Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

Love Hurts

55 1 40
By ziakitty

My reckless brother forgot about the cameras that HE had set up all over the damn building besides the few rooms that is used by Watari, him and myself. So here I am watching the feed from last night.....I told him that learning how to tie a cherry stem with his tongue would come in handy. Of course he didn't believe me then, but I bet he does now. Zia thought after she hacked into the system to delete and reprogram the surveillance. I've got to make this look right, can't have any of the members get suspicious about the feed.

Ah the things I do to keep you protected. And to think we use to hate each other so very much. Smiling to herself as she put the finishing touches on the new feed from last night. The gold, black, and white streaked girl ran her fingers through her wine red and streaked hair. It feels good to help him and I'm glad he finally found someone else that understands him as much as I do. If she doesn't turn out to be the one for him then, well if she's not, then Lily also known as A *smirks dangerously* won't have to worry about Kira finding her.

*Eyes flash a deep mixture of red and midnight blue, whispers, "I'll protect what's mines no matter what the cost might be"*

"Osanai imōto, What are you doing still up? It's almost seven in the morning. You'd normally be in bed by five or six (A.M not P.M) at the latest"

"Just working on some research Aniki" The tired looking male placed his thumb up to his lip while looking down at his baby sister. "You doing research is about as likely as Light not being the first Kira" Chuckling at her older brother, the brown complected girl turned her chair around and smiled lovingly at L. "There is no point in trying to lie to you dearest Ryu-Ryu"

"Good, you remember. Now tell me what you were really doing in my chair" his dark tired looking eyes watched her closely for any signs of another lie. Putting her hand up and smiling more the girl tilted her head and pushed a button on the computer. "Now I could tell you" *slowly gets out of the chair* "but I too like to have fun." *stretches and smirks before walking away, looks over her shoulder once she's far enough away* "Just like you did last night"

The pale skin man's eyes widen slightly as it finally clicked in his mind what his sister had saw. He would have to explain himself later for now he needed to remove that footage. Quickly L loaded up the feed from last night, to his surprise he found nothing. There was him and Lily working together, then them talking, the Task Force members coming and going. Everything leading up to their special time together was normal. However once he got to that part, it was just him working and eating cake with Lily eating Pocky and working on files.

L turned his head and looked at the door the girl had just went through. Koneko? How long have you been protecting me? You've always sat back with that cheshire cat like smirk on your face, waiting for the right moment to strike. I remember the day you arrived at the orphanage. the way you glared at everyone so un-trusting. The way you claimed to know everyone's real names, until the day you spoke one name out loud that no one should have known, mines.

That was the day fate brung you into my life and you turned my world upside down. The words you said to me made no sense at all, there was no logic just like this case. Yet I am now finding out that the words you spoke back then were all true. It's funny how much I disliked you back then, and now it's hard to imagine my life without you in it. You might just be the missing key to solving this case. Then again you could also be my downfall, just whose side are you really on sister?

~~Short time Skip to 12:30 P.M same day~~

"I'm so tired...How does Ryu-Ryu do this?"

"Lots of sugar, very little coffee or tea and your homemade sweets" Said Watari as he patted his daughter's shoulder and handed the young female her favorite ice creams, one scoop of butter pecan and one scoop of strawberry cheesecake swirl. "I still don't get how he can eat so much sugar and never gain weight. And no I don't believe it's because he burns calories by using his brain. I use my brain and I'm not a size two" said the girl with a playful pout. This made the much older man laugh while he gave her a loving squeeze.

"You're fine the way you are, just like your brother is fine the way he is"

"And you....You're stuck with two crazy, one unpredictable, the other childish, child like adults to take care of! How did you luck out?" Zia asked with a giggle. Her spotted midnight blue with swirling silver and gold eyes shined with a hint of mischief. "Oh no I know that look" Said L as he walked into the room along with Lily.

"Are you sure it's alright for you to be walking around" Konkeo says with a grin to Lily. "I'm fine, why would you think that?" questioned Lily innocently. That only made the feline like female's grin turn into her signature smirk. "After all that time you spent in the saddle. I'd think you're be sore and tired"

Both L and Watari spoke in unison. "Koneko" chuckling again the girl placed her red and black kitty shaped headphones over her ears. "I'll be good..enough" *winks at the other girl, turns in her chair and goes back to watching the tapes of Misa's and Light's imprisonment* Frowning while she finished up her ice cream, Zia watched closely as Misa's hair moved on it's own as if something had touched it, yet there was nothing there.. That's really odd, but what's more odd is the fact that her numbers came back after her hair moved on it's own.

I know for a fact that Misa and Light are the Kiras, thanks to the work that L and the others are doing but also due to these cursed eyes, I was born with. I'm still not sure why I can see the real names of people and the numbers that is under them. However I do know it is their death dates. Looking around the room she frowns more and bites her lip so hard it draws blood. All three of their numbers had dropped greatly for some unknown reason.

If Zia was going to make a move she would have to do it soon. Gasping softly Lily rushed over. "You're bleeding Koneko" the girl with grey and white locks said to the ginger. Gently she took out napkin and tries to clean off the small wound and bit of blood. Grabbing onto her small wrist, she gently moved the girl's hand and shook her head. "I'm Fine, I tend to bite my lip when I'm deep in thought and of course I don't know how to not bite hard" Smiling she showed off her rather sharp looking canines.

Lily nodded slowly as she looked at the girl's fang before making her way back other to L's side to get back to work. *Ryuzaki whispers to Lily.*

"I know Koneko comes off as hard, cold, and harsh. It's in her nature to do so until she gets to know people a bit better. Once that is done she'll be more open and become friendly...In some cases a bit to friendly. However I'm surprised she let you touch her. Normally she'd bite or claw anyone that got to close."

"Indeed she had grown quite a bit since the days, you two were mere children" the older man smiled happily as he thought back to the day he found L and a few years later Zia was brought to his orphanage. Back then the girl was like a wild cat. She hated being indoors to long and was often found sleeping either high up in a tree or curled up under one. Now she was more tamed not by much but still tamed.

"You know it's rude to talk about someone like they're not even in the room. Besides Father you should know better then anyone that I can read lips. I did learn that little trick from you after all." The gray haired man blushing coughed into his hand to hide his cheeks. Shaking her head the brown skin girl calls out to the ivory complected female. "I'm about to bake, would you like to join me A?"

Both males looked at Zia in shock, she never offers to let anyone in the kitchen with her. Normally she would say it was her domain and no one was welcome there. A or Lily smiled at the other girl and replied with an excited yes. Gathering up her things she followed the scarlet haired girl, not knowing the real purpose of the offer. Upon reaching the kitchen Lily went to wash her hands, only to have her wrist grabbed by the other girl.

Using part of her strength Zia dragged the taller girl out the backdoor into the cold heavy pouring rain. Her eyes were cold and hard as she stared at the clearly confused female. "Why did you bring me out here? What are you planning to do to me?" Both females observed each other, neither said a word as the cold rain washed over them. The aqua green eyed woman started getting both cold and impatient. Sighing she heads for the door. Once her hand touched the doorknob.

"You're going to die soon Angel Light"

Startled by hearing her full name and being told that she would die soon by this girl that she didn't know at all. Lily blinked as her body tensed, she asked. "How do you know that name, Who told you? Who are you?"

"So many questions yet none of them are important. What is important. Is that you help me. OR else you will die. I'll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe. You're not family, so I could careless. However I see the way my brother looks at you. People tend to think he's an emotionless jerk, when that's not really the case. He's just a lot better at hiding and controlling his emotions then others."

*Angel narrowed her eyes at the shorter female, while Zia smiled in a friendly matter, to bad that smile didn't reach her still very cold and deadly eyes*

Angel was about to speak when she was cutoff by Zia. "Just listen and listen closely. Something big is about to happen when it does. I'll need you to point out that both Misa and myself are missing. Maybe even point out how close we seem to be. Got that? Also don't go running off to tell anyone about this little meeting of ours. It will only end badly as right now we're in the kitchen baking cookies"

With that being said the female crossed her arms and waited for a reply. Angel thought to herself for a moment before nodding her head. She didn't know enough information about this strange girl to go against her wishes. If she did try to go to L would he believe her or his sister? There was a low chance of him not believing her, then again what if he did? How would that hurt her relationship with him? "Fine I got it"

"Good now let's go back inside. I have a change of clothes for us already waiting. And don't worry they're the same outfits we're wearing now." closing her eyes slowly she tilted her head and waited for the other girl to open the door. Both females came back into the building dried off and changed. Just in time for the timer to go off. "Look at that our cookies are done. Be a dear and bring them up to Ryuzaki. They're his favorites" Zia stated while turning her back to the other girl, leaving her standing there in the kitchen.

*Ryuzaki watches the screens while also keeping an eye on the two girls. He quietly thinks to himself*

It's been two months since Angel and Zia had their little bake out, both girls seem to be keeping their distance from each other. That's normal for my Osanai imōto, but not for my sweet Angel. What could have happen? I know we've all been working hard on this case. And Angel has been the one doing all the cooking or baking lately, which is really odd. Zia loves to bake and hates anyone else being in her space. So why did she let Angel take over? And why is she being so distant to me and Watari as well.

Did you finally pick a side? Was it wrong of me to bring you into this case, knowing about your eyes? Though I never believed you until now. Is it to late to be forgiven by you?

My mind raced as we got closer and closer to catching Kira, but as we got closer to Kira, Zia got farther away. "It seems she has picked a side. Love really does Hurt. I hope you know what you're doing sister." The male, in desperate need of sunlight mumbled to himself without realizing it.

Misa holds onto Light's hand while dragging him into the room. Light looks annoyed as he tries to free his hand. Behind them was Zia. A look of longing shows in his brown eyes when he looks at the brown skin girl, though he tries hard to hide it.

"It's rare to see you here Koneko" Mogi said with a warm smile "Where have you been Koneko? We could use all the help we can get" says Soichiro with an air of authority. In a serious tone the female in question replied. "Plowing your wife and seducing both your son and daughter."

*Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her. Misa's eyes widden as she looked at Light whom was blushing and still had that look of longing in his eyes. Mogi didn't know if he should laugh or not. Matsuda stood there, his mouth open with a dumbfounded look gracing his face*

Soichiro's face turned a deep red, while Koneko smirked. "What did I hit a sore spot? Well I know a made a few with your wifey last night, but that's normal. She's an old school freak. I like that, but not nearly as freaky as Sayu. *licks her lips slowly* I did enjoy training her" Trying hard not to laugh as she looked at everyone's shocked expressions.

She bit her trembling lip as her brother came into the room. He took one look at his fellow members and knew right away what happen. "It's a lie she didn't sleep or seduce or do anything sexual with anyone's girlfriend, wife, mistress, aunt, female cousin or daughter. Konkeo stop with your perverted humor. While I am aware of this side of you, the others are not. Though it is good to know that they're at least gotten to the perverted dry humor level. Good job to you all, Koneko is now friendly enough with you to make dirty jokes. This oddly enough is a good thing. It means she likes you"

Nodding and smiling sweetly the girl winked at the elder Yagami. His face was still a bit red. "I really was joking" she said with a cheshire cat like grin. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Zia jokingly said in her best Bill Clinton voice. This caused everyone but Misa to chuckle. She was to busy pouting and rolling her eyes as she clearly didn't get the joke.

The blonde was getting annoyed at everyone having their own side conversions which didn't include her or was all about capturing Kira. Her annoyance level reaching max the light brown eyed girl got up and latched herself onto Light demanding that he take her out on a date. When the male refused she whined and made a big fuss causing the working members to stop and watch the couple. "Light please make Misa stop talking" Ryuzaki pleaded with the man. That only made the annoying female nag and whine louder.

"That's blondes for you" the busty female said while taking out a small piece of hard candy and popping it into her mouth wrapper and all. "What was that about blondes!" Misa said getting dangerously close to the other girl. Opening one multicolored eye she looked at the other female but didn't reply yet. "That's what I thought! I'm tired of you and all your dumb blonde jokes!" the slightly older girl yelled at the younger one.

Angel started to get up until L put his right hand on her knee. His left thumb up at his lip he watched, having a good idea what would happen. And ready to react if need be. Much like himself Koneko is stronger than she looks. However she rarely throws the first punch, or kick.

Misa took a step back and huffed. With a smirk slowly forming, Zia stood up slowly she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. On it was a small crane, she had somehow turned that wrapper into origami with just her tongue. Picking up the small crane she placed it on the table then looked at Misa.

"That's disgust-"

*stepping forward quickly Koneko, cups Misa's face and french kissing her deeply, warm wet tongue moves swiftly around it's new home. Brown hand moves to hold the nape of a tan neck. The other hand moves from her cheek to the girl's smaller bust giving it a semi rough squeeze. Earning a yelp then gasping, panting and groans*

The pigtailed woman didn't notice as the wavy multi-streaked female slowly moved her to the arm of the couch. She was to busying trying to figure out what had gotten into the other girl and why she couldn't seem to stop kissing her back or groaning.

*Zia let her hands roam freely for a moment a devilish look in her eyes as she squeezed Misa's nicely firm butt causing the girl to gasp and groan again. Slowly she broke the kiss, a string of saliva could be seen as she pulled away. Misa's eyes were half lidded and cloudy. So she didn't notice as Konkeo gently pushed her over making the girl land on her back onto the couch. The blonde haired pigtailed girl panted heavily trying to get as much air into her lungs as she could*

"That's blondes for you. They never shut up until you put something into their mouths" said the ginger with a smirk. She nodded her head towards the tan complected girl. Laying there still panting her mouth open, tongue hanging out slightly. A small piece of hard candy could be see. No one knew what to say to this. None of them thought, as Misa had once put it. That the silver, blue and gold eyed woman, was on THAT side of the fence.

"There she's not talking anymore are you happy Ryu-Ryu?" Zia inquired sweetly.

"I was not expecting that to happen. However it did seem to work. Yes I am happy, thank you"

"Good, now Iamagay Moon. I do hope you were taking notes. I won't be doing that again." Giggling innocently the girl states. "If anyone is interested I will be hosting an origami class Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 3 to 5 A.M not P.M I'm a night owl" Taking up a new seat, she went back to work. Leaving the Task Force member to wonder if the joke about plowing the chief's wife was indeed a joke.

A few months had passed. There was a change in both Light and Misa after the fake or third Kira was captured but died before any real questions could be asked. No one seemed to notice besides a certain feline based woman and a sleep deprived man child. L informed everyone about who had to stay at the headquarters and who did. Of cause Light and Misa didn't have to stay there, however the blonde female found herself oddly sad that she wouldn't be around as much anymore.

After the whole kissing thing, Misa bugged Light a lot less and was often seen stealing glances or just right out staring at the gold, silver and midnight blue eyed girl whenever she came over. She even stopped saying she was there to see Light. Matsuda was the first one to notice as he spent the most time with the girl. "I'm telling you guys Misa's in love with Koneko now not Light. Just look at the way she acts when Koneko's around or how sad she gets when she leaves." Matsuda gossiped like a hyper teenage fan girl.

Light laughed and shook his head at the older black hair, brown eyed man. "Matsuda, even if that is true. It's not your place to tell us now is it? What would you do if Misa or Koneko came in and heard you saying that?

"Saying what about whom and Why?" purred out the feline like female from behind the sitting male. Her lips dangerously close to the slightly older boy's ear. A cheeky grin gracing her lips as she growled and blew in his ear. Light tried his best not to shiver as he felt her warmth. This girl really is a tease, he thought to himself.

"How nice of you to join us Koneko. Matsu here has been extra chatty today. Care to shut him up for us?" Mogi says with a laugh, he had gotten use to the smaller and younger female's perverted cheekiness. "I don't know. Ryuzaki here looks like he could use a kiss or something" Hearing his name the dark orb, pale skin male turned slowly from his computer screen, his normal emotionless expression on his face.

"Are you coming on to me?" He says while placing his thumb up to his lip. "Are you interested?" said the girl while wriggling her eyebrows suggestively. Ryuzaki didn't answer right away, he just turned back to his screen. "No reply means you're at least curious" Still no reply from Ryuzaki. "How strange, then again you did do strange things when we were teenagers." teased his sister.

"No CUMMING ON me or ONTO me" the ravenette said while smiling a bit creepily. "Oh that was punny very punny." Zia said while making her way over to her older brother and nibbling on a white chocolate chip cookie. "What's with the flirting? What are you two? A couple or something?" Matsuda asked in a joking matter.

L and Koneko looked at each other then back to the other black haired man. "No Matsuda, we are not" The dark eyed male said while looking at the girl, then reaching out to take the partly eaten cookie from her lips then eating it himself. "Yeah that's just wrong on so many levels." Zia looked at the few crumbs that were at the corner of L's mouth. She then licked the crumbs away and nuzzled his cheek.

Ryuzaki would never get use to her random and weird shows of affection. "Your inner cat is showing" L says while fighting a blush. And thanking whatever god was listening that his girlfriend wasn't in the room at the moment. Ignoring what her brother just said. Zia directed her next statement towards Matsuda.

"He is my damn brother. I mean yes he is cute and all, *"You think I'm cute?" ignores the males question and continues talking* with his big dark eyes, pale skin, and dark circles under his eyes that make him look like a freakin' *"Don't you dare call me a pan-"* panda." Without warning the female wrapped her arms around the unsuspecting man and hugged him, pulling his head into her chest.

His body tensed and he didn't hug back much. "I love you so much" stated the brown complected girl, while still hugging the male. He gave her the smallest of squeezes to make her let go. Once she did he gasped for air dramatically. "Do that again and I'll have you arrested for attempted murder" Giving the smallest of smiles, L jokingly said to Zia.

The others watched and were shocked to learn something new about the world's famous detective. As the two siblings joked randomly while continuing their work. Light started to form a plan, one that would bring him closer to his ultimate goal. The light brown eyed male was shocked and delighted to find out his rival and his semi crush were related. This might make things a lot easier if the played his cards right. But how could he get Koneko over to his side?

It's been about three weeks since Light learned one of L's little secrets. He was happy with himself, knowing that while his memories were gone he had tried to get closer to the female and it seemed to work. Slowly she had opened up to him but not nearly enough. She seemed to be a lot closer to Misa. Maybe she's just into girls more then boys he thought. While his mind wondered about the multicolored eyed girl's sexuality his thoughts changed to Misa. It's odd that the blonde girl had all but disappeared from his life.

She hadn't gotten back to him with a piece of Ryuk's Death Note nor had she been doing any killings. What could have happen? Did someone else find the book? Or did that baka just forget the plan?

They knew about the Death Note and from time to time they'd ask Rem questions. Mainly L as the other members were a bit scared of her. At this rate Light would have to think of another way to kill L if he couldn't use Rem anymore, which is where Koneko would come in. She is his sister after all, she has to know his real name. Maybe I can somehow trick her into telling me his name. Then I'll have Misa kill her or something.

Just as Light was about to put his new plan of befriending or seducing Koneko into place. A wave of new murders started up. The Task Force members were outraged by the new murders and the fact that L had went behind their backs, gaining approval to use the notebook. He needed to test it to see if it was real. He was willing to let another country use one of their many inmates for the testing. Allowing him to cut a deal if the inmate lived longer then 13 days.

It was just one more life or death in this case. All in the name of justice. However time was not on his side.

Matsuda stood up and pointed out that Light was right here with them so there was no way he could be Kira. After L pointed out the fact that the killings started after they released Misa. That's when Angel cleared her throat and pointed out sadly that Misa and Koneko had been gone for a while and the two females seem to be oddly close as of late.

"Also Ryuzaki there is something else I wanted to tell you about Koneko. She somehow knew my real na-" All the screens flashed, All Data Delete popped up before everything went black on the monitors. Ryuzaki quickly explained that he had ordered Watari to deleted everything if something had happened to him.

L cut off his girlfriend again by asking "Where did the Shinigami go?" His eyes wide and slightly fearful he looked up and called out Watari's name one more time before slowly starting to fall out of his chair. Right before he hit the floor Light caught him and peered into the dying man's cold dark eyes. A smile on his face as he watched the bit of color he had drain away and his eyes closed. A smile he thought no one else had seen.

While some of the Task Force members freaked out thanks to Light and Matsuda. Angel cried for the loss of her beloved. Koneko leaned against the door frame a sadistic smirk on her lips. Seeing Koneko just standing there with a smirk on her lips, Angel snapped she charged full speed at the shorter female. Laughing to herself Zia sidesteps the other girl and trips her. Grabbing onto her shirt she whispers into her ear.

"I'm sorry for everything. I needed you as part of my plan and you did a great job so thank you dearest sister." The other girl tried to fight back, sobbing and pounding the bustier girl's chest. "Shush it's alright I'll take care of you. Just watch and see, also be a dear and get MY Aniki." with that she dropped the other girl. The screens turned back on, but there is nothing to be seen.

The members look around at each other confused until the all white screens start to show color and sound could be heard. Slowly a video feed starts to play. On the screens was an old abandoned house, the address and street clearly seen. Slowly one of the views changed to the inside of the house. There was Misa, her eyes are covered.

Hands and feet were bond behind her back and she was forced to sit on her knees. She was whimpering and crying, asking for help. "REM! ZIA! SOMEONE HELP!" cried out the girl in fright. A few tears could be seen leaking from her cloth bind eyes. While a Man stood over her, a gun in hand while looking around the room then back at his phone intently. Then it happened the man grabbed his chest as the door was kicked open. Slowly he falls to the ground.

Watari walked into the room, his face and eyes showed his concern as he carefully checked the room. Once he was sure everything was clear he checked the unknown man's pulse, there was none. Sighing he quickly helped Misa while asking her basic questions. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Misa replied while sobbing heavily. "He didn't hurt me. I thought he were my new cameraman for this weeks photo shoot."

*Slowly Watari removes Misa's bindings. Carefully he checks her for any wounds. A frown finds its way to his face once he notices the large hand prints that have been left all over her thighs and neck*

"How did this happen?" He asked her gently while trying to help the girl up. Her legs refused to move, so they sat there. She sobbed and wiped at her eyes. Violently her body shook as she retold the events leading up to now.

"He came up to me when I was coming out my dressing room. He introduced himself as Akira the new camera guy. I didn't question it as everyone seemed to not notice anything out of place with him. So we went to work. Afterwards when I was about to head home he stopped me and asked if we could take a few more pictures, as some of them came out fuzzy."

"H-He even showed me the photos! So of course I believed him. He apologized repeatedly and asked how he could make it up to me. I told him to get me a coffee while I changed again. Akira said yes and went off. Once I was done he came back with the coffee and we redid the pictures. However I started to feel very dizzy and everything went black."

"The last thing I remember him saying after I woke up. Was that" She takes a deep shaky breath and tries to calm down. The older gentleman rubs her back endearingly. Trying his best to relax the girl. "Kira had sent him and the new world didn't need a baka goddess"

"Why would Kira be after you child? You have nothing to do with the case anymore. And no one outside of our little group even knows"

Misa bit her lip while thinking. A trait clearly taken from a certain redhead, colorful eyed woman, she had came to adore. "Love is a battle field right you wanted me to call you Zia" Watari's eyes looked into her light brown ones with shock. "Your love never hurt me like his did. Not once did you betray me, you even told me your real name while everyone else thought I was the second Kira. You really trusted me." Watari didn't make a move. He only sat there and listen while the girl spoke her thoughts out loud.

"But Light he....he never cared!" *balls up her fists and hits her thighs* "He made promises and broke them! He told lie after lie. Not once did he kiss or hold me like a true lover would without wanting something done." Her eyes shinning with fresh tears, she shook her head and used her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"Zia....You held me without me ever having to ask or tell you. Whenever I wanted to do something and Light said no, you gladly took up the offer or even took it upon yourself to just do it. You kissed me softly at times and firmly yet lovingly as well"

*Everyone looks at the brown skin girl for a moment before looking back at the screen, however Light doesn't*

Light slowly looked up at Koneko or Zia. Only to see her smiling but her eyes held so much hatred it made the male shiver. He was no longer holding onto L. Angel had long since taken his body away from him. And was currently sobbing while rocking the semi warm corpse.

"You should watch this Light it's very interesting" after saying that Zia looked back at the screen, Light's gaze followed.

*Taking a deep breath Misa continues to talk*

"I'm sure if she was here she'd kiss away my tears and tell me everything would be alright. But I know that it won't be....Because by now Rem probably already killed L for Kira in the hopes that it would save me. I-I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. I never should have listened to Light."

"Are you saying that Light Yagami is Kira?" the gray haired man said firmly as his body shook slightly. Misa nodded her head slowly then said "yes Light is Kira." Turning to the man that was currently trying his best to help her she says. "Do you think Zia......Do you think she'll forgive me?"

And with that the feed shuts off. Light is standing there his mouth open, his eyes bulging as he tried to think of what to do or say. Matsuda was the first to react. Pulling out his gun and aiming at the younger male. Tears of anger pouring from his brown eyes. He didn't waste his breath to question the boy, he now knew that nothing but lies would come from his mouth.

One by one the remaining members cornered Light when he tried to run. However it was his own father that made the arrest. Light was taken away by Mogi and Matsuda who kept his gun aimed at the boy the whole time. (Relax you sweet cinnamon roll, no shooting Light-Kun today) Watari called to inform them that he would be taking Misa Amane in. He also asked about L but only got silence in response.

With Light gone and Misa being held for questioning. Only Yagami Soichiro, Angel and Zia were left to take care of L's body. "I'll make the call so that his body can be removed" Neither girl replied. Angel continues to cry not wanting to let go of the still warm body. "Come now child. You have to let him go." Soichiro tries to plead with the teary eyed girl.

She shakes her head and holds him tighter. Looking over to the only other person in the room he ask her for help. "I know you're mourning but can you give me a hand" Zia said nothing all she did was check her watch. Before walking over to the torn lovers. She looked Angel in the eyes before forcefully taking Ryuzaki from her.

In a fit of rage Angel reached out and tries to slap Zia only to long slim fingers wrap around her wrist. Dark eyes staring at both females, he grunted and crocked out "I got dizzy and everything went black" Gasping Angel looked at the two siblings as they slowly stood up. The aqua green eyed female nearly pushed the shorter girl out the way as she happily hugs L, knocking him back down.

*Hisses and growls at the female before turning her attention to the elder Yagami*

"How is he alive? I thought that Kira?"

"It's a long story"

"We've got time Kone-"

"You may call me Zia, Chief"

Yagami Soichiro smiled as this was the first and probably the only time she referred to him out of respect as Chief.

After informing everyone that he was indeed ALIVE and well. L cut a small deal with Misa, she would give up any Death Notes she owned and testify against Light. For doing this she would get life in jail along with visitation rights and her name would be kept out of the papers. Of course she would also be in a private jail that very few people knew of. The blonde agreed and asked if she could see her beloved Zia. The wavy haired ginger agreed to meet with her.

Misa was happy to be spending her last day of freedom with the person she had came to love rather quickly. Misa went on and on about all the things she wanted to do with the other girl in their next life. Zia only smiled wholeheartedly and listened as they walked over the bridge. Her eyes were closed for only a second but that was enough time for Misa to walk to the edge.

"Zia" she called out lovingly causing the girl to hum with her back on the railing. Screaming is what caused Zia to open her eyes. Looking around she didn't see Misa anywhere, that is until she looked over the railing. There was her blonde friend falling a sad smile on her face as her mouth starts to firm the words "I'm sorry, I love you." Word of the blonde's suicide spread like wildfire. Her body was never found, leaving some to people was didn't die but escaped.

~~6 years later~~

"It's hard to believe that both Light and Misa died without justice being served" Ryuzaki sitting in his signature position spoke. "Why is that?" Zia said while watering some flowers in her large garden. "Tell me, you didn't let Misa go on purpose did you? I know you didn't love her from the bottom of your heart. Not like how she loved you" L questioned as he slowly stood up and picked an apple from the tree he had been "sitting" under.

The wind picked up a bit and blew hard causing red, white, gold and black hairs to dance. L almost regretted asking that question when he looked into normally midnight blue spotted, gold and silver swirling eyes. That were now just silver almost white, a clear sign of saddens that he had long since decoded but never spoke a word to anyone about. "Who knows, maybe I did love her. However even if I did I'd never let her go. She was trying to kill you"

*A car pulls up, a small black haired boy and big bright dark eyes jumps out and rushes over to the house*

The ravenette nodded as he watched his son getting out the car. The boy ran happily through the gate, followed by his Mother who walked shyly behind him. L crouched down ready to scoop up his son. Only to have the boy run right pass him. Zane also known as Z happily tackle hugged his auntie. "I've missed you! When are you coming to visit us again? Did you get a new cat? Can I play with it? Want to build something with me"

Angel giggled while taking in the sight of a pouting L as he was ignored by his own son. "We can clearly see whose his favorite" She said with a giggle as she kissed her husband's cheek. This only made L pout more before going emotionless. "Come on Z, we have to go, we can't miss our flight" nodding and saying yes. The boy gave his auntie one last hug and nuzzled her cheek before running off again. "Bye Koneko" Said Angel as she took hold of her son's hand.

The female nodded and turned her back going over to her favorite tree. "Do you think if Misa is alive that she will ever come back?" L said while walking away slowly yet waiting for an answer. "I feel her all around us Aniki" Zia says with a small smile. Turning around and walking over to the girl, he wraps his arms around her which catches her off guard. "You know you can always come back home Osanai imōto"

She hugged him back. "Home is where the heart is. Keep me there and never forget me. I'll always be home, now go before your wife gets jealous" smiling he turns away and heads to the car.

Zia watches at the car slowly drives away. Once the car is gone she sits down under her tree. Her eyes closed a smile on her face and an apple in her hand. She throws the apple into the air, only to have it disappear.

"Haha, Koneko. Why don't you keep my book? And not just a page? You're one interesting woman and dangerous too" Ryuk says while laying with his head resting on the female's thigh. She looks down and says nothing. "You never did tell me what really happened to Misa and Rem" again no reply only a smile and chuckle. "Come on give me something here" Ryuk stood and took an apple. Biting into it he sat next to the girl offering her a bite. This touched her so she replied to the shinigami she had befriended. "Well like I said, I feel her *stands up and turns towards the tree. Places her forehead against it* all around us"

Her eyes closed, her mind replayed the screams, begging, crying, moans of pain and agony. And of course the blood that leaked from old and new orifice in the girl's body.

With a smile she gently brings her lips to the tree, kissing it lovingly as if it was a small child. Eyes flash a deep mixture of red and gold as she whispers.

"I'll protect what's mines no matter what the cost might be"

Love Hurts doesn't it?

NEW RECORD 7164 WORDS! And there might be another part to this! No idea yet. It took a while to get out mainly cause I took a much needed gaming break yesterday! Well I hope whomever reads this enjoys it. I know I loved writing it hehe

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