Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.


78 1 0
By ziakitty

She was his Savor, his light in the Darkness, the warmth from the cold, she was his everything. He loved her dearly. That's why it was so hard for him to sit back and watch as his beloved talked with another man. Laughing at his jokes and wiped crumbs from his face. However nothing hurt as much as the moment he notice a small strawberry blond child run up and wrap his small arms around his beloved neck and kiss her cheek. That must be their child, not mine, she had moved on.

As the male watched he noticed a few things about the child. Like his hair, it was shoulder-length much like his own. oddly enough the child was dressed in all black. The scarlet haired woman smiled at her child and kissed his nose lovingly before going into a cooler and bringing out a small carton of chocolate milk.

Wait chocolate......blond hair....if only he could see the boy's eyes. Slowly the child turned his head, his eyes shining bright and happy were mostly blue and silver with spots of gold. That child looked just like........

Mihael you reckless idiot! Why didn't you plan this out a bit more? Now look at you. Cold, wet, alone and very hungry. What I wouldn't give for some chocolate right now. The boy mumbled to himself as he made his way through the snow covered streets.

If he didn't find shelter soon he'd die. Shivering as he continued to walk until his feet refused to move. The blond haired male slumped down in a filthy alley, arms wrapped around himself as he looked around. I've seem to have lost my way. It's way to cold and I'm just to damn tired.

A hand reached out to the boy and gently touched his shoulder. He shrugged that hand off with a growl. Again the hand touched his shoulder and again he shrugged it off. Attempting once again to get the boy's attention the hand reach for the boy only this time the hand was bony and smelt of death. This made Mello snap open his eyes and slap that hand away.

Startled by the hand the boy gets to his feet and looks at it's owner. It's eyes are bulged, one is hanging from the socket, the jaw is unhinged, flesh is peeling and dripping off in random places to the point were the bone could be seen. It's tongue wriggles and flops around as acid like saliva drips slowly from it. There are worms and what seems to be patches of black hair coming from it's head. The creature is slightly hunched over.

Mello could only stand there in shock as he took in the thing in front of him. It had a very old dirty shirt on that might have been white once. Jeans just as dirty and loose which were blue. The one eye he could see clearly, looked familiar. It was dark almost black, just like his mentor. Again the hand reaches out for the boy, this time however it pointed towards the end of the alley.

Then placed it's bony finger to it's unhinged mouth and nodded. Stepping back it headed to the back of the alley, which looked to be a dead end. Every other fiber of Mihael's being screamed for him to run away and never look back. Yet his curious mind wanted to follow this zombified L. If death was indeed coming for him at least it had picked the right person to trick him with. However it would have been better if the person had been less zombie and more human.

My mind is playing tricks on me. I'm losing my grip here. He thought as he followed just far enough to stay out of it's reach yet close enough to not lose it. Reaching the end of the alley, the creature turned to him slightly and nodded towards a well hidden door before knocking three times. *KNOCK......KNOCK......KNOCK* The thing then disappeared and reappeared behind Mello, pushing him hard making him stumble forward.

He turned around about to yell at the creature until the smell of melted chocolate and baked goods hit his nose. Sniffing and shivering he turns and is greeted by no one at all. The door was open but no one was there. The boy was unsure if he should go in or not, that is until he felt the icy touch of death creeping up his back. Eyes widen and he tries to look behind himself, only to feel his back being pushed again.

This time he tripped over something. *HISS.....MEWL....HISS* It was a kitten, it's face was mainly white along with it's paws, the rest of it's body was black, the eyes were oddly black as well. The kitten wiped at Mello's hand and bit his finger. "Ouch that hurt you little sh-" he was cutoff by the kitten wiping at his mouth and meowing loudly "Shut it you little shit" said the boy while trying to get hold of the kitten.

It continued to claw and bite his hand. *ouch, HISS, growling, HISS, MEWL* "That's it you're gonna get it, damn cat." Soft giggling caused both males to stop fighting and look up. Standing over them was a floating head then a face illuminated with light. Trying to get to his feet the male lost balance and fell onto his butt while holding onto that kitten for dear life. It meowed and hissed at him before wriggling out of his grasp.

Giggling while turning on the light, the "floating head" smirked and looked at the male. "Well now, what did you bring me today Elle?" *mewls* "umm excuse me?" *pretends to ignores the male, and continues to talk with the kitten* "I don't know. Having a pet is a big responsibility" *mews and rubs it's head against her leg* I can't believe she's talking about me like I'm a damn pet, and like I'm not even here....To a damn cat! *waves his hand in her face, ignores his actions and leans down, picks up the kitten* "Alright, but you have to take care of him. He's your responsibility"

"Are you fucking kidding me! Stop ignoring me!" Yelled the boy clearly pissed that he was being ignored. "Do you think IT'S hungry Elle?" His eyes darken as he looked at the female. As he opened his mouth to speak, his stomach decided to talk for him *growls, cheeks slowly turn red* "I'll take that as a yes. Haha, hope you like tea, umm hmm. I guess I'll have to come up with a name for you. Blondie? *mews and shakes head, no* Goldust? *shakes head no, "Can you please stop talking about me to that damn cat. I'm right here and I have a name!"*

Frowning the girl looks over to the boy and turns her back, heading into the building more. "It's rude to yell, even ruder to yell at the person whose house you just broken into. And call their beloved pet, you nearly hurt when tripping while breaking in, a damn cat. So maybe I should just go back upstairs and call the police. I'm sure they'll be more than willing to give you a nice warm bed to sleep in, new clothes and tasty food"

She has a good point. Though he would not admit it, he had been pushed in by something and was convinced this was all some kind of dream. "Fine, call the police than. This is all some kind of weird dream anyways!" He yelled in a raspy voice while glaring at the girl. Or at least he tried to glare. *teeth chattering, sneezes, nose, ears, and cheeks red, coughs softly, eyes slightly puffy and watery* Clicking her tongue the brown complected girl took a step back. "Sounds like you have a sore throat. Come inside sicky. I'll help you and don't worry I won't call the police"

"How do I know I can trust you?" *looks over his shoulder, sees heavy snowfall* "How do I know you're not some crazed killer or rapist? Or someone else in this house isn't one? I'm just suppose to follow you? No thanks" *turns around and starts to walk back out* "I could say the same to you. However unlike you. I'm not cold, wet, very under dressed for this weather, hungry nor am I sick. Also it's now snowing hard"

"I think I'll take my chances" sighing the girl shook her head as she watched the male disappear into the storm. Is he an idiot or what? Why do I even care? It's not like I know him or anything. Walking back into the small house, she sat at the kitchen table and sipped her now cold tea. Images of the boy walking around in the cold flooded her mind, thoughts of finding him frozen to death near her home plagued her.

She was normally an instinctive, cautious person when it came to strangers. So not letting the male in would be the normal thing for her to do. However an even stronger feeling to help this poor soul was taking over. Oh thanks a lot mum, because of you I wear my heart on my sleeve and hope that no one steals or misuses it. *meows and looks at the door* "Stay here little one, it's odd first you came in from the cold then the boy. All in less then two hours"

Quickly putting on her winter coat and other items, she grabs her keys and heads out. Looking around she tries to see if he is anywhere in sight. Sadly he was not, the next thing she did was look for his tracks. Luckily for her there was some very light tracks leading from her house. She followed them as quickly as she could, until they faded completely.

Damn it! How am I going to find him now? *mewl* "What are you doing here little one? How did you even get out?" Mewing softly the kitten rubbed against her again, before running off in a different direction from where she was heading. It stopped and looked back at her meowed loudly and kept moving. Fuck it I have no idea where he is anyways, maybe I'll find him if I follow this strange kitten. Jogging slightly to catch up as it turned a corner.

The girl gasped slightly as she saw the golden-blond boy face down in the snow. She had been right, but of course she would be. What kind of idiot goes out in this shit dressed like that. Wearing what looked like black pajamas, a thin jacket and a backpack. Well at least he has on boots. Checking his pulse she smiled knowing he wasn't dead yet.

Now how am I going to get him back home? There was no one else around, just her, him and the cat? Where did that little bugger go? "Need some help Miss?" A monotone and very quiet voice called out to her. Turning around she didn't see anyone at first, however turning back towards the boy. There stood a man around 5 foot 10 wearing a loose fitting white shirt, baggy blue jeans, no shoes. Wait no shoes, no coat no anything this weather? People are crazy.

Then again so is she, leaving her home to find a boy that could be some crazy person. To hell with this bleeding heart of mines. "I think that's a good yet dangerous trait to have, even if the world is full of monsters. It will save your life one day." Rising a red eyebrow she watched the male closely before looking away from him. Okay that was freaky *smiles and places his thumb up to his lip* "Help me get him back to my place. It's not to far from here maybe six blocks.

Nodding the male leans down with the female to support the boy's weight. Making their way slowly back to her place thanks to how fast the snow was falling. Finally reaching her home, the young girl opens the door while the older male holds up the blond boy. Bringing him inside and laying him down on the couch, she turned to the other male. "Thank you for all your help. Is there anything I can do for you?" *shakes his head no, heads back outside* "Are you sure."

"Take good care of him" slightly he nodded and turned away from the female."That I can do" she replied with a smile. Now, where did that kitten go? He did help me find you Blondie "You know how cats are. They come and go as they please. Just leave a window open, a bowl of water or milk, maybe some cake and I'm sure he'll come back. Also the name is Lawliet or L not Elle" said the male while walking away.

Startled the girl watched as he faded away. Being curious she looked down, his footsteps there was none. A chill went down the girl's spine, one that was not caused by the coldness of winter. Closing the door, she locked it as she tried to wrap her mind around what just happened. No matter what she tried to tell herself, her mind kept going back to one thing. It was a ghost or the snow covered the footsteps, it was snowing hard.

Chuckling to herself, she shook her head. "Maybe I should have asked what this boy's name was before IT left" *shivers, cold breath on the back of her neck* "Mello" someone whispered into her ear. Her body tensed as she turned her head. *mewl* "Kitty?" *looks down in confusion* Sitting at her feet was indeed that little kitten from earlier. Looking between the cat and the boy she rose her hands and slapped both of her cheeks at the same time. *slap*

Okay so I am not dreaming. This is some weird shit. I kind of like it thought. Damn it Zia this is why you have no real friends and your family wants nothing to do with you. Well Grandma and mum still loves me at least. If they didn't I wouldn't have this house or the bakery.

Alright enough of that. First I need to get this guy settled. Then I'll get cake, yummy strawberry short cake. Making her way upstairs, the scarlet haired girl looks through her closet to find some blankets and clothes for the male to wear. What he has on is soaked and since he's out like a light. She would have to change him. The thought of changing a boy she barely even knew made her blush.

But there was no one else here that could do it. Maybe if I'm lucky he'll wake up soon, then he can shower and change himself. Luck was not on her side. Once she got back downstairs with the clothes and blankets. She gently shook the boy trying to wake him. Noting he was not responding at all she checked his pulse and breathing. His breath were jagged, he was clearly having a hard time breathing.

Working quickly she removed his cold wet clothes. Took a hot cloth, wiped him down quickly and redressed him. Once that was done she covered him and took his temperature. His skin felt warm and looked flushed. This worried her greatly. He has the flu, that's just great.

Walking away from the male, she starts to head to the kitchen. The kitten follows behind her before jumping onto her shoulder. Washing her hands she takes out the cake she had made earlier, cuts a small piece and places it on a plate. After that she pours a glass and bowl full of milk. Putting the milk back, she turns around only to see the kitten happily eating away at the rest of the cake.

*Giggles softly* "I guess this piece here is for me then huh" the multicolored eyed girl says and gets a nod in reply. "Why thank you L, haha" the cat licked it's paw, which was covered in cake. And looked up at the girl. She could have sworn that it smiled at her just now.

Yawning and stretching the female got up from her chair and went back into the living room where the male was resting. Checking his temperature again she smiled as she noticed it had gone down just a bit. Looks like I'm pulling an all nighter. Guess I'll read or something.

All through out the night the young female check up on the boy. Until her eyes just wouldn't stay open any longer. Unbeknownst to the young girl, the boy had woken up a few hours ago. He only pretended to be sleeping, so that he could observe her closely until she fell asleep. Every time she came over to either wipe the sweat off his brow and neck or look at his temp. He would steal little glances at her.

Where am I? How did I get there? Is that the crazy girl from earlier? Have I been kidnapped? Now think Mihael. The last thing I remember is leaving her place. Getting a few blocks away, then darkness and waking up here. Why is she going so far to help me? There are so many questions.

Wait if I'm back at her place. Doesn't that mean the L that I saw was real too? Shivering the male looked over at the girl, whom had fallen asleep sitting on the floor next to him. Her arms were folded under her head, taking up a small part of the couch. If Mello wanted to he could reach out and touch her hair or face right now. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up just yet.

He thought as he ran his fingers through her soft multi-streaked hair. It's so soft. *runs fingers through hair, purrs and leans into touch* That's kinda cute. *scratches under her chin, mmm, purrs softly* She's warm and soft. I guess this isn't a dream. Moving his hand back to her hair he smiled weakly and whispered a thank you before falling back to sleep himself.

A Few hours later the female woke up. Her eyes immediately fell upon the male. Whom was not asleep, he had been caught staring at the girl while playing with her hair. If it wasn't for his already flushed face she could have easily seen that he was blushing. Neither one of them spoke, they laid or sat there looking at each other.

A loud mewl broke their slightly awkward silence. "If playing with my hair makes you feel better. You can keep doing it later. But for now, do you think you have the strength to get up and go do your daily routine?" Quickly removing his hand and turning his face away from her, he nods. "Alright there are two bathrooms. One is down here at the end of the hallway on the right. The other one is upstairs in the master bedroom. Feel free to wear whatever clothes you might find that fits."

"I'm not wearing female clothing" *places her hand on his forehead, turns his head, checks his eyes, nose and mouth* "Well now aren't you in luck then. I'm a real tomboy. So most of my clothes are for males. I'll start making breakfast soon. Do you think you can hold anything down? I know you probably have the flu. So I'm thinking lots of-" *COUGHS, gasps, chokes, COUGHS*

"I'll go get you some meds" she said while gently helping him sit up. "Mello" Hearing him say that made the female shudder and look around the room. There was no kitten in sight. "I'm Zia, nice to meet you. Now let's get you to the bathroom" Mello didn't protest as Zia carefully helped him up. His eyes did widen a bit when he noticed that he was in a pair of gray sweat pants and a gray shirt, that was clearly not his.

"Yes I changed you last night, no one else was here sorry. I didn't want you getting sicker by being in wet clothes." Stated the girl while blushing deeply and rubbing the back of her neck. *in a raspy voice "It's fine, thank you"* "I'll get some Halls for your throat, along with some hot milk and honey. There are extra toothbrushes and stuff in the bathroom down-"

"Why are you doing this? How did I get there" *starts heading to the bathroom* "You needed help, I couldn't just leave you out there to die. I'm just not that type of person." Opening the door Mello walked inside before asking. "May I have my own clothes back?" Nodding her head she walked away and left Mihael to do his business.

That was the first of many nights they spent together. Mello had stayed with Zia for a total of ten months. He had learned a lot about the girl and the city. However he had a mission and he would do just about anything to see it done. So one day after he had gotten all the information that he needed on a few mafia bosses.

Mello put his plan into action and left the place he came to call home and the girl he came to treasure. Knowing that he could never ask her to come with him as it would put her in danger. It hurt leaving, it pained him deeply knowing that he might not ever see her again. What hurt the most was knowing that she would feel and think she was abandoned yet again. This might even cause her to close off that generous heart of hers.

However it had to be done. If he stayed there any longer he would give up the fight. He'd never surpass L or Near at this rate. He never looked back.

Many years had passed since then. Every once in a while Mello found himself thinking about that old house, the bakery, homemade chocolates he had daily and the girl that made them. By now she'd probably be dating. Hell she probably doesn't even remember. He thought as he ran a gloved hand over the left side of his face. With a scar like this there is no way she'd know it's me anyways if she did remember.

Before the male knew it he had made his way back to the all too familiar city. Riding his motorcycle around he took in the familiar sights. Deciding he'd just check up on the girl without her knowing he went to her house, after making sure she still lived there. *Fire truck sirens, flashing red lights, horns blaring* Arriving at the scene his blue eyes darken as he watched the house and bakery go up in flames. *people talking and whispering*

"What happened here" He asked one of the onlookers. "No one really knows. But that building was very old." Said an elderly woman. "Was anyone inside?" The golden blond haired male asked. "No idea" said a teenage boy. Frowning Mello tried to move through the crowd. *more whispering "You mean that weird girl that worked at the bakery? She never leaves, so I wouldn't be surprised if she died in there"* Stopping in his tracks Mihael tried pushing his way over to a firefighter after the flames were put out.

Finally making it close enough the man heard part of the firefighters conversation. "Another arson case, luckily no one was hurt this time. Closing his eyes he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. Zia had not been there at the time of the fire or she had gotten out in time. For that he was thankful.

Away from the crowd was a girl in her early twenties, with long wavy, streaked with gold or blonde, white and black throughout red hair. Her brown skin glisten slightly with sweat, her eyes were closed as she sat on the curb talking with an officer. After answering a ton of annoying questions and doing a full report. She took a deep breath and places her hands on her face. It was all gone.

She had lost everything. All she had left was the clothes on her back and the little bit of cash she had in her wallet. Looking into her wallet she noticed that she didn't even have a enough for a cheap motel room. What could she do now? Where could she go?

Laying back and looking at the sky as it started to rain, which helped disperse the crowd. She didn't notice the people that were talking about her nor did she care about the stares or pointing. As the rain started to come down harder she laughed at her luck. Of all the times for it to rain. It could not have rained when my damn house was on fire?

Oh no it had to rain afterwards, and I just had to be wearing a white summer dress. That is quickly becoming soaked and see through. Sitting up and dusting off the back of the dress, not that it matter much. Zia looked around and saw that only a few people were still there. One was her old neighbors. A sweet old couple that had lived across from the shop since the day it was built.

Another couple, a younger girl that was working at the bakery that night and her boyfriend. Last but not least a male in all black leather riding a motorcycle. He had his helmet on so there was no telling whom he might be. Walking over to the much smaller crowd, Zia spoke to the employee and tried her best to ignore the stares she was getting from the boy next to her.

"Ms.Lee, I'm so sorr-" Lee? That's Zia's last name. "It's fine, and you don't have to call me Ms.Lee. I hate it so much. Just call me Zia." The male on the motorcycle turned off his bike and walked up to the dark skin girl. Taking off his jacket he placed it on her shoulders. Causing the male that was ogling her to roll his eyes before getting hit by his girlfriend.

"We're going to go now Zia. Again I'm sorry this happened. Come on Jeff! We have a lot to talk about." The girl paid no attention to the couples as they left. She was far into her own thoughts to even really notice them. Absentmindedly she pulled the jacket onto her shoulders more. The weight of a hand being placed on her head snapped the girl out of her thought.

Blinking as she looked at the male. "Umm thanks for the jacket, but I'll be alright." Taking off the jacket she tried to give it back. Only to have it given back to her. Arching an eyebrow she pushed the item back to the male. Again the male pushed it back to her. Growing tired and annoyed quickly she growled softly and tried again to give back the jacket. This little game of tag was giving her an old familiar feeling.

Once again the male gave it back to her. "DAMN IT MELLO, JUST TAKE THE JACK-" *covers mouth, turns head* So she didn't forget about me. "Sorry I though you were-" *sneezes and sniffles* Smirking to himself the male says "Come with me sicky" his voice is slightly deeper but it's the same one she had heard countless time before. She could recognize it anywhere.

The rain had stopped as Mello reached out, taking the jacket and put it on her. "Come on now, at least put your arms through. Unless you want to be ogled more. Rolling her eyes she put her arms through the jacket's sleeves, while giving the man a look that said are you happy now. Taking the helmet off, he gently placed it over her head. She saw his face briefly, it was him.

She noticed the large scar on his face but said nothing. Nor did she question the man as he lead her by the hand. Getting on the bike he looked over his shoulder as she gave him a questioning look. "Trust me" was all he said before looking forward again. Carefully she got onto the back of the bike. Her arms wrapped around him firmly yet loose enough to give him wriggle room if he needed it.

Feeling her arms around him, he smiled and touched her hand. "Hold on" he warned as he started up the motorcycle. Trying not to jerk, she moved carefully and brung her body closer to his. The feeling of her large chest on his back, made the male excited. She had grown a bit since he had last seen her. And not just in height as she was still quite short.

The ride was a long one as Mello took the longest routes back to his temporary hideout. Once they had made it there. Mihael ushered Zia quickly passed Matt, whom sat there his mouth open unsure of what to say. When the blue eyed male came from the back room, he was pounced then attacked via questions by his brunette friend. "Who is that girl? Is it safe to have her here?"

His questions were ignored as the blond went right to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and his stash of chocolate. "Why was she pretty much nude? If you're going to bring a lady friend here. Give a guy fair warning, so he can leave. No one wants to hear YOU moaning" joked the dark blue eyed man. "Shut up Matt. And whatever you do, don't hit on her okay? She's going to be here for a few days. It's a long story"

"No promises"


"What? She's cute, what if she comes on to me"

"She won't and if she does. Just say no" Mihael said leaving no room to argue. Sighing and putting his hands up in defeat Matt agreed to leave the girl alone. Shortly afterwards he left to get more smokes.

Knocking on the door and getting no answer he popped his head in. Not seeing the girl he blinked and stepped into the room fully. There sitting in the window seat, eyes closed, head tilted back slightly. Moonlight shinning on her still very soaked dressed and skin.

Standing there he took in her appearance slowly. He really did think he'd never get to see her again. Yet there she was the same girl he had met years ago, only a lot more mature. As he observed, he couldn't help but point out the things that had changed about her. One she was indeed a few inches taller, her style had changed greatly. Going from tomboyish to more ladylike. Her waist was slim, hips slightly wider, thighs more toned, lips fuller, her bust a lot bigger and lastly she had grown out her hair.

"Like what you see?" Her eyes flicked open as she turned slightly and looked at the man. She had caught him again staring at her, only this time he wasn't looking at a slowly blossoming teenage girl, but a full grown woman. "Yes I like what I see, why wouldn't I?" Mumbled the male while staring into her eyes. With a shrug of her shoulders she turns her head back towards the sky.

"Aren't you going to ask? Where I've been?" She didn't reply only continued to watch the stars. "Are you that upset at me that you won't speak anymore?" Again there is no reply. "Zia?" rising an eyebrow, he took a sit on the bed. His right leg bent up while his left leg is turned outwards.

"How?" She whispered slightly biting her lip. "How?" Here it comes, Now I have to explain everything to her. "How what?" He asked while trying to keep his voice and emotions as calm as he could. "How is it that I was the one in a fire, yet you're the one with the kick ass scar." Zia said giving him a smirk. He wasn't exacting her to ask that question. This caused him to laugh. Smiling she looked over at him.

"That's better. You looked so damn gloomy, it started to hurt ya know." Turning her head back she didn't notice the male get up. *Arms wrapped around her, a face is pressed into her hair* "Mel-" She didn't get to finish as those same arms tighten around her gently. His gloved hands moved along her sides, causing her to shudder slightly. "Let's get you out of *moves hand to his mouth, removes glove with teeth, puts it in his pocket* that tiny, *lets his fingers, ghost over her shoulder* see-through *leans down slightly to her ear, whispers* dress"

Zia's body shivered and heated slightly. Now she had been touched by a few unlucky males before. A Few even tried to seduce her, all failed. Normally she would tell the guy off or break his fingers, but this was her old friend. She could never hurt him or wish harm upon. Besides she was actually enjoying this closeness.

His warm breath hits the back of her neck as he inhaled and exhaled her scent softly. Her body relaxed under his soft touch. He begin unzipping her dress, but stopped as he remembered she was still sitting in the open window. Carefully yet quickly he moved her from the window seat, closed the window and went right back to trying to remove that dress.

She said nothing as he slowly slipped the dress off her shoulders. He stopped for a moment when her hand reached up and gently touched the large scar on his face and neck. Was she put off by it, he wondered as he looked down at her. Eyes closed, she seemed content with standing there with him, half dressed, tracing his scar. Stopping she steps back from him. He looks at her in confusion for a moment, until she steps out the dress.

Now standing there in her lingerie, an off white, lace bra and crotchless panty set. *inwardly grunts, bites his lip, shivers while staring intently* The silence of the room was soon replaced with the sound of a long passionate kiss and some breathing. *mmm, mwa, slightly heavy breathing*

His hands placed firmly on her shoulders he leans down and presses his lips to hers. Immediately she kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. Stepping back until he felt the bed hit the back of his legs. She broke the kiss and took a step back. Looking at her he went to ask if anything was wrong.

Only to be pushed onto the bed *creak, soft grunt, rustling* by the female and straddled. His right hand went up to her hip, while his left one went up to his teeth to remove the glove that was covering it. When that was done he let his hands roam her chilled body.

Moaning softly she bite her bottom lip as he gripped her inner thighs. Bucking his hips *gasps, moans and grinds* he smirked as he earned more and more gasps, moans, whimpers, and grinds from the female. Reaching up he gently massaged her large breasts *pants, whimpers, mmm* Rolling her nipples through the clothed, he smiled more as he watched as her eyes flutter closed in ecstasy.

"Mmello" *Pants, Ooh, ahh, grinding* "AHh, fuck Mello" *pulls her down and flips them over* "Mihael" *leans down slowly, still grinding against her core* His lips barely touches hers as he says "My name is Mihael" aggressively he capture her lips again. Nibbling on her bottom lip making her gasp, he quickly worked his tongue into her mouth. She tasted sweeter than the chocolate he loved to eat. Her lips fit nicely with his own, he had been with others before, but none of them excited him as quickly or easily as she did, and she wasn't even trying.

As he continued to suck and nibble on her lips and tongue, his hands moved or tried to move between her legs. Her hand stopped his *breaks the kiss, moves his hands, cups her face* "What's wrong?" *bites her lip* "Is this your first time?" *nods her head shyly* This did not surprise him to much, people thought she was odd, and she just didn't like most people. "Don't worry I'll be as gentle as possible, if you want me to keep going" he said while searching her eyes for answers. With a small nod from the girl, Mello smiled and pecked her nose before letting his hand move down between her legs.

Her hands moved up to rub his shoulders before unzipping his vest. Getting the hint he removed the small cloth then leaned down to kiss her neck lovingly. She moaned and exposed her neck more, giving him easier access. Slowly she removed his belt, tossing it aside. Running her hands over his slightly toned chest, she gently traces his scar, causing him to shudder and groan.

He took a deep shaky breath as he felt her hands sliding his pants down. Just as she was about to slide his leather pants down more, the sound of a door opening grabbed their attention. Both of them looked towards the door, standing there with a box was the brunette. A cheeky grin on his face. "Oh I get it now, you tell me to stay away from her. But it's okay for YOU to be handsy with her. Not cool Mello, not cool at all."

*stares at the male, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, his eyes telling the male to leave* Laughing hard Matt walked out the door and closed it, but not before putting down the box he had in his hand. Mello was highly annoyed at the other blue eyed male. Sensing and feeling his annoyance, she turns his face towards hers. Blue orbs locked onto twinkled midnight blue, golden and silver based ones. Just staring into her eyes had a very calming affect on him.

Feeling like his opportunity was gone, the male slowly got up, sighed and kissed the girl's nose. "I'll go find you some clothes" he mumbled. "Can you hang up my dress, so it can air dry? Also can I use your shower?"

"Sure it's the third door on the right" he said while picking up her dress and his vest. "Thank you, and there is no need to find me clothes" he arched an eyebrow. "I sleep nude" was all she said while heading out of the room. He watched as she walked away, with three simple words she was able to turn him on yet again. Maybe I will be able to make you my woman tonight. Is what he thought until he looked down at the box Matt left.

*bends down, picks up the box, reads it and yells* "FUCK YOU MATT!" His friend had went out and brought condoms, extra small condoms.

Mello was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice as the small boy and his mother walked up to him. Feeling a small hand tug his finger brung him back from his little trip to the past. "Welcome home Daddy" the boy said while smiling happily at his father. Mihael blinked and looked at the boy then to the woman he cherish, yet had to leave behind twice. Now was the time he would have to explain himself. As he wanted for the woman to ask him the question he had been dreading. Why had he left?

No question came from her lips. Only the warmth of her hand on his face as she cupped his cheeks.

"Welcome Home, Love"

6625 words! OMG this was to much fun to write. And it's all thanks to Mello being jealous of all the near stories xD He kept poking at me to make a better story for him. And this is only part one lol. There were a few places I could have stopped to make this shorter but who can really say no that a chocolate loving blond whom looks sexy in leather. However part two won't happen until I get some type of feed back.

Edited on 22/3/17 word count is still the same

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