Loving My Best Friend

By a_bose04

155K 5.7K 626

Two best friends... Aiden and Enid. Aiden was the star football player and co-captain of the team and Enid wa... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 12

4.3K 168 8
By a_bose04

Aiden's POV

Our game was in the next town. It took a whole hour for us to reach there by the school bus. By the time we reached there, it was already five in the evening. We had wasted too much time talking and planning of the party in our school yard. We went to our assigned locker room which was on the opposite side of the field and just beside the St. Peter's boys'. They actually made a whole big locker room into two for themselves and for an away team.

We all changed quickly. Emmett took a long shower to calm his nerves down as he was not feeling good about this match like the most of us. By the time it was around six, coach gave us a little pep talk. I snored beside Enid.

"Wake me up if I fell asleep." He laughed at that. That was it, our little moments. Isn't it what we all live for?

We went to the field only to see the whole stadium was packed with people, parents, teachers. Teachers? Our principal?

"What's he doing here?" Rick asked.

"Surveying." Emmett answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't know. Some person who donates a lot of money for school every year, didn't like him very much." He shrugged then. "Maybe just a rumour or something."

"It was a perfect opportunity to fire him if we lose this match." Jack, one of our team mates explained.

"It's not fair." Sky said. Emmett smirked. He was surely going to say something very hurtful to or about Sky when Enid stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"We know. Don't worry. We're gonna win." Enid said and everybody cheered. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

The game started exactly at six-thirty. The sun was nowhere to be seen and the sky was covered with black clouds, just like the tension between the two teams.

We lost the toss, so they were going to serve. The game started slowly. They were playing us. I could vaguely hear the faint cheer coming from the stands. I overlooked which team it was for, not necessary. Really.

It was twenty minutes into the game and both sides were still nil on the score boards. So far they were behaving humanly though it was only for a matter of time.

It was just a couple of minutes later the ball came rushing towards Enid who was roughly a couple of feet away from me, but I was concentrated on the player who was in full force rushing towards Enid and the ball. Though it was debatable whom he was really after.

Enid's a moment of hesitation towards the ball cost him. Though I managed to stop the boy rushing towards Enid, the boy behind me, who was by the way sticking behind and beside me like a glue, tripped Enid. Enid fell flying into the ground, face first.

When he finally turned, his nose was bleeding and watching him my blood boiled. Enid cluched his both palms over his nose and brought it in front of him,staring disbelievingly at his hand covered with blood. I grabbed the piece of shit boy by his collar and we were about to throw punched at each other when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. The touch was so familiar that I could recognise it in the dark, too. The referee came blowing his whistle.

"Let him go, Aiden. It's just a game. You know better than me." Enid said.

"But-" By then there was a buzz in the stands too.

"Let. Him. Go." I let his collar go, but not before jerking him once. His menacing look was the evidence enough that he was not happy about the whole thing. Neither was the referee nor our coach. I could see disappointment in his eyes.

The boy and the team glared at us and we glared back. Nobody glared at my Enid. For the act alone I was ready to throw punches at him when coach stopped me and threatened me to throw Enid out of the team by his ear, I glared at him too.

"Do it. Nothing will make me happier." By that the coach was more furious and confused. By half time we were all at the same position, on tie.

"Jeez, Aiden! Calm yourself down. You know how they are. I expect more maturity from you." Ethan said, suddenly coming in front of me. When did he come?

"Stop lecturing me like a mother, Ethan." I shot back.

"Fine." He huffed out and turned seeing I am a lost cause. "Ugh. Those bastards. Are you okay, bro?"

"Yeah." Came a muffled voice beside me. The field doctor mended his bleeding nose.

I replayed the scene in front of my eyes and gripped the bench to calm myself. Enid put his hand on mine telling me that he was okay.

The game started after half time and finished in a daze. Enid was on the bench as Rick insisted for him to not play and rest.

For Rick's last minute score saves all of our asses. Coach's face was a little relaxed. After shaking the other coach's and referee's hand, he congratulated us and told us to enjoy.

As we were getting out of the locker room the coach called after me and said, "I wanna know what do you mean by you don't want Enid on the team. 8 am sharp, at my office on Monday." Then he smiled at someone and waved a little. He looked back at me with a look that did not leave space to argue and went with St. Peter's coach.

"Hey," came a voice behind me that never failed to lift my foul mood. "What're you gonna do now?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Get to your home or mine? We need to get ready to go to Rick's party, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. You wanna go to his party. Great. Of course." I gave him a fake smile which he caught.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. 'M just tired." I said, actually lied.

I didn't like the idea of him going to Rick's party in this state, but it didn't matter. He was not going to do always what I say. It was his life, his decisions. I could only support those and him.

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