Trauma -BoyxBoy-


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Talon Brooks is a 17-year-old gay boy, overcome with fear and trauma. He is scared of touch and barely speaks... More

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This picture is Trey




It was Monday and I was on my way to pick Talon up to go to school. He had asked me to come get him because his usual ride, Josh couldn't get him. He had been driving him to school since a few days after he got his crutches. I didn't mind it though because I would be able to see him earlier, especially now since I knew he liked me back.

I pulled into his driveway and I kept my car running, getting out and knocking on his front door.

The door opened and Talons face appeared.

"Hello beautiful" I greeted him and he looked down and blushed. He typed on his phone.

"Hey, you can come in, I just have to do something really quick and ill be down." The phone's voice relayed. I replied with an okay and he went up the stairs. I closed his front door behind myself and walked into his living room.

His mom was sitting there on the leather couch and it looked like she was writing something on a notepad. She looked up and noticed me when I entered the room.

"Oh hello Miss Brooks," I greeted her. She stood up and hugged me tightly. It caught me super off guard.

"Please call me Anne," She said. I didn't know what she was hugging me for but I hugged her back and then she let go.

"What's this about?" I asked her hoping it didn't come off as rude.

"I just want to thank you."

"For what?"

She shed a single tear and wiped it away but she spoke in just above a whisper.

"I don't know how long it's been since I touched my own child, and after the other night when you had him over he came home and hugged me like it was the most normal thing he'd ever done. I just want you to know that night I cried out of happiness for at least an hour or more and I want you to know how much I appreciate what you've done. Thank you, Sebastian"

I didn't know what to say to her so I hugged her again and told her it was no problem. I can't believe I made him do that... I pulled away from her and I heard Talons footsteps coming back down the stairs.

When he came back down he was dressed in a peach coloured hoodie and skinny jeans. He had his bag and stuff and he asked if I was ready to go. I told him I was and he signed something to his mom that she signed back. I took his bag from him so he could be lighter on his crutches and as we left I said bye to Miss Brooks.

On the ride to school, I asked him how long hed need his crutches for and he said about a week longer because the doctors said his leg was healing faster than expected. I could tell he was excited to get the cast off so I was happy for him.

After he left my house that day we seemed to be closer after admitting our feelings, I just didn't know if we were going to tell our friends or not.


Talons Pov


We got out of the car and immediately the cold air hit me in the face. People were hanging around the front of the building because we didn't have to go to our classes just yet. I looked around trying to see if I could find anyone from my group of friends. I looked to the fountain that Josh and I usually met at but he wasn't there, instead, Mitch and his buddies were there.

Mitch and I made eye contact and he gave me a creepy smile so I looked away.

"Let's go inside and find the others" Sebastian suggested. I nodded as an okay and followed him inside.

Josh had said he wouldn't be able to pick me up this morning because he had to do something but he didn't say anything about not coming to school. Maybe he was with our other friends inside.

I texted Max asking where they were and he said they were at his locker so I told Sebastian and we went in that direction. When we walked up I was surprised to see that Max and Aarya weren't arguing for once, I was also surprised to see that Josh wasn't there either.

I was kinda confused because Josh never missed school, even when he was sick.

I wonder if somethings wrong.


I was sitting in my calculus class and I could feel Mitches stare on the side of my head. He hadn't been paying me much attention lately and I was scared but grateful and now that he was glaring at me my nerves spiked.

I tried to ignore him and do my work until the bell later rung and when it finally did I packed up quickly. I hobbled down the halls into a hallway in the school where none of the classrooms were being used.

The hallway was dark and I was hoping I got there without Mitch noticing that where I went.

As I finished that thought the back of my hoodie was grabbed and inertia made me fling back a bit.

My breath hitched and my body became rigid. I heard metal clang as my crutches hit the floor and I stood stock still.

"So you've been ignoring me lately." Mitches ominous voice whispered next to my ear. It sent chills down my spine and I stayed put.

"No answer? That's sad... Yknow what? Let's take a trip" he said yanking me by my hood into one of the classrooms. He launched me inside and my body hit a desk. Mitch closed the classroom door and stood in front blocking the exit.

I stared at him and he stared back. He sighed.

"The silent treatment Talon? Really?" He asked. He started slowly walking towards me, fucking prick. I stood up but he pushed me onto my back atop of some desks that were put together.

I wanted to yell for help, but I couldn't bring myself to speak, especially in front of him.

There was space on the desks that he pushed me on and he climbed onto it. He was getting super close to me and what he was doing reminded me of what that man used to do to me. It started to get harder to breathe and I heard myself starting to hyperventilate.

"I want to show you something," he said glaring down at me with his cold eyes, and before I knew it he climbed on top of me. He wasn't touching me but he was basically in the push-up position over me.

I could feel his hot breath and I stared into his eyes, I saw no remorse in them. He started leaning closer to me.

Suddenly I got an idea. I'm not going to let this jackass do anything to me.

With all my force I quickly brought my knee up straight into his balls. He yelped, moving up from his push up position and sitting on his knees cupping his privates.

"You fucking cocksucker!" He yelled and I saw a slight tear come out of his eye. Seeing that made me happy.

I brought my legs out from under him and used the same force to push him off of me. He flew back, landing on top of the teacher's desk, and also a glass mug and picture frame, I heard the glass shatter.

Mitch's smug face was gone and I could see it was scrunched in pain. I took my chance, getting off the desk and quickly hobbled out of the room, limping to the cafeteria.

I passed through the hall where he had first grabbed me, picking up my bag that had been dropped. before I entered the cafe I wiped my tears away and forced a normal face, limping to my table and sitting down next to max.

"Talon, you're late. Where were you?" He asked. I forced a fake chuckle, fishing my phone out from my bag. I typed that I was talking to a teacher and told him not to worry. After my appointment was done talking they asked if I was going to eat and I told them that I wasn't hungry. I saw Sebastian give me a concerned look but I ignored him.

"Talon where are your crutches?" Mari asked and I looked at the table end next to me realizing that I must have forgotten them in the hallway in my rush to leave.


Now I'll have to go back to get them.

The rest of the lunch shift I sat with my head resting on top of my arms, listening to them talking, but the whole time I was watching the entrance of the cafeteria, waiting and watching for Mitch to come in but he never did.

I know for a fact he won't let me get away with what I did to him.

It was during my free period that I decided to go back to that hallway to get the bastard crutches. I decided that I wouldn't use them anymore; they were just giving me extra weight. A couple of days and I wouldn't even need to have the cast on.

I walked through the halls, it was semi-loud, there were other people roaming and talking because it was also their free period but I talked to no one. I would have met with Josh as usual but he wasn't here.

On my way to the hallway I texted Josh asking him where he was, then I shut off my phone. I had dropped off my bag n my locker so I didn't have to worry about carrying it while I was looking for the crutches. After reaching the hallway I made sure no one was looking and I opened the doors blocking it off and I walked into the darkness.

I used my phone flashlight to lool around on the floor for the crutches but I couldn't find them near where I had left them.

I remembered that Mitch had kicked them away so I went farther into the hallway before I heard a noise. My head shot up and I pointed the light around looking for the cause, finding nothing at first. Before I could make a full turn I was grabbed by the cloth on the back of my sweatshirt.

I tried to walk forward and pull the hand off me and I turned around to see one of Mitch's friends. He smiled, I frowned.

This is not good.

He forced me into the same classroom I had fled from earlier. Mitch was sitting on top of the desk I kicked him onto. There was nothing on it this time.

Four more of Mitch's friends were standing around the room. All of the desks were pushed by the far walls except for one in the middle that faced the teacher's desk.

I was pushed into the desk in the middle of the room and the guy who dragged me here went and stood in front of the door.

The room was silent for a few seconds and I wondered if Mitch was a psychopath. Like what kind of highschooler does shit like this?

"Welcome back Talon" Mitch singsonged. I stared at him, he was smiling. He raised his arms and began pulling off his shirt.

I saw his chest was bandaged up.

"Look what you did to me mute. I had to sit and have that stupid nurse pulling the glass out of my back for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes! What do you have to say for yourself?"

He was ranting, I guess he wasn't used to people fighting back.

Mitch looked at me like he was expecting an answer but both me, him, and everyone else in this room knew that it wouldn't happen. I will never understand why he talks to me like I'll respond.

Eventually, he got tired of waiting and he got off of the desk walking to stand right in front of the desk I was sat at.

"Get up." He demanded. I was scared of what he would do so I stayed sitting.

"Get up!" He yelled. He was glaring holes into me.

I slowly stood up out of the chair and as soon as I was fully stood up, he kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the ground gasping for breath.

"You're weak" He spat. I tried to stand back up but he kicked me again and laughed when my body hit the floor, then in a split second they were all kicking and punching me. I curled into a ball to protect myself as much as possible and it felt like hours before they left the classroom when it was in fact only minutes

"Cmon, let's go I've missed too much of my class, I think we gave this fag enough for now." Mitch sneered and the others agreed. Mitch spit on me and then they all left.

I stayed where I was on the floor for a while before deciding to get up. I grabbed my phone from where it had been dropped on the floor and walked out the door. Everything hurt. I limped out of the abandoned hallway and into the other one, it was empty now as I assumed the next period had started, it was before the people with next free period had come out though.

I walked to these doors that lead to a small area outside with two tables. It was where some people came out to et lunch and others to smoke, where Josh and I used to eat before we started sitting with Sebastian and the others. I took a seat in a chair at one of the tables and I lay my head down. I let the tears fall. It was quiet except for the wind blowing and the birds singing their happy songs.

Oh, what I would give to be happy like them.

Then I heard the door open. I whipped my head up to see the Trey kid from the day Mitch had beat me in the alleyway and the times before. I stared at him in fear; I didn't want to be beaten again, they literally just got done... why did they send him out?

"Hey, dude, calm down I'm not going to do anything." He said pulling a pack of cigarettes out if his jacket pocket. I didn't believe him so I stared at him cautiously. He pulled out a stick and lit it, then he put it in his mouth and took a puff. He closed his eyes and it was silent for a little.

"I'm sorry," He said opening his eyes "I feel like such an asshole for even hanging out with those guys" He sighed. I was kind of confused, he was part of Mitch's crew but as far as I knew he never actually did anything to me, but even so he was still part of the group.

He blew out another breath of smoke and moved to sit across from me at the table. "I know they've been picking on you for a while now but recently it started getting really bad, I feel ashamed that I allowed myself to be friends with people like that when my mom raised me better, and even if I never hit you or anything the fact that I was hanging out with them was me enabling their behaviour, and then I never even helped you so for that I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me Talon."

I was completely caught off guard. He stared at the lit end of the cigarette, and then into my eyes.

"You don't have to forgive me, I just want you to know how I feel" He stood up and threw the remaining part of the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, making his way over to the door, but right before he opened it I had my phone speak.

"I forgive you." He turned around and gave me a small sad smile.

"Do you want me to help you to the nurse?" He questioned but I declined, I didn't want to deal with going to the nurse, I didn't even want to go back into the school.

"well you have to get some help with those... they must hurt"

He was right, I was in immense pain, I was trying to ignore it though.

"My moms got experience in this, she majored in medical, she thought she was going to be a nurse, I could take you to my house and we can help!" He suggested

I didn't trust him fully but I did want to get the pain to go away, so I agreed and we got in his car, and then we started the drive to his house.

We pulled up in his driveway and left the crutches in the backseat, limping up to his house and inside once he had unlocked the front door.

"Hey, mom I'm home!" He yelled and a young looking woman came around the corner.

"Hey honey, I thought you were- oh my god what happened?" The woman asked. She disappeared back around the corner and Trey told me to follow her.

"He got beat up"

We followed his mother into their living room where I was told to sit on the couch while both of them went to get supplies from somewhere else in the house.

I looked down at my casted foot and curled my toes. I was glad that they had practically left that leg alone, at least that was something good.

Trey and his mother came back into the living room with gauze and the like. She told me her name was Rose.

"Talon I'm going to need you to take off your shirt so I can fix you up," Rose said in a quiet voice. She didn't try to touch me so I assumed Trey had given her the rundown of my anti-socialness.

I didn't want to take my shirt off because I didn't want them to see all the scars that I had racked up on my journey through this wretched life but it's not like I could turn back now.

I mean I'm already at the house of one of my bullies.

I slowly reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt and hesitantly pulled it over my head. When I had it off I looked back to them and their faces were looking at me with pity except Treys also held remorse.

Rose took wet wipes and lightly wiped at the blood. They had opened some cuts when they were kicking me. I closed my eyes lightly and thought about other things and didn't focus much on what rose was doing.

That was until she said "this might hurt some"

She poured some liquid onto the wipes and rubbed it on my wounds. It must've been some kind of disinfectant because it stung but it didn't faze me at this point id felt that same sting so many times.

When they were finally done Trey gave me one of his shirts because the one I was wearing before got bloody. He then offered to drive me home and I once again agreed.

I thanked his mom and then we got into his car and started to drive. the radio was on playing music quietly but I couldn't tell what the song was.

When we finally pulled up to my house I tried to open the doors but they were still locked. I got nervous.

Maybe his niceness was all a trick? I turned to Trey and he was looking down.

This is probably when Mitch and his friends would jump out of the trunk and kill me, but nothing happened, he just looked back at me and apologized again with a sad smile on his face.

I smiled back thanking him for the ride and then I got out of his car, entering my house.


The next day I got out of my brother's car and started walking to the building. I couldn't wait until tomorrow now even more because I'll be able to start riding my skateboard to school again, because my brother and mom wouldn't let me go with the cast still on my foot.

I met with my friends at Sebastian's locker and this time Josh was there. I asked him where he was yesterday and he told me that he had a family problem. I was going to ask him what but then Sebastian asked me where I had gone yesterday because I wasn't in our art class.

I told him that I had gone home early because I wasn't feeling well. I must've protected my face really good from Mitch yesterday because he believed me.

We then started to head down the hallway because Cameron said he needed to grab something from his locker before class started.

On the way to his locker, we passed by Trey and I was surprised to see that he was by himself at his locker getting stuff out. I hadn't seen him with Mitch at the times when he was bullying me since the day in the alleyway, but he'd still been hanging out with them when they weren't with me, but not today.

Maybe his apologies were actually heartfelt? Maybe he could be a new potential friend?

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