don't want to be with me just say it."

"I want to be with you but."

"But? Buts are never good." He frowned.

"I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me. I have never cheated on you and I've never thought about it. But yet you think I did and that I am."

He sighed and took a seat on the couch in front of me. "Well it looks a little suspicious."

"I'm not fighting with you." I told him calmly. "Think what you want. I'm done. I'm done fighting. I'm done with us. I don't care if your my sons father. I don't care anymore. I'm not doing anything wrong. Feel free to let yourself out." I stood up to go back outside to play with Gracie.


"Don't bother. Just go away. Don't worry about us."

"You never answered my question."

"I don't have to justify myself to you any longer." I turned to face him.

"Just answer the question." He stood up.

"Griffin and I are here because Aaron is sick with a stomach bug and since Griff can't be around sick people because of his treatment, Zak offered us a place to stay. But I don't see how that's any of your business now."

"It is my business."

"Not anymore." I turned on the heels of my feet and walked towards the open door.

He caught my arm gently making me turn to look at him. "It is my business. You are my business. Griffin is my business. I love you both so much."

"You don't show it." I mmumbled softly so he wouldn't hear me, but he did.

"I'm sorry. I really do love you."

"Then why do you do this? Why do you say things like this?"

He sighed and with his free hand he ran his hand through his hair. "Because I'm scared."


"Saige I'm so scared that you're going to do what I did to you. I fear that every day. I battle with myself over the topic every day. I'm scared to lose you. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry. Losing you made me realize my mistake. I could never do that to you again."

"And you think I'd cheat to get back at you?"

"Yes." He nodded looking down in embarrassment. "When I saw that picture I just snapped. I should have listened to you. Now I know you weren't lying."

"How do you know that now?" I asked curiously.

"Katrina looked into it. You were right. I shouldn't have gotten so upset. We weren't together. If you wanted to hook up with Zak, that was your choice."

"We didn't hook up." I sighed in frustration.

"And when I saw you here I jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry." He went on.

"You need to stop. You need to listen to me. Plain and simple."

"I will."

"Do you trust me?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm very sure."

"Good because nothing's going on between Zak and I, nor will there ever be anything going on between us. I love him like a brother. Nothing more."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Now lets end this stupid pointless fight right here and right now."


"Now shut up and kiss me."

* * *

Dinner time approached and Zak and Griffin came back. As soon as Griffin spotted Nick in the kitchen, he ran for him. I managed to talk Nick into bringing Griffin into the other room while I cooked dinner. He didn't fight me and left quickly with our toddler hanging off his leg.

"How was everything today?" I asked Zak.

"Fun." He smiled. "We played at the park. We fed some ducks. Look a walk on the hiking trail. Then I took him to the indoor basketball court. He had a blast there."

"Did he eat lunch?"

"Yup. He ate all but the end of his six inch sub."

"That's good." I nodded and turned my attention back to the pot on the stove.

"How's things with Nick?"

"Fine now."

"He still saying you're cheating?"

"No, I think he knows better now."

"Good." He smiled and walked out of the room.

That night Nick joined us for dinner. After we ate he played with Griffin until it was bath time. Then he helped me give him a bath and he put him to bed. I could tell he missed his son and I felt bad that we lived so far apart, but I needed my job to support our child.

When Nick returned back in the living room after tucking Griffin into bed, the three of us watched television. It was an old episode of Ghost Adventures, which made Nick and Zak talk about the old days. They even told me about a few things they remembered that happened off camera. Like Aaron tripping over his own feet at the hotel as soon as they good there from the plane. This made me giggle because I knew how clumsy Aaron was.

Nick left a few hours later but promised he would stop in the following day to say goodbye to Griffin and I before he left for Boston.

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