Second Chances (A Jensen Ackl...

By MaidOfMischief04

38K 1.2K 84

Jensen Ackles notices the girl he has seen hanging around the last couple of weeks tryin to sleep on the park... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty (SMUT M Rated Chapter)
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Ten

1K 38 0
By MaidOfMischief04

Jensen and Jared were due home this afternoon and I had decided I wanted to make us all a meal and when I asked Gen what I should make she said enchiladas were one of the guys favorite. So after we had tidied around we headed to the grocery store.

"Are you sure enchiladas will be okay? I can cook something...more."

"Honestly they will love them."

"Okay doke." I smiled picking up the first few ingredients. "Do we need anything else while we are here?"

"Nope, since were leaving tomorrow morning there is no sense in buying anything." My stomach flopped. I hadn't even thought that they would be going back when they had finished filming. How could that not cross my mind.

"Right of course." I flashed a weak smile. I grabbed the last items I needed and we headed to the checkout.

"There they are." Gen said pointing to the guys as they exited gate 43 Gen ran up to Jared while Jensen approached me.

"Hey you. How was the flight?" I asked. Hugging him.

"Slept almost the entire flight." Jensen Replied. "Are you okay?" He asked I simply nodded. He gave me a look that said are you telling me the truth.

"I'm fine honest. Anyway I have dinner in the oven so we need to hurry back." I told him and we headed off to get the guys luggage. Dinner was pretty much ready by the time we got in so it was the case of the guys freshened up while I served and Gen laid the table.

Once we had finished dinner Gen and Jared cleared the table and Jensen pulled me aside. "Can we talk?" Jensen asked. I nodded. "Lets go for a walk?" Another nod and I grabbed my coat and followed Jensen outside.

We were walking in silence a long while before Jensen Piped up. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Of course why wouldn't I be?"

"Well uh what did you mean the other night on the phone?"

"Oh that it's nothing honest."

"Demi please talk to me, why would you think you were a project?" He asked with pleading eyes. I sighed.

"It's just earlier that night I over heard Gen talking to Jared on the phone and she said I seemed fragile and a little broken. Is that why you helped me? Because you thought I was a fragile broken girl and you needed to fix me?"

"What no! I don't see you like that at all, in fact when I look at you." He stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes I see such strength. Demo you've been through such a hard time and you are still standing here and to me that is brave and strong. I admire that about you." Hos left hand reached up and stroked my cheek as he flashed me a sweet smile. Letting me go he said. "I'm sorry you hear Gen say that I don't know why she said it. I guess she doesn't see you the way I do."

"I'm not strong, I'm so lost and scared and by this time tomorrow I will be all alone again." I said quickly evading Jensen's gaze.

"Gen?" Jensen asked I nodded.

"You know it hasn't once occurred to me that you would have to go back home when you'd finished filming and I would be back on the streets alone." I saw the sad look on Jensen's face. "It's okay I'll be fine. You've already done so much-"

"Demi." He held his hand over my mouth to stop me rambling on. "That is something I wanted to talk to you about." He let out a deep sigh. "I haven't stopped thinking about it wondering what you would do and so I decided I want you to come with me."

"Jensen....I can't do that. I appreciate the offer I really do but I just can't follow you around like a lost puppy. It just wouldn't feel right." Jensen let out a deep sigh.

"I can't just go home and leave you out here again," He shook his head.

"I'm not your responsibility Jensen. I'll be fine but you have your own life to lead. I'll look for some hostels tonight and will be out of your hair by morning. Don't worry about me."

"No see I can;t do that because I will worry about you. I'll figure it out. Come on lets get back it's getting cold."

When we got inside I borrowed his laptop and took it up to my room to search for hostels. I ad been searching for only ten minutes when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Gen popped her head through the door.

"Hey can we talk?"

"Sure whats up?" I replied continuing my search.

"Jensen told me you heard me on the phone the other night." I looked up feeling slightly embarrassed. "I'm so sorry I had no right to say those things."

"You're entitled to your opinion and don't let Jensen make you think your opinion is wrong."

"But my opinion is wrong. I don't think your broken."

"No I'm not but you are right about me being lost. I don't belong anywhere, but I'm not broken."

"I get that now. You are far from broken."

"Thanks I appreciate you saying that." I said.

She flashed a smile at me before adding "I wish you would accept Jensen's offer."

"He told you?" She nodded. "I appreciate the offer but following him jut feels wrong. It's not that I don't want to but I just feel I shouldn't. I'll be fine, I'm looking at hostels now. If I could just find somewhere to love them I could find a job and then I could start getting back on the right track."

"I'm sure you will get there. Well I'll let you get back to your search I just wanted to apologize."

"Thanks." I smiled as she took her leave.

A further fifteen minutes had passed when another Knock came at the door.

"Come in." I called and this time it was Jensen. "Whats up?"

"Just wanted to tell you the good news."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I've just canceled my flight home."

"What why?"

"Gen told me what you said about finding a place to live and getting on track and she gave me an idea."

"what's that?"

"I'm staying here, so are you." he said closing the laptop. "I;m going to help you get back on tack before I go back home. It's the only way I can feel right about leaving you is if I know you're okay."

"Jensen you-"

"Don't need to worry about you, I know you keep saying that but you gotta realize by now that's never going to happen. I do worry and I will continue to worry. I understand you don't feel right about coming with me, but I don't feel right just leaving you behind so if I know you have a place to stay and a job I will feel much better about it."

"No matter what I say you are going to stay aren't you?" He nodded.

"Okay well thank you. When I get back on track I will pay you back somehow for all you have done for me."

"I don't want anything back, I just want you to be happy and safe."

"You're too kind, you will never know how much I appreciate this."

"I know you do." He smiled. "Now get some sleep we got job hunting to do tomorrow." He took the laptop and took his leave.


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