Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

New Roommate

78 2 0
By ziakitty

"Come on Mello"

"No I'd rather die here in the gutter than have to go there."

"We really will die in the gutter if we don't go."

"Just give me a moment and I'll think of something."

"No Mello...... We have no clothes.....And my DAMN GAMES HAVE ALL BEEN STOLEN!"

"Relax Matt we can just buy more. And our things haven't been stolen, they're just lost in customs. I'm sure we'll be able to get them back. It might take a while though"

"You're very calm about this. I mean it's not a big deal that our clothes are gone. Along with any money we had. Which mean we won't be able to buy anymore chocolate."

"Wait, what?" *slowly turns head, blue eyes widen*

"Yep, we have no money. Don't you remember? Your wallet was dropped and someone turned it in after they took the money out of it. The extra money we had was in our suitcases. Which got lost in customs. And you already know I don't carry cash on me only cards and the ATMs around here are neither not working or closed off." *pulls a cigarette out of its pack, places it into his mouth* Right before he could light it the male sees a big no smoking sign.

*sighs and rubs temples* "I'm sure there will be chocolates and games. It's only for one night. Then we'll be back on a plane heading back to base. If we don't have our things by time we land we can always call up one of the members and have them pick us up. What's the worst that could happen" a thousand and one negative thoughts ran through the blond's head as he looked at his brunette friend. So many things could go wrong as that point was being proven right now as they spoke. Looking around the once very busy very crowded Airport. The blond haired male named Mello shook his head and stated firmly no.

"There is no way I am going there. There's no way I'm asking her for help"

"That's fine you don't have to ask I will. Besides I'm already calling" state an amused looking brunette boy with dark blue eyes.

"Despite the fact that you do not like Lynda I'm sure she'll be glad to hear from you. I talk to her randomly and she seems to always ask about you"

"Thanks for telling me, because that's not creepy as fuck. I hate her so much and yet she seems to always want to be around me. I hope that little slut finally grew the fuck up and learned how to close her legs."

"Shush it's ringing"

"Hello, Matt! How are you? Is Mello with you? Let me talk to him"

"Hey look I've got a bit of a problem. Mello and I are stuck at the airport" *random people coming and going, flights being delayed, flights being cancelled, random announcements, Mello cringes every once in a while*

"That's awesome see you in about forty-five minutes. Thanks a lot I owe you one."

*sighs and gives the male a look of disgust* "Well are you going to tell me what's going on? How long do we have to wait around this Airport? Let's check with customs again and see if they found our bags. Hopefully they did so we don't have to go to that damn cunt's house"

"you know the chances of them actually finding those bags are really low. Besides they said to come back tomorrow or they would call us if they found our bags. I'm tired and hungry and I need my games so suck it up and let's just go and take Lynda up on her offer." Slowly the leather clad male stands to his feet and started looking for an exit.

"Fine I'll go but I won't like it. So what are we going to do for the next forty minutes?"

~~Time Skip brought to you by the Gods of rage quitting!~~

Mello's P.O.V

This sucks....I can't believe the luck we're having today. The last forty-eight hours has been a bust. First our flight was cancelled due to weather, then we just barely made the second flight. Which they didn't want to let Matt or I on mainly cause Matt didn't want to take off his damn goggles! So they could see his face. Then when I think we'll finally get through some random security guard stops us and does a security check. I mean did we NOT just go through that SHIT a moment ago? I need some chocolate. If only I had my gun I'd force my way through all these damn people!

Sighing I watch as the scenery changes from the parking area of the airport to a busy highway. The rain and snow has turned into hail and it's coming down hard. *hard coughing and slight weezing* "You know I don't normally care if you smoke, but we're in a small car. It's hailing outside. My lungs can only take so much. Stop smoking now okay?"I tell the two males in the car. Yes both the driver and Matt are smoking.

*Nods his head and puts out the cigarette, looks over at the salt and pepper haired male, huffing, car horns blaring, slow moving traffic, annoyed grunts and groans coming from the front seat*

"Look, here, this is ma cab ya hear. And if  ya'll don't like it, ya'll can get out and walk you little shit!" *face palms, still looking at the driver, brunette hair swaying* "We're paying customers. There's no need to be rude. Besides you have a big ass no smoking sticker on the back window!" *huffs, takes a big long drag, chuckles* "Do ya want me to turn this cab around young lady!" *laughter coming from both the front seat and left side of the backseat*

Reaching into my pocket I go to take out my last bit of chocolate only to find that it has melted. Something within me snaps as I look at my now gooey chocolate covered digits. This just won't do. *"Do ya want me to turn this cab around young lady, laughter"* 

*heavy breathing, fists balling up, look of both disgust and enragement*

"Now M-Mello he was only kidding"

"Speak for ya self son. That girl you got back there, just needs some good D, What's wrong little lady? Cat got ya tongue?"

*crude laughter, slaps knee and shakes head, takes a long deep drag, blows the smoke towards the back of the car*

For once I sit there in silence while this bugger talks about how he'll give me the D. How he'll make my 'virgin cunty' feel good. And how this will be a free ride for the both of us. I don't look over at my brunette friend. There is no need for me to do so. I can feel his eyes on me just like he can feel the deadly aura coming from me. The caramel complexion motherfucker with the shitty dye job is the only one that is laughing and the only one that can't seem to feel the change in the air. 

~~Matt's P.O.V~~

Shit is about to hit the fan as they say here in the states. Mihael was called a female and is now being hit on by this bastard. May whatever god he believes in have mercy on his soul. I could stop my friend from whatever he is going to do to this guy, but at this point the guy is pretty much asking for it.

I look from Mello to the driver then out the window. I know it's been years since I've been in this city but something isn't right...Has Lynda always lived this close to a red light district? It took me a minute to figure out this noob had taken a back route. Trying to get more money out of us or what?

*car turns down a dark alley, parks off to the side. "Are you going to bring  that pretty lil' ass up here or do ya wanna do this outside?" clothes rustling, door slowly opening, light foot steps*

He's kidding right? My eyes widen as I watch Mello calmly get out of the car. A smirk on his face as he walks to the driver's door and opens it. "Come on out" my blond haired friend says while taking a step back. The driver laughs and gets out of the taxi.

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets as I see Mello put his hand on the hazel eyed male's shoulder. A dangerous smirk on his lips. I laugh as I watch the perverted male's face turn  from arousal into confusion and then pain. It seems to have happened in slow motion.

Mello and the male standing in front of each other, Mihael slowly putting his hand on the slightly taller male's shoulder. Before bitch slapping him with the back of his hand. I've known the blond-haired blue-eyed boy for years, so I knew something was up the moment he stopped talking or when he didn't rage at the driver. However I was not expecting this.

Mello back handed him so hard that spit and blood flew out his mouth. Before the driver had a chance to rebound and catch his balance my friend hit him with an uppercut right then a left and another right, lastly kicked him in the stomach so hard that he flew back against his car causing the alarm to go off. *a cry of anguish, loud beeping, heavy stomping, hail hitting glasses and metal, hail slowly turning into cold rain* I was still in the car when this all happen I felt the impact when his back hit the car. The stupid male cried out in pain and I took that as my cue to quickly get out the cab and grab my friend before he could do any more damage.

*black boots aggressively stomps and kicks at any exposed flesh*

Grabbing onto his hand and trying to pull him away before he could do anything else. I heard approaching footsteps thinking it might have been someone who had seen us park here and called the police. I quickly turn around to see who might be joining and make a fast get away if need be. To my surprise it's a girl.

She seems to be around 5 foot 6 with straight blonde hair that, it's hard to see how long it is. Pale or fair skin it's hard to tell with such little lighting. The lime green headphones that are shaped like cat ears are lit up under her hood. They matched well with the green and blue coat that she is wearing. In her hands are two large bags. They're probably groceries.

The girl freezes as it seems like she just noticed us there. Her eyes which are an oceanic blue and reminds me a bit of Mello's widen as she watches the scene before her. I tug harder on my friend's wrist and finally pulled him away from the other man who is laying on the ground. His face bleeding and broken from the beating he had just received.

I thought for sure the female would run off screaming or at least call for the police. However what she did surprised me and Mello.

"Are you guys okay?" *cop sirens blaring in the background* "We have to go now! Follow me if you don't want to deal with the cops" and with that the girl turned on her heels and walked away rather quickly in the other direction. I look towards my friend and he nods before we follow the unknown female.

We speed walk for about 7 minutes. No one says a word until we reach a decent-size house. Going from how it looked on the outside it had at least five bedrooms and maybe two or three bathrooms. It was Mihael who broke the silence. "Who are you and why did you bring us here?" *sighs and places her bags down. Reaches into her pocket to find her house keys.* "You guys looked like you needed help. Also I'm pretty sure you're friends with my roommate. Or you at least will know em, besides I'd know your faces anywhere haha."

"And who is this roommate?"

"Grab the bags will you? You'll find out in a moment" looking at each other we pick up the bags and once again follow behind the female.

~~Normal/3rd P.O.V ~~

Stepping inside the two males shivered as they were hit by the warm welcoming air.

"Thank God we're indoors again." Stated the brunette boy while sitting down the bag he was carrying.

"None of this would have happened if we would had stayed at the airport and just waited" growled out the lighter blue-eyed male. *warm sweet smelling air washes over their cold damp/soaked bodies* A happy sigh came from both blonds. They looked at each other and laugh.

"I'll be right back. I've gotta put these groceries away and I'll tell my roommates that we have guests. So feel free to take off your shoes and hang up your coats in the closet over here." The two males start to take off their shoes and enter the living room more. There is a few couches and a lazy boy recliner. A huge flat screen television. A small glass table. And a fireplace.

~~Near's P.O.V ~~

Hearing laughter and familiar sounding male voices along with my roommate Rose, I slowly put the last card on my tower down. Once that's finished I careful made my way to the door and out of the room. I'm quite surprised to find that the voices were indeed that of Matt and Mello my former roommates you could say. Bringing my fingers up to twirl a piece of my snow colored locks, I look at the two males. They haven't seemed to notice me yet.

I have no idea why they're here or how they even found out where I live, but if I had to guess I would assume that something happen that forced them to come here. Maybe Rose found them in the gutter somewhere who knows. Quickly and quietly turning around I head to the bathroom to grab towels. It had been raining, snowing and hailing out there and from what I could see those two were pretty soaked. They must have been out in that weather for quite some time. The weather is taking a turn for the worse and it is getting quite late.

So I will assume that they'll be staying the night. Though I bet Mello puts up a fight about it once he figures out that this is my home. Then again if he does put up a fuss I will have Rose or Matt helped me calm him down and hopefully he doesn't wake up our other roommate. While making my way back to the living room with the towels. I hear yelling and of course it's Mello. It seems he has figured out whose home he has stumbled into. This is just great.

Sighing to myself I step into the front room towels in hand. "Mello, Matt. It's been a while. What are you doing here?" I stated while handing them the towels. Matt gladly took the towels and started drying himself off. While Mello just looked at the cloth and debated on if he should grab it or walk out the door. With my free hand I play with a lock of my hair.

It wasn't hard to tell which option he was leaning towards. "I don't mind if you guys stay the night. The weather is terrible out there, however I will request that you keep your voices down" *continues playing with white locks, looks down then slowly up, growling and huffing coming from the annoyed looking blond* "Shut it Near it's been a long day. And I don't want to deal with you!"

"Want to talk about it? or...nevermind. You don't have to deal with me. I'll be in my room, all I'm asking is for you to be quiet. It's a simple request." We were about to start bickering until Rose entered the room with a plate of chocolates. Seeing the sugary goodness my blond haired rival instantly lost all interest in bickering with me and made his way other to the girl. *happily takes the plate and sits on the couch, starts to eat the chocolates*

Directing my attention to the dark blue eyed, brunette male I noticed that he's not playing one of his many games. He looks a bit on edge. "Are you alright?" Matt looked at me as if he just noticed that I was there. It seems he had went into his own little world. "I'm just a bit tired and hungry and as you can see I don't have my games right now. I'll be fine"

"I think there's a DS on the table." *points to a small glass table in the far right side of the room* over there *"Sweet!" Walks over and happily takes the DS* "And I'm sure if you ask nicely Rose would make us something to eat. Or I could co-" *jumps slightly and yells* "No way! You know you're not allowed in the kitchen. After what happen last time!" *gasp and covers her mouth. The room grows quiet, let's out a small sigh* The girl clad in lime green and blue makes her way to me and we whispered back and forth. This causes the leather loving, chocolate addicted man to yell. *growls, angrily bites into chocolate, eyes narrow, growls again*

"What the bloody hell are you two going on about? Why do we have to be so damn quiet." *shushing, a pale finger is rose to pink lips* "Please stop yelling, I know I'm one to talk as I just yelled but we're trying not to wake up Koneko" *blond eyebrow arches, chuckles and smirks, bites into another chocolate* "You're telling me to shut up because you don't want to wake up your kitten?" My face is expressionless as I nod my head and try not to blush at the thought of Koneko being mines. "No fucking way Near! I knew you were a weird albino freak, but this takes the cake!" *loud laughter, shushing, more laughter*

For once I can't stand the blond idiot's laughter or the sound of his voice. I glare at the male, my normal monotone voice is filled with anger as I yell at him. "Shut that hole in your face!" The room is quiet everyone is looking at me. Matt even paused his game. *reaches into his pocket, takes out a cigarette and places it into his mouth* "If you want to smoke you'll have to go on the deck. It's through the kitchen over here. I'll show you" my roomy says just barely above a whisper. Her eyes are wide as she looks at me then to Matt. He nods and quickly follows after her.

Still glaring at Mello, I see that he is smirking slightly. His eyebrow is cocked, his arms are folded and he is now standing *stretching, soft foot steps, that go unnoticed, mmew, chuckling* "Look at that Near it seems YOU wake up your precious little Kitten." *mew* "Haha come on out. I do like pussies." *starts walking over towards the shorter male, while looking for the cat* A soft feminine calls out as a warm hand touches my shoulder. *turns around, watches the girl*

"Near are you alright? *yawns softly and rubs her eye* I heard you yell." Unique colored orbs slowly open and look into my grey ones. Soft brown hands cup my cheeks causing them to turn red slightly. "You never yell. What's going on?" By the look in her eyes I can tell she is concerned.

She bites her lip slightly as she continued to eye me up and down. Not once did she look at the other person in the room. It always makes me feel special when she pays attention to me and me alone. I stare back into her orbs, lost in them for the time being. Neither one of us make a noise as we stand there. That is until Mihael whistled making me turn in his direction.

~~Zia's P.O.V~~

My eyes slowly open as I hear yelling coming from somewhere in the house. I stretch slightly and look around. How did I get into my room? I'm sure I passed out on the couch in one of the guest rooms or was it the living room? Fuck it I have no idea anymore. Working a 20 hour shift with only 2 hours of sleep for the last five days will do that to the human brain...Well to mines at least. I thought while getting out of the full sized bed, wait full sized bed? 

*looks around the room, stretches and mews, walks over to the desk*

There is a white desk against the left wall, not to far from the half bathroom that's connected. Ah so this is not my room. I'm in Nate or Near as he wants to be called around others. I'm in his room....again. How do I keep ending up here? Okay stupid question I know how but why I'm not so sure. This isn't the first time I've found myself in this room. Oh no not at all.

On the desk are finger puppets about seven of them. Picking up one of the puppets I notice it's a cocky looking blond male. It's so cute, I wonder if he would make one for me. Now most people would think that this is creepy. 

A grow man, at least we think he's grow it's still hard to tell. With how he looks and sometimes acts. Making finger puppets and playing with toys that are clearly made for children ages five to eight. To each their own or whatever floats your boat as I always say.

They must be the people he knows or think of as friends? I think to myself while holding  the puppet. Hey this one looks like sis~ Hehe it's even cuter. Now I really want one of myself. I thought while putting the male one down and picking up two more puppets they're both female. One had blue eyes the other had golden-brown, both have blonde hair though one had shorter more golden hair.

Putting the toys back in their places I continues to look around while heading back to the bed. There is no television or computer in this room. Tons of puzzles on a bookcase but not one book which is in the corner against the back wall. Not to far from it is the bed which is also all white. Crawling back into the bed and under the sheets. I see there is a cup of water resting on the small stand that is near the bed. *grabs the cup and takes a small sip, the water is cool*

Closing my eyes and sighing happily I snuggle back into the warmth of Nate's bed. It doesn't smell like him. Probably because he never uses it. I'll have to make sure he is getting rest.......*"Shut that hole in your face!"* hmmm I didn't say that, but that is how I tell people to shut the hell up. Wait that sounded like Nate. I hope everything is alright *lazily rolls out of bed, heads towards the door and leaves the room*

I stretched as my soft foot steps echo in the empty hall. The sounds go unnoticed until I let out a mew. *mmew, chuckling* "Look at that Near it seems YOU wake up your precious little Kitten." *mew* "Haha come on out. I do like pussies."  I stand off to the side and watch the male in all black leather as he looks around for me the 'kitten'. He kinda looks like that puppet. My eyes travel from him to the messy snowy hair of my roommate. I can tell by how tense his body is that he is upset.

Stepping up and reaching out I place my hand on the slightly taller boy's shoulder, which causes him to turn towards me while I say. "Near are you alright? *yawns softly and rubs her eye* I heard you yell. You never yell. What's going on" My hands move on their own as they cup his face. I'm a bit to busy worrying about the male in front of me to notice anything or anyone else. His cheeks turned crimson. Does he have a cold? His face is a bit warmer then usual.

My colorful orbs scan him over as I bite my bottom lip gently. Something I do out of habit when I'm concerned about something or in this case someone. He stares at me which normally makes my heart race. Just like the first time we met. His gray eyes hold so much anger right now though his face looks emotionless. I don't know what's going on but I'll fix it.

~~Normal/3rd P.O.V~~

The man whistled at the shorter chocolate toned female. His eyes observed her closely taking in her features. She's 5 foot one only a few inches shorter than the paler skin male that she stood next to. Her curves are just barely hidden behind the button up pajama shirt she is wearing. "I can see why you didn't want me to wake this kitten up. *Rose and Matt enter the room quietly. A look of curiosity on both their faces* Trying to hide such a lovely creature. Didn't take you for the type to keep pets at all. Or to be in BDSM, how very kinky Near"   

*red and white eyebrows arch, a pale hand gently moves the undressed female behind him, blocking the taller man's view*

"Still as selfish and codependent"

"This coming from a chocoholic"

"Shut up Matt! I'm not the only one that likes chocolate favored things."

"Look at that lovely piece of chocolate that Near has been hiding."

"Who are you and why are you here?" Asked the girl from behind the male that is clad in all white pajamas. "I'll tell you anything you want to know if you tell me what I'd like to know" *winks suggestively* "Oh boy this will be a long night" states Rose as she walks over to the couch with Matt. As they sit down the brunette calls out to his blond male friend. "Come on sit down and tell them what REALLY happened or should I tell them" *tch, smiles at the girl then sits down in the leather lazy boy which is across from a smaller couch.* "I'll tell them don't worry" *Zia walks over to the smaller couch and sits alone, Near sits next to Rose, Matt sits on her left on the larger couch*

As the man starts to retell the events over the last few days. Nate felt the need to put distance between his colorful eyed roommate and his old leather loving one. Slowly he got up and joined the other girl on the smaller couch. The scarlet haired girl feels a hand entangle it's fingers with hers. She looks over and smiles softly as she notices that it is her roommate. The slightly younger male gently pulls his hand away only to place it on the other side of her waist. Pulling her closer to him as he closely watches his rival. A small frown on his lips.

He's never done this before, but there is a first time for everything. And since his blond haired rival showed up he had been feeling a bit on edge. Trying to keep his face as expressionless as possible while listening to the other males speak. Nate rubs the girl's waist slightly causing her to giggle. "Hey now what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing at all. Please continue with your story" *smiles sweetly, fighting back giggles, whispers "knock it off, that tickles"* He continues to rub ignoring the girl until Matt speaks up. "Yeah that's when Rose here saved us from being murderers. *laughs and looks up from the DS* I'm sure Mello was going to kill that guy. What a bloody bastard he was."

"How interesting" says the blonde girl. "Now where are you two going to sleep? I know one of the guest rooms is filled with towers and toys. The other one has only a twin size bed. And this couch is comfy to sit on but sleeping on it is not an option."

"One of them can sleep in my room"

"Oh you want to share your bed with me? But we just met" *smirks and leans back very cockily* "She never said that Mello. Stop thinking with your dick. Here eat more chocolate"

"Oh Koneko I hope you don't mind I gave them the chocolates you had made earlier."

"She made them? They're very good" *nibbles on a piece while playing the DS again* "Nice, she a looker and she can cook. I might be in lust" *smirks more, happily pops more chocolate into his mouth* "Yeah well her family owns a few bakeries. So she learned from the best" *nearly pulls the girl onto his lap*

"So if you're giving up your room. Then where are you going to sleep? Want to stay with me tonight sis?" Thinking for a moment the shorter female replies. "No I'll be staying in Near's room tonight. Besides I think we should have a nice long chat."

"What you really wanna share a room with that damn sheep boy over being in a room with a real man?" *loud laughter, looks over at the leather wearing male, pauses his game* "Real man? If we go off what that cabby said you're nothing but a little girl that needs the D!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MATT" *jumps up a bit in the chair, causing all the chocolates to fall* both females sigh. Rose starts to get up. "Pick that up right now. Rose you sit back down. They might be guests but that doesn't mean you have to be their maids. He can clean up his own mess." The blue eyed male was about to yell again *stands up, stretches* until a small white button flies pass his face and hits the chair making a small slapping sound. *everyone but Zia turns to look at the button then back at the girl*

"It would seem that your shirt is a bit to small. Or is it that my hotness is causing your clothing to remove itself" The brunette and blonde both face palm. While Near narrows his gray eyes at the fair skin male. "I'm going back to bed now. Please be quiet. If anyone wakes me, I'll kill them slowly" stretches a bit, then stops not wanting anymore buttons to go flying or to expose anymore of her already pretty much exposed large chest. "Also this is clearly NOT my shirt it's Near's shirt. He is the one that undressed me and put this on me right?" Places her hands on her hips and looks over at the now blushing pale complexion male. *hums, plays with his hair, looks innocently at them all* "Come on Near let's go to bed" *nods and slowly stands up, joining his female friend* 

"Oh by the way did this taxi driver have hazel eyes and a shitty dye job?"

"Yes how did you know?" Nate and Zia share a look before Near smiled at her.

*gasps and looks of shock, Mello looks more disgusted*

Near had smiled Near never smiles. What the hell was going on.

~~Time Skip 8 months earlier~~

~~Near's P.O.V~~

I've been at this for about a month now. This being, looking for a decent apartment, or house. Now I could easily have my own building or house made I do have more than enough money to make it happen. However that is not the point I am trying to make here.  The point I am trying to make is that I can do this living on my own thing myself. I'm tired of everyone whispering behind my back about how codependent I am.

They make it seem like it's a bad thing or that I'm a pest. Yes I'm codependent, yes I'm socially awkward. Life is a giant puzzle and I will solve it the way I see fit. However I won't sit back and let my team members or former roommates bad mouth me. Despite what they might think they know about me. I'm not as emotionless as it seems, I'm a sensitive person. I am just better at hiding it then others.

My eyes scan the screens in front of me as I look at the many apartments and homes for sale or rent. Everyday now since I left my team's shared building. I've been researching and visiting apartments. I nearly got roped into buying a very nice home or at least I thought it was a house for sale until I got there. It was a timeshare and the people that were trying to sale it wasn't even the real owners. Luckily for me they thought I was a child and made me leave.

I gladly left but not before informing the other people there that the home wasn't really theirs to sale. And that this scam would be reported to the local police. This is harder than I thought, but I love complex puzzles. *sighs, rubs eyes and rest face in his palms, sighs again and turns off the computers, grabs his things and heads towards the library's exit*  Maybe I should just give up for now. As I was about to leave I over heard a female talking. Normally I wouldn't go interact with people I don't know if it can be helped, but my curiosity got the best of me.

What I see is a girl with shoulder length wavy  fiery red hair, mixed with streaks of white, black and gold or blonde. She's wearing a white dress shirt and red skirt, white stockings with red heels. The coloring looks nice against her cocoa brown skin. "Sadly no. All the people there were creepers. This sucks, maybe we should post what we're looking for on Facebook or something? I don't know. It's not like we really need a roommate" That must be her boyfriend she's on the phone with. Odd I feel a wave of jealousy come over me.

"You're right Rose, Ah so it's not her boyfriend. It's a girl, maybe her roommate? I hope it's not her girlfriend. It would be easier on us in the long run if we had a way to split the bills three ways. Fine......Fine I'll keep looking jeebus!" I don't even know this girl, why does it matter if she is dating someone or not it has nothing to do with me.

The female continues chatting quietly as I look over her shoulder and take a peek at her screen. I had saw that house on one of the many sites I viewed the first time I started looking for a new place. In fact it was the first one to come up. That's kinda weird, I'm so lost in thought that I nearly didn't notice that the girl had spotted me. 

"Can I help you with something? Are you lost?" My gray orbs lock onto hers. I'm at a lost for words as I stare into those golden, silver, and spotted midnight blue eyes. I feel my heartbeat increase slightly as she tilts her head gently to the side. In a way that reminds me of a cute kitten. She bites her lip gently then smirks as her eyes light up. "I wish I could leave the house wearing my PJs.....Then again if I did that I would just be nude" *smirks and chuckles*

"So how can I help you? What's your name? I'm Zia." Shaking my head softly I come out the mini trance that her eyes held me in. "I'm Near".....*giggling*  "Well I can see that. Get any closer and you'd be in my lap. You're a very adorable child or teen, but fifteen will get you twenty and I don't look good in stripes or orange haha." "My name is Near, I'm also looking for an apartment or house to rent" my words come out a bit harsh yet monotone. "Do you like cats Near?"

"I don't know, I've never owned a pet"

"What? Really?" I nod my head in reply. "Oh wow, *reaches into her pocket and takes out a die, slowly moves it between her fingers before sitting it on the desk* interesting. Would you be interested in renting a room from me?"

"No....That wouldn't help me be independent"

"How so? You'd still be in charge of your own bills and stuff. The only difference is that the household bills would be shared."

"I don't want to be codependent." Tilting her head while taking out more dice from her pocket. The young woman stacks the dice while speaking. Her body is slightly turned away from me. "I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I do know that people aren't meant to live their whole lives alone. And if that makes me codependent so be it. I'm quite happy with that. Besides life is a big puzzle and the people we met are nothing more then jagged pieces. Without them we can not see the whole picture or even finish it."

She makes a good point. I've never thought about it like that before. This girl is wise, street smart even. Standing up slowly Zia started to collect her things and place them in her backpack. "Well it was nice meeting you Near. I hope we get to meet again" she says to me before turning to leave the library. "Likewise" I whisper to myself while watching the girl go.

Something inside me tells me I should go after her, but I don't listen. I know her name and face I'll do a background check on her and see if she is safe. Then maybe I'll take her up on her offer. I look at the computer and notice that she left it on. Jotting down the address for the house. 

I turn off the computer and leave the library myself. Stepping out of the building I look around and try to remember which way my hotel room is. Damn I should have called a taxi. Just as I was about to head back inside a taxi pulls up "Hey kiddo do ya'll need a ride?" yelled the driver while looking at me. "Yes indeed, I'm in need of a ride back to my room" I eye the male warily while walking over to the taxi. My hand reaching up to twirl a few strands of hair. He smiles at me, his teeth are yellow and very stained probably from smoking. His hazel eyes stands out against his caramel complexion.

Something is off about this guy. He almost seems eager to get me into his taxi. I stop as my hand touches the car door. "So where are ya goin'?" he says innocently. The sound of his overly sweet voice makes my blood turn cold. As I was about to reply a hand lands softly on my shoulder. It belongs to an attractive girl with a brown complexion, it's Zia. 

"There you are Love! I was looking all over for you. Let's go home" says the girl. Her hand still firmly yet gently holding my shoulder as she glares at the taxi driver. She moves her hand from my shoulder to my hand and gripping it she tugs on me, pulling me into her embrace. The cabby growls and yells. "Hey that's ma customer. Hands off what's mines girly!" What's his? I'm not a piece of property.

I was about to speak when Zia leaned down, just barely grazed my ear lobe with her lips. They're soft very soft. She whispers "you're coming with me, this guy is bad news. Trust me on this alright?" Having her so close to me, holding me against her protectively made me shiver.*nods head slowly while staring at the female. A soft brown hand tugs gently as the female leads the slightly younger male away from the taxi and in the direction of her home* 

After walking in silence for a few minutes we stop at a park. "There we should be far enough away from him. That guy is a real creep. If you see him again runaway or make sure you're not alone. He is a well known rapist but hasn't be caught due to lack of evidence. Which if you ask me in total bull-"

"Why did you help me? And how did you know I needed help? Where did you even come from?"

"Oh when I left I went to the store that's connected to the library for some snacks. I saw you come out and the cab driving up. Once I noticed who was driving, I knew I had to do something. I wouldn't want my new friend becoming another statistic.......Speaking of statistic I just saved you from a rapist by kidnapping you. Please don't call the police on me" *giggles softly and tries to let go of his hand only to have the male's grip tighten* 

Looking down at our hands I noticed that my body reacted on it's own by gripping hers tighter. My free hand moves to her backpack and slips it off her shoulder, and onto my own. Before she could question me, I shock us both. *smiles slightly at the girl "Let's go home"*

6865 words in total! This took a while mainly cause Mello was trying to steal the damn show! Bad Mello Bad! I did have a ton of fun writing this tho! Now onto the next story!  

Edited on 17/3/17 redone 6976 words yay. Happy birthday to me xD

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