Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Blood, Bath and Beyond
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

Moon God

86 1 35
By ziakitty

The wallflower that's me tonight. I'm actually enjoying being one too. Standing off on my own just baka watching, it's pretty fun. As I stand off to the side alone enjoying the semi quietness of being a wallflower. I let out a small huff as some drunkard bumps into me, spilling their drink all over my clothes. 

"You're excused" I Say while glaring at the drunk female.

"W-whatever....l-loser!" she says her words slurring as she tries to talk back to me.

Growling and reminding myself yet again this is one of Misa's dumb friends so I probably shouldn't kick her out of our shared apartment. Or do anything to make this lame party even worst, I quickly and quietly make my way up to my bedroom to change. Slipping off the now soiled dress I was wearing. With a sigh I go to pick out yet another outfit, a plain blue jean skit, baby blue shirt with cream colored shoes and belt. After redressing I make my way back to the dreaded party.

So bored! I'd give anything to leave this so called party. The males here are all horn dogs and the females are just plain desperate, like bitches in heat. They're all just freakin' sad, sad lonely little creatures that think they're high and mighty because they were invited to a party by Misa.

Misa Amane the up and coming model. She sings, she dances, she acts.....all poorly, but she still does it. As her friend I want to support her, however when she throws surprise parties and forces me to be part of them. I want to write her name in that book of hers, that she thinks I don't know about.

I sigh as I continue to ignore the nameless male that has been trying to flirt with me for the last two or three minutes. I was about to say something to him, and by say I mean spin kick him in the face. Until a male with matching hair and eyes of brown, came to the redheaded nameless male's rescue.

~~Light's P.O.V~~

Looking around the room I see countless people that could easily be removed from the world. They are lazy good for nothings. Why is Misa friends with them, why did she invite me to this stupid party? When I am the god of the new world I'll make sure to take out the trash here. I'll also get rid of Misa as well she is still a liability, even if her memories of the book is gone. 

Out the corner of my eye I see a  young woman being harassed by an annoying looking redheaded male. Normally I would simply learn his name and write it in my book or have Misa do it, however Misa doesn't have the eyes and we're at a party. I could ignore the scene however that would make L or Ryuzaki even more suspicious of me. As it would seem out of character to him. I decided to help the lady. It is what the normal Light Yagami would do.

"I don't think the lady is into you. Maybe you should leave her be. The night is young and there are a few other girls that seem to be eyeing you" I said while standing behind the foolish man.

"Get lost, can't you see that I'm talking to this fine piece of a-" 

His words were cut off by a heel smashing into the side of his face. The male let out a muffled scream as he held his face and quickly ran off. My eyes go wide as I watch the girl slowly bring her toned brown leg down. A satisfied smirk on her face. She speaks though it is slightly muffled.

"Someone needs to take out the filth that's around here" before I could speak she looks at me with her unique eyes. I've never seen eyes so different before. Mainly silver and gold, with what looks like spots of a dark blue, maybe midnight blue.

"I'm sorry you had to see that! Thank you for helping me out though." She says while looking behind me for a moment. Her eyes narrow and she frowns before looking back at me, giving me a small smile she reaches into her pocket. Takes out two pieces of hard candy, unwraps them and pops one into her mouth.

"I'll give you this piece of candy, if you keep what just happened a secret" Before I could reply she pops the candy into my mouth and walks away semi quickly. I don't like sweet, however this candy is coffee flavored. I'm okay with this. While watching the girl walk away I hear Misa's voice yelling my name.


Does she always have to call my name like that.....Sighing I quickly leave the room before she could find me.

"There you are Light! I was looking all over for you." she says while clinging onto my arm. I groan inwardly, damn so close to escaping. "What is it that you want Misa?" I say while trying to look as neutral as possible. Which is quite hard since she's been latching onto me since the moment she came into my life.

"I want to introduce you to someone! She's super smart and pretty. I can honestly say she's the female you!" A female version of me huh...I highly doubt that, but for now I will humor this baka. "Well where is this female me then?" 

"Hmm good question, I thought I saw her going into the kitchen. Let's go check"

Highly annoyed I follow the annoying  childish blonde female. Once we enter the kitchen I take a quick glance around. My eyes fall upon the dark skin female from earlier. She's talking to Ryuzaki whom was sitting in his normal crouched position, from the look on their faces something funny must have been said.

Ryuzaki places his thumb up to his lip while looking at the girl in blue and cream. Than asked what she thought of Kira. Her face goes from smiling to thoughtful before she speaks. "My thoughts on Kira are" she steps dangerously close to Ryuzaki. I see him flinch slightly before looking at the redheaded female.

"Are nothing compared to my thoughts about you" she said in a semi sexy tone. You could hear the purr behind each word. Ryuzaki turned his head slightly to ask the girl again about kira, however that was not the case. When Ryuzaki turned his head the girl placed her lips to his. Catching us all off guard. Seeing us the girl waved and headed towards us, once her back was to Ryuzaki she said.

"It was nice meeting you L-san" The look of shock on L's face was priceless. His eyes bulged as his mouth opened slightly. He looked like a fish out of water. Her smile turned into a small smirk before going back to a bright and happy smile.

"Hey Koneko, what were you talking to Ryuzaki about? Why did you call him L? What's going on?" Misa fired off question after question. The girl that I now know is named Koneko just continued to smile before putting her hand up.

"Relax Misa we weren't talking about much. Just a friendly chat. Besides was there something you needed? You never come into the kitchen, which is MY domain. Also interesting arm ornament you have there." 

Misa blinked, blushed deeply, and for once was quiet as the slightly taller girl stepped closer to her. "You may speak now my little P.Y.T" purred out the feline like female. This girl could have Misa wrapped around her finger. Blushing deeply as she released the hold she had on my arm my "girlfriend" quickly latched onto the other woman. I take that back she does have her wrapped around her finger. When did this happen? Was it when Misa lost her Death Note and with it her memories? If that's the case does that mean Koneko is the new kira? I'll have to find a way to get close to her to find out, she could be of use to me.

"Oh yeah! That's right I was going to introduce you to my boyfriend Light" still blushing while nearly nuzzling into her shoulder Misa pointed to me. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Light-kun"

"The pleasure is all mines"

We stare at each other for only a moment before the blonde whines about going on a double date or something.

"No...I don't care for dates. I don't have a boyfriend remember? So how can we go on double dates?" Koneko's reply came quick. It was clear to see she didn't like the idea. However this could be my only chance.

"I could bring one of my friends along or maybe even Ryuzaki could come." I said the raven haired man's name slightly louder so he would come over. Hearing his name made him look up at us. He seemed to be back to his normal emotionless self. I walk over to him and tell him that I am suspicious of this girl. Maybe we should get to know her, she might have a lead or at least we can figure out how she knew whom he was. L thinks for a moment before nodding slowly.

"It would be a good idea if one of us got to know her. Like you said there is a chance we could get some information from her" smirking inwardly my eyes travel to the girls.

"Perfect! Ryuzaki agreed to do the double date with us" I informed the two ladies. Looking at both females I notice that Koneko doesn't seem to happy about the idea, but nods in agreement. Letting out a sigh she ask when and where the date would be. I tell them at a little cafe I know that's not to far To-Oh University. "Ah I know the one you're talking about Light-Kun, how about we all meet there around three on Sunday?" L says while looking only at the scarlet headed girl.

~~Normal/3rd person P.O.V and time skip to Sunday 2:30 p.m~~

Sitting at the back booth away from the crowded areas a lone female waited for her friends to show up for their double date. Of course she was early, she wanted to be able to have one of the back booths as she hated sitting near the windows or around lots of people. Also from what she could tell about that Ryuzaki guy, he would probably like a place out of the way as well. That way no one would stare or comment on his weird sitting habit. Headphone on her head she relaxes completely ignoring the world around her. All to soon her quiet relaxation was disturbed by a hand slightly nudging her shoulder.

Lazily she opens one eye to see a waiter holding a pen and paper ready to take her order. "Ah sorry but I am still waiting for my friends they should be here in about five to ten minutes." Said the female with a smile causing the sandy brown haired waiter to blush. With a nod he walks away to wait on another table. Just then a small bell is heard, letting everyone know that someone has enter the cafe.

The tan skinned male with sandy brown hair turns to greet two males. One with messy black hair, pale skin, dark circles under his eyes and very simple clothing. The other his opposite, normal creamy complexion, brown eyes with light brown hair and semi casual clothing. After greeting the males the waiter shows them to the booth were the female was waiting.

A blush creeps onto the brown haired male's face as the dark skinned girl greets them both. Her outfit is casual yet styled, a curve hugging grey sweater dress with white stockings, grey heeled boots and white kitty shaped headphones that is connected to her cellphone. Smiling she sits back down and looks around for the other female. It seems she has not made it here yet.

"Sorry are we late? I've never had a lady waiting at any place for me before. This is a bit embarrassing" Light said while laughing lightly "No Light-Kun we aren't late we got here with at least five minutes to spare. Koneko-san is just early" stated the ravenette while taking a seat across from the female. "That's right I've been here for a while. I just wanted to get us a good spot that was out of the way. So no worries. Where is Misa?"

As if on cue the blonde female in question came walking through the door. Causing the bell to go off again. The same waiter greeted her and showed her to the booth everyone is waiting at. She frowned noticing that she was the last person there and that Ryuzaki was sitting next to HER precious Light. Huffing and pouting like a child, while fixing her lolita styled black and purple dress before taking a seat next to her roommate.

After a few minutes of small chatting, Koneko stated that she would go find their waiter. Moving to the side so that she could get out the booth. Misa looked at Ryuzaki and demanded that he come sit next to Koneko.

"She's YOUR date today! YOU should be sitting next to her! And I should be with Light!" Moaned the model while pouting and making puppy dog eyes at Ryuzaki. "From here I can see and judge her reactions when I question her"

"Will you stop it with your creepy hobby!" Screamed the golden blonde female. Causing the few people around them to look over at the group. Light only sighed and hid his face in his hands, while mentally cringing and slapping himself, he got up and sat down on the other side of the booth where the other girl was once sitting. "Is that better Misa? Will you please stop making a scene now"

Smiling smugly the female nodded her head and quickly take her place besides her beloved Light. Upon returning to her friends with a new waiter, Koneko looked at Light and Misa. Rising her eyebrow to ask about the new sitting arrangement. Sensing that she would not like the answer the girl shook her head before smiling and sitting next to Ryuzaki.

"What can I get you guys and girls?" asked the dirty blond male.

"Menus would be nice. I have no idea what this cafe has to offer. This is my first time here. However I'd like to try and guess what everyone wants. If that is okay with you guys"

"Misa doesn't mind!"

"Sure, why not"

"There is less then a five percent chance that you'll be able to guess what I'd like, since you know little to nothing about me. However if it pleases you, then you may guess."

Letting out a light giggle the brown skin girl started to guess their orders. Starting with Light.

 "Let's see Light here would like a medium size coffee with milk and cream but no sugar. He doesn't seem to like sweets. Misa here would like something sweet yet not fattening so maybe a small parfait. Last but not least would be this cutie besides me, he seems to have the sweetest of tooth. So probably two slices of your strawberry cake with extra frosting or just one giant piece with extra strawberries and frosting. Oh and a small coffee with...I don't know eight to ten sugar cubes."

"And I would like a large green tea with honey and dangos if you have them if not then just ice water." Turning to her friends she tilts her head slightly and asked if she was wrong. "How do you do that! You always know exactly what I want" stated the other female

"Yes I am quite interested in that answer as well. Since that is what I am going to order." says the brown eyed male. While the dark eyed male nodded slightly before placing his thumb up to his lip and waited for the answer.

Writing down the orders the waiter smiles and laughs. "Wow you are good! That must make it easy for you to please your boyfriend"

"Oh I don't have one, we're all friends here besides the two love birds over there"

"Good to know. I'll be back with your drinks shortly" he says with a wink as he walks off to put in the orders. L and Koneko turn slightly towards each other and engage in some light conversions about random worldly topics until the waiter came back with their order. "I put a rush on your order sweetie. Can't have a fine woman like you just waiting around." He sets the other people's orders down. When he gets to Koneko's he slips her a white piece of paper than winks again.

"Did you tell your friends how you guessed their orders yet? I am interested in you, I mean your reply as well" stated the dirty blond, blue eyed male in a low flirty tone. Making the girl in question smirk slightly before replying. "Ah that, it was pretty easy. Misa and I are roommates but we rarely see each other and when we do she is always asking me to make her something non fattening but tasty. So her order would be easy to guess. When I first met Ryuzaki here the male besides me that is. He was in the kitchen seemingly upset that there was no cake or sweets at the party like Misa promised there would be. Bad Misa Bad"

Wriggles her finger at the pale female whom just giggled and clung to her boyfriend more. "Also your breath when we were talking smelt of freshly brewed coffee though there was none in the apartment and your clothes smell like strawberries. Now Light...well that's a secret." She looks over to the male and they share a smile, which causes everyone to look at them questionably.

Once everyone finished their snacks. Small talk, questions and laughs mostly between Light and Koneko were made. That is until Misa huffed and stated that she was ready to go home. It was clear she was jealous that her boyfriend seemed to be taking more interest in her roommate than her. Getting up she tried to drag the poor boy away. "Misa I can't leave without Ryuzaki"

"It's okay we can leave. Right after I ask my next and last question for Koneko"

"Alright I'm all ears, shoot"

"How would you like a to go on another date? Just the two of us? Also would you like to join the task force? We could use someone like you on the kira case"

"That's three loaded questions there Ryuzaki. I wouldn't mind joining the task force. It might be interesting. " She stated then leaned over and gently licked off the bit of frosting that was at the corner of L's lip. "That was driving me crazy. Not bad frosting, not as good as mines, but good." 

"I'll take that as a yes for the date than" L said in his monotone voice. His fingers touching the spot she licked. Reaching over he grabs the paper that the waiter had given the girl, while no one was looking. He frowned as he saw the neatly written name and number on it, placed it in his pocket before taking a napkin and writing down her number once she gave it to him.

~~Time Skip seven months later~~

~~Koneko's P.O.V~~

It's been seven months since I met L and the others. Everyone seems to like me. At first I thought L or at least Light was onto me. Luckily for me that was not the case. In fact the day Misa had her surprise party and the day L asked me to join the task force changed things dramastically. Not only was I able to met the real L I was also able to met kira, the first kira! This is like a dream come true for me. I have to continue to play my part though. One little slip up and everything could be all over for me. And I can't have that....Can't fail my Moon God now can I?

Over the last several months Light and I have became very close. We are often seen at the cafe were we had that double date. Everyone knows about our coffee runs though they are nothing more then that. Small talk and coffee whenever we get a break which is almost never. Some of the task force members are placing bets on if he'll leave Misa for me. We seem to make the better couple. Hell his father is already calling me Giri no musume sometimes just musume. Which means daughter in law or daughter.

Today is no different, Light and I are going to pick up lunch for everyone. This is something normally Matsuda would be forced to do, but he's playing manager for Misa Misa today. So we volunteered. This caused L to pout and mumble to himself about how I spend more time with Light-kun then him. I give him a knowing smirk which makes him blush slightly as he stuffs his face with the homemade cake I made for him.

We quickly go get the food and come back. No side stopping this time around. Once we get back with everyone's desired foods and snacks we place the bags down on the table. Watari tells us he can take it from here and thanks us for doing the errand run. Walking into the main room we see Matsuda and Misa talking with a slightly annoyed L.

"Light can you please make Misa stop talking now"

"There's MY Light-Kun" she says while glaring at me. It's cute when she gets jealous like that but I think it's time I put her back in her place. Without a word I step close to Misa and purr out my next sentence in her ear. "You know my little P.Y.T, you've been VERY disrespectful as of late. Now why is that I wonder hmm. Maybe someone needs some alone time with her Mistress? Or maybe some discipline"

The sound of my normally soft and caring voice changed into a sexual and teasing tone. Which only Light and Misa could really hear. The model shivered and bit her lip while shaking her head. "Oh I think you do. Also nice arm-" My words are cut off by Misa placing her lips on mines, her way of saying she is sorry. Ryuzaki shot out of his chair and pulled me away from the smaller female. "And she calls me a pervert." His monotone voice is slightly rose as he walks off pretty much dragging me with him.

~~Ryuzaki/L's P.O.V~~

Seeing that blonde haired baka kiss Koneko angered me. Before I knew it I was up and out of my chair pulling "My girlfriend" away from her. As the task force members looked at me in shock I state. "And she calls me a pervert." While dragging the brown sugar toned girl behind me. When we reach the bedroom I stand there with my back on the door. "Are you alright" the little kitten ask, her unique eyes looking me over to make sure I was okay.

"I am fine. I just needed to get away from that dumb girl for a while."

"Haha she's not to bad once you tame her....I mean get to know her"

"Tame her?" I ask only to get a cheeky reply. "That's a secret" she winks and sits back on the bed. "That's the same thing you said about Light when we had that double date." Pushing my thumb up to my lip I wait for her to reply. "That's also a secret." Giggling she lays back and closes her eyes. "You seem to keep a lot of secrets from me."

"As do you Ryu-Ryu"

"My secrets could get you hurt or killed even"

"We all have to go at some point Ryu-Ryu, besides we are working against kira. Any moment could be our last"

"You're right..."

"Indeed I am. Now let's get back to work. I'll make us all some tea or coffee. Also if you keep getting jealous and dragging me off to your room. Everyone is going to start questioning us. Remember you were the one that wanted to keep our relationship a secret" my 'girlfriend' stated before walking out.

~~short time skip, the next day~~

~~Light's P.O.V~~

I didn't get to see Koneko after L had taken her into his room yet again. It's clear as day that he likes her, he might even love her. All the more reason to make her mines. She already has him nearly wrapped around her fingers just like she has Misa. Hopefully I can talk with her today. I walk into the task force building after spending ten minutes going through the normal security b.s. Heading into the main room I see the lovely brown skin, redheaded girl handing everyone a drink. She seems so happy today, her clothes are very, very different today.

She has on a semi short very tight fitted deep V cut dress on with red stockings, black and red six inch heels. With just a bit of lip gloss, since she never wears makeup. Matsuda is looking at her like a love sick teenager. While Ryuzaki keeps stealing side glances at her, he seems to be moving around a lot in his chair as well. Slowly she turns and walks over to me.

"Hey Light-Kun, Otōsan and Watari are both out today running errands and checking up on leads. Is something wrong? Your face looks a bit flushed." She says while placing her forehead against mines. Making me blush slightly, my eyes dart over to where L is. It's hard to tell if he is upset or not....Or at least I thought so until I saw how hard he was holding onto his shins while shaking lightly. Yep he's pissed, today is going to be a good day I can feel it

Stepping back I look down at the female and thank her. "I am just fine. How about you? You're all dressed up, big date tonight?" I question my voice surprises even me as it sounds a lot more seductive and slightly edgy.

"Who knows...Today is the end and also the beginning" she gives me a closed eye smile. Before I could question her about the meaning of her words, Ryuzaki gasp and slowly falls out of his chair. Matsuda tries to run to him but coughs before grabbing his chest. One by one all the task force members start coughing or clawing at their throats before dropping to the ground. My eyes widen as I look at Koneko. The smile on her face is sexy yet slightly insane.

Walking over to the members I check all their pulses. There is none...They're all dead...This can't be happening! I rush over to L while the female slowly lays down on the couch and takes out a cellphone from her cleavage and makes a call. "This is Mistress Z, do you have them? Good make it look like a car accident. Oh and tell daddy I said he can have all the organs if he makes the others look like heart attacks. We need to let the world know that Kira is the one true god."

I knew it! I knew it all along she is a true kira supporter! She understands what I am trying to do even more then Misa or any of the other stupid females I have encountered. She was even able to gain L's trust in a matter of days. Some god must have sent me this angel of death!

With that she hung up and started to make another call until I stopped her. "What have you done! Did you poison them all? Why did you do this?" She looks up at me, her eyes show just how hurt she is with my questions. "I did it for my god. I thought you would understand this as YOU are Kira. Or was I wrong? Do I need to kill you too Light-Kun" I was about to state that I'm not kira, but I see that even L is dead. The life seems to be gone from his eyes and there is no pulse.

"I knew you were a supporter. I could tell by the small smiles or smirks you would do when no one was watching and there was some news about a kira killing. Or how you carefully erased bits and pieces of the video tapes when L had me under surveillance." I walk over to her, looking down at her. She looks so radiant, red multi streaked hair fanned out around her face, her lips curled up slightly at the corners as she offers me her hand to take. If I could I would take her right here on this couch.

She moves her right leg slightly causing her dress to rise. "You asked me if I had a date. The answer is no. However I do plan on giving myself fully to you, my Moon God. That is if you want me." Her eyes are half lidded, lips pouty, thighs slightly clenching. "I can't take this anymore I want you now!" I growl out as I slowly start to crawl between her legs.

My hands move over her stocking clad legs, moving to their tops to pull them down to her ankles. "I've been wanting to touch these heavenly thighs of yours since the moment I saw you spin kick that guy in the face at Misa's party." She giggles "there is nothing stopping you from doing so now is there? You can touch every inch of me."

A sexual growl escapes her lips as I do just as she says and slowly start to massage her breasts while licking and biting her neck. I'm more then ready to bury myself into her depths. However as I slowly move my hands down to remove her panties. She gives me a shy look and blushes deeply while stopping me. Seeing her so submissive turns me on even more. Before I know it, I growled and bucked my hips into hers. "I AM KIRA! GIVE ALL YOURSELF TO ME! YOU ARE MY ANGEL OF DEATH, MY GODDESS OF THE NEW WORLD" I yelled while grinding against her core.


I move my hand down again only for her to stop me again, I look at her to see what is wrong. Why did she stop me again?! "This is my first time, be gentle." She's a virgin! I knew this would be a good day! I'll have to do this right or she might get scared. Slowly I kiss her lips then move my head down while moving her dress up just a bit. I look up only once to see she's biting her lip while watching my every move.

Smirking I rub my nose against her clothed sex. She smells a bit like vanilla. I intake her heavenly scent deeply, burying my face into her still clothed sex. Before slowly grabbing her panties with my teeth, still taking in her sweet scent deeply, I nearly pull down the piece of annoying cloth that's in my way until I get very light headed and everything goes black.

~~Watari and Yagami's P.O.V~~

"I can't believe that my son was, no that he is Kira! And now all the task force members are dead! We need to get down there and help them! Why are we just sitting here watching in this safe room Watari-san?"

"Just watch Yagami-san Lady Zia knows what she is doing"

"Lady Zia? Do you mean Koneko?"

"Why yes I do, she might seem like a simple baker, but I could tell just by looking at her creations that she is creative, sly even. She did mange to get Ryuzaki to ask a girl out on a date within a week of their meeting"

Both males turn their attention back to the screen to see the girl named Zia or Koneko slowly sitting up and taking off her panties before slipping them under Lights' face. "Ah chloroform laced panties, a girl's best friend. Now guys I know you can't move or talk however you can hear and see me. I know you all saw and heard what Light said. It's even been recorded, both video and sound. So there is no doubt!....Now he said something about a Death Note. We need to check Light's room. If it's like a notebook it's probably in his desk. Check it carefully. If I was him I'd have it rigged to be destroyed if someone messed with the hiding place the wrong way. Also the drug I gave you all is not harmful and will wear off in five more minutes."

Looking at each other we nod, heading out of the safe room and to the Yagami's home. We check every inch of Light's room before we go to his desk. It's just like she said he had one of the drawers rigged to go off, if it was tempered with. We head back to the headquarters and enter the main room to find that all the members are alive and well. If not very thirsty at the least. Koneko or Zia is no where to be seen. We're informed that she is in the shower.

"Guess she didn't like the feeling of Light's hands all over her"

"Can't blame her there" Sighs......"she would have made a great daughter in law"

~~Zia's P.O.V~~

I made a deal with L that he would let Misa go free if I helped him catch Kira. He wasn't to keen on the idea at first, but he gave me a shot. He said it was only because I was his true friend and introduced him to the love of his life that he was willing to do this deal with me. I told him about the death notes and how they worked. And what would happen if he tried to do anything to Misa. After hearing everything he agreed fully and we carried out my plan. It worked purrfectly everything from Misa's party, to the double date, my joining the task force and slowly seducing Light and Misa!

Walking through the doors of Sheilas' Sweets and Treats along with Ryu-Ryu, we are greeted by his real girlfriend and my best friend Rose. The way they embraced each other always made my heart ache with joy. They make the best couple! I ship them 110%

Rose and I caught up, I told her everything I had done with Ryu-Ryu. She faked anger and hit me a bit when I told her about the lick and kiss. We laughed it off than had cake while chatting more. I had missed my friend.

It's been two years since the Kira case has ended. I'm still working at my family's bakery and as always I am bored! Doesn't help that I let everyone leave because of the storm heading this way. Oh well there is nothing I can do about it now besides stare out in the the nothingness. 

White nothing but whiteness.  

5973 words! I think this one was even longer then K.I.S.S. It also was more of an L, Misa and Light x OC! I enjoyed writing this tho! All the typos have been fixed too!

I found more typos and fixed them yay lol

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