Blackmail From The Playboy(Na...

By fairyRULES

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Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail Academy is the typical playboy, heartthrob, great looks, hot, the star player o... More

Author's Note/Introduction
Chapter 1: Back to School
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: The Bet
Chapter 4: Trying
Chapter 5: Secrets Out
Chapter 6: The Blackmail Begins
Chapter 7: Girlfriend
Chapter 8: Lunch
Chapter 9: First Date
Chapter 10: Under the Rain
Chapter 11: Lost & Breakfast
Chapter 12: Hanging out
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: Partners
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: At the Beach
Chapter 17: Activities
Chapter 18: Volleyball
Chapter 19: Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter 20: The Dragon's Princess
Chapter 21: Just the Plot
Chapter 22: His Realization
Chapter 23: Terrible Past Experience
Chapter 25: Rage
Chapter 26: Treasure Hunt
Chapter 27: Last Day
Chapter 28: Explanation
Chapter 29: Cheating
Chapter 30: Almost
Chapter 31: Coward (Sneak Peek)

Chapter 24: Questions & Answers

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By fairyRULES

Third Person's P.O.V.

As the activity was done and lunch time came students started to head at the café, or a restaurant nearby, some just sitting in the sand relaxing.

That was all the activities for day two; as the itinerary goes, an activity, lunch, free time.

The beach was packed full of students, and a certain 'couple' was just heading to the beach laughing away, of the past scenarios that just occurred, enjoying each other's company...

But then...

Natsu's P.O.V.

"I still can't believe you did that, Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed, laughing, tears slightly slipping out of her eyes out of her laughter.

Well earlier at the café the waitress was flirting at me asking for my number, then I told her the number of the café's manager which she called to make sure.. and just imagine what happened next.

"It was nothing, I have you as my girlfriend." I replied smiling genuinely at her.

She then stopped laughing then faced me her face blank , then she asked,

"Natsu, why are you a playboy?"

I was dumbfounded. This conversation just went from carefree and laughing to serious and threatening real quick.

Dark memories started to flash in my head the painful memories of why I became a playboy.

"We might need to sit down for this it's gonna be a long story.." I said trailing off.

"Okay..let's go under that palm tree.."She said motioning in a shade nearby.

Once we sat down she asked again, so lowering my head, my hair covering my eyes, I started to explain,

"Well it started when I was nine years old, my parents were having problems, they were always fighting, and well the company was at point of getting bankrupt, there was this unknown source that's keep stealing the money," I explained; she looked at me with sympathy, she didn't say anything, so I continued.

"Well turns out it was my mother, and she was seeing another man, he cheated on dad. At first Dad didn't want to believe it, but then all the things were coming together. My mother, he was with that man killing the company's profit.
Eventually they divorced, mother and that man's ways were illegal, so they were pressed with charges, but before they got locked up, they disappeared, no one knew what happened, Dad didn't bother to find them, he loved mother too much, he actually didn't want press any charges at dirst. " I paused, she was listening, I resumed.

"Aftee that, Dad, he was devastated, he neglected the company, our friends, even me. He wouldn't listen to anyone, not even me. He just shut the world out, he didn't come out of his room, he barely ate. He was in that state for atleast three weeks. And he also attempted suicide.
Then our major long-time company alliance , the Marvels helped with the company and took care of me while he locked himself up. Grandine Marvel, a single parent, mother of a four year old- at that time- and the CEO of the Marvel Industry. Her husband was deceased before Wendy, my step sister was born.
After those three weeks he came into his senses and thanked Grandine, for taking care of me and then Grandine being the nice lady she is she helped dad recovered, four years later they got married. So at that young age, I learnt the wrong way, I guess, 'Girls will just play with your feelings and hurt you, so don't fall for their tricks' was always how I see things. There's exceptions of course, Grandine, Wendy and my girl childhood friends are the only ones I can actually think of trusting, cause it's impossible to fall in love with them, they can't hurt me in that topic." I took a breath rom all the explaining,

"But you made me inlove with you, Luce. won't hurt me..please." I thought to myself.

"So I guess you can say me being a playboy is from a past experience." With that I finished my explanation.

Looking at Lucy, in her eyes there were....tears? She lunged at me wrapping her arms around my neck,

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, sympathy in her voice.

"You shouldn't be sorry it isn't your fault anyways.." I replied, hugging her back my arms around her slim waist.

"But still.."She reasoned out.

"It isn't your fault, Lucy." I reassured. We continued to hold each other close.

I haven't had this much comfort in awhile...

After that question from Luce and explaining me, still sitting under the palm tree, it was my turn to ask a question,

" Hey Luce, since you asked me a question, I'm asking you this time; why do you go to school dressed as a nerd?"

I was curious, I still didn't know the answer.

Then she started answering my questions.


I was mind blown..and really really guilty. As she told me how she was used for her money all her friends fake, getting bullied after that.

After she explained why..I don't know if I can face her anymore..

As she said, and I quoted  'I  Lucy  Heartfilia , Promise   to myself  to not allow to ever  be used  ever again.' .

She was hurt because she was used she was broken. It pained me but, here I am using her just because,  of my stupid pride.

Maybe at first I didn't care, but now it's different. I care for her, she makes me happy, makes me brighter, gives me life, I love her. I love Lucy.

If I did tell her I'm afraid that everything Lucy and I have will be destroyed. Nothing will be the same again. I'll be heartbroken if she disappears in my life, but then again it is my fault why.

If I didn't tell her that our relationship was all about a bet, which I was planning to call off just after this, it wouldn't count as using her if I called it off after this,right? Wrong!

That would be selfish...very like me.  But I was really planning on calling it off..

How am I suppose to look at Lucy when a smile is  plastered at her face, and I would know that I used her for my ego. Betted on her feelings.

I will admit defeat. I'll take the punishment. It's just a punishment maybe shatter my pride along the way but that's better than hurting Lucy.

It's just my's better to hurt my pride than Lucy.

I also need to tell her, everything about the bet.

I'll tell her as soon as possible,as soon as I'm ready to let her go.

How selfish.

I feel so guilty.

"Natsu! You there? It's my turn again to ask a question." She said snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, fire away." I replied.

She then asked me a question that made my heart drop. Can I lie? Yes. Would I lie?I can't...Should I lie?No.

Does it end here?

She asked,

"Why did you want me to be your girlfriend?"


End of Chapter

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Author's Note:

I'm still alive!

....I feel ashamed..this is by far the longest time that I haven't updated; 2 weeks!!!

I'M SO SORRY MINNA!!! I've just been very busy with school with all the homework and assessment stacked up..😭😭😭

Happy Valentines Day!!😘

Sorry about the the romantic scenes if their cringe, I'm single asf since birth, cause I'm a proud otaku and fangirl that got swallowed by anime.😅


I'll try to update as soon as I can, thank you for still supporting this fanfiction!

Again, I'm so sorry.


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