Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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The next day I woke up after a decent night of sleep, well for me that is, I only had one nightmare, it wasn't even bad enough to bring my family up into my room. I pulled my blanket off and turned off my fan, I had to have it on to sleep.

I stood up out of my bed and stretched, I could hear the cracking and popping of my bones. The sun was shining brightly through my curtains, I could feel the cool breeze flowing in through the screen of the cracked window. It felt really nice.

After sitting and enjoying the breeze for a while I got dressed and went downstairs to find my brother waiting in the kitchen for me.

"You excited?" he asked. he was sitting on top of the kitchen counter playing on his phone, I knew my mom would slap the shit out of him if she saw him doing that.

I chuckled and responded barely above a whisper, "yeah"

He told me to eat something before we left in an hour, going back to his phone afterwards, he was probably texting his girlfriend or something. I got a free day off of school for this... A Mitch free day.

While I was putting the milk into my Cinnamon toast crunch I saw my mom come down the stairs and over to the kitchen, surprising my brother who was looking down at his phone.

"What the hell are you doing on my counter?! Get your ass off!" She yelled, slapping him on the shoulder.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, sliding off the counter rubbing where she hit even though we all knew it didn't actually hurt. My mom and I laughed and I sat down to eat.

My mother then announced that she was leaving for work. she wished me luck at the doctors and then she left.

We chilled out at the house until it was time to leave.

We sat in the waiting room listening to the crying babies and watching the other kids running around the lobby, while their parents and other people were scattered around in the chairs.

We waited there until my name was called and then we followed the nurse into a room where we waited once again for someone else to come.

Finally, after someone came in and cut the damn cast off of my leg Darryn and I decided to go out to eat at some barbeque place. We had a good time, it was nice because I hadn't spent much time with my brother recently.

Soon enough we were back at our humble abode. I parted ways with Ryn and headed up into my room.

I plopped onto my queen bed and curled up in the comforter, closing my eyes for a much-needed nap, however, my attention was averted to the noise of my buzzing phone from my bedside table.

I picked it up and opened it to a brand new unknown number and brand new pictures of me. I gasped in surprise, and suddenly the feeling of wanting to throw up the food I had just eaten arose.

I thought this number had gotten bored with me and gone on to something else because I hadn't received any messages from an unknown number since the last time when I had blocked it.

'Hey baby' another text popped up.

I held my phone in my hands, staring at the text for a while before I came up with something to say.

'Who are you? What do you want from me??'

My hands were shaking now, to be honest, a part of me didn't want to know the answers to the questions my own fingers had typed.

My phone buzzed again so I averted my attention back to it.

'You'll know soon enough baby <3 goodbye for now'

I rushed to answer back again. What did he mean by that? I'll know soon enough?

'What do you mean??'

I stared at my phone again, waiting for this stranger to respond to me. It seemed like hours of waiting but there was nothing. Nothing at all.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep anymore. I set my phone back on the table and pulled my blanket tighter around my body staring at the wall. My tv was on quietly but I wasn't paying attention to it, tons of thoughts were jumping around in my brain, it was like a city intersection during rush hour.

I stayed curled up like that until my thoughts couldn't jumble anymore and I was too tired to stay awake, my thoughts lulled me into a terrible sleep.


I was in my bed, the light from the tv blaring its bright glare into the darkness of my room, but suddenly before I got the chance to look at what was on a dark figure appeared out of nowhere and stood above me. I couldn't make out any of his features at all. He was quiet but continued to stay standing above me.

I sat up, maybe it was Darryn, maybe he thought I was asleep.

"Ryn what are yo-" My sentence was cut off by the figure in the dark.

"Hey Baby" he spoke, his voice was gruff. My eyes widened when I recognized the same line from the unknown numbers texts, suddenly the tv shut off and my head snapped over to it. Then it turned back on and slowly pictures of me appeared on it one by one, the images that were sent to me.

Then it was as if the walls started to melt and I sank through the floor, my body smacked down onto cold cement... I was in the basement where the worst two years of my life took place. My heartbeat grew fast and I started breathing heavy. The images of the horrible things that happened in this room came flashing back... these horrible memories drowning me with the force of hurricanes. The tears flooded my eyes and the memories became worse but I couldn't stop them, I was feeling the pain of each moment all bound together at once, I screamed out, I couldn't take it any longer it was too much, and as the images kept coming, the pain kept getting worse and my screams didn't stop, they got louder. Bruises and scars and blood kept popping up all over my body, everyone from every memory, they were-

"Talon?" A calming voice contrasted from the harsh voices in the memories, breaking me out of it.

I shot up from my bed so fast I swear I got whiplash. I looked around the room to make sure I wasn't in that basement and I was relieved to see the blue-ish purple walls of my room.

"Its okay baby, remember you're safe now, you're t home, there's no one here to hurt you now" My mother whispered quietly, she did it in her calming voice. My brother was sitting in my desk chair behind her and they both had worried expressions. I closed my eyes and attempted to catch my breath, wiping the tears off of my eyes and cheeks.

When I finally caught my breath I picked up my phone and slid the lock screen which then opened up to my home screen which was a selfie Kaycee and Sebastian had taken on my phone. I went to the speech app and told my family that I was going to take a quick shower.

"Okay well when you're done come downstairs, we can all watch a movie or something," Darryn said, I nodded in response and they reluctantly left my room. I looked at my phone again and checked the time, it was 9:34 maybe id be able to get some decent sleep later before school.

After my shower I went downstairs and met my mom and Darryn once again, Darryn picked a movie but I couldn't keep my focus on it, the only thing I could think about was the unknown number. I took my phone out and made sure they couldn't see what was displayed on the screen and I promptly blocked the new unknown number, but even after I still couldn't focus.

Soon enough the first movie was over and my mom went to bed, leaving me and Ryn. He put on The Iron Giant because he knew it was my favourite. We were sitting as close as we could be without touching each other. I didn't know so much screaming could make you so tired especially since the reason I was screaming was because I was asleep but I guess its just how the human body works. I was scared to go back to bed though, I didn't want to have that experience again.

So I sat there on the couch next to Darryn, the light of the moon was showing through the windows. I listened to Hogarth's voice as he conversed with Dean in his junkyard, and my brothers yawning which caused me to yawn too, and eventually, we both fell asleep, the movie still laying in the background.


I awoke on the couch next to my brother who was still asleep beside me, happy that the nightmares decided to take a break the second time I slept. I stood up slowly as to not wake him up and left to get dressed upstairs in my room.

Today I was going to put my leg back to good use and ride my beloved skateboard to school just like the old times. I picked it up and spun the wheel with my finger, the sound was pleasing to my ears, I smiled, so happy to have that damn cast off my leg, it was super itchy and uncomfortable, and now I can have an easier time doing the things I love.

Then as soon as my peace started it was ended when I heard my brother loudly running up the stairs yelling.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late for work!"

"Darryn James Brooks! Language!" My mother yelled back from her room. I smiled and slung my backpack around my shoulders. I don't know why she reprimands him for cursing like he's a little kid even though he's technically an adult, but she did it nonetheless. Her house her rules I guess. I quietly laughed to myself, stopping by each of their rooms, telling them goodbye before I left for school.

When I arrived I was glad t see that once again Trey wasn't hanging out with Mitch, it seemed that he might have been being truthful. I successfully made it to my locker without a run in with Mitch or his goons too which was another plus. I put my board in the old, ugly metal locker and shut it, going off to Sebastian's locker, since he's like the 'leader' of the group we liked to meet at his locker now, especially since Mitch had taken over Josh and I's fountain.

"Hey Nugget," Kacee greeted when I was close enough to them, I waved back to her along with everyone else. Sebastian smiled at me and I smiled back. We stayed there and talked until the bell rang and everyone went off their separate ways to their respective classrooms, except for Sebastian and I, and Kacee who ran off to the bathrooms.

He was leaning on his locker and his dark blue eyes met mine.

"Ready for tomorrow?" He asked. Shit! I completely forgot he asked me on a date! I smiled at him and nodded yes even though it was a complete lie, that's one of the pluses about being a mute, people can't hear your lies through nods.

He grinned back, "Good, I have big plans," He said chuckling.

I laughed with him. I wonder what type of stuff he has planned, hopefully, nothing too expensive or fancy, I don't want him to waste money on me. I then realized that the halls were almost empty and told him we should probably get to class, he nodded, walking off to English class with me following in tow.

We met Kacee in the classroom, all of us finding seats close to each other and trying to make the best out of the boring class, which is exactly how the rest of the school day went.


School on Friday passed way quicker then I had expected it to, Sebastiaan wouldn't stop looking at me all day.

I sat crisscrossed on the floor in front of my closet, what should I wear? Normally I wouldn't be s concerned about how I dressed but this is not a normal thing, I'm going on a date. Talon Brooks... going on a date, I never thought this day would happen.

What if I overdress? What if I underdress? I don't even know where we're going to go because Sebastian refused to tell me, he said it had to be a surprise. Maybe I should cancel last minute...

Out of nowhere my door opened, I turned my head to see who opened it and revealed my brother standing in the hallway.

"Hey, Talon... what are you doing?" He asked. He had a perplexed look on his face. I looked around on the floor next to me for my phone so I could answer him but I realized I left it on the bed so I got up to grab it.

"Well, I'm trying to figure out what to wear."

"What to wear for what?" He asked. I didn't tell him or my mother bout my date with Seb, it never really crossed my mind to do so.

"for my date." I waited for my phone to finish speaking the phrase and watched my brothers face switch from confused to surprise.

"A date?!" He asked. I could hear the excitement dripping from his tongue. I looked down, a small smile on my face and I just knew that I was blushing, how embarrassing! I nodded a yes in response to his question.

"Yes, finally you're taking after your older brother the ladykiller! Now you'll be one too!" He yelled, stepping further into my room I was thankful my mom was still at work because there would be even more fuss about my first date.

"My dates a guy," I remarked, I had never really come out as gay but I never really thought I had to anyway, I think my family always just kind of knew.

"Ookay, a mankiller then," He chuckled "Hold on" He stepped back calling out in the hallway.

"Baby! Come here!" I heard a faint 'okay' and then footsteps and then his girlfriend appeared.

"You called?" She singsonged, her name is Quinn, she and my brother have been dating for more than two years.

"My little brother here is going on his first date and he doesn't know what wear, we have to help him with his dilemma." My brother explained. I blushed en more, he dragged his girlfriend into this.

"Ooh, I got this!" Quinn said walking over to my closet and rummaging through it, it felt like this was a teen romance movie but instead of me being helped by my two best friends it was my brother and his girlfriend instead. Darryn went over to my closet and joined Quinn in the search for a good outfit.

While they were preoccupied I got back on my phone, the clock read 3:26. Sebastian had said that hed pick me up at 4:30, he did it while we were walking out the front doors of school at the end of the school day, he had winked at me.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 4:30 pretty boy" That's what he had said and then he proceeded to calmly walk off to his car and drive away without letting me type in a single word into my phone.

I looked back over To Darryn and Quinn, they were quietly conversing with each other, showing a piece of clothing and then giving feedback on it like they were judges on X Factor.

I told them I was going to take a shower and walked out of my room into the hallway bathroom, leaving them in my room to judge. I avoided looking in the mirror like I always do, shedding my clothes and configuring the water temperature until it was just right, stepping in and just standing underneath the water for a little bit, letting my worries get the best of me.

I've never been on a date before, what if I make a complete fool out of myself? What if he decides that I really am worthless and never talks to me ever again?

I sighed beginning to wash myself while playing out each scenario in my head. After I finished I towelled off and put the clothes I was wearing back on walking back into my room to see if they had made a decision yet.

I entered my room to find both of them sitting on my bed, she was leaning on his shoulder humming some pop song.

"Here mankiller," Darryn said tossing a pile of clothes at me, I didn't catch them so I had to shamefully pick them off the floor "Also tuck the shirt into the jeans" He added. Then I went back into the bathroom to change since they were still occupying my room.

I laid the pile of clothes on the counter, taking my current ones off. I slipped on the pair of black skinny jeans first, they had a few rips in the front, next I put on this grey sweater like shirt and tucked it into the jeans like Ryn said to. On top of that, I put on a blueish green jacket.

(The jacket is like the one in this picture)

It seems kinda sad that I couldn't think of this outfit on my own but I looked nice and I was thankful anyway.

I left the bathroom and entered mine once again to find my brother and Quinn kissing on my bed. I cleared my throat and awkwardly waited for them to stop.

"Aah Sorry Talon... you look nice" Ryn muttered, out of breath.

"See! Nice and simple, you were just overthinking it," Quinn commented smiling, I smiled back at her as a 'Thank you'

"Wear your combat boots with it," He said and they started kissing again.

"Please don't do that on my bed" I typed onto my phone and when it was read it aloud they broke their kiss laughing. I grabbed the combat boots and sat down on the floor to lace them up. Darryn laughed and they both stood up to go back into his room to do god knows what, I followed them out into the hallway and then conveniently the doorbell rang. My eyes widened. Oh god oh god the moment of truth. I grabbed my wallet and phone off the table and started walking down the stairs.

"Good luck loverboy!" I heard my brother shout as I rushed down the stairs and to the front door. I grabbed the knob and stopped to catch my breath, then I opened the door. Sebastian was standing there with a light yellow peony in his hand and a big, dumb smile on his face.

"Hi Pretty boy," He said holding out the flower for me to take and I did so making sure to avoid his fingers. He was in a casual outfit, wearing tight dark grey jeans with rips in them and a dark red hoodie. I was glad to know that his outfit matched mine in terms of casualness.

I set the flower in an already full vase on a table so it wouldn't shrivel up or die so soon while we were out.

He held out his hand, gesturing to his car, "after you," I smiled again, walking outside, he followed me still with his goofy grin as we commenced the start of our first date.

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