Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.


56 1 0
By ziakitty

Somehow my damn ending got deleted which is weird......Sooooooooooooo I made another one! Enjoy~

"Hey Matt are you ready yet? It's almost time for us to g-"

*quickly covers the male's mouth with one hand while making the shush sign with the other. Gives the blonde female a questionable look. Slowly removes her hand and point to the bodies on the queen size bed*

"What the hell is this?" Whispered Rose

"No idea Rose, but I wish I had a camera right now." Replied Mello *slowly takes out her phone and smiles at the blond male* "Rose, you're like the younger sister I've always wanted." Giggles softly while rubbing the back of her neck a smile blush on her cheeks as she hands over the phone. "Now let's get to work shall we"

"Oh yes this will make great blackmail material'

"Haha, that's my little sister for you" *smiles and offers some of his chocolate* "Aww hehe thanks big bro." Taking a small bite of the sugary goodness both blonds thought of ways they could use this new found knowledge to their advantage.

On the queen size pillow top bed laid two bodies. A brunette and a dove. (hair not the bird) The brunette laid on his side with his arms wrapped firmly around the little dove. A hand rested on the smaller male's butt giving it a squeeze randomly. Causing the younger male to moan or grunt softly in his sleep. His small white body that's covered in love bites, pressed up against the slightly larger male, his face buried into the male's bare chest, that was also decorated in hickeys.

Their legs were entangled. Smaller unclothed arms were wrapped around the other male's lovingly. Brunette hair covered his dark blue still closed eyes. Yet a smile could clearly be seen on his face.

Whatever happen must have been good if not great judging from what the two onlookers could tell.

~~A Few hours earlier, outside on the deck~~

*inhales sharply and shakes his head*  "I can't believe I'm doing this. How did I get tricked into this again. And why do you need a damn babysitter"

"I don't need a babysitter Matt. You're here mainly to cook or to teach me how to cook"

"You don't know how to cook?"

".....Last time I tried I made Zia cry. And I don't want that to happen again"


*puts up his hand* "It's fine really. The kitchen is Zia's domain and I went in there uninvited and inexperienced. Destroyed most of the food she had planned on making and almost killed us all."

"Why not have Rose or Zia teach you then?"

"I want to surprise them"

"Well then you're kinda of screwed, I order take out or eat cereal. I don't cook. Mello usually has some girl over that can cook for us." *takes a long drag from his cigarette* "Why do you want to surprise them? Do you like one of them?"

*eyes the other male suspiciously, twirls a white lock around his finger*

"Come on now don't give me that look. I know you like one of them. So which one is it"

"I like and respect them both"

"Which one are you into?" *looks at the older male confused* "Oh boy...If you could fuck one of them who would it be Near"

*shifts slightly, his eyes glued to the floor* "I don't want to talk about that with you"

"Come on now man. It's not like you're STILL *looks at the other male, dark blue orbs staring into gray ones* a virgin. *rises a brown eyebrow*  You live with two of the chillest female around." *puts out his cigarette, takes out his DS and turns it on while making his way into the house*

"They're both very attractive as well. Rose has long sexy legs, a nice size butt and gorgeous eyes" *eyes half clouded with lust as he daydreams, is completely lost in his own world for a good five minutes*

"............Matt? Are you okay?" Asked a very monotone voice. the younger male was observing the older one closely. He noticed how his eyes glazed over while thinking of his roommate Kitty better known as Rose to the others. Matt shake his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah I'm okay, anyways what were we talking about"

"Nothing at all"

"Ah yes, which one of your roommates you like. Both are pretty laid back. Now Rose is sweet and innocent, while Koneko is more of a joker and sometimes motherly. I've never seen such a short curvy girl like her before. And you know what they say about redheads. I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes." Stated the brunette as he made his way over to the couch. Sitting down he started up a game on his DS. Unaware of the slight glare that a certain dove haired male was giving him.

Sighing Near sat on the floor slowly putting his puzzle together as he thought of a way to get off this topic. Yes he did like one of the two girls, but that was none of Matt's business nor did he want her to find out. He had over stepped his boundaries with her, before Rose had found Mello and Matt that night. The thought of being rejected by her made him cringe and sadden the normally emotionless yet sensitive male.

Thinking and knowing about his roommate's sleeping habits, he quickly helped the girl reach his room and helped her undress. She was so tired she had not noticed the longing look in his gray eyes, the blush on his cheeks, the bulge in his pants. Yes she would have happily slept nude, but he didn't want there to be any misunderstandings or temptation so he talked the sleepy eyed girl into putting on one of his shirts at least. She wasn't his girlfriend or anything, just a very close friend. Someone he wanted to protect and hold, maybe even kiss occasionally. Friends kiss don't they? There are kissing cousins right? Why can't there be kissing friends?

"I also noticed that both females are very protective of you. So you're set either way really. Hell if you really wanted to you could probably have both of them at the same time. *stares off again*  I'd kill to be in your shoes. That nice round firm ass on my lap, them huge breasts in my face....Or both of them licking my dick at the same"

*Stares at Matt coldly, his stare goes unnoticed*

"Hell I'm sure that Koneko is pretty much a nudist. I'd love to watch her walk around the house barely dressed all day. She is a nudist right? I mean she did have only a very small shirt on when we first met her. That was your shirt right? Tell me Near. *leans in closely, grinning ear to ear* Did you hit that? You can tell me, I know I would if given the chance."

Slowly the pale complected male looked up. His gray eyes burned into dark blue ones. The look in his eyes said slightly annoyed. He really didn't want to talk to the brunette anymore about his female friends. How far the darker haired male's mind was in the gutter was BEYOND him. But he could tell there was no turning back. So Near sat there looking at the male like he had grown another head.

"By the gaming Gods.....You....You really are a virgin" gasped the other male, his cheeky grin never leaving his face as he teased the boy.

"Is it really that surprising to you?" Says the boy while placing the last piece of his puzzle onto the board. His monotone voice soft yet firm. As he pushed the puzzle aside and reached into his box of toys for dice to stack.

"Hmm well you are more of the indoor semi loner type like me. So yes and no it's not that surprising. I just thought living with two hotties you would have been able to seal the deal with one of them already. What are you waiting for? An invitation? Women don't usually come up to guys and say hey lets fuck. Well the slutty ones that Mello knows might but not the ladies you're rooming with."

*ignores the male, continues to play with his toys*

"I know since I can't teach you how to cook. How about I show you how to pick up chicks?"

"You stay indoors 90% of the time playing video games. I highly doubt you know how to pick up anything besides your junk food and DS"

"Hey now whose the virgin here?"

"You and I"

Chuckling at the albino male, Matt shook his head no. "I'm not a virgin at all. Now do you want my help talking with this girl or not? Also which one is it."

"No Matt, I've already told you I like and respect them both" stated Near while keeping his eyes on his dice tower he was slowly making. "You know, one day some random guy is going to ask her out." Gray eyes blinked, white eyebrows frown, a pale hand moved up to tug and swirl a fair lock. "Then you'll be sitting there all alone wondering what could have been."  *Shifts slightly, hand trembling as he tugs on a lock of hair*

"Watching as she holds his hand and kisses him softly. *shakes head, trying to lose the image*  Hearing her moan his name if he spends the night over. *takes a deep breath and picks up a dart, throws it at the dartboard*  Or watching her walk down the aisle in a beautiful all white dress, smiling happily at her husband to be."

Standing up quickly the younger male said "no" firmly. "She'd never do that....There's no way she'd ever be with someone else like that. Nor would MY Koneko want an american wedding"

*chuckles and rises a brown brow, his goggles hiding the look of victory in his eyes*

Smirking Matt looked at the now wide eyed white haired boy. Matt had tricked him into telling whom he liked and he fell for it. Sometimes Near wondered if Matt was really only the third smartest at Wammy House. Or was it that he just didn't care for tests and preferred his games over getting high scores or being the next L.

*sighs softly and quickly goes back to his emotionless facade*

"Well, well, well. So it's the busty one you like the most. Can't really blame you. A guy could get lost in them pillows. But now that I know whom you're after. I'll let you in on a little secret. I did some research on the ladies. And both Rose and Zia have great backgrounds"

*Looks at his DS, frowns as he notices that his character died*

"Neither one of them are criminals. Rose is an only child. Though she is a shy girl, all throughout middle school and high school she had someone confess to her about once a month. Zia comes from a large family. However she has pretty much disowned them all besides her mother and grandmother. I know it has something to do with the family bakery and her being the black or white sheep of the family in her case."

"I already knew all that Matt. They told me" sighs and goes back to stacking his dice. "Well that's good to know, but did you know that Zia has been proposed to more than once?" Near's eyebrow arched as he heard Matt speak, yet his face was emotionless.

"Yep the first time was with her high school sweetheart. The second time was by an military man she used to be friends with. And the third and fourth times were by the same person, an ex of an old friend of hers. Of course Koneko told her friend about this and it ended their friendship."

*swirls his white locks slowly, listening to every word*

She never told me about any of that. Does she not trust me? Or maybe she really never thought about it? Maybe she doesn't like the idea of marriage.

"I have all their names if you want to look them up. She only said yes to one of them and that was her first and last boyfriend. She hasn't been in a relationship in over three years nor has she been on any dates. Though she too is asked out from time to time. You're going to need all the help you can get if you're going after her."

"Why do you say that?" It was clear that the all white wearing man was a bit annoyed at the brunette. Matt looked over to the male other, picking out his next words carefully. "....You're not really her type"

"Her type?" ......"Yes her type. I did do a lot of research on the ladies" *muffles softly* "This information was for me to use in case I wanted to chase one of them"

"What was that?" A small smirk graces the pale male's lips as he watches the goggle wearing, video game loving man blush deeply. "Nothing! Nothing at all." Coughing softly the male in the striped shirt cleared his throat while dusting off the 'dirt' that had gotten on his jeans.

Since Near is after the redhead maybe I can chase after the blonde. She is really cute and around my height. I'd still like to take them both at the same time. No No bad Mail bad! Zia will be Nate's girl before long and he'd hate me if I tried to sleep with her. Wait I already told him how I wanted to fuck them both. Oh god he's probably so uncomfortable with me thinking about his love interest openly like that.

"You still haven't told me her type yet Matt." ......Rubbing the back of his neck and chuckled and reached for his smokes. Taking one out he places the cigarette to his lips. Before he could get his lighter a semi small hand reaches out and takes his smoke. "No smoking in the house. Also you said you'd help me. So help me by telling me what I need to know"

"Alright, alright" *puts his hands up*  "She seems to like taller males"

"I am taller than her"

"Yes but you're not 5 foot 10 through 6 foot 6" ........."Nor are you a big eater, she cooks and bakes a lot. *picks up his dice, toys with it*  So someone that likes to eat would be okay with her. *gently places it on top of another die* Also she seems to like green eyed or redheaded males *sighs and moves his head down*  You do have pale skin though and that's something she does like."

"So her type is big males with big appetites. Other redheads, green eyes and pale skin. Is there anything else I should know?"

"Also a good kisser" at this point the smaller male had already envisioned his rejection. Without him noticing it he let out a tired sigh and knocked over his mini dice tower. He couldn't seem to focus anymore. Everything his male friend had told him was wearing heavily on his mind. There would be no chance in hell for him to get the girl he wanted. 

He was not tall, only standing between 5 foot 1 and 5 foot 3. His skin was indeed pale, however he was pretty much all white. Only his eyes were colored and they were gray. And she had a thing for green eyes. This information was not helping him at all. In fact it was making him slightly depressed. Almost as if he could sense his friend's despair and disarray the older boy quickly pointed out that if Near was a good kisser he'd still have a chance.

However this only made the other male more depressed. How could he be a good kisser? He had never kissed anyone or anything before. "You've never been kissed before have you?" Asked Matt softly while looking at his friend. "I have but not in the way that would count"

"Oh do tell?" Smirks excitedly while waiting to hear what the other male had to say. "They often kissed me on the cheek, forehead or nose."......."What? That's it?" ......."Yeah, Rose kisses my cheek from time to time. Zia calls me a precious cinnamon roll and kisses my nose or forehead."

HAHAHA *takes deep breath* HAHAHA

"Well I can see why she'd call YOU that"

"What does that even mean?" *chuckles more* "Oh it's nothing bad or mean. She just sees you as someone innocent, pure and sweet. Which in this case you are. Well now let's teach you how to kiss a girl. We're going to need a pillow or teddy bear...."

White locks swayed as he stood up and walked away. His mind working a mile a second. Yes he wanted to learn how to be a good kisser, but how does one learn by kissing an object that can not talk or tell how to improve? Maybe he was wrong when he thought the other boy might be smarter than he looks or acts. Looking around he noticed that he had walked into one of the girl's rooms. Going off the color scheme it was Rose's room.

Turning around he was about to head out until he saw a small bear sitting on her bed. He stared at that bear before slowly making his over. Leaning down he picks it up and slowly brings it to eye and lip level. Slowly he licked his lips and leaned in inching closer and closer to the bear. Right as his lips were about to connect.....

"Near! what's taking you so lon..HAHAHAH" *Flinches slightly and drops the bear. Loud laughter echos through the room*  The younger male turned around towards the older one, calmly walked over to him. Grabbed him by the vest while he was still hunched over from laughing so hard. And planted his slightly moist lips onto Matt's. Dark blue eyes widen as he felt those soft pale lips on his own. It took all of his willpower not to kiss back.

His mind was totally blank, there was no way this was really happening. There was no way this oh so inexperienced boy was blowing his mind with a simple kiss. After about ten seconds the male let his friend go. A hand move up to dove white hair and played with it. While waiting for the other male to say something. He would need some type of feedback soon.

Mind still blown the blue orb male walked like a zombie to the bed before face planting onto it. His breathing was heavy, his cheeks were flushed, his mind was gone. No longer could he look into those seemingly innocent gray eyes and make crude dry humor jokes about the male not knowing how to please a female. If he kissed any girl like that he be just fine, scratch that if he kissed anyone like that he be fine. Hell he could even win over Mello's friendship with that kind of lip locking skills.

Rolling onto his back, he let his eyes slowly wander over to the white clad male. It was clear he was waiting for a response. Opening his mouth he went to speak but no words came out. Taking this as a bad sign the other male frown slightly before making his way over. Taking off his goggles, dark blue eyes closed he didn't see that Near was about to crawl on top of him. The next thing he felt was pressure on his body and lips again on his own. His eyes shot open, his hands instinctively moved up to grip the boys hips. And before he knew it he was kissing back.

Instinct had taken over them. Neither boy had ever done this with someone of the same sex. Hell Nate had never done this at all. He was just using the knowledge he had learn via the internet, books and rarely movies. Their eyes locked for a moment, those normally emotionless gray orbs had something behind them. Lust maybe or pure curiosity.

He licked at his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Slowly they parted making way for Nate's hot moist muscle to invade his equally hot wet cavern. His tongue skillfully worked it's way around it's new temporarily home. While his hands moved from the bed to caress slightly pink cheeks. Pulling back causing the kiss to end. A trail of saliva connected to their lips still.

Nate leaned down and licked off that trail before straddling the male again. Larger hands made their way up to the white pajama top Near was wearing, with one quick motion the cloth was removed and thrown across the room. The younger boy stiffen slightly before relaxing as a cool hand traveled over his slowly heating body. Something was growing underneath him and he was pretty damn sure he knew what that something was. However this was a lesson and he wouldn't stop until he had learned all he could.

Following Matt's example, the white haired male reached down to remove the boy's vest and shirt. Then carefully let his hands roam over the ivory like skin that lie beneath him. One of his hands slightly grazed a nipple making it slowly bud. Causing the brunette to arch his back and let out a breathy grunt. This reaction made Near even more curious then he was before.

From what he could remember that grunting sound was a good thing. So maybe he did know what he was doing. However more research would be required. He looks down and used his thumbs to rub the small buds making them harden. Matt groaned and bucked his hips while closing his eyes. Near took that as a sign to keep going.

Letting his mouth roam he left numerous bites on the male. Each bite or suckle left earned deep moans of pleasure. His pants were growing tighter by the second. How could this young boy do to him that so many could not. Turn him into a whimpering moaning mess, with just his mouth. It hardly seemed fair.

Nipples harden, bulge yearning to be freed, lips eagerly waiting to be devoured again. Soft warm tongue licks flicks at the exposed flesh of his neck. Before being met by a pair of lips that gently sucked, and teeth that nibbled sweetly. Gasping and grunting loudly his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt that small mouth hungrily move from his neck to his collarbone and back up to his lips.  

Inexperienced hands caressed, as they made their way down. Onto his belt buckle undoing it. He rubbed Matt's clothed sex before removing his jeans. Pale hands rub against slightly darker skin as the male continued to suck and kiss on the other's neck. Slowly he took hold of his friend's budding member. Giving it a gently stroke then using his thumb to rub the tip.

He continued to stroke and rub causing Matt to moan, groan and buck his hips in pure bliss. Slowly he was getting closer to the edge, slowly he could feel his undoing. Every little thing that the male was doing was driving him crazy. *Ooooh, Ahh, F-Faster* Nodding the younger male did as he was told and stroked harder and faster.

His hand moving with unknown skill. Feeling that heated cock throb, he sped up even more. "Oh shit!" *pants, mmm, fuck*  Cried out the brunette as he released all over that smaller pale hand. Body shivering in ecstasy, he panted soft and licked his dry lips. The white haired male looked at the creamy white subsidence on his hand. Panting softly the male reached up and took the other man's hand and slowly sucked and licked his fingers clean.  

Those gray orbs looked at him with little emotion, but there was a very clear pink tint on his normally colorless cheeks. He couldn't take it anymore. Letting out a sexual growl he wrapped his arms around the smaller male and rolled them over so that he was on top. Pinning his smaller friend under him, he immediately went to work on Near's neck.

Searching around until he found the boy's sweet spot. *groans, whimpers, shudders in bliss* Smirking against his soft skin he let his hand move over pale skin, moving down towards the males pants. *shudders and grunts*  Slightly darken lips made their way around Nate's neck and over his collarbone, down to his chest. A wet tongue licks at a pale pink nipple. *groans softly and arches back*  Swirling, nibbling, and suckling gently then switching over to the other nipple. Matt grinds absently-minded while leaving countless love bites over pale skin.

*Ahhh, grinding, soft panting*

Biting his lip hard he tried hard to fight back a moan and failed. *Groans, ooooh, mmm* The brunette noticed the younger man's need growing quickly and decided to do something about it. He slipped his hand into the male's pant and slowly palmed his bulging sex. The paler male stiffen and yet out a low needy groan. He had never been touched like that by anyone, the feeling was new yet familiar. And he wanted more.

He bucked his hips into the male's hand and let out a whimper once that hand was taken away. Gray eyes snapped open once he felt hot breath and something warm on his tip. He tried to sit up only to fall back down. His hands gripped at brown colored hair, as his hips slowly started to move on their own. Pumping his throbbing cock into the warmth of his friend's mouth. 

*hips jerk and rolling, soft moans and ahhs, pale fingers run through brown hair, gray eyes roll, teeth bit into soft lips, larger hands rub and caress pale hips, as fingernails dig into the flesh leaving marks*

The feeling of being in control excited the older male. He could toy with him for hours at this rate, he was the boss, he was number one. His grip tighten around the male's waist and butt. Making it so he couldn't escape from Matt's torturous tongue. *Body tenses before he shakes as he released his sweet nectar.* Greedily he swallowed what was given to him. Flicking his tongue over his tip a few times, making the boy shiver and groan. 

His first sexual act was not with the female he fancied but with a boy he grow up with. His mind was clouded, his body sore and tired, but in a good way. There was no going back now. And he still didn't have his answer. Closing his eyes he tried to slow down his overly speeding heartbeat. Slipping into a state of relaxation he could no longer fight off the drowsiness that was trying to consume him.

Matt moved carefully then collapsed next to his friend. Quickly following him into the world of dreams.

~~Later that night~~

"I can't wait to show everyone this" stated Mello with a devilish grin

"Hehe This will be interesting" said the blonde female.

*Sends out a massive picture group text. Goes into the front room and read the replies while laughing their asses off* "What in the world is this?" From Lynda "I always knew Matt was Bi but I never would have guessed that he was into young boys" texted James "Is this photo shopped?" replied Roger. There was no reply from Zia.

A door opened and not quietly, rushed foot steps could be heard. A fiery haired girl came in from the back and walked right to the room where the sleeping males lie. She did not stop to say hi to her friends. There was something she needed to see with her own eyes. The two blonds that were laughing looked at each other before getting up and following the female.

She didn't peek into the room, oh no she stepped in fully. Her eyes widen as she looked at the sight before her. There laying in her sister's bed was her gaming buddy and her crush. Both males were in their boxers with hickeys all over their chests and necks. Zia could not believe her eyes. *rubs her eyes, blinks, rubs again, blinks again, stands there wide eyed, mouth open slightly*

Mello and Rose looked at the shorter girl then back at each other, cheeky grins on their faces. Neither one tried to stop the girl as she made her way over to the bed. Reaching out she touched both males gently at first then semi hard before pinching herself. Flinching from the pain she knew this was no nightmare. This was real, all to real. The foreign touched wake Matt from his slumber.

*yawns, stretches, smacks lips, looks around the room, eyes slowly landing on his friends*

Dark blue orbs met piercing multicolored ones. Those eyes held questions, those eyes wanted answers, those eyes screamed bloody murder and promised a world of pain for the brunette. What answers he did not know. That is until he remembered where he was, whom he was with, and what had happen. Sitting up quickly he tried to untangle himself from the dove haired boy. Failing he looked at the boy and shook him gently to wake him. "Get up Near....."

*continues to try and wake the male, body trembling as he felt her eyes on him, watching him closely*  "Dude get up already!" *giggling and chuckling coming from the two blonds* The brunette looked at his two friends and pleaded wordlessly for help. Which only caused them to laugh at his discomfort louder. Giving up on trying to wake the sleeping male, the brunette pleads with the ginger. "I can explain, just don't hurt me." Getting tired of not getting any answers the scarlette clicked her tongue. 

"Oh and how do you explain.....Getting your glaze all over MY precious cinnamon roll?" In a panic the male tries again to wake up the other male. This time he succeeds. "Near help me explain what happen before Zia kills me" *gently rubs his eye and blinks, messy white hair sways softly as he moves*  "How long have I've been asleep?" *yawns softly* "NEAR! Explain already, she's seriously going to kill me"

"Zia?" Sitting up sleepily he looked over to the brown skin female. "I can ex-" She placed a finger to his lips, then slowly traced them with her finger. "Hmm you're one hell of a kisser. I can tell by how soft your lips feel"

Slowly standing up the female touched her lips with that same finger. Giving herself an indirect kiss. "It's to bad that you have a boyfriend. I............I wouldn't mind feeling those lips on mines." She whispered before leaving the room. *In unison "I'm HIS boyfriend?......HE'S my BOYFRIEND? KONEKO! WAIT!"*

"Zia, wait....don't wait...KONEKO!" Waking up with a jerk the young male looks around the room. No one was there, but there is laughter coming from the living room *tries to jump out the bed, gets tangled up in covers, frees himself and walks quickly to the living room, all eyes turn to the white pajama loving male.*  "Hey dude you okay?" Ignoring the brunette's question, but looking at him with distrust, Near says "Where is Zia?"

"I'm right here, is something wrong?" She said from behind him. He turned around and embraced the slightly taller (for the moment) girl. *nuzzles her chest, and whispers*  "I want you." Zia blinked and looked at the childish man she adored then back to the others. The male spoke louder this time as he started to lead the girl to his room. "I love you. *looks over his shoulder, narrows his eyes and glares at the brunette* And I don't want anyone else getting THEIR GLAZE all over YOUR precious cinnamon roll"

"What has gotten into Near?" Rose asked. "No idea, but I know what's getting into Zia real soon"

....................."I'm out of here!" 

"Right behind you"

With the new ending added this story was 5357 words long~

Edited 22/3/17 word count is the same

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