Mist on the Moon

By tomboylatte

440K 21.6K 1.1K

She was the favored daughter of a medieval lord. He was a wealthy prince, a girl's dream. No one thought he w... More

"There's more to love than that"
"If you love someone, go with your heart."
Getting ready to be chosen
Cara and the prince
"He wants you!"
He will miss her when she's gone
Not a hot blooded peasant
A secret kiss
Invitation from the prince
What happened in the forest
He has feelings too
His ball for her
A special moment for both
Surprise! He is coming
Lurking danger
Taken captive
To die for her?
The girl in the window
His attempt to rescue her
"Oooohhhh," she moaned
"Oh, my God!"
She stood over him
A special knight
She had to see him
Her great happiness?
"I know many girls."
Danger/another woman
"I love you"
The weaker sex?
What she feels for him
Women fighting back
No! Not him!
Awakening hope
"Stop! Don't say it!"
Angry with him?
She Makes up Her Mind
"I will make you happy"
"I think it will be good."
What she said, right or wrong
"My love for you is. . ."
She would give herself to him
Ready for love
"You are so beautiful"
Waking up with a man, and. . .
A night for love
Joy, followed by. . .
A new life
She doesn't want him to
It's my baby
She knew what she wanted to do
She would be brave
Is something wrong?
It's her time!
He's coming!
An angry woman
A little child
Not what they expected!
Come back!
Advice for Cara--a good idea?
A special night
Good news and bad news
A girl in love
Captured by the enemy
A love so strong
How could this have happened?
A love strong enough?
Just for fun
"Trent! Oh, no!!!
A noble woman
Too young?
Joy, and an Omen
What men do that causes women grief
She has to do something!
Don't do it. Don't go!
Something she should not do
Hope for the best
Not in a good place
Some hope for her
Can she? Should she?
She gives her best
Never! She would die first!
She knows it's because of her
To hold onto life
That girl! and Justin
Justin, and what she didn't say
They talk it out
Making up
Together, at last
Getting ready to party
A celebration!
Dancing fun--and worry
"Dear, I know what you're thinking."
A wedding preparation surprise
The marriage difference?
What Trent didn't say
Not ready for this
He's brave to stay with her
No, Kirah, he's not coming home.
They want him
Let's have fun!

The coming of the prince

15.3K 686 37
By tomboylatte

She had a good vantage point, and could look out on the people. Almost immediately, the servers came to attend to them. Cara took the opportunity to survey the crowd. Certainly there were more royalty present than she had ever seen in her father's great hall. Was there someone there she would be happy to take her hand?

"Look at him," said Evie, pointing toward a quite young man at the table to the right.

"Handsome, I admit with his fitted forest green vest and shock of dark hair, but hardly old enough to be a knight."

"Yes, but one of the two men next to him could be his father."

Cara barely glanced at them. "Both look too old for me," she said, shaking her head.

The stewards brought their food, taking any requests for special preferences, and soon nobles as well as knights and their ladies were enjoying the repast. During the dinner, Cara had seen men looking at her in what could only be called interest. She tried not to return their gaze, but instead wanted to give the impression that in her enjoyment of the dinner and her family she didn't notice their lingering glances. Nevertheless, she was growing a bit uneasy knowing she would soon be sought at the upcoming dance.

In time, the feast was over. Her father made one more announcement, and immediately afterwards the stewards moved the tables to the back and brought forward the chairs. The dining hall was quickly changed to a dancing hall. The musicians, who had been quietly warming up, burst into a special song requested by her father. Cara knew that the first dance was to be with him. He took her hand and led her proudly to the dance floor.

Of course she knew the song, it was his favorite, and she had danced it with him before. This time, she knew all eyes would be on her. She took courage in looking into her father's eyes. He seemed so proud of her, and as he led her in the waltz, she suddenly lost her self-consciousness. She was a girl dancing with her father, and she allowed herself to move unrestrained and free. Her father enjoyed it. He had a big smile on his face, and when the song ended he put his arm around her shoulder and told her, "My little girl is so all grown up, and how well you dance!"

"Father, you are the best," she told him.

"I'll go back, but stay," he told her, "for a knight or even a prince will come for you."

A new song was begun by the musicians, and people began moving to the dance floor. Cara stood there, wondering if her father were right, but only for a moment as a regally attired man came across the floor directly to where she stood. "My lady," he said, bowing. "I am Count Alexander von Stauffenberg of the Duchy of Swabia. "May I have the honor of this dance?"

She took a moment to study him before answering. Not young, but not bad looking either. He gave every appearance of being gentlemanly and polished. On second thought, he should be; he could be as much as twice her age. "Of course," she answered, taking his hand.

By now, the floor was filling up with people all stepping to the music. For her part, Cara found the count to be an excellent dancer, though his smile was starting to get to her. Why was he smiling so much? Finally, he spoke.

"My lady, do you know of Swabia?"

She had some knowledge of the place, to be sure. "Yes, I know something of it though I have not been there."

He continued to dance with her while talking, not missing a step. "Then you know that we are not far in distance, and that though not a vast, powerful kingdom, we have a large number of knights, a strong wall, and fertile lands."

Cara thought she could see immediately where this was going. "I see," she said, as if she were interested. What she really wanted to know, but was afraid to ask, was why he had waited so long, if he was indeed thinking of her in the marriage way. Or, had perhaps his first wife died?

"Yes, close enough to make it here in a few hours," he added.

The melody now ending, Cara curtsied to him as he bowed slightly to her. "Thank you," she said, turning toward her table. He led her back, bowed again, and left, still with that smile.

She sat out the next one out, one of many who did so. Her head felt full of unfocused ideas, but she looked out on the floor watching the swirl of gowns and jackets. Then, she picked out Evie. Was she dancing with the boy she had pointed out to her before—the youth with the handsome looks and almost princely manner? Leaning forward she followed their movements. Yes, she thought, he was the one. The young man escorted Evie back, bowing toward her as she took her seat next to her sister. Cara saw that she was smiling as he left her and so was he.

Evie hardly waited for the youth to depart before leaning over to her sister and excitedly saying, "He's the one I told you about. Isn't he magnificent?"

Cara thought back to what she had said before, Ah, she thought. Then the man she had danced with was his father. "I should have remembered his face," she said to her sister,

"Of course. It was his father you danced with."

Cara knew that but asked, "Do you know anything about him?"

"He's two years older than me, has a younger sister, trains a lot, and likes to hunt with his falcon. He. . ."

"No, Evie. I mean his father."

"Oh, him. We didn't talk about him. I think he's rich with a huge domain."

After several more dances, one with Alexander and a few with other men, Cara was tiring of the whole affair. She tried to leave discretely, telling Evie she would be right back. She wanted fresh air and quietly left the hall to go to the balcony where she could look out over the manor. She heard the sound of fast moving horses and then that of men who stridently requested entrance. She overheard a frantic sounding discussion at the gate. Then, three men on horseback quickly trotted into the courtyard and headed toward the stable.

They didn't waste any time getting to the hall where the dance was going on, and by the time they were there Cara was back in her chair. She didn't want to miss what they might say. One of them went directly to the musicians, and they quickly set down their instruments. Another went to her father who immediately stood up to talk to him. Although she couldn't hear what was said, Cara saw the sudden change in her father's face. From his relaxed appearance of content and enjoyment, his face suddenly took on a troubled look. But only for a moment. Standing tall, he lifted his voice to address the crowd.

"Nobles, knights, ladies and gentlemen. I have just been informed that the barbarous Magyars are now in position to attack our fortress. Help is on the way, but we need to prepare. Ivan here will tell us what we need to do."

The messenger, Ivan, addressed the hall. "A large contingent of knights has been dispatched from Bavaria. They will soon be arriving to help withstand a Magyar attack. In the meantime, the prince has ordered that all fighting men must go to the walls, bearing both arms and lanterns. The lanterns will show the enemy that we are ready, and should cause them to have second thoughts of carrying out their assault. We know this of the Magyars; they prefer to attack by surprise, and will often refrain from a battle if their enemy is prepared. All men are to go to the walls and all women and children must remain safe within their quarters."

At the announcement there arose a bevy of voices, most people wanting more information. But Ivan didn't stay. He and his two companions quickly exited the hall.

Cara was not happy that she and all the other women were directed, commanded, to remain out of sight in the safety of their quarters. She knew from history that women had often been important in protecting their fortress, if only to put out fires or to throw boiling oil on those attempting to scale the walls. She spoke to Evie. "Evie, who does this man think he is that we women are to be practically confined to our rooms?"

Evie shrugged, acknowledging that she didn't know. Cara saw fear in her eyes. "For me," said Evie, "I'm happy to go to our apartment, hopefully out of danger."

Cara turned away from her, and saw people moving in every direction from the hall. Then, she heard discordant clamor coming from the direction of the courtyard. She rushed to the balcony to look out and saw at least thirty knights wearing distinctive cuirasses . Already, most had removed their helmets, and by the light of the torches she saw one face that she thought looked familiar. Yes, she had seen him before. But where? Then she remembered the jousts. He was the one whose helmet fell. Now she knew. The prince.

Will he be the one to save her people? The one to capture her heart? Much more is coming. Hope you liked this part. 

Cuirass:  Armor covering the body from neck to waist

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