I Knew You Were Trouble - (Fr...

By cloud_3

45.3K 2.7K 3.8K

COMPLETED ✓ (prison/gang/drugs/sex/fransykes) - Oliver Sykes, a heartless vicious gang leader who's... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty

Chapter twenty

1.1K 75 100
By cloud_3

A/N: So the last time I updated this story was August :\ yeah, thats a very very long time. I'm sorry guys, but i've kind of just lost motivation and love for this story. It truly is my baby but i've just felt extremely uninspired to continue writing it tbh. I still have lots of ideas planned for it and hell the drama I have planned has me buzzing but idk, the ideas never went away it was just the motivation to write it? idk if that makes sense but yeah I just kinda lost it. :(

I'm so sorry I kept you all waiting and I just want to give a big shout out to everyone who has supported this story either by reading/commenting/voting or harassing me to update again xD I really do appreciate it and it means a lot that people care to read something i've written and demand an update constantly lol.

Just bare in mind I started this chapter back in august when I last update but I just stopped writing. But over the last few months i've been opening up the word document and writing literally one sentence and closing the page again. lol thats how uninspired I felt and I hate this chapter with an absolute passion but I just wanted to get it out of the way so when I update again its something fresh and what i've been wanting to write for months! (the juicy drama)

I'm slowly going to try and get myself back into a routine to bring the regular updates back (don't hold me to that) but i'm going to try my best! Thank you so much for reading and i'm so sorry for this extremely lame boring chapter I honestly just wanted to get it out the way and start again.

Comment or vote if you want, let me know that this story hasn't turned into a complete flop :(

Enjoy x


Josh's POV

I insisted on going back to work today but I honestly must be crazy because when I woke up this morning wrapped up in Oli's warm strong arms, tangled in the dirty stained sheets of last night, it was the last thing I wanted to do.

After Oli and I made up in his basement last night he scooped me up in his arms and took me up to his room where we continued to make love to each other all night long. It was as if everything fell into place. This was where I was supposed to be, right here with him in our own little bubble where no one could interrupt us.

But eventually you had to go back to reality some day right? And unfortunately I stupidly chose today.


I was currently sat in Oli's car as he drove me to work, if I still have a job that is. It's been well over a week since I last gone in and I was more than dreading the thought of going back. For one, I knew I was going to be in a lot of trouble taking so much time off without telling anyone. But mostly importantly, I really didn't want to leave Oli's side. Everything's been so perfect between us the twenty four hours and now I was turning into a lovesick clingy boyfriend.

Take now for example, Oli's hand was placed on my thigh while his other hand controlled the wheel as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. But occasionally, he would glance over at me smiling with no reason as to why which kept giving me this warm fuzzy feeling inside every time he did. I was hopelessly in love with him with no indication how he felt towards me. He must also feel something, he must do, after the numerous times we made love last night and again this morning, he must feel the same as I do. How can he not?

I got myself all worked up and irritated because I couldn't stop thinking about if Oli loves me or not. The thought got me feeling all gloomy and kind of depressed compare to when I woke up this morning, I was feeling very much the opposite.

"I've got some things to do today, so if I don't pick you up after work one of the guys will." Oli's voice pulls me out of my upsetting thoughts.

"You're not gonna do anything stupid are you?" I questioned. Feeling a bit wary.

"Define stupid."

I frown with worry, I didn't want to get involved but I also didn't want him to get himself into trouble over the overdoes incident.

"Promise me you won't hurt Alan."

He takes his eyes off of the road for a second to look at me but he doesn't say anything, just stares endlessly at me.

"Promise me." I demand and this time I get a reaction when he knows I'm being serious.

"Okay okay, I promise." he says in defeat.

"I just don't want you making any wrong decisions and getting hurt because of me." I mumble looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Sometimes I think you forget who I am Sunshine." He scoffs.

I frown at his own words. I didn't liked how he liked how people feared him. He was giving everyone the wrong impression, when at heart I knew he was a good person.

He pulls up outside of my work and an overwhelming dread washes over me but that feeling is quick to vanish when Oli leans over and takes me by surprise by pressing his lips to mine. I melt into the kiss instantly as I'm overwhelmed with affection which has my heart skipping beats. With just a simple kiss he can take away all the anxiety and depressing thoughts which daily clot up inside of my head.

I feel him pull away from my lips reluctantly and there was a huge part that wanted to lean in and kiss him again but I knew I had to get to work.

I bite my lip and glance up at him already missing him like crazy even though I hadn't stepped out of the car yet.

"If your boss gives you any shit today just let him know you know a friend who owns a gun." Oli smirks finding the joke rather hilarious but I get a horrible sinking feeling in my chest instead.

All I got out of that sentence was the word friend. It only took that one word to bring back all the questioning upsetting thoughts from earlier, wondering if he loves me or not and here he was referring me as a friend. Was I really just a friend to him? Not after last night surely... I could feel a lump forming in my throat so I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car before he noticed anything was wrong.

I didn't want to get upset and cause a scene between before I started work so I just brushed it off as a misunderstanding on my part.

"See you later Sunshine." he smiles and I waved goodbye as he drives away.


When I walked into work both Alex and my manager saw me and if looks could kill, I would be in a grave 6ft deep right now.

Luckily, my manger got to me before Alex did and took me into his office to have a private talk and I knew then that I was in deep shit. I hadn't bothered calling work since I briefly told them that I have been 'mugged' and they probably assumed that I quit because I've been absence for so long. No doubt Alex covered for me. I shouldn't expect him to but he was one of my best friends and that's what best friends do, look out for one another. I sigh heavily, dreading having to face him afterwards.

My manager was a complete asshole and gave me a final warning. If I messed up again or don't show up to any of my shifts this week I'll get fired. And as much as losing your job at a lame pizza restaurant doesn't sound that bad, I really needed this job so I guess I better get my shit together and face the daunting nine hour shift I had ahead of me.

I make way into the guys changing rooms and began getting changed into my uniform.

That's when the door abruptly swings open banging against the wall from the harsh impact making me jump in fright. I turned around startled and came face to face with a very angry Alex.

"Oliver fucking Sykes?!" he yells making me groan in response.

I really didn't want to deal with this right now. I turn back to my locker and continued getting changed hoping Alex would just drop the subject but, I was wishing for a miracle to be so lucky.

"You've been fucking Syko this whole time!"

"Don't call him that." I snapped as I turned back around to send him a glare.

"Why not? That's what he is and that's what everyone in the gang culture knows him as. You don't get given a name like that for being sweet and innocent, Josh." he hints and I knew what he was referring to.

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying something I shouldn't and just narrow my eyes at him. I didn't want to get into an argument with my best friend but Alex was making it rather difficult. He was saying shit when he had no idea of the truth behind it.

He walks further into the room and stands beside the locker next to mine so he was closer to me to continue ranting at.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous he is? What the bloody hell were you thinking getting mixed up in a gang, Josh? Especially Horizon!" he stresses with a hard scowl on his face.

I should have known Jack would have told Alex about me being at the OM&M house party with Horizon. He seemed rather eager to get me out of there even though I wasn't really in the right state of mind to understand what was going on but Jack seemed like he feared Oli. For whatever reason I didn't know and yes, there was a part of me that wanted to know why but I could live without knowing.

I couldn't help but get angry whenever somebody told me how dangerous Oli was supposed to be because for the last four months, I'm the one who's been sleeping with him. Waking up every morning to kiss him, spending every minute of every day with him. I've witness his daunting nightmares, I've heard his desperate cries, and I've seen the darkness in his eyes which are clouded by his past. Nobody knows him like I do. He wasn't dangerous. Lost and bad tempered with no doubt a gruesome past which are responsible for his actions maybe but, that didn't make him dangerous. Not to me anyway.

"Oli is not dangerous, Alex!" I shout in annoyance. I was becoming all worked up from the constant nagging which was all utter bullshit.

But that's when I realise Alex had some nerve lecturing me when he wasn't exactly an angel himself.

"And what about you, you kept quiet about Jack being the leader of ATL! You're involved with a gang member yourself so cult out the hypocritical bullshit that your throwing at me!" I argue back seeing Alex's eyes grow wide with shock.

He has no right to lecture me about seeing a gang leader when he's seeing one himself. Scrap that. He's been with one for the last two years and didn't tell me a god damn thing about it.

"Jack keeps me well away from the gang culture, Josh! Nobody even knows that I exist and for good reason because I don't want anything to do with it either. It's a death trap Josh and if you keep hanging around with Syko you're gonna end up getting hurt or worse." He yells back in defence.

I should have known he would have turned the argument around on me again. He was being far too dramatic and it needed to stop because it was becoming ridiculous now and I was fed up of hearing it.

"I'm not involved with the gang Alex. I don't have anything to do with them I'm just always with Oli. He doesn't like me being out of his sight, that's all." I smile to myself at the thought of how Oli's been rather clingy to me lately.

It's adorable really and his actions are making it very difficult not to admit my true feelings to him despite the miscommunication I had in the car earlier.

Alex's scoff distracts me from my little day dream which makes me frown in confusion at him.

"You think he keeps you by his side because he's being sentimental?" he asks causing me to give him a sceptical glance.

"It's because he doesn't want your blood on his hands if anything happens to you." He points out as if it was obvious.

"You're wrong." I tell him adamantly feeling my heart twinge at his words.

Since we made up after the drug incident in the basement, Oli's been nothing but kind and loving towards me. Even before all that mess happened he's never wanted to really leave my side since the night he strangled me in his sleep. We're slowly becoming something more than just a fuck to each other and I know this because the way he looks at me. It's not how you look at just anybody, it's the look of want and desperate desire. I know he feels something for me, just like how I feel something for him.

Alex bangs his fist against one of the lockers in frustration making me flinch backwards. His eyes quickly soften when he realises he frighten me and lets out a defeated sigh.

"Josh, I'm acting like this because I'm scared for you. I don't want anything to happen to you, you're my best friend I can't lose you." Alex pleads placing his hand on my shoulder gently.

"Oli isn't going to hurt me Alex, he really cares about me." I say calmly, trying to convince my best friend that I was in no danger.

He drops his hand from my shoulder and shakes his head in disagreement.

"Yeah, because hitting you in the face and giving you ecstasy shows that he really cares about you." He says bitterly making my eyes widen.

Fuck, word travels fast in the gang culture. But this information only angered me because that wasn't exactly what happened that night. Besides, Alex isn't as innocent as he's making himself out to be. I know things he's obviously forgotten I know about.

I push myself away from the locker, full with annoyance and ready to put him straight once and for all.

"Don't act like Jack's never hit you before, remember when we first met Alex? You had a fucking black eye and don't you dare lie to me and say Jack didn't hit you because I know he did, you told me!" I yell as I confronted him, seeing Alex's face turn pale at the remembrance of the memory.

"I-It was just one time and it was an accident! Jack's never laid a hand on me since then." He says in a pained voice.

"Yeah an 'accident'." I say in an unconvinced tone as I folded my arms to my chest.

"It's the truth!" he yells indenial.

I huff loudly and slump back against my locker tired of arguing about this. We weren't getting anywhere with this back and forth bickering and bringing up shit from the past was a low blow from me because Alex looked really hurt by it which made me feel incredibly guilty.

"I'm sorry." I mumble after a moment's silence.

"It's okay. I guessed I just forgot it happened." He says in a quiet depressed voice.

He slumps his back on the locker beside me and we both just stared at the wall in front of us in silence again.

I suppose I could understand where Alex was coming from, he was worried about me. Maybe I haven't surrounded myself with the best type of company but I believed Oli would protect me. Oli was all I needed to have by my side and nothing else really mattered.

"No matter what you tell me Alex, it's not going to change how I feel about him."

Nothing would be able to change my mind about how I felt, it was too late now. I had fallen hard and developed strong powerful feelings towards the man who was meant to be nothing more than a sleazy one night stand. But so many things had changed since then and the thought of losing him was too much for me to even think of.

Alex positioned himself so he could get a better look at my face and frowns when he starts studying my expression. I smile gently at him and that's when his eyes grow wide in realisation.

"Oh my god you love him!" he yells in disbelief.

I blush immensely at the accusation but simply give him a small smile in return as my confirmation.

"Josh, please no!" he groans dragging a hand down his face in immense frustration.

"You're making a big mistake." He points out.

"I don't care what you think."

I shrug not interested with what else he has to say about my love life.


"I love him Alex." I interfere as Alex's face falls. "And I think he might actually love me too... So please, please don't hate me on this." I beg.

He looked beyond torn about this new information. I knew he wanted to fight me on this and go through all the many reasons why I shouldn't love Oli but, also I could tell he wanted to be the supported best friend and give me his best wishes. I put him in a complicated position but I hope he chooses to be okay with my decision.

"But you also loved Dan, and James and Sean." he reminds me.

I shake my head in disagreement. I thought I loved them but the feelings I had for them don't even come close to how I feel towards Oli.

"This time it's different. It feels right, you know? "

I glance at Alex sadly and also confused hoping I wasn't going insane with my feelings but amazingly, Alex nods in agreement and hesitantly pulls me in for a hug.

"You're hopeless, you know that right? Completely hopeless." He whispers squeezing me tight to him.

"Thank you for understanding how much he means to me." I say sincerely hearing him sigh in response.


Alex and I finished work at the same time amazingly and he assisted waiting with me until Oli came to pick me up. I told him it was unnecessary but he was being extremely stubborn and way over protective but I gave up and let him just get on with it. I guess it was kind of cute for him to act like this.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Oli's well known matte black Audi pulls up at the side of the curb and Alex's expression is full of raised eyebrows an un impressed snobby frown by Oli's entrance.

"A bit of a show off, don't you think?" I scoff and shake my head at his nonsense.

"Be nice." I warn teasingly which in return he rolls his eyes at me.

"Right, well. Let's get this talk over and done with." He says marching towards Oli's car with a look of sass and determination.

"What? No!" I yell grabbing Alex back by the arm.

"Are you crazy?!" 

"Well you must be but I thought we had moved past that-"

"Alex please don't give him a reason to dislike you." I whine and he crosses his arms unhappily.

I really didn't want to be humiliated by the threatening best friend speech which was a warning to the boyfriend not to hurt me or they'll be in trouble. Highly embarrassing and I'm sure Oli would have something cocky to say about it which would only anger Alex's stubbornness and beside, I'm sure Max beat him to it awhile ago and there definitely didn't need to be a second round.

"Oli's here now, so just go home and cook Jack something nice for dinner and I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" I say kissing his cheek goodbye and pushing him down the street in the opposite direction.

"Fine but you better text me!"

"Yes, yes I'll text you, now go before he thinks you're harassing me." I say half joking and with a un necessary strop on Alex's behalf, he finally walks off.

I let out a loud sigh of relief grateful that war world 3 didn't break out between them.

With Alex already half way down the street I quickly turn back to Oli's car and smile before getting in and strapping myself in to the passage seat.

"Hey." I greet happily but Oli's attention was focus on other things.

"Who was that?" he asks, nodding in the direction of Alex.

"Oh, err, that's Alex. My way too over protective best friend so expect a few glares from him occasionally." I say laughing it off but I notice Oli didn't see the funny side of it.

I watch as his glare hardens as he watches Alex in the distance through the tinted windscreen of his car. His stare made me feel a little nervous and uncomfortable so I thought I'd try changing the subject.

"Do you mind dropping by my place before we go back to yours? Max is probably flipping out why I haven't come home in so long." I laugh nervously.

Oh boy, I just got rid of one opinionated over protective best friend and now I was going to face another.

"Sure." Oli says bluntly and drives in the direction of my house.

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