Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

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Moon God
Girls Night Out
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Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
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Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
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Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.


93 4 27
By ziakitty

He had met her years ago though she did not know it was him. His face was still hidden behind a computer screen back then. When they worked on theL.A.B.B murder cases. Now here they were again working together on another case, the Kira case. She was sitting there listening intently to every word that came out of his mouth. Admiration shining in her eyes for him. As he retold the B.B case from his point of view.

Now he wasn't bragging or anything, just stating simple facts and observing the female closely. Her laugh or giggles, the way her lovely aqua green eyes shined in the light. The way her ivory skin hand reached out and gently wiped a crumb from the corner of his mouth. Wait she's touching me again. He stiffen for a moment before blinking and relaxing.

That's the second time she's ever touched me. The chances of her doing that again is around 85% if I eat another cookie. Dang to bad I already ate them all. Placing his finger up to his lip L started to think about ways he could get the girl to notice his feelings for her or how he could express his. He had long since learned how to control his emotions and lock them away.

Now he found himself wishing that he had not. Yes he is the worlds top three greatest detectives, but when it came to being social especially when dealing with the opposite sex, the man was clueless. However for this girl he was more then willing to try. She was different from the others, with her long white hair, that has just a bit of light grey woven into it. High intelligence nearly as high as his own.

He could learn a thing or two from this girl, as her social skills are much higher than his own. As shown when she had to deal with Misa being the annoying little creature she normally is. For some reason the blonde had been trying to talk to L all day. And all day he had been ignoring her. The male had better things to do then answer her silly questions and be followed around like some kind of lovesick puppy by her.

How Light dealt with such an annoying female clinging to his arm everyday was beyond him. Sure she is an "attractive" model, but that was only when she could keep her mouth shut. Rubbing his temples he was about to ask someone to make Misa be quiet. When the 5 foot 4 female, came walking in holding a box, with Matsuda holding the door for her. She spoke softly yet with authority to the light brown eyed girl.

"Ms. Misa, it is quite rude to get in the way of someone when they're working. You wouldn't like it if someone kept poking and questioning you when you're trying to work now would you? Or if they were trying to shamelessly flirt with Light-san right?" Gasping the pig tailed girl looked at the taller female and then frowned slightly. "SOMEONE'S BEEN FLIRTING WITH MY LIGHT?" 

Shrugging her shoulders she replies "I never said that. I simply stated that you *taps her foot* would not like it. Which you're proving right now with the little fit you're having. Then again a lot of girls think he's cute. So maybe you should go check on him" Misa thought for a moment a small frown gracing her features before she looked at the girl then back at Ryuzaki. She looked like she wanted to say something to the male but decided against.

"You're right Lily, I wouldn't like that at all! Come along Matsu it's time for my photo shoot" stated the girl while dragging the older male away with her. A or Lily shook her head and giggled softly before turning her attention to the ravenette. "You saved me, how can I repay you?" L asked while still rubbing his aching temples. Walking over to a nearby table A sat down the box she had in her hands. 

"Well you can start by having a seat over there" L nodded and took a seat at the table. His knees up to his chest, hands on his knees as he eyed that box of unknown goodies. That came from his favorite and only sister. Without a word the female walked over to the slightly taller male and gently rubbed his temples. The softness of her touch started to melt away his troubles. His body was still tense as he was not use to being touched by anyone besides Watari, Koneko or himself.

As his eyes traveled from the empty box that once held, a baker's dozen of cookies, six cupcakes, nine different type of tarts and one specially made red velvet strawberry cream shortcake. "Is something wrong Ryuzaki?" The white and grey haired girl asked while gently placing her hand on Ryuzaki's cheek to turn his head towards hers. He shuddered slightly under her touch, but said nothing. The male had no idea what to say or do.

All he knew was that he wanted her more then anything he had wanted in his whole life. For once he wanted something for himself. Something or someone he could say he had gotten on his own as himself and not as the world's most famous detective. But how could he get her to notice him and would she accept his feelings?People often forgot that he too is human, he too gets lonely at times and yearn for the touch of another.

It was very easy to tell the female had some kind of feelings for the male. She was often seen watching him with a small smile on her face, or running errands with Watari for him. And though no one noticed, she was very jealous of Misa as she pretty much clung to her beloved Ryuzak. She really wanted to be with him, but she knew that her chances were nonexistent. He was busy with cases and had little to no time for silly things like romance. Is what her mind would tell her, sometimes even going as far as to torture her by reminding her of how easily she had been hurt and that he could do the same, he is male after all.

Her eyes scanned his face as she kept her hand on his cheek. What could be going on in that mind of his to make him this distracted? Did she do something wrong? Was she touching him to much and making him feel uncomfortable? Yes she has a huge crush on him but never had she been this touchy with him before. Slowly she removed her hand from his face and whispered a small "sorry" before getting up and trying to head out the room.

Immediately his hand grabs her wrist. His deep dark eyes look into her seemingly green orbs. No words are exchanged as two look into each other's eyes. They both open their mouths to speak when the sound of arguing and the door opening stops them. It seems their alone time has come to an end, much to soon for both of their liking. As the door opens L quickly lets go of Lily's wrist.

Lily blushed deeply, her fingers gently tracing  her wrist, while turning her head towards the door. 

"Really Light? That's all you have to say for yourself?

"What else do you want me to say Koneko? *sighs and looks at her pleadingly* It wasn't my fault"

"You better hope to whatever GOD you might believe in that I forget this or Misa doesn't find out. Or else she's going to go all second Kira on my arse and kill me. Which means that I'll be haunting you for the rest of-"

"Misa is not KIRA! She's to stupid" *stops closely to the female, placing his hands on her shoulders*

"Says the FIRST FUCKING KIRA" The light brown haired male and flaming multi streaked haired female quarreled with each other, until Ryuzaki and Angel aka A/Lily spoke to them in unison asking what happen. The female could not be seen as Light entered the room first and was standing in front of her with his back to them. He turned a deep blush on his face as stepped aside letting Zia in.

*a look of longing was in his brown eyes as he watched the female walk pass him*

Angel rise an eyebrow while looking at the older yet shorter girl. Her clothes were ripped to shreds and she had a few scratches on her chest, neck and left cheek. L turned in his chair to look at the two that had entered. Upon seeing "his" Zia tattered clothes and scratchy appearance, he gripped hard onto his shins to stop himself from shaking. She looked like she had been victimized. Taking a few deep breaths he calmed himself, on the outside he looked emotionless on the inside he was enraged.

The both girls noticed the slight change in the dark orb male. With a sigh Zia looked between her Ryuzaki and his female counter part. "Nothing happened really. It was an accident" said Light while gazing at the brown skin female.

"Yes, nothing happened, cause kissing me in front of all your fucking crazed fan girls is an accident" *sighs and shakes her head*  "And why was Light here the person that picked me up anyways? Where was Watari or Matsu, hell even you could have gotten me Ryu-Ryu?" 

*hands on her hips, head tilted to the side, one eyebrow cocked*

"If you must know. I came on my own." Light stated angrily. "Oh thank Kami! For that. I didn't need nor did I want the image of My Ryuzaki giving you a handy IAMGAY" The multicolor eyed girl says with a laugh. "Hey eyes up here Light. I might be short but I'm not that damn short!"

L eyed Light before looking over to Zia. It was then that it dawned on him. What he could do to win his lady friend's affection. However he didn't know how to go about it yet. Standing up Ryuzaki slowly walked towards Koneko.

Seeing the male coming towards her the scarlette narrowed her eyes at him then at his crush before smirking devilishly. "Stay here for a moment Light. We'll be leaving again as soon as I get a change of clothes." With a nod of his head the brown eyed male stayed near the door *mumbles and groans about the female being a tease* while Zia and Ryuzaki left to L's room. The light grey and white haired girl hid her jealousy well as she watched the unknown girl being lead by Ryuzaki upstairs.

Light had tried talking to the other girl, but got no replies as she was lost in her own little world. That is until he touched her shoulder and asked if she was okay. Unknown to her a single tear had been shed by her eye. He went to wipe it off when a hand roughly slapped his away from her. Long pale slim fingers gently wiped her tear away as dark eyes bore into hers.

Making her way downstairs, now wearing an over sized white shirt, the other female watched as L and Angel stared at each other intently. She wasn't going to say a thing until the green eyed female spoke to her. "Is everything alright now?" the female asked while eyeing the shorter girl closely. "Yep everything is just fine. Let's go Iamgay."

"Don't call me that!" the male said with a sigh. Laughing as she pushed the taller boy out of the door she stops and waves over L. She whispered something in his ear that made him smile softly and nod his head. Leaning up she kissed his cheek and left, leaving both Angel and L wide eyed. During the short kiss she slipped a box into his pocket."There is a nine percent chance that Watari or myself will have to bail her out of jail tonight. She's only physical affectionate when she's up to something."

"What is she planning to do and why has Light been catering to her every whim lately?" mumbled the black haired man. His thoughts going back to the chat he had with Zia and what she just told him. Her words had encouraged him greatly. "You're always risking your life, even with love, cause that too is a battle field"

"Shall we get back to work Ryuzaki?" The male had almost forgotten that the female was there. She was standing there quietly observing him. "Yes we should. I'll go over the video surveillance from the last 24 hours. Can you go over the files that Yagami-San brung in earlier?" voice monotone and serious asked the soft spoken female. Nodding she went right to work, however there was a question that went unspoken in her eyes. Who was that girl?

They had been working for hours neither saying a word to the other. The Task Force members coming and going as they picked up files or dropped them off. There was an odd tension in the air that no one wanted to bring up and it seem to radiate from the white haired female. She had been having a great day, she got to spend a lot of alone time with L. He let her touch him and he even touched her. Remembering the feel of his fingers ghosting over her cheek caused the girl to shiver.

That shiver didn't go unnoticed by the older male. He had noticed the change in Angel when Koneko had came over and the look of anger in her eyes when he was kissed. And he didn't like it, he didn't like seeing her upset at all. So once the task members were all gone, L put his plan into action. He'd have to work quickly for this to work, if not he would lose his only chance.

Quietly he moved from his chair and made his way over to the very distracted grumpy female. Placed a box of strawberry Pocky on the table in front of her and got to work. Reading file after file the female sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Before jumping slightly in surprise. When did he get down there? There was her crush on his knees trying to removing her shoes. "These things are evil, I don't see why people even wear them"

L said while he slowly removed her right shoe. "W-What are you doing?" she says while a pink tint forming onto her cheeks. "While you were reading the files, I figured I'd help you relax" her eyes soften as she looked down at him "You don't have to. I'm fine" He removed her left shoes and looked up at her. "I can give you a massage as well. It's the least I can do to atone for my sins"

"Sins? What sins?" Angel asked in confusion. "I'm actually pretty good at this" Without waiting to hear the girl's reply he started to gently massage, causing the girl to giggle and blush deeply. Slowly she started to relax as the tension she was feeling disappeared. Her earlier dark thoughts were miles away. Only this moment mattered. It was her and him and he was paying attention to her and her needs. Yes letting another girl kiss me in front of you twice now, is a sin in my eyes

Sighing happily she relaxed more and closed her eyes. After about fifteen minutes the sound of a wrapper opening made the female open an eye lazily. L had one hand still rubbing her feet randomly while the other one held something to her lips. Focusing on it she noticed that it was a Strawberry Pocky stick, her favorite treat. Tucking a bit of her hair behind her ear, she blushed and shyly leans forward, taking the small treat from his fingers with her lips. Slowly she leans back and nibbles away at it.

This is going better then I thought it would. Angel is relaxed now, it's almost time to put my other plan in action. Moving carefully he let his hands roam up her soft ivory toned legs. The girl's eyes snapped open when she felt his slim fingers and large hands on her knees. He had worked his way up, almost under her dress to her thighs without her noticing, but he had stopped at her knees and waited for her to say something.

There was the slightest bit of emotion in his eyes as he stared into hers. "Would you like another Pocky?" He asked her reaching for the box and taking out a stick. Again without waiting for the girl to reply he offered the treat to her. Holding it up to those soft pink lips. That he was dying on the inside to kiss. With ease the girl took the treat from him and happily ate it.

This is the best day ever! What could go wrong? Just as she was enjoying herself the phone rang. "Yes, that's prefect I'll leave it to you then. Just be safe" Is that a female's voice that I hear. It's that girl from earlier. Who is she anyways to him? "Everything is fine imōto" Wait did he say imōto. She's his little sister?

The girl hid her face in shame. How could she get so worked up over a little kiss. Yes she didn't know at the time that Koneko was or is his sister. They look nothing alike! She's like his complete opposite.

That's when it came to her, they were both adopted by Watari or Ryuzaki had adopted her as his younger sister. Any feelings for the female was purely that of siblings, nothing more. She had been jealous for nothing. Letting out a sigh of relief the female turned her attention to the snacks that were left on the table.

However her sigh and slightly gloomy look didn't go unnoticed. Sitting in his normal position with his toes rubbing each other. The male leaned in close to the female leaving little to no personal space. "Ryuz-" Her words were cut off as Ryuzaki closed the "gap" and kissed her cheek gently. Angel gasped softly as she touched her cheek.

"Is that helping?" *aqua green orbs widen slightly*  "I want to help you feel better, like you did for me earlier" Ryuzaki said huskily in her ear. His hand reached out and took the box of treats off the table. Carefully he pulled out one and placed it into her slightly parted lips. Dark eyes watched her lips hungrily as his hands went back to massaging her, this time it was randomly.

Unsure of what to do with herself she slowly let herself slip back into a state of relaxation. Ryuzaki is right he is quite good at this. He has been so nice to me today, all because I rubbed his temples and got Misa to leave him alone? I might have to do that more often. Or is it he noticed my feelings for him? But I've kept them so well hidden.

I can't believe he's massaging me and that he kissed my cheek. This is a side of him I'd like to get to know more. While the green eyed girl was lost in her thoughts L had taken out the last pocky. "Oh this seems to be the last one. I was hoping to have one myself." Hearing his monotone voice the younger female blinked then smiled. "You can have it. I don't mind" Placing his finger up to his lip he nods.

"No I think we should share it. If that is alright with you" *turns her body to the side, back resting on the arm of the couch, knees up to her chest, eyes glued onto the box*

"O-Of course we can" He smiled at her and place the strawberry coated side on her lips. Slightly confused the girl parted her lips. Giving the male a look that said I thought we were going to share. Angel was taken back when L slowly spreads her legs and crawls between them. Moving his hands up her body to gently hold her hips and latched his pale lips onto the other end of the stick. 

Being careful not to break it, he slowly nibbled away at his end. Watching as a deep blush started to cover her cheeks. As he got closer and closer to his goal the color of her cheeks got darker and darker. Before either of them knew it they were kissing. It was simple yet sweet. The girl's eyes fluttered shut as she enjoyed the feel of his lips on her own.

Pulling away just enough for both of them to get air and still have their lips touch. The raven haired male asked. "Is that helping?" *thumbs making small circles on her hips, back arching at his touch*  "Y-Yes" *gently pecks her lips*  "Can I help you to relax more?" He says while letting his hands move up and under her white with gold trim dress.

She couldn't reply even if she wanted to. Her lips were captured again by the man she adored, her body started to yearn for his touch more and more. Before she knew it she was letting out soft moans and whimpers of pleasure that only encouraged the male even more. He didn't lick at her bottom lip to ask for entrance, oh no he used his oddly very skilled tongue to slip pass her lips and teeth gently. His tongue danced and swirled with her own, both of them could taste the sweetness of the pocky on the others tongue.

As their tongues continued to dance their lungs screamed at them for air. Parting they panted hard and heavy taking in air as quickly as possible. "Thank *pants* you *heavy breathing* for sharing *panting softly* with me" The young woman did not reply, her mind was still blown by what had just happened. His hands were still moving along her sides and back causing the girl to shiver. Resting his forehead against hers the male spoke.

"There is a five percent chance that you have the same feelings as I do. And if that is the case, I'd like very much so to atone for my sins Angel." The girl had been holding her breath without knowing as she listened to his words. He had feelings for her? They're feelings are the same? Smiling she cups his face and kisses him deeply. That kiss sent a shock wave of pleasure through L's body, causing him to grunt against her lips and his hips to buck.

*Gasps and moans, arches her back, large pale hands bring her in closer, slim legs wraps around his waist loose*

Nibbling on her bottom lip, he kissed down her chin, down her neck, stopping at her collarbone. Painfully slowly he let his lips go over every inch of her neck until he found that one spot that made her whimper loudly. Upon finding that spot he attacked with the same feverish delight he takes in eating his sweets. Hips now bucking and grinding on their own with every sweet, sexy dirty sound that came from the white and grey haired girl's mouth. He was having a very hard time controlling himself, there was a plan he had in mind and taking her here on the couch was not part of it.

However plans do change. So as they grind and kiss. L let his mind shut off for once and let the pure bliss of her touch take him over. He moaned huskily in her ear as her small hands moved over his toned chest. Quickly he removed his shirt and looked down at her. His dark orbs looking into her aqua green ones.

Breathing heavily, her eyes half lidded as she looked up into his sexy eyes. She let out a small whimper then a gasp as she felt him grinding harder and faster against her very moist clothed sex. The bulge in his jeans had grown quickly and begged to be released, the friction felt nice but she would feel so much better. His lips found their way back to her spot as he gave one more hard buck causing the female to moan loudly.

*gasp, grunts, Oohahh, mmm, moans, heavy breathing, body shivering*

She had climax and quite hard, judging from the very large wet spot that was left on L's jeans. Chuckling in his mind, the man slipped his hand over her right thigh and wiped up some of the juices the leaked through her panties. Bringing that finger up to his mouth he licked it clean and moaned at her taste. Oh fuck was she sweet and he'd be damned if he didn't get a better taste. Keeping his eyes locked onto her face he slowly hooked his finger into her panties and moved them with one quick tug.

"I want to try something. Do you mind?" Her hands moved to stop his, this confused the male for a moment. Had his question put her off? He really hoped not, if so there would be no coming back after that. Until she moved her hands to take her panties fully off and fling them across the room. Taking that as an okay to keep going, the ravenette lowered his head down while gently pulling her right leg up and onto his shoulder.

His tongue flicked over her soft flesh, lapping up the trail that her juices had made. His teeth grazed her soft thighs with just the right amount of pressure to cause mini waves of pleasure go through her body. Going slowly he watched carefully for any signs of her wanting him to stop, that is until his nose rubbed against her clit. *gasp, ahh, shivers*  Carefully with his tongue he rubbed that small bundle of nerves.

This action caused a whole new wave of ahhs and Ohs from his lady friend. Small fingers entangled into black locks as Angel tries not to buck her hips. The pleasure he was giving her with just his tongue was to great. *panting, moans, grunts, slurping, tongue swirling, flicking* She started to cry out loudly as bliss took her over. Her hips were wriggling, so he gently grabbed her other leg, lifted her enough for him to hold onto her butt, carefully moved them both so that he was laying on his back and she was straddling his face. If she was going to wriggle so much it might as well be put to good use.

Almost immediately after the change in position the girl started to ride his face. Moaning and rolling her hips, his hand moved up to give her butt a nice slap and grope. That sent her over the edge, feeling her thighs tighten around him, he knew she was close to cumming. He grabbed her hips and pulled her as close to him as possible, holding her in place so she couldn't escape his deadly skilled muscle. His tongue work feverishly bringing her another hard hitting climax. Greedily he licks, sucked and swallowed her juices.

Making sure he cleaned up every inch of her before rubbing her back signaling that he wanted to get up. L sighed and whimpered as the bulge in his jeans was getting harder and a lot more painful. Seeing her beloved L in pain Lily kissed him deeply and begins to reach into his jeans. Feeling her hand ghost over his bulge he sucked in air and bit his lip before saying in a shaky voice. "You don't have to do that. I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel everyday. There is a 100 percent ch-" 

*continues to gently take his sex out of his jeans, slowly pumps it*

The feeling of her warmth wrapping around him caused L to stop mid-sentence. *grunts huskily* Slowly her virgin walls were stretched *gasps and pants heavily, whimpers in pain* by his well endowed manhood. She let out a shaky sob and tried to be as still as she could, she had put him into her fully and she could feel her walls tearing slightly. Clinging onto him she buried her face into his neck. 

*Rubs small circles on her back while shushing her gently in a comforting way*

L lovingly wipes away the tears that came from her eyes. Though he didn't speak the words as he rested his forehead against hers, his eyes said many things. Mainly just how much he felt honored to be hers, being her first and hopefully her only made him so very happy. He knew that he loved her, he had always known, he just didn't know how to express it until now. Tell me what you want me to do, his eyes said.

Bringing her lips to his, she slowly started to move her hips. After a few minutes of her slowly rocking L joined in with his own slow movements, thrusting his hips up slowly in time with hers making sure not to hurt her anymore. A soft moan comes from her lips as she started to speed up just a bit. His hands moved to her hips to help her move along his lengthy sex. She's in control is what he told himself so he wouldn't flip them over and plow into her with all the fury he was holding back.

As her movements became more frantic, her moans and cries of pleasure got louder. L found himself bucking into her harder and faster. Only the sounds of their heated session could be heard. *Skin slapping against skin, sloppy wet kisses and lots of moans and groans* Neither one of them heard the soft click of the door being open. Or the rushed steps and soft click of it being closed and re-locked.

"Koneko" Watari said to the young girl L had adopted into their small misfit family. "Yes Father?" The young woman said looking at him with a smirk on her lips "It looks like I was wrong. You won't be the one giving me grandchildren first" chuckling to herself as the two walked away, Zia thought. Maybe I should have put condoms in that pack of Pocky

L had gotten his Angel. Now does that mean he has been saved? Or is he a dirty SINNER

5099 words! This was a one shot requested by AngelLovesLawliet. I do hope you like it. As always I'll be updating and changing things randomly in this story just like the others. Enjoy X}

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